


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 f genes and pathways potentially affected is huge.
2 ompany succeeds, however, the impact will be huge.
3                                            A huge accumulation of phenolics was observed with the whi
4  observed that the ER additionally generates huge accumulations.
5     Although ancient-DNA studies have led to huge advances in our knowledge of these aspects of many
6 asing this viral protein, which might pose a huge advantage when developing assays with a fast time-t
7 tool design and genome sequencing now confer huge advantages in the fly system when modeling human di
8 alyzing heterogeneous genome-scale data is a huge algorithmic challenge for modern systems biology.
9 oth beta-glucans are cross-linked, forming a huge alkali-insoluble complex with chitin and chitosan p
10                                  Actually, a huge amount of data concerning the localization of more
11 r from those that are strongly nonlinear.The huge amount of data generated in fields like neuroscienc
12 hput sequencing technologies is generating a huge amount of data that are becoming an important resou
13                                   Due to the huge amount of data to manage, we utilized a common data
14  with high frequency drivers which contain a huge amount of energy ( 10(5) W m(-2)) in the chromosphe
15      Conventional hardware platforms consume huge amount of energy for cognitive learning due to the
16                 On the other hand, there are huge amount of gene expression data that are publicly ac
17 ity in the copper oxides in 1986 triggered a huge amount of innovative scientific inquiry.
18   We aimed to retrieve its trends out of the huge amount of published data.
19  of the most promising techniques to use the huge amount of waste heat and solar energy.
20 ty of behavioral effects, very little of the huge amounts applied intranasally appears to reach the c
21              Coal power plants are producing huge amounts of coal ash that may be applied to a variet
22 onuclides from seawater and soil, due to the huge amounts of coexisting ions with competitive functio
23                             In spite of this huge amounts of data, the solutions to treating complex
24                  Volcanic eruptions transfer huge amounts of gas to the atmosphere.
25 sequencing has resulted in the generation of huge amounts of genomic data, as evidenced by projects s
26  lactation, mammary epithelial cells secrete huge amounts of milk from their apical side.
27 es of molecular biology research has yielded huge amounts of pathway data.
28 e and unbalanced food intake in patients and huge amounts of wasted food.
29 ly harvested shellfish there as indicated by huge ancient oyster shell middens on all continents.
30                                          The huge and complex genome of bread wheat (BBAADD genome) s
31 and particularly well-suited to the study of huge and diverse biological data.
32  interact weakly but couple together to have huge and important effects in many biological processes.
33 he entropic effect on the thermochemistry is huge and is dominated by multistructural effects.
34 ata amounts acquired by this system are very huge, and existing peak picking algorithms are usually e
35                        Biodiversity today is huge, and it has a long history.
36 e effective population sizes maintained over huge areas by effective seed and pollen flow.
37 range of infections has been ascribed to its huge armoury of different virulence factors, many of whi
38 provides access to the genetic material of a huge array of uncultivated organisms.
39 roposed for characterizing metasurfaces with huge arrays of nanoantennas oriented in a conformal mann
40            Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are huge assemblies formed from approximately 30 different n
41 e herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) capsid is a huge assembly, approximately 1,250 A in diameter, and is
42                          N doping induce the huge band gap decrease and thus significantly enhance th
43 ajor PSTs in a reliable manner and will be a huge benefit to both industry and regulators, who need t
44 s facile surface fluorination process brings huge benefit to both the existing lithium-ion batteries
45                              In spite of the huge biodiversity in most ecosystems, a model species ap
46                                         This huge biomass of predators makes the trophic pyramid inve
47 ons, and reproducibility are rare, despite a huge body of experimental work.
48         The last five years have witnessed a huge breakthrough in the creation and the study of the p
49           Several parasitic protozoa cause a huge burden of disease in humans and livestock, and here
50                                          The huge burden of malaria in developing countries urgently
51 e disease is a frequent condition, causing a huge burden on health care systems globally.
