


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  suggests a design principle for nonmuscular hydraulically actuated structures: Rapid actuation requi
2  abscisic acid (ABA), both metabolically and hydraulically, and that ABA is also a core regulator of
3 d display use-wear and impact marks, and are hydraulically anomalous relative to the low-energy conte
4 nt plant by xylem occlusion but, rather, is "hydraulically buffered" by water delivered via the phloe
5 levels of residual DNAPL along flow paths in hydraulically conductive fractures.
6 r a vessel-less liana is that strong and low hydraulically conductive wood is required to meet the me
7                                  We detected hydraulically connected fractures at all depths, includi
8 determine if environmental conditions in two hydraulically connected lakes can influence MC productio
9    The hybrid microstructure consists of two hydraulically connected parts, a pulse micropump, and a
10 lt to accept if the cavitated vessels remain hydraulically connected to vessels under tension.
11  of nZVI transport could be obtained using a hydraulically constrained flow path between injection an
12                                        Three hydraulically contained test beds were planted with 12 t
13 toration, provided the restored wetlands are hydraulically designed to allow sufficient flow of nonco
14 attered on the surface of a Late Pleistocene hydraulically displaced bone bed containing principally
15 ate that unsaturated zones at the FTA and at hydraulically downgradient former domestic wastewater ef
16 ht, tracheids can become air filled and thus hydraulically dysfunctional, a result of air entering th
17 7.5 million gallons is required to drill and hydraulically fracture horizontal wells before energy is
18 ell pad-the only nearby pad where wells were hydraulically fractured before the contamination inciden
19 ck and produced water samples collected from hydraulically fractured Marcellus Shale gas wells in Pen
20 f 16S rRNA genes in water samples from three hydraulically fractured Marcellus shale wells in Pennsyl
21 ed to drilling, completion, and operation of hydraulically fractured natural gas wells.
22                                              Hydraulically fractured shale formations are being devel
23 horizontal wells and an increasing number of hydraulically fractured well bores are being completed i
24      A long-term field study (405 days) of a hydraulically fractured well from the Niobrara Formation
25                            A case study of a hydraulically fractured well in the Bakken formation of
26          Groundwater wells located closer to hydraulically fractured wells are more likely to be expo
27             We show that 37% of all recorded hydraulically fractured wells stimulated during 2014 exi
28 water wells exist within 2 km of one or more hydraulically fractured wells stimulated during 2014.
29 upply) constructed between 2000 and 2014 and hydraulically fractured wells stimulated in 2014 in 14 s
30  gCO2-eq/MJ) due to the high productivity of hydraulically fractured wells.
31 nagement challenges for produced waters from hydraulically fractured wells.
32 detected in flowback or produced waters from hydraulically fractured wells.
33 pproximately 1%) shallower than 3000 ft were hydraulically fractured with >1 million gallons of water
34  61 cm long sand-filled column and to seal a hydraulically fractured, 74 cm diameter Boyles Sandstone
35 onal wells, drilled with horizontal legs and hydraulically fractured.
36  what conditions a stream starts to separate hydraulically from an aquifer.
37 owing, providing a simple mechanism by which hydraulically gated oscillations can regulate size.
38        The evolution of this membrane was as hydraulically important as that of vessels.
39  on RAR activity, most probably by enhancing hydraulically induced microvascular leak.
40      Shrubs in humid environments tend to be hydraulically integrated, with single, round basal stems
41 t is thought, however, that the lakes may be hydraulically interconnected.
42 chanism by which embolized conduits could be hydraulically isolated from adjacent conduits requires t
43  The evidence suggests that the fruit is not hydraulically isolated from the parent plant by xylem oc
44                                 A network of hydraulically linked fractures offers a simple explanati
45                                    Seeds and hydraulically pressed seed meals contained an average of
46 ian mustard, and white mustard) and in their hydraulically pressed seed meals, which are used as a Se
47                                              Hydraulically pressing seeds for oil caused changes in t
48 x; and (4) the upper and lower epidermis are hydraulically sequestered from one another despite their
49 at species differ in their ability to adjust hydraulically to increases in T.
50 ntributions of free- and gel-fluid phases to hydraulically transmitted pressures in a given cancer wi
51 on microfluidic devices where materials were hydraulically transported.

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