


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hat its VPD-induced closure could be passive hydraulic.
2                            Here we show that hydraulic actuations of hydrogels with designed structur
3 ards a more fundamental understanding of the hydraulic and chemical evolution of natural dehydrating
4                   We studied photosynthetic, hydraulic and functional traits of 11 plant species with
5 Model (EDFM) was applied to explicitly model hydraulic and natural fractures in the reservoirs.
6 n evolutionary basis for the coordination of hydraulic and photosynthetic physiology across species,
7                                              Hydraulic and Psi recovery following rain allows perenni
8 ts associated with long leaf life span, high hydraulic and thermal capacitances, and high potential r
9 garding our understanding of soil structure, hydraulics and climate interaction.
10 estments in the competing xylem functions of hydraulics and mechanical support.
11 stomatal aperture variation and whole-system hydraulics and of the effects of PWS and nocturnal trans
12       We evaluated whether introducing plant hydraulics and topographic convergence-induced soil mois
13  been adequately studied to test alternative hydraulic architectural rules such as da Vinci's rule or
14 ess this, we measured characteristics of the hydraulic architecture of six species growing in ambient
15 ll as mathematical analyses, we examined the hydraulic architecture of the mature leaves of the model
16 nt of aridity across Australia, we show that hydraulic architecture reflects adaptive radiation of th
17 eported here reflect long-term adaptation of hydraulic architecture to water availability.
18 a trade-off between efficiency and safety of hydraulic architecture.
19 l control in C4 plants and suggests that the hydraulic benefits associated with fast stomatal respons
20  and experimental observations show how soft hydraulics can regulate the size of growing tissue shell
21 pport for a fundamental requirement for leaf hydraulic capacity (Kleaf) in determining photosynthetic
22 ement of these veins determines maximum leaf hydraulic capacity and thus maximum photosynthetic rate.
23 inducing auxin-dependent cell separation and hydraulic changes in adjacent cells.
24 between these features and the corresponding hydraulic conditions that produced them, making it diffi
25 During drought-induced dehydration, the leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) declines, which contribute
26 ferent methods consistently showed that leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) was down-regulated by exog
27  plants lost 50% (P50 x RR ) of maximum leaf hydraulic conductance (Ksat ), and compared this trait w
28                        Decline of leaf xylem hydraulic conductance (Kx ) during dehydration was drive
29 to water stress (50% reduction in whole-leaf hydraulic conductance [kleaf] at -0.2 to -0.8 MPa).
30 s results in a significant reduction in leaf hydraulic conductance and leaf gas exchange.
31 water potential, leaf gas exchange, and root hydraulic conductance attested that, under irrigation, M
32 evels associated with incipient loss of leaf hydraulic conductance in four species.
33 ses suggest that the effect of variable leaf hydraulic conductance is negligible.
34  aim of the present study is to evaluate the hydraulic conductance of bovine root dentin after irradi
35 e, nutrient content, respiration, and radial hydraulic conductance of root tissue.
36                                   The dentin hydraulic conductance was evaluated at four time periods
37                       Reversible recovery of hydraulic conductance, desiccation-tolerant seeds, or rh
38 he plastidic SlFRK3 in xylem development and hydraulic conductance.
39 literation of the dentinal tubules to reduce hydraulic conductance.
40 to hydraulic failure should have low maximum hydraulic conductance.
41 at experimental measurements of stomatal and hydraulic conductances should be affected directly by ch
42 interpretation of measured stomatal and leaf hydraulic conductances.
43 erogeneity of subsurface properties, such as hydraulic conductivities or porosities, exerts an import
44 ut differed in pressure inducing 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity (-1.7 and -1 MPa for stem and pet
45 ), stomatal conductance (gs) and frond stipe hydraulic conductivity (K).
46 d embolism resistance (P50 ), xylem specific hydraulic conductivity (Ks ), wood density, and trachear
47 ting against cavitation-induced loss of stem hydraulic conductivity (Ks ).
