


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ltransferase expression (U0126, PD98059, and hydralazine).
2 Ci = 37 GBq) with or without the vasodilator hydralazine.
3 n hypoxia induced by the vasomodulator agent hydralazine.
4 y losartan or by the nonspecific vasodilator hydralazine.
5 en blood pressure is normalized with chronic hydralazine.
6 s induced by the ACE-independent vasodilator hydralazine.
7 s and the impact of isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine.
8                   Controls received water or hydralazine.
9 igration in vitro with losartan but not with hydralazine.
10 athway inhibitors including procainamide and hydralazine.
11 agen prolyl hydroxylase is a known target of hydralazine.
12 drug-induced lupus, similar to the effect of hydralazine.
13 ssure was returned to control by infusion of hydralazine (0.01 to 0.06 mg.kg(-1).min(-1)), RSNA retur
14                                              Hydralazine (10 mg/kg i.v.) increased the number of Fos-
15 nal studies, we found that acute addition of hydralazine (10 microM) to nitroglycerin-tolerant vessel
16                                Coexposure to hydralazine (10-100 muM) strongly suppressed cell ATP lo
17 in the group given isosorbide dinitrate plus hydralazine (10.2 percent vs. 6.2 percent, P=0.02).
18  either losartan (25 mg x kg(-1) x d(-1)) or hydralazine (15 mg x kg(-1) x d(-1)), both of which prev
19 ensive agents losartan (25 mg/kg per day) or hydralazine (15 mg/kg per day) inhibited this upregulati
20 etalol (48%), followed by nicardipine (15%), hydralazine (15%), and sodium nitroprusside (13%).
21 by blood pressure elevation, we administered hydralazine (250 mg/L) in the drinking water.
22  male apoE/eNOS DKO mice that were not given hydralazine (28.3+/-3.1%, n=9).
23 n, which was again blocked by treatment with hydralazine (382+/-18% and 150+/-30% of the control leve
24 RB; olmesartan, 5 mg/d) or a triple therapy (hydralazine 7.5 mg/d, reserpine 0.15 mg/d, and hydrochlo
25 s in forearm blood flow (CNP+, 93.0+/-14.8%; hydralazine+, 84.2+/-22.6%).
26  with aliskiren (a renin inhibitor), but not hydralazine (a smooth muscle relaxant), ameliorated coli
27 However, when RenTgMK mice were treated with hydralazine (a smooth muscle relaxant), the blood pressu
28 1) blocker; AT(1)), enalapril (an ACEI), and hydralazine (a vasodilator) were administered to spontan
29 lar decrease in SBP due to administration of hydralazine, a drug devoid of PDE inhibitory effect, did
30 eventable by normalizing blood pressure with hydralazine, a peripherally acting vasodilator.
31                                              Hydralazine activated more neurons than 2-deoxyglucose b
32                                        Thus, hydralazine activates the HIF pathway through inhibition
33 were treated with the antihypertensive agent hydralazine administered in the drinking water beginning
34                                              Hydralazine administration in animals caused a decrease
35 cerin patches (1.5 micrograms/kg/min x 3 d), hydralazine alone (10 mg/kg/d in drinking water), or hyd
36                                CNP alone and hydralazine alone caused similar increases in forearm bl
37 (33%) of the 30 patients had been exposed to hydralazine and 3 (10%) had been exposed to propylthiour
38 ood pressure normalization by treatment with hydralazine and hydrochlorothiazide prevented angiotensi
39                 Although the combined use of hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate confers important c
40 ine alone (10 mg/kg/d in drinking water), or hydralazine and nitroglycerin.
41 s represents a novel mechanism of action for hydralazine and presents HIF as a potential target for t
42                              The vasodilator hydralazine and the AT1 receptor antagonist losartan had
43                                              Hydralazine and zofenopril reduced mean arterial pressur
44 d propofol, fentanyl, metoprolol, lorazepam, hydralazine, and furosemide.
45 iple antihypertensive drugs (TRX; reserpine, hydralazine, and hydrochlorothiazide in drinking water;
46                    Nitroprusside, adenosine, hydralazine, and nifedipine had no significant effect.
47           T cells treated with procainamide, hydralazine, and other Dnmt and ERK pathway inhibitors c
48  Some of these agents, such as procainamide, hydralazine, and UV-light inhibit T cell DNA methylation
49                             Procainamide and hydralazine are drugs that cause lupus in genetically pr
50 ood pressure was controlled with intravenous hydralazine as needed.
51  coinfusion of CNP at 500 pmol/min (n=8) and hydralazine at 10 microgram/min (n=8) (as a nonspecific
52                We have previously shown that hydralazine attacks carbonyl-adducted proteins in an "ad
53 clinically available anti-hypertensive agent hydralazine, both normalize aortic growth in Marfan mice
54 largely catecholaminergic, were activated by hydralazine but not saline.
