


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ULITE and SimulTRAC-SNB) for B12 analysis in human milk.
2 abor intensive and requires large volumes of human milk.
3 ere is a need to quantify arsenic species in human milk.
4 health benefits that are similar to those of human milk.
5 al needs of these infants from the intake of human milk.
6  of an infant exclusively from the intake of human milk.
7 fluence the bacterial communities inhabiting human milk.
8 lactoglobulin (BLG), which is not present in human milk.
9 are found in premature infants fed fortified human milk.
10 des are the third most abundant component in human milk.
11 ld standard for measuring the fat content of human milk.
12 ccharides are the third largest component of human milk.
13 ecretory antibodies and prebiotic factors in human milk.
14 establish the profile of boron metabolism in human milk.
15  in most human mucosal secretions, including human milk.
16 nly the complexed matriptase was detected in human milk.
17 idly from the chylomicrons of the blood into human milk.
18 f dietary fatty acids from chylomicrons into human milk.
19 significance of oligosaccharide variation in human milk.
20 d significantly less phosphocholine than did human milk.
21 able in secretions such as saliva, tears and human milk.
22  moiety in milk) and phosphocholine than did human milk.
23 palmitic and oleic acids similar to those of human milk.
24 hocholine and glycerophosphocholine exist in human milk.
25  low birth weight infants discharged home on human milk.
26 y 6% of infants were discharged on exclusive human milk.
27 Most importantly, this activity is unique to human milk.
28 l roles that sIgA and its components play in human milk.
29 uisition and that this activity is unique to human milk.
30 undant and structurally diverse component in human milk.
31 of two octasaccharide antigens isolated from human milk, 1 and 2, and their corresponding allyl glyco
32 d the top contributors were formula (71.7%), human milk (22.9%), and commercial baby foods (2.2%).
33 soups (6.1%), pasta mixed dishes (4.0%), and human milk (3.9%).
34 mg GAE/L), sheep (167.6+/-58.77mg GAE/L) and human milk (82.45+/-12.3mg GAE/L).
35 rkup and is useful in defining variations in human milk acidic oligosaccharides and investigating the
36                      In studies using pooled human milk, addition of increasing amounts of authentic
37 omes from foods other than infant formula or human milk after the age of 6 mo.
38 sialylated acidic oligosaccharides of pooled human milk agreed with the results of previous studies e
39 ipitation studies also detected the PRLBP in human milk albeit at lower concentrations than found in
40 benefits observed in infants fed unfortified human milk also are found in premature infants fed forti
41          We hypothesize that hyaluronan from human milk also enhances innate antimicrobial defense.
42 addressing DHA intakes by lactating women or human milk amounts of DHA at levels above those typical
43                        Five infants were fed human milk and 26 infants received formulas that provide
44 d disaccharides to considerably more complex human milk and blood oligosaccharides.
45 e the fractional absorption of zinc (FAZ) in human milk and CF by dual-isotope ratios in urine.
46 ion and lactation stage may be exploited for human milk and dairy product consumption.
47 oic acid (PFOA), analysed by HPLC-ESI-MS, in human milk and food samples from the city of Siena and i
48  method for the determination of parabens in human milk and food with relative recoveries in the rang
49                Our results suggest that both human milk and helminth parasites may share a ligand-spe
50 cated that differences in the composition of human milk and infant formula yield benefits in cognitiv
51                    Adiponectin is present in human milk and its concentrations are associated with du
52  mixture of N-glycoproteins from unprocessed human milk and O-glycoproteins from very-low-density-lip
53 -containing immunomodulatory glycan found in human milk and on parasitic helminths, improves glucose
54 cto-N-fucopentaose III (LNFPIII) is found in human milk and on the Th2 driving helminth parasite Schi
55  matrix interferences by haptocorrin (HC) in human milk and serum show that past analyses of vitamin
56 ted flame retardants that have been found in human milk and serum throughout the world, but have rece
57 des from relevant biological sources such as human milk and serum.
58 ublished data on whether it is detectable in human milk and therefore consumed by breastfed infants.
59  determine whether adiponectin is present in human milk and to characterize maternal factors associat
60 bnormalities with insulin and adiponectin in human milk and to compare the concentrations of these ho
61 ontaining at least one trans double bond) in human milk and to identify relations between individual
62 is, but not A or B antigens, were present in human milk and were responsible for blocking NV binding
63 ficantly more bioavailable GABA than cow and human milks and are able to activate GABArho receptors.