48 tial and primary driver of reduced fine root hydraulic conductivity (Lpr) under mild to moderate drou
49 we show the processes of the percent loss of hydraulic conductivity (PLC) and the content of nonstruc
50  with the pressure inducing 50% loss of stem hydraulic conductivity = -1.7 and -1.3 MPa, respectively
51 ppeared first in the fine roots (50% loss of hydraulic conductivity [P50] reached at -1.8 MPa) and th
52 relationships between the change in specific hydraulic conductivity and both photosynthetic rate (P =
53 wood density increases while the theoretical hydraulic conductivity declines.
54 occur in small vessels, while promoting high hydraulic conductivity in large vessels.
55           The water potential at 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity in P. abies and P. mugo was -3.35
56 a for stomatal closure, wilting, declines in hydraulic conductivity in the leaves, stems, and roots,
57 omato plants all showed significantly higher hydraulic conductivity levels and survival rates under b
58                                              Hydraulic conductivity measurements using a high-pressur
59 of PIP2;7 induced a sixfold increase in root hydraulic conductivity of four week-old Arabidopsis thal
60 est metal adsorption capacity and the lowest hydraulic conductivity of Ze-LS.
61 uring PLC progression under drought, and the hydraulic conductivity recovered following water supply.
62                                 However, low hydraulic conductivity values reported in these sediment
63 ials that would generate a high loss of stem hydraulic conductivity via xylem embolism.
64 t increases in conduit diameter and specific hydraulic conductivity would positively affect photosynt
65                                              Hydraulic conductivity, nutrients and organic matter, bi
66  true vessel wall permeability coefficients (hydraulic conductivity, reflection coefficient and diffu
67 e to increase conduit diameters and specific hydraulic conductivity, which permitted increases in pho
68 bout 1 MPa seasonal variation in 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity.
69  laboratory tests have demonstrated that the hydraulic connectedness of the stream-aquifer system can
70 on aboveground that (1) predispose plants to hydraulic constraints limiting photosynthesis and promot
71 solids retention times (SRT; 0.24-2.8 days), hydraulic contact times (tc; 8 and 15 min), and stabiliz
72 s, and lymphatic vessels, is involved in the hydraulic control of median fins.
73 nd 54 soil samples from the Unsaturated Soil Hydraulic Database.
74 c features (vulnerability to drought-induced hydraulic decline, pressure-volume relations, onset of c
75 on regime was characterized predominantly by hydraulic descent relative to hydraulic lift.
76 equilibrium during attachment by acting as a hydraulic differential.
77 nd seal the defect site because of increased hydraulic drag through damage site during filtration.
78 he seabed on average down to 2.4 cm, whereas hydraulic dredges caused the most depletion, removing 41
79  The updated model generated realistic plant hydraulic dynamics, such as leaf water potential and ste
80 s that compensate for their more challenging hydraulic environment, particularly in drier climates.
81  flow-dependent contribution suspected to be hydraulic exchange with adjacent wetlands and small side
82 ned X-ray micro-computed tomography imaging, hydraulic experiments, cross-sectional anatomy and 3D ph
83                                              Hydraulic extended-reach limit (HERL) model of horizonta
84 rees will contribute to clarify the roles of hydraulic failure and carbon starvation in tree wilting.
85                                              Hydraulic failure and carbon starvation in xylem sapwood
86 otential) enabled the study species to avoid hydraulic failure and damage to living cells.
87 phere model, mortality risks associated with hydraulic failure and stomatal closure for 13 temperate
88 ore death can be associated with generalized hydraulic failure and/or bark-beetle attack, while long-
89 ch as carbon starvation (only in HYBRID4) or hydraulic failure are usually not taken into account by
90 curring species may diverge in their risk of hydraulic failure despite minimal changes to their seaso
91 y severe and prolonged droughts during which hydraulic failure from drought-induced embolism can lead
92                                              Hydraulic failure induced by xylem embolism is one of th
93  that plants with the greatest resistance to hydraulic failure should have low maximum hydraulic cond
94 servative rules described the progression of hydraulic failure within veins.
95 raints limiting photosynthesis and promoting hydraulic failure, (2) increases carbon costs during per
96 ologically meaningful metric for the risk of hydraulic failure.
97 ought; further carbon starvation can advance hydraulic failure.