55 When given concomitantly with nitroglycerin, hydralazine completely prevented the development of nitr
56 tor enalapril, but not the anti-hypertensive hydralazine, decreased pulmonary neutrophil recruitment
57 ering blood pressure to the same degree with hydralazine did not abolish the upregulation of TR mRNA
58                                    In vitro, hydralazine did not inhibit DNMT activity.
59                                Additionally, hydralazine did not reduce expression levels of either t
60                                              Hydralazine did not significantly inhibit the effect of
61  the combination of isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine differs in black and white heart failure coh
62               Reduction of hypertension with hydralazine does not change the prevalence of aggression
63                                              Hydralazine dose-dependently inhibited PHD activity and
64                          We demonstrate that hydralazine extends healthy lifespan ( 25%) in wild type
65 dose combination of isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine (FDC I/H) in patients with heart failure (HF
66 dose combination of isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine (FDC-I/H) reduced mortality by 43% and death
67  with Ang II receptor antagonist losartan or hydralazine for 12 wk.
68 onths of therapy with either zofenopril (Z), hydralazine (H), or water (W).
69 c cross clamp: phentolamine mesylate (PM) or hydralazine (H).
70               One of the patients exposed to hydralazine had also been exposed to allopurinol.
71                                              Hydralazine has been shown to reduce mortality in patien
72 in vivo models, we go on to demonstrate that hydralazine has neuroprotective properties against endog
73 upus or treated with the lupus-inducing drug hydralazine have defective ERK phosphorylation.
74 rt failure rats, to test the hypothesis that hydralazine (HYD) alone or in combination with nitroglyc
75 mpared the effects of procainamide (Pca) and hydralazine (Hyd) with those of structural analogs, to d
76 dose combination of isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine hydrochloride (FDC I/H) significantly decrea
77                  In 2005, the combination of hydralazine hydrochloride and isosorbide dinitrate was a
78 n (FDA) approval of the fixed combination of hydralazine hydrochloride, 37.5 mg, and isosorbide dinit
79 trials showed little or no overall effect of hydralazine hydrochloride-isosorbide dinitrate in the mo
80 ally mixed patient populations that compared hydralazine hydrochloride-isosorbide dinitrate with plac
81 d black patients with heart failure who took hydralazine hydrochloride-isosorbide dinitrate with stan
82 Previous trials testing isosorbide dinitrate/hydralazine (I/H) were performed in all-male study cohor
83                               Treatment with hydralazine in rabbits not receiving nitroglycerin signi
84 RF, CRF antagonist D-PheCRF12-41 and chronic hydralazine in stress-induced cardiovascular responses.
85    Male apoE/eNOS DKO mice were treated with hydralazine in their drinking water (250 mg/L) using a d
86  the effect of lowering blood pressure using hydralazine in this diabetic eNOSKO mouse model.
87               In sponge angiogenesis assays, hydralazine increased stromal cell infiltration and bloo
88                                     In vivo, hydralazine induced HIF-1alpha and VEGF protein in tissu
89 ification, is implicated in procainamide and hydralazine induced lupus, as well as idiopathic lupus.
90                                              Hydralazine induced rapid and transient expression of HI
91  by FG-labeled RVLM neurons after 2 hours of hydralazine-induced hypotension (to 73 +/- 2 mm Hg) in c
92  unanesthetized rats subjected to 2 hours of hydralazine-induced hypotension contained tenfold more c
93                                              Hydralazine-induced lupus could be caused in part by ind
94 tribute to the development of idiopathic and hydralazine-induced lupus through effects on T cell DNA
95                                     Instead, hydralazine inhibited ERK pathway signaling, thereby dec
96 tive DNA methyltransferase (Dnmt) inhibitor, hydralazine inhibits ERK pathway signaling thereby decre
97   Here, we report that the FDA approved drug hydralazine is a bona fide activator of the NRF2/SKN-1 s
98 xed-dose combination of isosorbide dinitrate/hydralazine (ISDN/HYD) improved clinical outcomes in the
99                          In clinical trials, hydralazine-isosorbide dinitrate (H-ISDN) for heart fail
100 none in 2003 and a fixed dose combination of hydralazine-isosorbide dinitrate in 2005.
101 enalapril decreased overall mortality versus hydralazine/isosorbide dinitrate (p < 0.035) in V-HeFT I
102 ne antagonists in 24.1% (87.4% of eligible), hydralazine/isosorbide dinitrate in 8.6% (93.1% of eligi
103 razosin and placebo therapy in V-HeFT I, and hydralazine/isosorbide dinitrate was compared with enala
104 cular ejection fraction >35%, treatment with hydralazine/isosorbide dinitrate was compared with prazo
105 ers, beta-blockers, aldosterone antagonists, hydralazine/isosorbide dinitrate, and anticoagulants.
106 all mortality and sudden death compared with hydralazine/isosorbide dinitrate.
107 sed agents include nitroprusside, diazoxide, hydralazine, labetalol, esmolol, nicardipine, nifedipine
108  and hydralazine-treated cells revealed that hydralazine likely promoted Hsp90 migration from cytosol
109                        Our data suggest that hydralazine may be a viable candidate for the treatment
110 y hydralazine, providing a mechanism whereby hydralazine may prevent tolerance.