64  low birth weight infants discharged on "any human milk") and the independent variables (nurse work e
65 s of milk (raw and UHT cows' milk as well as human milk) and infant formulations.
66 harides found on helminths also are found in human milk, and both helminths and milk have been shown
67          Cytomegalovirus is commonly shed in human milk, and cytomegalovirus-seropositive women can t
68 o find that lysozyme from chicken egg white, human milk, and human neutrophils and RNase A from bovin
69  Lactoferrin is a major protein component of human milk, and it binds iron with high affinity.
70                                              Human milk, and particularly human colostrum, is the gol
71                  Additionally, egg yolks and human milk appear to be bioavailable sources.
72                The calcium and phosphorus in human milk are adequate for infants in the first six mon
73 vided in variable amounts to infants through human milk are cholesterol and gangliosides.
74 ble (soluble) fraction of infant formula and human milk are employed.
75               The acidic oligosaccharides of human milk are predominantly sialyloligosaccharides.
76 oclast formation, the expression of TRAIL in human milk as a function of vitamin D status in mothers
77 f diverse unconjugated glycans that exist in human milk as one of the major components.
78                            The WHO refers to human milk as the nutritional gold standard for term inf
79  murine exudates, regenerating planaria, and human milk as well as macrophages that stimulate tissue
80                     The low zinc intake from human milk at approximately 6 mo of age predicts the dep
81 o was marginally associated with the rate of human milk at discharge (p=.056).
82 ion and immunological protection provided in human milk at discharge is an issue of health care quali
83                 The amount of variability in human milk attributable to diet remains mostly unknown.
84 on the nucleotide contents in samples from a human milk bank.
85 d LCP supplementation in amounts typical for human milk (based on local and worldwide surveys) in a l
86 c digestion of lipids and some proteins from human milk but did affect lactoferrin and alpha-lactalbu
87 oic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA) in human milk but not in infant formula, coupled with lower
88 incomplete about not only the composition of human milk, but also the maternal nutritional needs to s
89 itrypsin and antichymotrypsin are present in human milk, but little is known about their roles in pro
90 , immortalized mammary epithelial cells, and human milk, but not in cultured fibroblasts nor in fibro
91 an antimicrobial protein highly expressed in human milk, but not ruminant milk, and is thought to hel
92 ve a strong effect on the mineral content of human milk, but physiologic changes in milk and the infa
93 cates that metabolic hormones are present in human milk, but, to our knowledge, no studies have inves
94  of arsenic species at low concentrations in human milk by HPLC/ICPMS.
95                       Lactoferrin present in human milk can inhibit growth of Candida albicans, there
96                        The 12 major peaks in human milk coeluted with authentic oligosaccharide stand
97 BCDs), and tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBP-A) in human milk collected in 2010-2011 from 10 first-time mot
98 r pasteurization has been reported to modify human milk composition and structure by inactivating bil
99                         In our study, mature human milk contained more phosphocholine and glycerophos
100                                              Human milk contains a 46 kDa mucin-associated glycoprote
101                                              Human milk contains a large diversity of free glycans be
102                                              Human milk contains an abundance of biologically active
103                                              Human milk contains an unexpected abundance and diversit
104                                              Human milk contains complex carbohydrates that are impor
105                                              Human milk contains hyaluronan (HA), a glycosaminoglycan
106                                              Human milk contains many immunomodulatory compounds, inc
107                                              Human milk contains many substances that stimulate the g
108          In addition to essential nutrients, human milk contains several classes of bioactive factors
109                                              Human milk contents of DHA are dependent on diet, and in
110                                    Zinc from human milk contributed <25% of TAZ for all groups.
111 ntrations of persistent organic chemicals in human milk decrease over the course of lactation.
112          Furthermore, oral administration of human milk-derived HA to adult, wild-type mice results i
113                                 The range of human milk docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) concentrations wor
114    Here we define the concentration of HA in human milk during the first 6 months postpartum.
115                                   Endogenous human milk epitopes are recognized by specific IgE from
116 n changed the original volatile compounds of human milk, even more than HoP.
