


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  H3 and H4 revealed that H4, but not H3, was hyperacetylated.
2 persensitive site forms, and the enhancer is hyperacetylated.
3  reporter is activated, its promoter becomes hyperacetylated.
4  strain in which surface-associated EsxA was hyperacetylated.
5 sB isolated from the ackA or cobB mutant was hyperacetylated.
6 in beta (C/EBPbeta) and c-Myc, which is also hyperacetylated.
7 tor BRM is replaced by BRG1 and histones are hyperacetylated.
8 or to nucleosomes in which these domains are hyperacetylated.
9  the absence of HDAC3, the RORC promoter was hyperacetylated.
10 mic, but inactive, to a stabilised, possibly hyperacetylated, active state.
11             Additional proximal domains were hyperacetylated after stimulation of transcription.
12 seven lysine residues in hsp90alpha that are hyperacetylated after treatment of eukaryotic cells with
13 indicate Vbeta and DbetaJbeta segments to be hyperacetylated and accessible in DN thymocytes.
14 enome is organized into histone H3 (K9, K14) hyperacetylated and hypoacetylated regions corresponding
15 t (LBH589), the extracellular hsp90alpha was hyperacetylated and it bound to MMP-2, which was associa
16 henomenon and found that Geminin maintains a hyperacetylated and open chromatin conformation at neura
17 ycle, an increase of comparable magnitude of hyperacetylated and phosphorylated histone H3 at Zp and
18 udies revealed that the polyQ-expanded AR is hyperacetylated and that pharmacologic reduction of acet
19          When chromatin templates were first hyperacetylated and then incubated with NURF, significan
20        In diabetic mice, CYP7A1 chromatin is hyperacetylated, and fasting to refeeding response is im
21 ed with chromatin, histone H4 became locally hyperacetylated, and gene expression was induced.
22                                              Hyperacetylated arrays show no change in the preference
23 ns were not induced, although histone H3 was hyperacetylated as measured by immunoblotting or by ChIP
24          However, the locus is not uniformly hyperacetylated, as there are regions of hypoacetylation
25        In Nonabokra, the upstream region was hyperacetylated at H3K9 and H3K27, and this acetylation
26 ated that during latency the LAT promoter is hyperacetylated at histone H3 (K9, K14) relative to lyti
27 reveal that the proximal insulin promoter is hyperacetylated at histone H3 only in beta cells.
28     Actively transcribed genes are typically hyperacetylated at Lys residues of histones H3 and H4 an
29 HDA1 deletion, many Tup1-repressed genes are hyperacetylated at lysine 18 of histone H3, yet are not
30 hain acyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase (LCAD) is hyperacetylated at lysine 42 in the absence of SIRT3.
31 ith regions of chromatin containing histones hyperacetylated at lysine residues, a characteristic of
32 anscript (LAT) region of the viral genome is hyperacetylated at lysines 9 and 14 of histone 3 [H3(K9,
33  hypoacetylated on histone H3, whereas it is hyperacetylated at the plasma cell stage.
34                 Germline V(H) genes were not hyperacetylated at this stage, which accounts for D(H) t
35 sines on histone 3 at the Cad6b promoter are hyperacetylated before neural crest emigration, correlat
36 colocalize in discrete nuclear foci that are hyperacetylated but transcriptionally inactive.
37     Histones H3 and H4 simultaneously become hyperacetylated, but it remains unclear whether this is
38 ects of dSir2 with native histones that were hyperacetylated by treatment with acetic anhydride.
39 d Brd3 associate preferentially in vivo with hyperacetylated chromatin along the entire lengths of tr
40 scriptionally active macronucleus containing hyperacetylated chromatin and a transcriptionally silent
41 se activity, providing a direct link between hyperacetylated chromatin and transcriptional activation
42 se (HAT) Esa1p or Gcn5p creates a segment of hyperacetylated chromatin that is at least 2.6 kb in siz
43 tylated chromatin, and in distributions from hyperacetylated chromatin, particularly for long repeat
44  the upstream locus control region reside in hyperacetylated chromatin.
45 disrupted ATRX binding to the centromeres of hyperacetylated chromosomes resulting in abnormal chromo
46 find that histones at the active origins are hyperacetylated, coincident with binding of the origin r
47 active promoters, with H3 being dramatically hyperacetylated compared with that from inactive promote
48 ers, however, resulted in the formation of a hyperacetylated domain over these genes in definitive er
49                                          The hyperacetylated domain was not seen in male cells or in
50 e erythroblasts reside within a single large hyperacetylated domain.
51 pothesize that formation of extended histone hyperacetylated domains across the Ifng gene region repr
52 ow the range of possible mechanisms by which hyperacetylated domains form.
53                                        These hyperacetylated domains occur exclusively at loci contai
54 on and active transcription, similar histone hyperacetylated domains were found in NK cells.
