


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                           Our results reveal hundreds of acylsugars produced across the Solanaceae fa
2 odification and have led to the discovery of hundreds of ADP-ribosylated proteins in both cultured ce
3  allergen-specific IgE sensitization towards hundreds of allergens in parallel from one drop of serum
4                                      We find hundreds of alternative protein sequences that use diver
5                  ReFOLD was used to generate hundreds of alternative refined models for the CASP12 ex
6  led to the identification of scores, if not hundreds, of antibodies that are both broadly reactive a
7 lues of two to five hits for PAINS tested in hundreds of assays.
8 ding and interactions of double helices with hundreds of basepairs.
9                   The element is 11 bp long, hundreds of bases apart from the WRE, and exhibits a sup
10 strophic accidents, increased mortality, and hundreds of billions of dollars in lost productivity.
11 and miniaturization in material fabrication, hundreds of biomaterial samples can be rapidly produced,
12 ver, the expression patterns of genes across hundreds of brain structures are not clearly understood.
13  common wheat has facilitated the release of hundreds of breeding lines and cultivars in China.
14  of tumours has led to the identification of hundreds of cancer genes on the basis of the presence of
15  accessibility and altered the expression of hundreds of cancer-related genes.
16                               MARGI revealed hundreds of caRNAs, including previously known XIST, SNH
17 e datasets including gene expression data on hundreds of cell lines and their cytotoxic responses to
18 parametric data at the single-cell level for hundreds of cells simultaneously.
19 n by the ubiquitin-like protein SUMO affects hundreds of cellular substrate proteins and regulates a
20  measurements for model organisms exposed to hundreds of chemical compounds with varying carcinogenic
21 nability to effectively manage the safety of hundreds of chemicals is putting our children's health a
22 a single electron can result in quenching of hundreds of chromophores.
23                                              Hundreds of clinical studies have demonstrated associati
24 ins from thousands of genomes organized into hundreds of clusters (roughly a 4-fold increase since th
25 d role in lens developmental processes while hundreds of CNTs were found to be widely expressed and p
26 ents, across eight plant species to identify hundreds of coexpressed gene modules per data set.
27                                    Moreover, hundreds of compounds interfere with bacterial and/or eu
28 ecord intracellular membrane potentials from hundreds of connected in vitro neonatal rat ventricular
29 e electrode over several millimetres and for hundreds of cycles.
30                                Surprisingly, hundreds of cytoplasmic intron targets were detected.
31                    RNA editing is converting hundreds of cytosines into uridines during organelle gen
32 s of the latter for increasing expression of hundreds of DAC-responsive genes.
33 n order of magnitude, typically from tens to hundreds of dead trees per km(2) , rising dramatically d
34 an antiviral state, increasing the levels of hundreds of defenses that can inhibit the replication an
35 gested compounds (xenobiotics), transforming hundreds of dietary components, industrial chemicals, an
36 TAT1 protein, and several variants of it, to hundreds of different binding sites including different
37 determining the cooperativity parameters for hundreds of different DNA sequences in a single experime
38 erates promiscuity allowing accommodation of hundreds of different partners.
39   In the case of chloroplasts, the import of hundreds of different proteins depends on translocons at
40 ction of mutants is grown in the presence of hundreds of different small molecules, producing a preci
41                                              Hundreds of different species colonize multicellular org
42 ptomic signature in HttQ111/+ mice involving hundreds of differentially expressed genes and changes i
43 on workflow resolved four known MBP ASVs and hundreds of differentially modified states from a single
44 on plans should include efforts to safeguard hundreds of direct-developing amphibian species globally
45                                  Despite the hundreds of DISC1-binding proteins reported, almost noth
46                     The X-chromosome harbors hundreds of disease genes whose associated diseases pred
47 have been designed to direct the assembly of hundreds of distinct bricks into well formed structures,
48                                  On average, hundreds of distinct neuropeptides are present in animal
49 anscripts in human liver and lung, including hundreds of drug targets and disease genes.
50 times faster than acquisition time for up to hundreds of electrodes.