98                              We compared key hydraulic features (vulnerability to drought-induced hyd
99  mechanism involved in LV filling, namely, a hydraulic force contributing to the longitudinal motion
100     A prerequisite for the presence of a net hydraulic force during diastole is that the atrial short
101  and VSA provides the basis for generating a hydraulic force during diastole.
102                                          The hydraulic force was estimated to be 10-60% of the peak d
103 ship between ASA and VSA, and the associated hydraulic force, should be considered when characterizin
104 g, and (c) to calculate the magnitude of the hydraulic force.
105                                              Hydraulic forces are a consequence of left heart anatomy
106 of the recovery is to properly model complex hydraulic fracture geometries which are often assumed to
107 ntrolling hydrocarbon release from shales in hydraulic fracture systems, organic matter decomposition
108 . non-planar hydraulic fractures, non-planar hydraulic fractures with one set natural fractures, and
109 th one set natural fractures, and non-planar hydraulic fractures with two sets natural fractures, are
110 , three fracture geometries, i.e. non-planar hydraulic fractures, non-planar hydraulic fractures with
111 al impact of shale oil and gas production by hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is of increasing concern
112 est is directed at the chemical structure of hydraulic fracturing (HF) additives in unconventional ga
113 er outlook model that projects water use for hydraulic fracturing (HF) and flowback and produced wate
114  of oil production, including water used for hydraulic fracturing (HF) and flowback-produced (FP) wat
115                               The effects of hydraulic fracturing (HF) flowback and produced water (H
116 at, toxic gas clouds, and air pollution from hydraulic fracturing activities.
117 comparable to the regional water demand from hydraulic fracturing activities.
118 ed molecular ions might have been related to hydraulic fracturing additives and related subsurface re
119 distinguishes high-intensity events, such as hydraulic fracturing and flowback, from lower-intensity
120                             In recent years, hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have been a
121 , exceeding the mean volume of water used in hydraulic fracturing and surpassing typical 4-year waste
122 haracterization of organic chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing and their changes through time, fro
123  in China, in which the signals induced from hydraulic fracturing are recorded by twelve three-compon
124 ng, with horizontal drilling and high-volume hydraulic fracturing beginning in 2010.
125 ronmental fate and toxicity of commonly used hydraulic fracturing chemicals.
126                 Degradation kinetics of five hydraulic fracturing compounds (2-propanol, ethylene gly
127 radical-induced degradation of PAM under HPT hydraulic fracturing conditions without additional oxida
128 chnique for monitoring the dynamic status of hydraulic fracturing during the development of unconvent
129                                              Hydraulic fracturing fluid (HFF) additives are used to e
130 , but relatively little is known about shale-hydraulic fracturing fluid (HFF) reactions within the re
131 wever, the groundwater fate and transport of hydraulic fracturing fluid compounds and mixtures remain
132 fracturing, including 1076 chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing fluids and 134 chemicals detected i
133 inety (8%) of the 1076 chemicals reported in hydraulic fracturing fluids and 83 (62%) of the 134 chem
134                                              Hydraulic fracturing fluids are injected into shales to
135 Furthermore, of the 36 chemicals reported in hydraulic fracturing fluids in at least 10% of wells nat
136 A) identified 1173 chemicals associated with hydraulic fracturing fluids, flowback, or produced water
137 ucers are a primary ingredient of slickwater hydraulic fracturing fluids.
138 set of chemicals that are frequently used in hydraulic fracturing fluids.
139 ng a mixture of formation brine and injected hydraulic fracturing fluids.
140                                              Hydraulic fracturing for gas production is now ubiquitou
141                                              Hydraulic fracturing frequently occurs on agricultural l
142 mbining horizontal drilling with high volume hydraulic fracturing has increased extraction of hydroca
143 at wellbore barrier failure, not high-volume hydraulic fracturing in horizontal wells, is the main ca
144                                              Hydraulic fracturing in shale gas formations involves th
145 t state setbacks for directional high-volume hydraulic fracturing in the Marcellus, Barnett, and Niob
146                                Water use for hydraulic fracturing in the North Dakota Bakken grew 5-f
147  (USDWs) as a result of acid stimulation and hydraulic fracturing in the Pavillion, WY, Field.