117                    The beneficial effects of human milk extend to the feeding of premature infants, b
118 uman milk is protective against NEC, and the human milk factor erythropoietin (Epo) has been shown to
119 l-in-water IF emulsion was formulated with a human milk fat analogue enriched with docosahexaenoic ac
120  derived from fat, we estimated from the TFA human milk fat data that TFA intake of Canadian breastfe
121 tween the percentage of TFAs in the diet and human milk fat established by Craig-Schmidt et al, and a
122 therefore examined the effect of recombinant human milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 (rhMFG-E8) in mitiga
123                                              Human milk fat globules, by enveloping cell contents dur
124                  The trans FA composition of human milk fat must be examined to establish its influen
125                                              Human milk fatty acids are among the nutrients that show
126 om effects on neurodevelopment solely due to human milk fatty acids is complex, particularly when neu
127 gy density, will aid in understanding of the human milk fatty acids that best support neurological de
128                                      Preterm human milk-fed infants often experience suboptimal growt
129 n intake results in less growth faltering in human milk-fed preterm infants.
130 ral protein supplementation in predominantly human milk-fed preterm infants.
131           The use of fortifiers designed for human-milk-fed infants or specially designed high-minera
132 e the Bifidobacterium amounts as observed in human-milk-fed infants.
133  provide an overview on the use of exclusive human milk feeding and the utility of this approach in p
134                                              Human milk feeding is an important recommendation for pr
135 n of human milk or the functional aspects of human milk feeding.
136 nt is assessed after the period of exclusive human milk feeding.
137  has implications for the timing of sampling human milk for exposure assessment purposes.
138 mothers to establish and sustain a supply of human milk for their infants.
139 has little or no effect on many nutrients in human milk; for others, human milk may not be designed a
140                    We assessed the effect of human milk fortified with a higher-protein HMF on growth
141 erience suboptimal growth despite the use of human milk fortifier (HMF).
142 n/100 mL of breast milk through a commercial human milk fortifier; n = 30) or a higher-protein group
143 he composition and structures of TAGs in the human milk from mothers with different food choices and
144 namic behavior of protein phosphorylation in human milk from the first month of lactation.
145 er, calculated transfer of contaminants from human milk fully explained the attenuated growth.
146 haride samples equivalent to 1 microliter of human milk give optimum chromatographic separation and r
147 hese same HMOs established using the shotgun human milk glycan microarray (HM-SGM-v2) showed fair-to-
148 gun glycan microarray prepared from isolated human milk glycans (HMGs), and our studies on their reco
149 the structures of soluble glycans within the human milk glycome by matching predicted structures base
150 tment of HT-29 colonic epithelial cells with human milk HA at physiologic concentrations results in t
151 nt of cultured colonic epithelial cells with human milk HA enhances resistance to infection by the en
152             Previous studies have shown that human milk has a role in the gastrointestinal, neural, a
153                            Donor pasteurized human milk has been suggested as a proxy for the mother'
154                                              Human milk has little vitamin D, and supplemental vitami
155 late that erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone in human milk, has a role in the prevention of HIV transmis
156 ferrin (Lf), a major iron-binding protein in human milk, has been suggested to have multiple biologic
157 ding bone minerals at greater levels than in human milk have not been shown.
158                Preterm infants fed fortified human milk (HM) grow more slowly than those fed preterm
159          Accumulating evidence suggests that human milk (HM) may attenuate the transfer of obesity fr
160               Most American mothers who feed human milk (HM) now use pumps to produce some of the HM
161 ge: 0.1-17.2%) found previously for Canadian human milk in 1992.
162 on of the 12 major sialyloligosaccharides of human milk in a single 35-min run.
163      In a recent study on the TFA content of human milk in a sizable group of mothers at the sixth we
164    The 42-kDa glycopolypeptide purified from human milk in CA inhibitor affinity chromatography share
165 onstrate the presence of both PQQ and IPQ in human milk in nanomolar to micromolar concentrations.
166  However, the proportion of (unsupplemented) human milk in the neonatal diet was significantly positi
167 nalyses, the proportion of enteral intake as human milk in the neonatal period was inversely related
168                          Oligosaccharides in human milk inhibit enteric pathogens in vitro and in viv
169       Lactoferrin, a glycoprotein present in human milk, inhibits EPEC adherence to mammalian cells.
170                      A greater proportion of human milk intake in infancy was associated with lower r
171                                              Human milk intake was significantly associated with lowe
172  higher whole-body bone mass associated with human milk intake, despite its very low nutrient content
173                                              Human milk is a complex fluid comprised of myriad substa
174                                              Human milk is a potential source of lead exposure.
175 h it is known that the fatty acid profile of human milk is altered by diet, the rapidity with which t
176              Protection against rotavirus by human milk is associated with the glycoprotein lactadher
177                                              Human milk is generally accepted as the best nutrition f
178               Bioavailability of copper from human milk is high, whereas it is lower from cow milk an
179 bility of complex glycostructures present in human milk is linked to changing infants' needs.