51 ome includes specific de novo methylation at hundreds of embryonically protected CpG island promoters
52 ncodes a transcription factor that activates hundreds of endogenous genes (for example, ZSCAN4, KDM4E
53 ation leads to activation or inactivation of hundreds of enhancers along with drastic genome-wide red
54 ctivated cell sorting to enrich a library of hundreds of Escherichia coli mutants in the essential cy
55 man and chimp from their common ancestor and hundreds of events between two independently sequenced h
56 gh encoded by only one gene, titin comprises hundreds of exons and has the potential for enormous div
57                          By mining data from hundreds of experimental phase diagrams, and thousands o
58               Using this system, we identify hundreds of factors associated with diverse regulatory l
59 re than a thousand enriched positions across hundreds of family alignments with roles indicative of m
60         Finally, after millions of years and hundreds of fault offsets, the mountain blocks display l
61 r with a time constant increasing from a few hundreds of femtoseconds to a few picoseconds with solve
62 r relaxation with distinct time scales, from hundreds of femtoseconds to a hundred picoseconds.
63 tion shell behave like a bulk and relaxes in hundreds of femtoseconds.
64 dividual behaviour and electronically tagged hundreds of fish (roach, Rutilus rutilus) before releasi
65                      Surveys have discovered hundreds of galaxies at these early cosmic epochs, but t
66 tic studies have revealed the involvement of hundreds of gene variants in autism.
67 ive isolation, which typically develops over hundreds of generations, can be established in only thre
68 ultiplexed seqFISH to profile expressions of hundreds of genes at the single-cell level in situ and p
69                Studies to date have reported hundreds of genes connected to bipolar disorder (BP).
70                                              Hundreds of genes exhibited differential expression in r
71                             We also identify hundreds of genes expressed across B1a cells that displa
72 on method that can measure the expression of hundreds of genes in a given mouse brain section (amplif
73 he sex-biased, STAT5-dependent expression of hundreds of genes in mouse liver, imparting sex differen
74 eletion of mcrA upregulates transcription of hundreds of genes including many that are involved in se
75                    Despite identification of hundreds of genes regulated by this transcription factor
76  in the nucleus and stimulates expression of hundreds of genes via the nuclear transcription factor A
77 on potential firing differentially regulates hundreds of genes, across many functional categories, th
78 3 trans-eQTL hotspots, affecting from ten to hundreds of genes, suggesting the existence of master ge
79 ow that Nup153 and Sox2 bind and co-regulate hundreds of genes.
80 c designs can consist of dozens of genes and hundreds of genetic parts.
81                                              Hundreds of genetic variants are thought to contribute t
82 ome-wide association studies have identified hundreds of genetic variants associated with blood press
83                            However, although hundreds of genetic variants have been associated with c
84 housand human genomes in Africa and Eurasia, hundreds of genomes from a Drosophila melanogaster popul
85 on and visualization for projects with up to hundreds of genomic samples.
86 dii of the black hole ionizing the disk wind hundreds of gravitational radii further away as the X-ra
87 lements OpenMP parallelization and scales to hundreds of hardware threads.
88  hundreds more incarcerated or tortured, and hundreds of health facilities deliberately and systemati
89 tly depriving them of it-has translated into hundreds of health workers killed, hundreds more incarce
90                         GWAS have identified hundreds of height-associated loci.
91 ID1A-mutant/GATA4-intact HCC cells activated hundreds of hepatocyte genes and quenched the proliferat
92 lions of subtomograms potentially containing hundreds of highly heterogeneous structural classes.
93 sed proteomics and EpiProfile, we quantified hundreds of histone peptides in different modified forms
94                                              Hundreds of hormones and ligands stimulate cyclic AMP (c
95 which rivals platinum on a weight basis over hundreds of hours of operation.
96  H3N2 variant [A(H3N2)v] viruses have caused hundreds of human infections in multiple states in the U
97                                              Hundreds of human proteins contain prion-like domains, w
98 es accurate and reliable topology models for hundreds of human transmembrane proteins.
99  leading to the transcriptional induction of hundreds of IFN-stimulated genes, among them sensory pat
100  electrochemical activity movies composed of hundreds of images are obtained in a matter of minutes.