148                                              Hydraulic fracturing is an industrial process allowing f
149 to drinking water safety in many areas where hydraulic fracturing is common.
150                                              Hydraulic fracturing is the industry standard for extrac
151 ntial threats to human health in areas where hydraulic fracturing occurs.
152 mes of water return to the surface following hydraulic fracturing of deep shale formations to retriev
153 of the environmental impacts associated with hydraulic fracturing of unconventional gas wells are tie
154 t pathway for the mobilization of arsenic in hydraulic fracturing operations and in groundwater syste
155                                              Hydraulic fracturing operations are generating considera
156 gs suggest that understanding how frequently hydraulic fracturing operations impact groundwater quali
157               Nevertheless, the proximity of hydraulic fracturing operations to domestic groundwater
158 d associated GHG emissions from drilling and hydraulic fracturing operations.
159                       Our analyses show that hydraulic fracturing provides the organismal and chemica
160 istic insight into the environmental fate of hydraulic fracturing surfactants after accidental releas
161 roduction wells either conventional or using hydraulic fracturing techniques.
162  in horizontal drilling combined with staged hydraulic fracturing technologies have dramatically incr
163                                              Hydraulic fracturing technologies, developed over the la
164 izontal wells use large volumes of water for hydraulic fracturing that increased by a factor of appro
165 re network is generally generated during the hydraulic fracturing treatment in shale gas reservoirs.
166                   In this study, we analyzed hydraulic fracturing wastewater samples using ultrahigh
167 f the specific organic constituents in these hydraulic fracturing wastewaters is limited to hydrocarb
168 wells is high because PW volumes can support hydraulic fracturing water demand based on 2014 data.
169 ated with produced water (PW) management and hydraulic fracturing water demands based on detailed wel
170                                       During hydraulic fracturing, a technique often used to extract
171                       From climate change to hydraulic fracturing, and from drinking water safety to
172 ources are inadequate to meet the demand for hydraulic fracturing, but there appear to be adequate su
173 igate reactions during the shut-in period of hydraulic fracturing, experiments were conducted flowing
174 cy (EPA) identified as being associated with hydraulic fracturing, including 1076 chemicals used in h
175                                           In hydraulic fracturing, the top three are lateral casing d
176 ,000-km(2) region has a 60-y-long history of hydraulic fracturing, with horizontal drilling and high-
177 AEL estimates were available for 389 of 1026 hydraulic fracturing-related chemicals that lack chronic
178 tial public health effects that may arise if hydraulic fracturing-related chemicals were to impact dr
179 e to the progress in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing.
180 espectively, 13% of which is associated with hydraulic fracturing.
181  pathways leading to human health risks from hydraulic fracturing.
182 nt microbial communities were enriched after hydraulic fracturing.
183 tential human health hazards associated with hydraulic fracturing.
184 ion concerns while reducing water demand for hydraulic fracturing.
185       We investigated the evolution of xylem hydraulic function and diversification patterns in Austr
186 e daily cycles of embolism repair to restore hydraulic function.
187 hedding among tropical trees, supporting the hydraulic fuse hypothesis.
188 ng droughts, leaves are predicted to act as 'hydraulic fuses' by shedding when plants reach criticall
189 reaching implications for inferences in leaf hydraulics, gas exchange, water use, and isotope physiol
190 t sediment supply is encoded in the bankfull hydraulic geometry of gravel bedded channels through its
191 ical disconnection state when the horizontal hydraulic gradient at the free water surface is equal to
192 natural Se(VI) reduction occurring along the hydraulic gradient at the Rosita ISR site.
193 a steady state of disconnection, the maximum hydraulic gradient at the streambed center is 2.
194 ing 11 miles against the prevailing regional hydraulic gradient from from Spring Creek Spring Complex
195 alibrated to the distributions of floodplain hydraulic heads and groundwater fluxes to the stream thr
196 s, the brake specific NOx emissions from the hydraulic hybrid diesel also exceeded certification alth
197 wer diesel, liquefied natural gas (LNG), and hydraulic hybrid diesel engines during real-world refuse
198 ipped with three-way catalyst (TWC), and one hydraulic hybrid diesel equipped with SCR, were measured
199 xcept those trees predicted to have suffered hydraulic impairment, recovered to prestressed rates wit
200 Coordination between stem photosynthesis and hydraulics in green-stemmed desert plants is important f
201                                        Plant hydraulics integrated water stress along the soil-plant
202 tion of fracture alterations that affect the hydraulic integrity of a site.