180 reas the intake of these phytoestrogens from human milk is negligible (<0.01 mg/d).
181 ination of free nucleotide monophosphates in human milk is proposed.
182       Several studies have demonstrated that human milk is protective against H. influenzae colonizat
183                                              Human milk is protective against NEC, and the human milk
184 articular, the composition of fatty acids in human milk is quite variable.
185  this review we show that the composition of human milk is rather variable and is dependent on factor
186                                              Human milk is recommended as the optimal nutrient source
187                                              Human milk is rich in oligosaccharides, some of which in
188                          When accepting that human milk is the optimal nutrition for healthy term inf
189 -chain n-3 fatty acid in plasma, tissues, or human milk is to supplement with the fatty acid of inter
190                                              Human milk is typically low in vitamin D activity (VDA).
191 on impacted the microstructure of undigested human milk, its gastrointestinal disintegration and tend
192                Our results demonstrated that human milk lactoferrin efficiently extracted the IgA1 pr
193                   These results suggest that human milk lactoferrin may attenuate the pathogenic pote
194                          Although present in human milk, LCPUFA have until recently been absent from
195 a" is unclear, environmental contaminants in human milk may be of relevance.
196                                              Human milk may decrease the incidence of NEC by decreasi
197 impact of pasteurization on the digestion of human milk may have nutritional relevance in vivo and po
198 on many nutrients in human milk; for others, human milk may not be designed as a primary nutritional
199                            We found that the human milk microbiome changes over lactation.
200                 Fewer infants (42%) received human milk mixed with fortifier or formula.
201           Aware of the important benefits of human milk, most U.S. women initiate breastfeeding but d
202                                           In human milk, NAD levels were significantly affected by th
203  findings reveal an unrecognized function of human milk, namely, its capacity to influence neonatal m
204 rmulas should be based on the composition of human milk needs revision.
205 a-3) fatty acids from the maternal diet into human milk occurs with little interconversion of 18:2n-6
206 ison of the three methods was conducted with human milk of varying fat content.
207 we describe a method for the quantitation of human milk oligosaccharide (HMO) structures employing LC
208 Conjugates of PADRE covalently linked to the human milk oligosaccharide, lacto-N-fucopentose II or a
209 easured for natural abundance samples of the human milk oligosaccharides "lacto-N-fucopentaose" (LNF-
210                                              Human milk oligosaccharides (HMO) are believed to have a
211             These antigens are also found on human milk oligosaccharides (HMO), an abundant and struc
212 estine has been linked to the utilization of human milk oligosaccharides (HMO).
213 , probably due to its large concentration of human milk oligosaccharides (HMO).
214 es of structurally heterogeneous mixtures of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) and bovine milk oligo
215                      The prebiotic nature of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) and increasing eviden
216  of rapidly identifying interactions between human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) and their protein rec
217                                              Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) are a family of diver
218                                 Accordingly, human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) are minimally digeste
219 ption, bacteria were grown in a medium using human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) as the only carbon so
220 obtain a treated milk with 7.0 g/L GOS - the human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) concentration is betw
221 ed whether differences in the composition of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) correlate with infant
222            The affinities of thirty-two free human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) for four human galect
223                                  Analysis of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) from 6-month-postpart
224                                              Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) have important nutrit
225 olute quantitation method for measuring free human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) in milk samples was d
226        Studies have detected the presence of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) in urine of breast-fe
227                                              Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) play an important rol
228  collection of 60 asymmetric, multiantennary human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), which were used to d
229 of immunologically active factors, including human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs).
230 roup of complex carbohydrates referred to as human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs).
231  few decades it has become apparent that the human milk oligosaccharides are composed of thousands of
232                                         Most human milk oligosaccharides are fucosylated, and their p
233                                        Thus, human milk oligosaccharides may have therapeutic potenti
234 ive and quantitative individual variation of human milk oligosaccharides, a sensitive method for rout
235 e molecular sizes and prebiotic functions of human milk oligosaccharides.
236                                              Human-milk oligosaccharides can serve as prebiotics beca
237 tures that have prebiotic effects similar to human-milk oligosaccharides include galacto-oligosacchar
238 ated the impact of pasteurization of preterm human milk on its gastrointestinal kinetics of lipolysis
239 the present study, we examined the effect of human milk on the H. influenzae IgA1 protease and Hap ad
240  is available on B vitamin concentrations in human milk or on how they are affected by maternal B vit
241  milk, and a supplement of pasteurized donor human milk or preterm formula is required.