52 stress to both patients and carers and put a huge burden on health-care systems.
53                        This process places a huge burden on the clathrin-mediated endocytic machinery
54 electricity production of this technology is huge, but fouling of the membranes and the membrane stac
55 t of electrical double layers, namely, their huge capacitance.
56  the point of care application as it demands huge capital cost as well as the attention of expert per
57  low nucleotide diversity in herring and its huge census population size.
58  services for tuberculosis and diabetes is a huge challenge in many countries.
59 density or a high power density, but it is a huge challenge to achieve both the demands of a high ene
60 ld be cured if diagnosed early, it remains a huge challenge to health-care systems worldwide.
61 rmation of the genetic complexity presents a huge challenge to successful translation into routine cl
62 ined via minimally invasive techniques, is a huge challenge.
63 nguish between tyrosine kinase families is a huge challenge.
64 re still required and have been considered a huge challenge.
65 citing field in synthesis, which still poses huge challenges despite the advances made in the past de
66                               Pakistan faces huge challenges in eradicating polio due to widespread p
67                               Because of the huge challenges in establishing functional laboratories
68 f a full survey of any single habitat raises huge challenges in quantifying change, and facilitating/
69                                     However, huge challenges still remain in synthesizing whole lengt
70 is an important challenge for harnessing the huge chemical diversity and catalytic potential in the p
71 solution mass spectrometry analyses reveal a huge chemical diversity in the two taxa.
72 PDZD8 helps to stabilize the HIV-1 capsid, a huge complex of the viral RNA, enzymes, and protein.
73 tains the mitochondrial genome, comprising a huge, complex DNA network that is also an important drug
74  to many new pore-partitioned materials with huge compositional variety.
75 ution the three-dimensional structure of the huge compound eye of a 160-million-year-old thylacocepha
76         Spiders can produce silk proteins at huge concentrations by sequestering their aggregation-pr
77  directing immune responses via secretion of huge concentrations of IFN-alpha.
78 ted at lysine 4 and for C-banding, and forms huge condensed middle chromosome regions on prophase chr
79 ith Pro25, Glu43, and Leu188, which induce a huge conformational rearrangement that closes the substr
80                                      How the huge core structure of the SPB is anchored in the NE has
81                                 Owing to the huge cost associated with experimental methods in identi
82 tant sectors of the economy with potentially huge costs to customers and whole economies.
83                  The Russian Federation is a huge country with dramatic climatic differences between
84                   Life sciences are yielding huge data sets that underpin scientific discoveries fund
85                                      Using a huge database of online societies, we find evidence of h
86  making mass spectral data analysis slow for huge databases.
87 itory to enable the efficient mining of this huge dataset is hindering the discovery of comprehensive
88 s with ultrafast charging capability to meet huge demands in the near future.
89 in spores' IM through which the spore core's huge depot of dipicolinic acid is released during germin
90 hly sensitive detection systems leads to the huge development of nanomaterial-based sensors.
91 However, it is quite obvious that there is a huge difference between a 70-year-old fit patient and a
92                               Because of the huge difference between the hole and electron mobilities
93 f whole macrocycles 1 and 2 was performed, a huge difference in their conformational behavior that he
94                                   Due to the huge differences between refractive indices of the relea
95 ta set comprising >148,000 samples to reveal huge differences in range changes associated with climat
96 nd also provide additional insights into the huge dispersion of DNA conductance values found in the l
97 ith the underlying DNA sequence, despite the huge disruption to chromatin structure generated by unwi
98                                  Despite the huge distances separating V coding sequences from D-J se
99 relationships still being ambiguous owing to huge diversity (>15,000 species).
100 ly using sexual reproduction) also present a huge diversity in maximum lifespans (from a few to thous
101 s between the Jagged and Delta family show a huge diversity in the structures of the loops at the ape
102   Despite a high degree of conservation, the huge diversity of ion channel types and their differenti
103 fundamental to the process of generating the huge diversity of life on Earth.
