


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s are unable to pay (water and sanitation as human rights).
2 ealth and full development as a basic global human right.
3 al requirement for good health and is also a human right.
4        It should be considered a fundamental human right.
5 exual and gender minorities is a fundamental human right.
6 en appear to support a full range of women's human rights.
7 eceding this complex emergency in health and human rights.
8 there should be legal protection for women's human rights.
9 th principles of bioethics and international human rights.
10 most all (96%) expressed support for women's human rights.
11 th also warrants other perspectives, such as human rights.
12 manner that respects, protects, and promotes human rights.
13 lable for the sake of both public health and human rights.
14  their communities in ways that uphold their human rights.
15 uctural barriers to their overall health and human rights.
16 xperience discrimination and abuses of their human rights.
17 tween biomedical science, public health, and human rights.
18 less frequently as a violation of children's human rights.
19                                     Yet, the human rights abuse of human trafficking for organ remova
20 erpetrated in the context of a high level of human rights abuses against the civilian population.
21 eholds in 3 southern cities in Iraq reported human rights abuses among household members between 1991
22 cal, and economic consequences of widespread human rights abuses and crime.
23 e combined effects of war-related trauma and human rights abuses by Taliban officials have had a prof
24                         After the reports of human rights abuses by the US military in Guantanamo Bay
25                                     Although human rights abuses have been reported in Iraq, the full
26 le evidence of the frequency and severity of human rights abuses in Haiti after the departure of the
27 Physicians are known to have participated in human rights abuses in Iraq during Saddam Hussein's Baat
28 nt reports of peer and self-participation in human rights abuses in Iraq since 1988.
29 ld members reported incidents of war-related human rights abuses in the last 10 years, including abdu
30 up were extremely or quite a bit involved in human rights abuses included 50% (42/83) for nontherapeu
31 g those surveyed, physician participation in human rights abuses included falsification of medical-le
32                     Protection of women from human rights abuses, prevention of IPV, reduction in ins
33 prevent physicians from future complicity in human rights abuses.
34               Despite being declared a basic human right, access to adult and pediatric palliative ca
35                                     The UK's Human Rights Act 1998, which incorporates into that coun
36                           Evidence-based and human rights-affirming services dedicated specifically t
37  health services if the social inclusion and human rights agenda of families with an intellectually d
38 , even in the face of fear instructions, the human right amygdala still shows a separable neural patt
39 t merely instructed, CS presentations in the human right amygdala.
40 women is widely recognised as a violation of human rights and a public health problem.
41 ement in future abuses, including increasing human rights and ethics education of physicians (99% [79
42 es fail to meet widespread understandings of human rights and humane care.
43 , be undertaken in a context of attention to human rights and other broad social issues.
44 her European countries, but consideration of human rights and user involvement are increasing.
45 gistration, addressing cultural differences, human rights, and confidentiality.
46 many people to migrate, led to violations of human rights, and diverted resources away from important
47 isorders, with a commitment to protect their human rights, and provides information on the costs, ind
48 mmitments to improve access to care, promote human rights, and strengthen the evidence on effective p
49 ssential to respect, protect, and meet their human rights, and to improve their health and wellbeing.
50 se fields, the combined syndemics/health and human rights approach advanced here can provide clinicia
51 Hopkins and the Center for Public Health and Human Rights at the JHU Bloomberg School of Public Healt
52          This study was done to characterize human right atrial (RA) flutter (AFL) using noncontact m
53 s (97+/-4 micrometers; n=120) dissected from human right atrial appendages (n=78) were cannulated at
54  (135+/-7 micro m, n=71) were dissected from human right atrial appendages at the time of cardiac sur
55                      Cx40 is associated with human right atrial gap-junctional resistivity such that
56                                              Human right atrial specimens were obtained during routin
57           Isometrically contracting isolated human right atrial trabeculae were exposed to MIF (100 n
58                                     Isolated human right atrial trabeculae were suspended in an organ
59  monitor blood viscosity continuously in the human right atrium by a dedicated central venous cathete
60 ry period and APD are closely related in the human right atrium.
61  suggesting active gene transcription in the human right atrium.
62 ations--can be affected by the political and human rights background in which a study is done.
63 that economic costs are reasonable; (4) that human rights burdens are reasonable; and (5) that benefi
64  policy at the local level poses significant human rights burdens on HCWs, but does not improve patie
65 water and sanitation are now recognized as a human right by the United Nations, monitoring inequality
66                Moreover, support for women's human rights by Afghan women suggests that Taliban polic
67  insights into human evolution, and champion human rights causes.
68 analysis of historical examples of abuses of human rights committed in the name of medical science or
69  our findings indicate a pressing health and human rights concern.