101 es, based on fluorescence microphotometry of hundreds of individual cells, with a diffusion-based geo
102 ltFYLM, we observe continuous replication of hundreds of individual fission yeast cells for over seve
103 the electrochemical interrogation of several hundreds of individual nanodots in a single image acquis
104 typing of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in hundreds of individuals at a time in model and nonmodel
105 ron (IFN) and the resulting up-regulation of hundreds of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) provide a
106 ge protein systems with molecular weights of hundreds of kDa.
107 e in directly coordinating the expression of hundreds of key regulators of photosynthesis, the circad
108 rge protein systems with molecular masses of hundreds of kilodaltons.
109 reproducibly, cover the frequency range from hundreds of kilohertz up to gigahertz and usually have v
110  localities within three states separated by hundreds of kilometres.
111 an genetic and animal studies, there are now hundreds of known genetic alternations associated with o
112                                              Hundreds of labeled hybridoma cells producing monoclonal
113  need for larval dissections and by allowing hundreds of larvae to be batch-processed.
114                                              Hundreds of lincRNAs showed traits for being functional,
115 auses superenhancers to co-localize, forming hundreds of links within and across chromosomes and affe
116 emonstrate that these nanodomains containing hundreds of lipid molecules are fluid and disordered.
117 es implicate condensin in the suppression of hundreds of loci, acting in both DNA methylation-depende
118 allelic heterogeneity within its established hundreds of loci.
119 ere highly polyclonal, consisting of tens to hundreds of LPC clones.
120             These vertically narrow (tens to hundreds of m) but horizontally extensive (continuous fo
121 ess will enable novel biological analyses of hundreds of mammalian-sized genomes.
122                            During oogenesis, hundreds of maternal RNAs are selectively localized to t
123          High-throughput assays that produce hundreds of measurements per sample are powerful tools f
124                          Gains and losses of hundreds of megabases in many chromosomes are typical of
125 lt protons (with kinetic energies of tens to hundreds of megaelectronvolts) is cosmic-ray albedo neut
126 y protons with kinetic energies greater than hundreds of megaelectronvolts.
127                  Tropical peatlands now emit hundreds of megatons of carbon dioxide per year because
128 aging mass spectrometry promises to localize hundreds of metabolites in tissues, cell cultures, and a
129 profiling allows simultaneous measurement of hundreds of metabolites in urine, the concentrations of
130                     Eukaryotic cells contain hundreds of metalloproteins that are supported by intrac
131 cted microbial community structure more than hundreds of meters of lateral distance.
132 mall T cell populations responding weakly to hundreds of MHC-bound peptides from graft-derived leukoc
133 ngth axonal arbors in cortical cultures with hundreds of microelectrodes at microsecond temporal reso
134 Those macrofibers with a diameter of tens to hundreds of micrometers are typically derived from polym
135  Arrays of on-chip spherical glass shells of hundreds of micrometers in diameter with ultra-smooth su
136     Neurons and neural networks often extend hundreds of micrometers in three dimensions.
137 nated afferents that extend dendritic arbors hundreds of microns along the cochlear spiral, contactin
138 cific injection of conducting walls of up to hundreds of microns in length can be achieved through lo
139                    The long-range order over hundreds of microns of these crystals allows them to rea
140     We recently discovered ultralong (>10 to hundreds of microns) membrane protrusions [tumor microtu
141 methodology, which probes displacements over hundreds of microseconds to milliseconds, to reveal the
142 gy, which provides access to grams of tNMPs, hundreds of milligrams of 2-MeImptNs, and tens of millig
143 ly 2 billion tOPV doses per year to immunize hundreds of millions of children.
144 ee absenteeism caused by flu infection costs hundreds of millions of dollars every year.
145  patterned sacrificial silicon layer through hundreds of millions of nanoscale vent holes on each chi
146 nclear and could weaken the food security of hundreds of millions of people who depend on diverse and
147 ettsiales and Chlamydiales cause diseases in hundreds of millions of people worldwide and in many ani
148 r plants to have influenced the Earth system hundreds of millions of years ago through vegetation-cli
149  pathogens, the enterococci, to their origin hundreds of millions of years ago.