104                                          The huge diversity of native lipids and their modifications
105                                          The huge diversity of negative-sense RNA viruses in insects,
106  segments that occurs in most syllids, their huge diversity of reproductive modes, and their ability
107                                 Due to their huge diversity, physicochemical characterization of IDYB
108  storage tank, the paints of which presented huge DL-PCB concentrations (>1x10(6)pgg(-1)), responsibl
109                                        These huge earthworks were concealed for centuries under terra
110                  Landscape fragmentation has huge ecological and economic implications and affects th
111 use of its economic relevance as well as its huge ecological impact.
112  low-back pain, a public health problem with huge economic and life quality impact.
113 ls for the control of typhoid fever, yet the huge economic costs and long timelines are unlikely to p
114 he most destructive plant pathogens, causing huge economic losses and threatening global food securit
115 jor pathogen of livestock worldwide, causing huge economic losses to agriculture, as well as 2.4 mill
116 mestic mammals, causing severe mortality and huge economic losses.
117 problem in many industries because it causes huge economic losses.
118 o discuss how one little organ can have such huge effects.
119  to focus on a new pathway instead of making huge effort or investment in designing high-capacity but
120                                              Huge efforts have been devoted to investigating new stra
121                                      Despite huge efforts to map the human proteome using mass spectr
122 presence of a type-I multiferroic phase with huge electric polarization.
123 illations of electrons (plasmons), providing huge electromagnetic fields on the nanometer scale.
124        Appropriate nanoscale design allows a huge enhancement of the magnetic force field experienced
125 otes the aggregation of the AuNPs inducing a huge enhancement of the melamine signals in the Raman sp
126 enovated the coating industry, and generated huge environmental and health benefits.
127  species extinctions Earth is experiencing a huge episode of population declines and extirpations, wh
128                                  We observed huge expansions of genes associated with chemosensation
129                                              Huge experiments, of increasing scale and cost, continue
130            The encoded protein belonged to a huge family of glutamine amidotransferases whose members
131 d box zinc finger proteins (KRAB-ZFPs) are a huge family of vertebrate-specific repressors that modif
132 e in the wild are scarce because they demand huge field and laboratory investments [1, 2].
133 phosphate, and phosphoinositides comprises a huge field of biology.
134 ochemical cycling [2], and holds potentially huge fish resources [3-5].
135                                              Huge genetic datasets with dense marker panels are now c
136 es of epigenetic regulation suggest that the huge genome of F. imperialis has not arisen as a consequ
137 life in continental waters (thus embracing a huge geographic range and a variety of habitat types), m
138 (RSV) is a highly contagious pathogen with a huge global health impact.
139                         However, despite the huge growth in knowledge and advances in prevention and
140                            Malaria imposes a huge health burden on the world's most vulnerable popula
141 cribe a method that takes advantage of these huge human genetic variation resources and rare variant
142                Vaccine development has had a huge impact on human health.
143 concept of the "great limbic lobe" has had a huge impact on neuroscience.
144 easing the energy density of SCs will have a huge impact on the development of future energy storage
145                    Changing this angle has a huge impact on the energy splitting between the first ex
146 health benefits of rotavirus vaccination are huge in low-income African countries that account for mo
147                                         This huge increase in DNA sequence data presents new challeng
148 is demonstrated that proper inclusion of the huge increase in hot transitions which are important at
149                                          The huge increase in the hole density of singly linked dimer
150  activation energy scale and the concomitant huge increase of relaxation time approaching the glass t
151 better reporting may have contributed to the huge increase of reported cases.
152 rates that the local lattice spacing poses a huge increment of 36%, indicating that large strains exi
153 amental use of domestic horses and has had a huge influence on the development of human societies for
154 les have a large connected pore space with a huge inner surface of 120 m(2)/g as analyzed by computer
155                                              Huge insight into molecular mechanisms and biological ne
156 rency ( approximately 90% transmittance) and huge intensity ratio of transmitted light up to 350%.