203 he Earth and will aid risk assessment of the hydraulic integrity of subsurface sites.
204 enting further water loss and protecting the hydraulic integrity of younger leaves and the stem.
205  is known about the hydraulics of xylem, the hydraulic interconnectivity and dimensional scaling of p
206 edominantly by hydraulic descent relative to hydraulic lift.
207                                              Hydraulic limits appear to drive diverse patterns of lea
208 ntly worse than iron electrodes under higher hydraulic loads, with iron removing >70% soluble phospho
209 th stomatal conductance and stem and petiole hydraulic measurements.
210 ng, and care should be taken when performing hydraulics measurements on excised plant organs containi
211                 We couple a minimalist plant hydraulics model with a soil moisture model and, for the
212 ng field measurements and a plant physiology-hydraulics model, TREES.
213 pdated with a trait-driven mechanistic plant hydraulic module, as well as novel drought-phenology and
214    To test our hypothesis, we assembled leaf hydraulic, morphological, and photosynthetic traits of 6
215 zation of solutes likely depends on both the hydraulics of resaturation and the dynamics of dissoluti
216  porewater concentration, resulting from the hydraulics of the resaturation process.
217     Current theory recognizes a role for the hydraulics of water transport as a potential determinant
218             Although much is known about the hydraulics of xylem, the hydraulic interconnectivity and
219 ssors and pressure-regulating components for hydraulic or pneumatic fluidicelastomer actuators, limit
220 ty, thereby significantly altering the plant hydraulic parameters in the short term.
221                           In particular, how hydraulic parameters may change has only been examined e
222 specific and intraspecific levels in various hydraulic parameters.
223   Embolism removal is critical for restoring hydraulic pathways in some plants, as residual gas bubbl
224  may be associated with a gradual decline in hydraulic performance coupled with depletion in carbon r
225  the novel membrane exhibiting unprecedented hydraulic permeability and immune-protection for islet t
226                                              Hydraulic permeability measurements demonstrated that th
227                          The SNM exhibited a hydraulic permeability of 130 ml/hr/m(2)/mmHg, which is
228        This study helps us to understand the hydraulic phenomena of water flow near streams and accur
229                                          The hydraulic, photo-protective and spectral behaviors of fi
230 mercial pomegranate juice extraction method (hydraulic pressing whole fruit), to deliver a not-from-c
231  (neuro)hormonal stimuli-increase glomerular hydraulic pressure and transcapillary convective flux of
232     Better understanding of the variation in hydraulic properties along the root-stem-leaf continuum
233 l requires a link between the mechanical and hydraulic properties of a fracture.
234 ture of the phloem and its ability to change hydraulic properties with plant height.
235                                          The hydraulic recovery of re-watered plants was attributed t
236 WS and nocturnal transpiration (Fe,night) on hydraulic redistribution (HR) in the soil.
237                   Differential water use and hydraulic redistribution have been proposed as one mecha
238        Here, we investigated how patterns of hydraulic redistribution influence overstory and underst
239                                          The hydraulic redistribution regime was characterized predom
240 ce for many biomes, knowledge regarding herb hydraulics remains very limited.
241 c analysis of end wall types, calculation of hydraulic resistance and correlation analysis with morph
242      The results exclude the minimization of hydraulic resistance as evolutionary driver of different
243 acterized and understood due to the enormous hydraulic resistance associated with the nanoconfinement
244  Across nine deciduous species, we find that hydraulic resistance in the phloem scales inversely with
245 e transport pathway increases in length, the hydraulic resistance of the vascular tissue should incre
246 cture and its mechanical properties, such as hydraulic resistance to flow.
247 trations and weak scaling of flow rates with hydraulic resistance.
248 ted as an evolutionary trend towards reduced hydraulic resistance.