150                                              Hundreds of millions of years of evolution resulted in h
151  C-to-T mutations that have accumulated over hundreds of millions of years, driven by CG-specific DNA
152 ing a regulatory architecture conserved over hundreds of millions of years.Metazoan genomes contain m
153 ddress blinding retinal diseases that affect hundreds of millions worldwide.
154 nsity of a vibration grew over the course of hundreds of milliseconds even while the sensory input re
155 ale, dynamics of walking are consistent over hundreds of milliseconds, allowing elementary features t
156 he cerebellum, AMPAR-mediated EPSCs last for hundreds of milliseconds, and it has been proposed that
157 actions, and each syllable often lasts a few hundreds of milliseconds, making it difficult to infer u
158 ips, defined by its temporal patterning over hundreds of milliseconds.
159 the requisite CO2 reduction overpotential by hundreds of millivolts (catalytic onset > -0.2 V versus
160 ed will need a thorough investigation of the hundreds of mitonuc genes, but range expansion and speci
161  complex overlapping expression patterns for hundreds of molecules involved in diverse cellular funct
162 led oligomers into large clusters containing hundreds of monomers dampens the signaling.
163                                We identified hundreds of mRNAs regulated by GLD4, several of which ar
164      Finally, we show that the expression of hundreds of mRNAs underlying critical tissue-specific de
165                       In addition, we tested hundreds of multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) assays fo
166 70 years of published literature, comprising hundreds of mutation rates estimated using phenotypic ma
167    Although PMD is a rare monogenic disease, hundreds of mutations in the X-linked myelin gene proteo
168  with a deep-sequencing readout, we analyzed hundreds of mutations under multiple drug conditions and
169 ght mode resonances are tunable over tens or hundreds of nanometers by changing the size of the nanop
170 e functional microreactors in the range from hundreds of nanometers to tens of micrometers.
171 of the domains falls to the order of tens to hundreds of nanometers whereas the membrane thickness is
172 nt dynamic at scales varying from one to few hundreds of nanometers, it predicts the local changes in
173 a collective rocking of low amplitude and of hundreds of nanoseconds time scale.
174 omains, over distances of micrometers, takes hundreds of nanoseconds, a time orders of magnitude larg
175 s and the entire transcriptome, and identify hundreds of neurite-localized proteins and locally trans
176 imultaneous measurement of spike trains from hundreds of neurons (or more).
177  yielded well-isolated spiking activity from hundreds of neurons per probe implanted in mice and rats
178 he simultaneous recordings of populations of hundreds of neurons, fostering a debate about the nature
179 ociates plants of the leguminosae family and hundreds of nitrogen (N2)-fixing bacterial species.
180 d sub-micrometric thickness (in the order of hundreds of nm) is demonstrated for both photoluminescen
181 d carbonic anhydrase (CA) in the presence of hundreds of non-binders.
182 ardiovascular disease risk variants, linking hundreds of noncoding variants to putative gene targets.
183               This clear signature uncovered hundreds of novel target mRNAs.
184 omic investigation has identified NuMA among hundreds of nucleolar proteins.
185 al loops detected in genomic studies contain hundreds of nucleosomes, and given that the simulated co
186  (soaps) has caused visible deterioration in hundreds of oil paintings dating from the 15th century t
187                                              Hundreds of organizations and analysts use energy projec
188 ears to be associated with nonutilization of hundreds of organs per year, despite the very low risk o
189 type-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project and in hundreds of other primate and mouse samples.
190 ification of serine ADPr on HMG proteins and hundreds of other targets indicates that serine ADPr is
191                The mammalian genome contains hundreds of p53-binding sites.
192              A scientist may publish tens or hundreds of papers over a career, but these contribution
193 ct with and regulate the function of several hundreds of partner proteins.
194 e of peak powers, varying from just a few to hundreds of Pcr.
195  (PDA)-coated SnO2 nanocrystals, composed of hundreds of PDA-coated "corn-like" SnO2 nanoparticles (d
196      Participating ICU teams adapt data from hundreds of peer-reviewed studies to operationalize a sy
197 that enables the confident identification of hundreds of peptides bound to murine MHC class II (MHCII
198 ulted in the screening and identification of hundreds of peptides with the ability to bind to a wide
199 erage warming yielding regional increases of hundreds of percent to >1,000% in the probability densit
200 housands of genetic variants associated with hundreds of phenotypes and diseases, which have provided
201                   Faster picosecond (tens to hundreds of picoseconds) local motions occur throughout
202 served two distinct relaxations from tens to hundreds of picoseconds.