242 ned specifically to mimic the composition of human milk or the functional aspects of human milk feedi
243 ase in the fraction of infants discharged on human milk (p<0.001).
244 ase in the fraction of infants discharged on human milk (p<0.05).
245 crease in the fraction infants discharged on human milk (p<0.05).
246         We sought to determine the impact of human milk pasteurization on gastric digestion (particul
247                             A minimum of one human milk peptide was recognized by IgE antibodies from
248                     Genuine sensitization to human milk peptides in the absence of IgE to bovine milk
249  towards specific IgE being detected to more human milk peptides in those infants who did not respond
250 in] and the corresponding, highly homologous human milk peptides were labelled with sera from 15 brea
251 ion of raw human milk (RHM) with pasteurized human milk (PHM).
252 -G, immunoglobulin-M, and an undiluted crude human milk preparation were tested in vitro for their ab
253 ndividual and interindividual variability of human milk protein and energy content potentially contri
254                      We found that HAMLET, a human milk protein-lipid complex, kills Streptococcus pn
255  device was used to analyze trypsin-digested human milk proteins with mass spectrometry.
256 n the neonate gut and abundant in bovine and human milk provides a basis for age-restricted tropism a
257 rition can lead to substantial variations in human milk quality.
258 esembling non-digestible oligosaccharides in human milk reduce the development of atopic disorders.
259                               Lactoferrin in human milk removes or cleaves Hap and another autotransp
260     On the basis of scientific insights from human-milk research, a specific mixture of nondigestible
261 up in comparing the gastric digestion of raw human milk (RHM) with pasteurized human milk (PHM).
262                     For method validation, a human milk sample was spiked with defined amounts of dim
263       Analysis of Finnish and Chinese pooled human milk samples revealed hundreds of regioisomeric TA
264    The quantitation method was applied to 20 human milk samples to determine the variations in HMO co
265                                              Human milk samples were analyzed by LC-ESI-MS/MS for TBB
266 as further tested by analyzing two Norwegian human milk samples where arsenobetaine, dimethylarsinate
267          We characterized the interaction of human milk samples with recombinant virus-like particles
268 optimised method, applied to the analysis of human milk samples, included their dilution (1:5) with w
269 applied to the quantification of lysozyme in human milk samples.
270 presence of calcium, iron, and zinc bound to human milk secretory IgA (sIgA) was investigated.
271 he nondigestible oligosaccharides present in human milk show a clear bifidogenic effect on the gut mi
272 ir host mucosal surfaces may be inhibited by human milk sialyloligosaccharides, but testing this hypo
273                           Such autoreactive, human milk-specific IgE antibodies appear to have functi
274 (European Childhood Obesity Trial, Norwegian Human Milk Study, and Prevention of Coeliac Disease) tha
275 ghlight the importance of structure specific human milk substitutes and the careful selection of the
276  targeted preventive measures in addition to human milk, such as prebiotics and probiotics, to the ma
277                                              Human milk supplements, or fortifiers, are available to
278 ly fucosylated neutral oligosaccharides from human milk that are based on the iso-lacto-N-octaose cor
279  the protein cost of non-protein nitrogen in human milk, the recommended increment in protein is abou
280 preserved the original volatile compounds of human milk, this novel process may be an alternative to
281                   The critical importance of human milk to infants and even human civilization has be
282 infant on complementary foods in addition to human milk to meet iron and zinc requirements after 6 mo
283 corpus callosum; every additional 10 days of human milk use were associated with a three weeks or gre
284 of caffeine therapy, and greater duration of human milk use were independent favorable factors.
285                            A pool of preterm human milk was digested as raw or after Holder pasteuriz
286 essure treatments on the volatile profile of human milk was less intense than that caused by HoP.
287 ations on the growth of C. albicans in whole human milk was studied.
288                                              Human milk was the richest source of nicotinamide mononu
289 study, using active matriptase isolated from human milk, we demonstrate that matriptase is able to cl
290 nt formulas serve as the best alternative to human milk when breastfeeding is not possible.
291 or constituent of an innate immune system of human milk whereby the mother protects her infant from e
292                                              Human milk whey had similar effects on Aae from A. actin
293                                Supplementing human milk with DHA at a dose of approximately 1% of tot
294 , and HB-2) derived from cells cultured from human milk, with three breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7,
295 these fatty acids increased significantly in human milk within 6 h of consumption of the test formula

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