111    We sought to determine mechanisms whereby hydralazine may prevent tolerance.
112                                 We show that hydralazine-mediated lifespan extension is SKN-1 depende
113 culprits receiving attention of late, namely hydralazine, minocycline, propylthiouracil (PTU) and lev
114                                              Hydralazine, minocycline, propylthiouracil and levamisol
115 ion, has been observed during treatment with hydralazine, nifedipine and ACE inhibitors.
116  short-term administration of nitroprusside, hydralazine, nifedipine or an angiotensin-converting enz
117 ed beta-blocker use, aldosterone-antagonist, hydralazine/nitrate; p < 0.05) except warfarin in patien
118 ers, beta-blockers, aldosterone antagonists, hydralazine/nitrates, statin therapy, and warfarin), use
119            When hypotension was induced with hydralazine, NK3-R internalization was observed within 5
120                  Long-term administration of hydralazine normalized blood pressure in NOS3(-/-) mice,
121                                The effect of hydralazine on DNMT was tested in vitro using enzyme inh
122 ixed combination of isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine on the primary composite end point (p = 0.01
123                  Murine T cells treated with hydralazine or an ERK pathway inhibitor were injected in
124 ve a fixed dose of isosorbide dinitrate plus hydralazine or placebo in addition to standard therapy f
125  now many reports that treatment with either hydralazine or propylthiouracil is associated with ANCA-
126 associated, especially following exposure to hydralazine or propylthiouracil.
127 medulla, in Sprague Dawley rats treated with hydralazine or saline.
128 e mice BH(4) (5 mg/d), but not treating with hydralazine or tetrahydroneopterin, improved cardiac BH(
129 treatment with either enalapril, furosemide, hydralazine, or losartan were all effective in reducing
130                                              Hydralazine prevented the development of hypertension in
131                                              Hydralazine prevented the hypertension and abrogated the
132  we determined the prevalence of exposure to hydralazine, propylthiouracil, and other drugs previousl
133 ver, there have been reports suggesting that hydralazine, propylthiouracil, and several other drugs m
134 increased pulsatile load in SHR treated with hydralazine, provided a hemodynamic basis for the differ
135  fixed dose of both isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine provides additional benefit in blacks with a
136 the activity of this oxidase is inhibited by hydralazine, providing a mechanism whereby hydralazine m
137                       Compared with water or hydralazine, RAAS inhibition significantly increased the
138  Although the nucleophilic vasodilatory drug hydralazine readily traps such species under "test-tube"
139                                              Hydralazine reproduces the lupus ERK pathway signaling a
140 (not Wistar-Furth rats) being treated with a hydralazine-reserpine-hydrochlorothiazide regimen.
141                             Most strikingly, hydralazine selectively boosted the levels of cytoskelet
142 sion of established atherosclerosis, whereas hydralazine showed no benefit despite similar decrease i
143 in the group given isosorbide dinitrate plus hydralazine than in the placebo group (-0.1+/-1.9 vs. -0
144 te group than in the nimodipine group needed hydralazine to control blood pressure (54.3 percent vs.
145                               The ability of hydralazine to inhibit vascular .O2- anion production re
146 ms were due to hypertension, we administered hydralazine to male apoE/eNOS DKO mice to reduce blood p
147 ated with angiotensin II and the vasodilator hydralazine to prevent hypertension showed defective glu
148 of a fixed dose of isosorbide dinitrate plus hydralazine to standard therapy for heart failure includ
149 +) lupus T cells as well as procainamide and hydralazine treated T cells, and contributes to excessiv
150   Biochemical fractionation of acrolein- and hydralazine-treated cells revealed that hydralazine like
151 4(+) T cells from patients with lupus and in hydralazine-treated cells.
152                                   Four of 11 hydralazine-treated male apoE/eNOS DKO mice developed ab
153   None of these benefits was observed in the hydralazine-treated mice despite equivalent reduction in
154 ignificantly reduced in samples derived from hydralazine-treated SHR as compared with those from hydr
155                                              Hydralazine-treated SHR had increased characteristic imp
156                                 CRF given to hydralazine-treated SHRLJ did not unmask a bradycardia.
157 and CD70 overexpression similar to lupus and hydralazine-treated T cells.
158                                              Hydralazine-treated, normotensive male apoE/eNOS DKO mic
159 zine-treated SHR as compared with those from hydralazine-treated, or untreated WKY.
160                                              Hydralazine treatment (4-5 weeks) prevented the developm
161 ncta in the NTS was significantly reduced by hydralazine treatment in the SHR model.
162                                              Hydralazine treatment significantly blocked the developm
163 enoprotective effects were not observed with hydralazine treatment, despite a similar antihypertensiv
164 trengthened by similar results obtained with hydralazine treatment, which inhibits expression of DNA
165                              The vasodilator hydralazine, used clinically in cardiovascular therapy,
166 In Group I, class I antiarrhythmic drugs and hydralazine vasodilator therapy were routinely allowed.
167 yte width increased after MI, whether or not hydralazine was administered.
168                                              Hydralazine was ineffective in reducing cell size but ar
169 ying drugs nicotinamide, pentoxifylline, and hydralazine were used to manipulate tumor perfusion befo
170 , some beta-blockers, and the combination of hydralazine with nitrates have improved survival.

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