203 esponding to pulses of lengths downscaled to hundreds of picoseconds.
204 e can efficiently quench the fluorescence of hundreds of polymer chromophore units.
205 ations and provides functional insights into hundreds of poorly characterized proteins while enhancin
206 rk in this organism, comprising 23 sRNAs and hundreds of potential mRNA targets.
207 inuously in Vietnam since 2003, resulting in hundreds of poultry outbreaks and sporadic human infecti
208 orted to the Earth's surface contain tens to hundreds of ppm wt H2O, providing evidence for the prese
209 d apply it to a curated sequence database of hundreds of protein families.
210                                   Only a few hundreds of protein kinases regulate key processes in hu
211 enabled by highly efficient self-assembly of hundreds of protein subunits into highly stable capsids.
212                                 We show that hundreds of proteins are uniquely identified or enriched
213 ass spectrometry-based bottom-up proteomics, hundreds of proteins were discovered at each locus in ea
214 mination of the steady-state distribution of hundreds of proteins within organelles.
215 ng a dry-wet environmental cycling protocol, hundreds of proto-peptide sequences were formed over a m
216      Here, we create deterministic arrays of hundreds of quantum emitters in tungsten diselenide and
217 d Chinese pooled human milk samples revealed hundreds of regioisomeric TAGs.
218                      This approach predicted hundreds of regulatory interactions and found batteries
219 ave which functions remains scattered across hundreds of research articles.
220 e super-radiance of a few atoms separated by hundreds of resonant wavelengths.
221 fication method that unexpectedly identifies hundreds of ribosome-associated proteins (RAPs) from cat
222 absolute estimates of catalytic activity for hundreds of ribozyme families.
223  association studies (GWASs) have identified hundreds of risk loci for neurodegeneration, the mechani
224 cription allow synthesis and purification of hundreds of RNA mutants in a cost-effective manner, with
225 ed models of signaling pathways have tens to hundreds of rules, and these numbers are expected to inc
226 q sample in a matter of minutes and complete hundreds of samples in a matter of hours.
227                                              Hundreds of scientists, including Nobel laureates, have
228 ines involve a signaling network composed of hundreds of signaling proteins interacting with each oth
229    Monoamine neurotransmitters are among the hundreds of signaling small molecules whose target inter
230 udies of the human endometrium have revealed hundreds of simultaneously up- and down-regulated genes
231 of 9 patients, we investigated the firing of hundreds of single neurons before, during, and after ict
232 ion can be obtained from molecule counts for hundreds of smMIPs per reaction and that smMIPs are also
233 methods can produce large predictive models (hundreds of SNPs), yielding clinically useful risk strat
234 R), to construct polygenic risk models using hundreds of SNPs, thereby capturing genomic features tha
235 sive software environment preconfigured with hundreds of software packages, available as a downloadab
236 e large, with labs relying on dozens, if not hundreds of software packages.
237 es scaled up to large geographic regions and hundreds of species can show connections between populat
238                    Metagenomics has revealed hundreds of species in almost all microbiota.
239 y map neuronal and nonneuronal epigenomes in hundreds of specimens.
240               To this end, we have simulated hundreds of spontaneous subunit rotation events ( approx
241                           Here, we show that hundreds of springs currently distributed across East Af
242 rations within large smoother terrains (over hundreds of square kilometers) suggests that potential g
243 any different stretched conditions and after hundreds of stretching-release cycles.
244                                              Hundreds of studies have documented statistical associat
245                           However across the hundreds of studies of hybrid ASE, all have been restric
246 n studies of autoimmune diseases have mapped hundreds of susceptibility regions in the genome.
247 ing OMSV to a human cell line, we identified hundreds of SVs >2 kbp, with 68 % of them missed by sequ
248                              Our analysis of hundreds of synapses supports the idea that AD-diseased
249                                 By profiling hundreds of synaptosomes, our data provide the first dir
250                                We identified hundreds of T cells from inflamed pancreatic islets of t
251                    We show that Grh controls hundreds of target genes.
252 ing structure-activity relationships against hundreds of targets simultaneously.
