コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 n-3/5) and for a lipid peroxidation product (hydroxynonenal).
2 (e.g., acrolein), and endogenous ligands (4-hydroxynonenal).
3 mediated by the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal.
4 e latter manifested by increased levels of 4-hydroxynonenal.
5 tochemical staining of 3-nitrotyrosine and 4-hydroxynonenal.
6 ative stress defined by immunostaining for 4-hydroxynonenal.
7 y superoxide but did not block activation by hydroxynonenal.
8 ted by the presence of the toxic aldehyde, 4-hydroxynonenal.
9 adducts of the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal.
10 pression correlated with the generation of 4-hydroxynonenal.
11 id oxidation products 4-hydroxyhexenal and 4-hydroxynonenal.
12 aturated 4-hydroxyacids (C(4) to C(11)) or 4-hydroxynonenal.
13 ed levels of a lipid peroxidation product, 4-hydroxynonenal.
14 dative stress markers 3'-nitrotyrosine and 4-hydroxynonenal.
15 ongeners of the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal.
17 xic incubation increased oxidative stress (4-hydroxynonenal, 141.1 +/- 17.6% of normoxic control), re
18 ously occurring alkenyl aldehydes (EC(50): 4-hydroxynonenal 19.9 microM, 4-oxo-nonenal 1.9 microM, 4-
23 y with plasma lipid peroxidation products, 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) and 8-isoprostane F2alpha, and ne
24 turated alkanals and unsaturated alkenals, 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) and trans-2-nonenal (nonenal), wa
25 ed increase in the lipid oxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) as well as increased expression o
32 e production of reactive aldehydes such as 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) is proposed to be an important fa
33 ole limpet hemocyanin modified in vitro by 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) or acetaldehyde as immunogens.
34 ctive oxygen species (ROS), as assessed by 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) staining, were elevated in tongue
35 asured by the lipid peroxidation byproduct 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) throughout the carotid wall in th
36 ribution of the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) to the observations made in vivo.
37 PAR inhibition minimized the production of 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), a marker of oxidative stress, in
40 damage biomarkers, malondialdehyde (MDA), 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), aconitase-2 and 8-hydroxydeoxygu
41 high glutathione-conjugating activity for 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), an electrophilic aldehyde derive
45 Hepatic steatosis, 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT), 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), hypoxia inducible factor alpha (
46 ogically relevant lipid-derived aldehydes, 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), malondialdehyde (MDA), glyoxal (
47 on end products, malondialdehyde (MDA) and 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), showed a one-fold elevation with
48 (IgG) against malonyldialdehyde (MDA) and 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE)-derived antigens as well as with
52 with 7-ketocholesterol (7-KC, 5-20 muM) or 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE, 5-40 muM) for up to 24 hours.
53 stress (8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine [8-OHdG], 4-hydroxynonenal [4-HNE]-modified proteins, and nitrotyros
54 show that electrophilic aldehydes such as 4-hydroxynonenal (4HNE) and acrolein, generated as a resul
55 ipid peroxidation cytotoxicity mediated by 4-hydroxynonenal (4HNE) as well as the retina in vivo from
57 y against the lipid peroxidation byproduct 4-hydroxynonenal (4HNE), is important for resistance again
59 required for the measurement; the K(H) for 4-hydroxynonenal, a marker for oxidative stress, is measur
62 nol-fed mice, treatment with rhTrx reduced 4-hydroxynonenal adduct accumulation, inflammatory cytokin
63 /-) and Ppara(-/-) silencing on steatosis, 4-hydroxynonenal adduct formation, oxidative stress, serum
64 tivity in the peripheral nerve, as well as 4-hydroxynonenal adduct nitrotyrosine and poly(ADP-ribose)
65 C3aR(-/-)C5aR(-/-) mice immunized with 4-hydroxynonenal-adducted protein developed severe retinal
66 , iron deposition, oxidative end products (4-hydroxynonenal adducts and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine), and
67 n urine, mutant huntingtin aggregates, and 4-hydroxynonenal adducts in muscle and skin tissues were a
68 cals in bile assessed by spin trapping and 4-hydroxynonenal adducts measured by immunohistochemistry