157                                     There is huge interest in biosensors as a result of the demand fo
158  decades, the genus Streptomyces has stirred huge interest in the scientific community as a source of
159 ellular vesicles called exosomes have gained huge interest of scientific community since they show a
160 o oncogenic signaling pathways have received huge interest within the last few years.
161                                            A huge interflow density current from the Yangtze River ma
162           Second, Xi is partitioned into two huge intervals, called "superdomains," such that pairs o
163          Head CT scan and brain MRI showed a huge intra-axial right temporo-parieto-occipital cyst wi
164                                        While huge ion conductivity has been demonstrated in planar he
165 posites shows that the former suffers from a huge irreversible capacity loss on cycling whereas the l
166 r significant manual labor when working with huge lists of SNPs and that algorithms work only for SNP
167                                      While a huge local accumulation of strictosidine was monitored i
168 ost of the time period are consistent with a huge local input to the lake.
169  and removal of harmful mutations, driving a huge loss in their neutral genetic diversity.
170                   During the quasar phase, a huge luminosity is released as matter falls onto the bla
171  considered to be split peaks resultant from huge m/z fluctuation, and 12 urine samples spiked with 5
172 membrane recycling and caused the buildup of huge membrane-connected cisternae, in contrast to the in
173 ndrial genomes are visualized within the two huge mitochondria of each spermatid.
174                         The spliceosome is a huge molecular machine that assembles dynamically onto i
175 fying those activities or structures in this huge molecule that are essential to replicase activity.
176                                      Despite huge motivation to treat age-related human memory disord
177                    This barrier represents a huge mucosal surface, where billions of bacteria face th
178                       We searched PubMed and Huge Navigator databases and sought additional data thro
179 olled Studies, CINAHL Plus, AMED, EMBASE and HuGE Navigator from inception until May 2016.
180                                   There is a huge need for the availability of transplantable donor c
181 undwater table are the major causes for this huge nitrate reservoir in the vadose-zone of semi-humid
182         A proposed Ni source lies within the huge Noril'sk nickel ore deposits, which formed in magma
183 also exhibits distinct features, including a huge number of almost degenerate chiral Landau bands, im
184                                  Each of the huge number of clonally independent B cells expresses a
185 properties of living cells are mediated by a huge number of ever-changing interactions of their compo
186  systems are complex not only because of the huge number of potential strategies for assigning worker
187 s-contamination, allowing the screening of a huge number of saturation conditions with a small amount
188 work overwhelms the others, which suggests a huge number of users are exposed to the pro-tobacco cont
189 rease prediction accuracy by making use of a huge number of variants simultaneously.
190  rules generically lead to the production of huge numbers of clusters.
191 Laurentide Ice Sheet sporadically discharged huge numbers of icebergs through the Hudson Strait into
192 is a convenient and rapid tool for screening huge numbers of linear regression models for significant
193 r ectopically inserted RSS pairs to identify huge numbers of RAG "off-target" breaks.
194 Eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms possess huge numbers of uncharacterized enzymes.
195 eless, regeneration and recurrence are still huge obstacles on the way to cure cancer.
196                          Translation of this huge oncogenomic data set to clinical application in per
197  effecting changes in energy coupling, offer huge opportunities for increasing the flux towards extra
198 anoxic marine zones (AMZs), which constitute huge oxygen-depleted regions in the tropical oceans.
199                 The antiaromatic state has a huge paramagnetic susceptibility, despite having no unpa
200 ally distinguishable expression patterns but huge phenotypic differences, including distinct mechanis
201 ultiple sequence alignments and inference of huge phylogenies comprising large taxonomic groups are e
202 ntion to South Asian populations, who behold huge pigmentation diversity.