70 o learn the background political context and human rights conditions of the settings in which they pr
71 ttempt to incorporate external political and human rights contexts into research ethics codes or ethi
72           Access to safe drinking water is a human right, crucial to combat inequalities, reduce pove
73         Often lost in the discussion are the human rights elements that consistently underlie large o
74                                              Human rights factors may contribute to preventable mater
75 d and optimum nutrition and development is a human right for all children, including those with disab
76 s to prevention and treatment and to promote human rights for FSWs worldwide.
77            Alicia Yamin argues that applying human rights frameworks and approaches to maternal healt
78 sustained access to treatment, and realising human rights gains for MSM remains markedly uneven and f
79                    On both public health and human rights grounds, expansion of HIV prevention, treat
80 and care, are supported on public health and human rights grounds; however, only around 10% of people
81 apose the fields of syndemics and health and human rights, identify their complementarities, and advo
82             In addition, social, health, and human rights impact assessments, with associated mitigat
83 safe abortion is an urgent public-health and human-rights imperative.
84 hese domains are: mental health legislation, human rights implementations, mental health care financi
85             We discuss the changing views of human rights in the context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and
86 d a government that will protect and promote human rights, including the rights of women.
87 he use of international humanitarian law and human rights instruments to govern the behaviour of stat
88             In addition to being a breach of human rights, intimate partner violence is associated wi
89  is a developmental issue, a health issue, a human rights issue, or a combination of these issues-and
90 Some governments are taking steps to address human rights issues and provide better legal protection
91 45%; 95% confidence interval, 41%-49%) of 16 human rights issues in their required bioethics curricul
92 medical schools included substantially fewer human rights issues than private medical schools (F[1,11
93 ot adequately address the medical aspects of human rights issues, especially international issues.
94                                     Domestic human rights issues, such as discrimination in the provi
95 ered much more frequently than international human rights issues, such as physician participation in
96  school was measured as the percentage of 16 human rights issues.
97                    These data demonstrate in human right lateral temporal cortex a pattern of inhibit
98 violations of international humanitarian and human rights law largely unanswered, despite their enorm
99 stitutions, the new paradigm of recovery and human rights laws have led to increased joint working in
100                                 Although the human rights movement and the sphere of research ethics
101  standard that meets international goals and human rights obligations.
102             The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States has
103 search could or should be done by consulting human rights organisations and, when possible, a trusted
104 Syrian Government and allied forces, in what human rights organisations described as a war-crime stra
105 shed research documents widespread abuses of human rights perpetrated by both state and non-state act
106 roup understanding, and promotion of a wider human rights perspective.
107 tial locations is a critical function of the human right PPC which needs to be incorporated into mode
108 the US State Department's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices and country-specific legal docume
109 utcomes, and holding states accountable; (5) human rights protection, setting science-based standards
110 atment, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), and human rights protections for sexual and gender minoritie
111 anthropology, and in the field of health and human rights recognise that upstream social, political,
112                                              Human rights-related trauma also led to continuing adver
113                                              Human rights-related trauma, witnessing murder, and a fu
114 h criteria to review three global sources of human rights reports in armed conflicts for 2003-08, and
115                                   Health and human rights research draws on international law to argu
116 to enable WHO to be a bulwark for health and human rights, serving as an inspiring contra-example to
117 HES1 loss correlates with the development of human right-sided colorectal tumors with epigenetic loss
118                       The current health and human rights status of women described in this report su
119 ober 1995, representatives of Physicians for Human Rights studied the problem of physician complicity
120                                The extent of human rights teaching at each school was measured as the
121 ed antimicrobials is regarded as part of the human right to health, yet universal access is often und
122 old age was part of human nature and a basic human right to others that proposed that with the loss o
123  prison conditions, constitute violations of human rights to be free of discrimination and cruel and
124                      Trafficking is a global human rights violation with multiple and complex mental
125  both a violent gender-based crime and major human rights violation.
126 eports on the burden and HIV implications of human rights violations against sex workers.
127 lombia, we show the links between systematic human rights violations and the effects of infectious di
128 f widespread and sustained torture and other human rights violations by GoS and/or Janjaweed forces a
129 ces to civilian victims of torture and other human rights violations in Darfur during this time perio
130 ature and geographic scope of allegations of human rights violations perpetrated against civilians in
131 n on demographic characteristics, crime, and human rights violations was obtained.
132  as helping the dispossessed (eg, victims of human rights violations) and technical cooperation and d
133  of funding for research and HIV programmes, human rights violations, and stigma and discrimination c
134             Psychiatric morbidity related to human rights violations, traumatic events, and refugee s
135  indicate that crime and systematic abuse of human rights were common in Port-au-Prince.
136 s a feature in which local cultures and core human rights were severely impacted.
137 modern slavery, is an egregious violation of human rights with profound personal and public health im

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