69 an immunoblot analysis, malondialdehyde and hydroxynonenal adducts were observed in chondrocyte-matr
70 a significant increase of malondialdehyde, 4-hydroxynonenal adducts, 3-nitrotyrosine, and inducible n
72 e toxicity of tert-butyl hydroperoxide and 4-hydroxynonenal, against free radical damage arising from
73 pecific inhibitor of the Na+/K+-ATPase) or 4-hydroxynonenal (an aldehydic product of lipid peroxidati
75 -type p53 TK-6 lymphoblastoid cell line to 4-hydroxynonenal, an unsaturated aldehyde involved in lipi
78 ive stress, HbG increased iron deposition, 4-hydroxynonenal and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine immunoreactiv
79 y-products of lipid peroxidation including 4-hydroxynonenal and acrolein can interact with DNA bases
80 stress, assessed by an increase in hepatic 4-hydroxynonenal and F2-isoprostanes (measured by gas chro
81 ne concentrations, and placental levels of 4-hydroxynonenal and heat shock protein 70 were increased
82 sessed by immunohistochemical detection of 4-hydroxynonenal and nitrotyrosine and quantitative analys
83 f toxic end products in the liver, such as 4-hydroxynonenal and nitrotyrosine, and was inhibited by t
84 re performed using antibodies specific for 4-hydroxynonenal and nitrotyrosine, markers of lipid perox
85 particular GSTs provide protection include 4-hydroxynonenal and ortho-quinones, with possible links t
86 of the chemical mechanism of formation of 4-hydroxynonenal and related aldehydes has advanced much l
89 reases in a biomarker of oxidative stress (4-hydroxynonenal) and increased proteolytic activity (20S
90 stress (Nox2, HIF-1alpha, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxynonenal), and fibrogenesis (alpha-smooth muscle a
92 o detectable differences in malonaldehyde, 4-hydroxynonenal, and erythrocyte-reduced glutathione occu
93 Plasma concentrations of malonaldehyde, 4-hydroxynonenal, and erythrocyte-reduced glutathione were
94 o oxidative stressors, including arsenite, 4-hydroxynonenal, and methylglyoxal, led to decreased GSIS
96 sors (menadione, tert-butyl hydroperoxide, 4-hydroxynonenal, and peroxynitrite) for human adult retin
97 y liver superoxide expression (P = 0.002), 4-hydroxynonenal, and plasma (ox)CoQ9 (P < 0.001) levels,
98 aldehyde (anti-MDA) protein adducts and to 4-hydroxynonenal (anti-HNE) protein adducts, MDA/HNE prote
100 londialdehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, and 4-hydroxynonenal are all products of fatty acid oxidation
102 to albumin at a rate that exceeded that of 4-hydroxynonenal by several orders of magnitude: >50% of L
103 cts of acrolein, crotonaldehyde, and trans-4-hydroxynonenal can form cross-links with the tetrapeptid
104 vel, oxidative adducts (malonyldialdehyde, 4-hydroxynonenal, carbonyls), hypertrophic gene expression
105 -deoxy-Delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J(2) and 4-hydroxynonenal, contain a highly reactive alpha,beta-uns
106 ted by the decrease of malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxynonenal content in BAL of RSV-infected mice.
107 GDP-sensitive proton conductance induced by hydroxynonenal correlated with tissue expression of UCPs
109 cells to oxidative (amyloid beta-peptide, 4-hydroxynonenal, ferrous sulfate) and excitotoxic (glutam
110 n levels of the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal following the excitotoxic insult was lowe
111 the cell-permeable esters of glutathionyl-4-hydroxynonenal (GS-HNE) or glutathionyl-1,4-dihydroxynon
112 -functionalized endogenous reactive signal 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE(alkyne)) and the HaloTag-targetable
113 t reduction in the levels of protein-bound 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) [a lipid peroxidation product], 3-n
114 nd the membrane lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) after exposure to the apoptotic ins
115 y reactive products of lipid peroxidation, 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) and acrolein, both elevated in Alzh
117 dative damage evaluated by the presence of 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) and iron accumulation and expressio
119 that levels of ceramide, sphingomyelin, and hydroxynonenal (HNE) are significantly increased in brai
120 The addition of the reactive aldehyde 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) caused carbonylation, and HNE-gluta
121 GDM cells, the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) failed to induce nuclear Nrf2 accum
128 oteins by the cytotoxic, reactive aldehyde 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) is known to alter protein function
130 ted by photoinducible targeted delivery of 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) to the proteins Keap1 and PTEN.