203   The chemistry of the p-block elements is a huge playground for fundamental and applied work.
204                       Slow conversion of the huge pools of intermediates to DMADP was limited by redu
205 eature of free-living bacterial species with huge populations in highly mixed habitats.
206  I learned that parasites with kDNA threaten huge populations in underdeveloped tropical countries.
207 on of health facilities, and displacement of huge populations.
208  identified as main event that triggered the huge post-Carboniferous radiation of hemipterans, and fa
209  by the USB port of a laptop, the MinION has huge potential applications.
210          Metabolites excreted by skin have a huge potential as disease biomarkers.
211       Hybrid nanoparticles (HNPs) have shown huge potential as drug delivery vehicles for pancreatic
212  allowing the production of the ester, offer huge potential as functional ingredients.
213                      Here we demonstrate the huge potential collagen fingerprinting has for identifyi
214              The developed materials possess huge potential for applications in optics, photonics, ad
215  and cancer stem cell detection which have a huge potential for cancer research for medical or biomed
216 rge specific surface areas, indicating their huge potential for capacitive deionization applications.
217      The electronic medical record (EMR) has huge potential for facilitating antimicrobial stewardshi
218 nt a rapidly expanding area of research with huge potential for future medical applications.
219 are already widely used in industry and have huge potential for novel device applications thanks to t
220 s, are of great scientific interest and show huge potential for novel spintronics applications, provi
221 f a key precursor platform, illustrating its huge potential for the tailored synthesis of sophisticat
222 oped tight UF hollow fiber membranes display huge potential for treating textile wastewater and other
223                                  Despite the huge potential importance of cancer prevention and clini
224 ieve the azoheteroaryl photoswitches to have huge potential in a wide range of optically addressable
225 hly versatile terdentate building block with huge potential in inorganic supramolecular chemistry.
226 has attracted intensive attention due to its huge potential in superior processing ability and fast d
227                      Our study advocates the huge potential of combining biomolecular and biogeochemi
228 recent years also in synthetic chemistry the huge potential of complex nickel(I) units for the activa
229                  The results demonstrate the huge potential of the methodology for a wide range of oi
230 ces with different wavelengths and indicates huge potential of these two effects in optoelectronic de
231  information derived from clinical data have huge potential to contribute to improving our understand
232 structures demonstrated in this study offers huge potential to further explore the applications of co
233  assessment of the human immune system bears huge potential to guide rational development of novel im
234      Further, 3D printing technology shows a huge potential toward fabrication and improving the perf
235 energy conversion platforms because of their huge potentials for securing electricity continuously fr
236      Phosphate solubilizing fungi (PSF) have huge potentials in enhancing release of phosphorus from
237 n is becoming increasingly common due to the huge profits associated with this type of criminal activ
238 l microbiota associated with crop plants has huge promise for the control of crop pathogens.
239 that contains U7 snRNP, the FLICE-associated huge protein (FLASH) and histone pre-mRNA cleavage compl
240 ngiectasia locus (NPAT) and FLICE-associated huge protein (FLASH) are two major components of discret
241 ndem mass spectra are often searched against huge protein databases generated from genomes or RNA-Seq
242  the only contiguous extended region of this huge protein that is predicted to be disordered, suggest
243                      FLASH (Flice-associated huge protein) and U7 small nuclear RNP (snRNP) are HLB c
244 ns the HLB component FLASH (FLICE-associated huge protein), the histone cleavage complex (HCC), and a
245 nd other preventive measures has resulted in huge public health gains, while support for translationa
246 outflows (in the form of disk winds) release huge quantities of energy into the interstellar medium,
247         Commercial capture fisheries produce huge quantities of offal, as well as undersized and unwa
248 d principally as oil and paste, generating a huge quantity of peel and seed as by-products.