249 R eff = 10(-5) to 10(-3) microm) due to the hydraulic resistances (i.e. grain boundaries between ind
250 arable to that of single crystals, overcomes hydraulic resistances through providing additional hydra
251     Groundwater-level fluctuations represent hydraulic responses to changes in groundwater storage du
252 through regular adjustment of pond depth and hydraulic retention time (HRT) in response to seasonal c
253                     When steady state with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 1 day was reached, the
254            We operated the MPPC with a 9 day hydraulic retention time in the anode.
255 was predicted to be advection due to the low hydraulic retention time of the lake, followed by volati
256 uously stirred-tank reactor with 6.25-10 min hydraulic retention times and constant 900 mA.
257       Continuous bioreactors operated at low hydraulic retention times have rarely been explored for
258 is region due to species-specific changes in hydraulic risk.
259 lic resistances through providing additional hydraulic routes in three dimensions.
260                    A scheme predicting plant hydraulic safety loss from soil moisture was developed u
261                                Incorporating hydraulic safety loss raised the explanatory power of mo
262                      The spatial patterns of hydraulic safety loss were compared against aerial surve
263 ange was rapid and could be predicted by the hydraulic safety margin, providing strong support for le
264 erance traits (xylem resistance to embolism, hydraulic safety margin, wood density) at the range marg
265 ecies, mortality was best predicted by a low hydraulic safety margin-the difference between typical m
266 effects of changes in xylem sap gamma on the hydraulic safety of trees in situ.
267 dard solutions with high gamma overestimates hydraulic safety.
268  poroelastic mechanism for the generation of hydraulic signals in plants.
269 We discuss that both the VPD-induced passive hydraulic stomatal closure and the stomatal VPD regulati
270 cated on the Tigris river and is the biggest hydraulic structure in Iraq.
271 ponent polyurethane (1C-PU) coating used for hydraulic structures using nontarget analysis via LC-QTO
272 hus, gamma should be considered carefully in hydraulic studies.
273                                         Leaf hydraulic supply is crucial to maintaining open stomata
274 ade-off between safety and efficiency in the hydraulic system of grass leaves, which can be decoupled
275 er veins that are most terminal in the plant hydraulic system should be more susceptible to embolism
276 reating gas bubbles that would disable their hydraulic systems.
277 a more parsimonious explanation is that some hydraulic techniques are prone to artifacts in species w
278                          The coordination of hydraulic thresholds (50% and 88% loss of kleaf, turgor
279 using a model that links leaf morphology and hydraulics to photosynthesis.
280 ntified correlations among the leaf and stem hydraulic traits and the wilting point, or turgor loss p
281                         Differences in these hydraulic traits appear largely genotypic in origin rath
282             We found that photosynthetic and hydraulic traits are coordinated in photosynthetic stems
283                                        Plant hydraulic traits are intercorrelated in SDTFs.
284       We assessed whether diversity in plant hydraulic traits can explain the observed diversity in p
285 rovide broad support for the hypothesis that hydraulic traits capture key mechanisms determining tree
286           Mechanistic incorporation of plant hydraulic traits is necessary for the simulation of spat
287 e functions, but controlling parameters were hydraulic traits rather than coefficients.
288                      We investigated whether hydraulic traits variation linked with climate and the d
289 detailed understanding of how xylem and leaf hydraulic traits vary between co-occuring drought-tolera
290 oadleaf forests, as a result of disparity in hydraulic traits.
291 rized on the basis of meta-analysis of plant hydraulic traits.
292 n a given drought were associated with plant hydraulic traits.
293                                              Hydraulic transport characteristics of well-ordered poro
294  energy transport in polycrystalline solids, hydraulic transport in semi-ordered porous media is pred
295 -scale modeling suggested that outside-xylem hydraulic vulnerability can protect the xylem from tensi
296 angiosperm species showed that outside-xylem hydraulic vulnerability explained 75% to 100% of Kleaf d
297 resolution and quantified experimentally the hydraulic vulnerability of xylem and outside-xylem pathw
298 lem vessels under negative pressure, but its hydraulic vulnerability segmentation provides significan
299 ntial effect of seasonal changes in gamma on hydraulic vulnerability.
300 d improvement in the representation of plant hydraulics within terrestrial ecosystem and biosphere mo

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