133 te that p75(NTR) signaling is activated by 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), a lipid peroxidation product gener
135 port increased modification of proteins by 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), a product of membrane lipid peroxi
136 was highly correlated with the presence of 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), a toxic aldehyde and downstream pr
137 ination for the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), a toxic compound that contributes
138 cultures to A beta induced conjugation of 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), an aldehydic product of lipid pero
140 eased levels of 8-hydroxyguanosine (8OHG), 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), and heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) in the
141 oxic products of oxidative damage, such as 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), can react with proteins to impair
142 ty acid composition, residual tocopherol and hydroxynonenal (HNE), canola oil containing the formulat
144 he role of the lipid peroxidation product, 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), in ethanol-related damage of cytoc
146 The by-product of lipid peroxidation, 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), was shown to cause apoptosis in PC
154 steines are modified by the well-known LDE 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE)], establishing the functional conse
156 dismutase in microglia, nitrotyrosine and 4-hydroxynonenal in neurons, as well as induction of endot
160 aldehyde, allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), and 4-hydroxynonenal, increased [Ca(2+)](i) in myenteric neuro
161 has been shown to protect against UV- and 4-hydroxynonenal-induced cellular damage, mainly by metabo
165 antibodies binding to copper-oxidized LDL, 4-hydroxynonenal-LDL, acrolein-LDL, and LDL modified with
169 % increase; P < 0.05), lipid peroxidation (4-hydroxynonenal, measured by ELISA: 0.30 +/- 0.02 compare
170 on (Western blot), and lipid peroxidation (4-hydroxynonenal Michael adducts) were evaluated in brain
171 cell death.The lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal might play a central role in MLP-induced
172 ated with the putative fibrogenic mediator 4-hydroxynonenal or iron/ascorbate, little or no increase
173 ipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydroxynonenal) or carbohydrate oxidation (glycolaldehyd
175 by streptozotocin significantly increased 4-hydroxynonenal production and decreased coronary artery
176 35% resulted in increases in formation of 4-hydroxynonenal protein adducts accompanied by evidence o
177 cies and mitochondrial 3-nitrotyrosine and 4-hydroxynonenal protein adducts and decreased mitochondri
178 reases in 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxy-guanosine and 4-hydroxynonenal protein adducts in the regressing epithel
179 cumulation of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine, 4-hydroxynonenal protein adducts, and nitrotyrosine, prima
180 feeding increased accumulation of hepatic 4-hydroxynonenal protein adducts, expression of hepatic tu
181 dox homeostasis, as assessed by changes in 4-hydroxynonenal protein adducts, protein carbonyl content
182 reased protein carbonyls, malondialdehyde, 4-hydroxynonenal-protein adducts, elevated levels of induc
183 17G) generated malondialdehyde-protein and 4-hydroxynonenal-protein epitopes, which were detectable o
184 we found that oxidation products (such as 4-hydroxynonenal) released from the heart trigger peroxiso
185 ative stress in the retina was assessed by 4-hydroxynonenal staining or ELISA for protein carbonyl co
186 elate with the degree of oxidative stress (4-hydroxynonenal staining) or with the abundance of balloo
189 e exposure did result in the production of 4-hydroxynonenal, the timing of the increased levels of pr
190 roducts produced in the vascular wall (ie, 4-hydroxynonenal) upregulate adiponectin gene expression i
191 h as menadione, antimycin A, H(2)O(2), and 4-hydroxynonenal was lower in the CYP2E1 expressing cells
193 y lipid peroxidation end products, such as 4-hydroxynonenal, whose levels are elevated in the cerebro
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