249 ght the power of aryne chemistry to access a huge range of biaryl structures from a versatile and hig
250           There is no "one size fits all." A huge range of differences exists between countries and b
251  of ubiquitin from E2 enzyme thioesters to a huge range of substrates and play crucial roles in many
252 to actuated platforms for the detection of a huge range of targets.
253 enges and opportunities associated with this huge research area.
254                           This constitutes a huge research challenge due to difficulties for achievin
255                                              Huge research effort has been invested over many years t
256                       Optimum, proportional, huge responses were obtained with the MSTFA/PYR = 2/1-9/
257                                      Unified huge responses, obtained with the HMDS and PFCA couples
258   This systematic Human Genome Epidemiology (HuGE) review showed convincingly that the SNPs rs6232, r
259            In recent years, there has been a huge rise in the number of publicly available transcript
260 ity is systematically studied, which shows a huge room for the improvement of the output of triboelec
261 s, and especially the field of genetics, the huge-scale testing problem, where millions to billions o
262                        It permits separating huge-scale testing problems arbitrarily into computation
263 an condors vary largely in weight and show a huge sexual dimorphism that allowed us to evaluate the e
264 rly identification of plant diseases and has huge significance for agricultural industry.
265       We believe that present work will have huge significance in design of high performance ceramic
266         Tyrannosauroids apparently developed huge size rapidly during the latest Cretaceous, and thei
267 onial legacies, tremendous social injustice, huge socioeconomic disparities, and wide health inequiti
268 ead phenomenon in biology, cutting through a huge span of scales, from cell colonies up to bird flock
269 inite number of three-body bound states of a huge spatial extent emerge just before these three-body
270                           The origin of this huge stabilization energy is described within the contex
271 s apparent, which rationalizes the origin of huge Stokes shifts and solvochromic behavior.
272                                         This huge structural disparity stems from combined difficulti
273 n, but also that pectin structures present a huge structural diversity, resulting in a broad range of
274  from being extremely beneficial, mAbs are a huge success commercially.
275                                  Despite the huge success of enantioselective Bronsted acid catalysis
276                         However, despite its huge successes, CI users still face many perceptual limi
277         The ability to slow ice growth is of huge technological importance especially in the cryopres
278 a theoretical calculation, we found that the huge temperature variation initiates the expansion and c
279 ishment (within about 120 femtoseconds) of a huge temperature-dependent magnetization with photo-exci
280  Predicting emergent properties represents a huge theoretical problem since the presence of SOC impli
281                      Existing research shows huge variation in how individuals experience living with
282 rom wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) show huge variations between plants and within one plant (bot
283       The ubiquity of this phenomenon over a huge variety of amorphous solids calls for a generic the
284 research labs, industry, and hospitals for a huge variety of applications, but there are many dynamic
285  surface functionalization that can bestow a huge variety of chemical and physical properties.
286 y, e.g., filopodia and microvilli, serving a huge variety of functions.
287                                       With a huge variety of possible compositions and high ionic con
288 he door to studies of electrophysiology in a huge variety of systems previously inaccessible to elect
289 iding essential advantages in the study of a huge variety of systems.
290                          Plants synthesize a huge variety of terpenoid natural products, including ph
291  infections such as cytomegalovirus generate huge virus-specific immune responses, which are further
292  a high energy density, but suffers from the huge volume change (ca. 260 %) upon lithiation.
293 ion, uncontrolled interfacial reactions, and huge volume effect are major hurdles to the commercial a
294       Researchers worldwide have generated a huge volume of genomic data, including thousands of geno
295 volves the rorqual whale rapidly engulfing a huge volume of prey-laden water and then concentrating t
296    Attitude strength has been the focus of a huge volume of research in psychology and related scienc
297                 Metagenomics studies produce huge volumes of data, including both the sequences thems
298       The food processing industry generates huge volumes of waste and co-products which still contai
299                          Here we exploit the huge volumetric expansion (up to 3000%) of a new type of
300 s, an important rice insect pest that causes huge yield loss.

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