253  rapid measurements of the specificities for hundreds of TFs.
254 cell measurement on 50 markers for more than hundreds of thousands of cells.
255        Plant specialized metabolism produces hundreds of thousands of compounds, offering striking ex
256 ack two- and three-soliton bound states over hundreds of thousands of consecutive cavity roundtrips,
257 ntion to the Syrian war that had resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and created millions of
258 ugh, a serious respiratory infection causing hundreds of thousands of deaths annually worldwide.
259 a serious hazard to human health that causes hundreds of thousands of deaths annually.
260                                   Worldwide, hundreds of thousands of humans have had their genomes o
261  effect sizes, large sample sizes of tens to hundreds of thousands of individuals are required for ad
262 construct sustainable development indices in hundreds of thousands of neighborhoods and show that the
263 l organs of smell is the ability to identify hundreds of thousands of odours.
264 an transplantation is a curative therapy for hundreds of thousands of patients with end-stage organ f
265 ortant in choosing an anti-VEGF drug for the hundreds of thousands of patients with nAMD treated each
266 kinases comprising the human kinome catalyze hundreds of thousands of phosphorylation events to regul
267            The contact angle was measured at hundreds of thousands of points for three samples after
268                                              Hundreds of thousands of Rotary volunteers have provided
269  tool equipped to handle multi-omic data for hundreds of thousands of samples to explore complexity u
270 large fully sequenced reference panel and on hundreds of thousands of samples with whole-genome seque
271                               Plants produce hundreds of thousands of structurally diverse specialize
272 t microfluidics focused on the generation of hundreds of thousands or even millions of picoliter drop
273         Do competitive abilities change over hundreds of thousands to millions of years?
274 rate photoreceptor outer segment filled with hundreds of tightly packed "disc" membranes.
275 r cent of such winds, and its variability is hundreds of times faster than in other variable winds, a
276 imary intestinal villus cells, we identified hundreds of tissue-restricted enhancers that require the
277 gs reveal new "anti-repressive" function for hundreds of tissue-specific enhancers.
278 l organisation, predicting the boundaries of hundreds of topologically associating domains (TADs) in
279 s, and provide a method for easily screening hundreds of traits for overlapping genetic aetiologies.
280 ariate linear mixed model for settings where hundreds of traits have been measured on partially overl
281 bled identification of thousands of loci for hundreds of traits.
282 xplained by SNPs, has been reported for many hundreds of traits.
283  of many genes simultaneously and found that hundreds of trans-eQTLs each affect hundreds of transcri
284 4K16ac, H3K27ac, H3K9acK14ac, and H3K4me3 at hundreds of transcription start site (TSS) regions and r
285       Both genes are required for regulating hundreds of transcripts and isoforms, and both may play
286 und that hundreds of trans-eQTLs each affect hundreds of transcripts in lymphoblastoid cell lines acr
287              nos-1nos-2 PGCs fail to silence hundreds of transcripts normally expressed in oocytes.
288  germline defects in PTCH1 and develop up to hundreds of tumors that are histopathologically indistin
289 scriptomes with bulk expression profiles for hundreds of tumors, we refined HNSCC subtypes by their m
290 c linkage between the few useful alleles and hundreds of undesirable alleles.
291 s of this developmental program, composed of hundreds of unique genes, during multiple rounds of vege
292 how that the mammalian HC proteome comprises hundreds of uniquely or highly expressed proteins.
293 rmined by measuring the relative affinity to hundreds of variants of the consensus binding site inclu
294 s and provides a perspective for integrating hundreds of various omics-seq data together.
295                                              Hundreds of vertebrate genomes have been sequenced and a
296 e of the infection is critical, when tens to hundreds of virus-associated molecules are present in th
297  same: to lower CH stretching frequencies by hundreds of wavenumbers.
298                                              Hundreds of wild California sea lions (Zalophus californ
299 vestigated were first proposed tens and even hundreds of years ago.
300 ematodes are permanently fixed in shells for hundreds of years and that nematode encapsulation is a p

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