55            Previously, we characterized such hyperacetylated domains within mammalian beta-globin gen
56 term such patterns of histone modifications "hyperacetylated domains." Little is known of either the
57 tone H3 and H4 Lys residues are not globally hyperacetylated during phas expression.
58 ds and was absent from moderately condensed, hyperacetylated euchromatic bands and highly condensed,
59 and Hst4p, in which H3 K56 is constitutively hyperacetylated, exhibit hallmarks of spontaneous DNA da
60 relate with approximately 100 unprecedented, hyperacetylated expanses of chromatin that reach up to 2
61 g euchromatic genes, with active genes being hyperacetylated for H3 and H4 and hypermethylated at Lys
62 reases in H2A.Z levels in yeast mutants with hyperacetylated H3K56.
63 geting p300 on the presence of RNAPII, p300, hyperacetylated H4 and H3 and unmodified H4 and H3 in tr
64                                        While hyperacetylated H4 and H3 were found in the coding regio
65                                Antibodies to hyperacetylated H4 were used to immunoprecipitate dinucl
66                         Mle colocalizes with hyperacetylated H4Ac16 on the X-chromosome and some auto
67 s subsaturating levels with nonacetylated or hyperacetylated HeLa histones.
68 us subsaturated levels with nonacetylated or hyperacetylated HeLa histones.
69     These elements were also associated with hyperacetylated histone 3 in a lineage-specific manner a
70 ng was a COPD-specific eightfold increase of hyperacetylated histone H3.3.
71                                              Hyperacetylated histone H4 appeared within 2 h of the ad
72 aining peptides are comparable to those of a hyperacetylated histone H4-mimicking cognate peptide, an
73 s) that does not correlate directly with the hyperacetylated histone status.
74 ors such as trapoxin A (TPX), which leads to hyperacetylated histone, alters local chromatin architec
75                                    With this hyperacetylated histone-DNA complex, we observed potent
76                                   Domains of hyperacetylated histones and hypomethylated DNA extended
77 ponding reduction in the amounts of p300 and hyperacetylated histones associated with the transcribin
78 e H3 at lysine-4 (H3-meK4), colocalizes with hyperacetylated histones H3 and H4 in mammalian chromati
79 ) protocols to determine the distribution of hyperacetylated histones H3 and H4 in the Saccharomyces
80 ated at lysine 4 (H3-meK4) co-localizes with hyperacetylated histones H3 and H4 in transcriptionally
81 complex 2 protein (ORC2) and was enriched in hyperacetylated histones H3 and H4 relative to other reg
82 ted histones H3 and H4 more efficiently than hyperacetylated histones H3 and H4.
83              However, nucleosome assembly by hyperacetylated histones on interrupted CGG tracts was i
84                              Assembly of the hyperacetylated histones onto DNA yields a soluble histo
85 of Gcn5p-regulated genes are associated with hyperacetylated histones upon activation by low-copy Gcn
86        Interestingly, hypomethylated DNA and hyperacetylated histones were also located at the cyclin
87                                 We show that hyperacetylated histones were recruited to this site in
88 n in repressed conditions in the presence of hyperacetylated histones.
89 e DNA-bending protein HMG-1 or by the use of hyperacetylated histones.
90 yrate and trichostatin A were used to create hyperacetylated histones.
91 g around the nuclei of spermatids containing hyperacetylated histones.
92 histones are used, compared to assembly with hyperacetylated histones.
93 ed DNA and, importantly, was associated with hyperacetylated histones.
94 promoter is unmethylated and associated with hyperacetylated histones.
95  and repressively marked histones but not to hyperacetylated histones.
96 atients with ALD, there was disulfide-bonded hyperacetylated HMGB1, disulfide-bonded non-acetylated H
97 nction of hsp90, and targeting extracellular hyperacetylated hsp90alpha may undermine tumor invasion
98                                     SIRT3 is hyperacetylated in aged and obese mice, in which SIRT1 a
99                            Core histones are hyperacetylated in cells overproducing functional Gcn5p,
100 t dominate the adult TCRdelta repertoire are hyperacetylated in DN thymocytes, independent of their p
101 he cyclin D1 promoter was hypomethylated and hyperacetylated in expressing cell lines and patient sam
102 at OPA1, a mitochondrial fusion protein, was hyperacetylated in hearts under pathological stress and
103  Hypersensitive site two of the LCR was also hyperacetylated in murine embryonic stem cells, whereas
104  shown that heart mitochondrial proteins are hyperacetylated in OVE26 mice, a transgenic model of typ
105 iate domain and the 3' V(H) genes, which are hyperacetylated in response to DJ(H) recombination.
106 )-dependent reversible acetyl-lysine that is hyperacetylated in Sirt3/ livers at 3 months of age.
107 t that histone H3 and H4 were constitutively hyperacetylated in the donor Smu region before and after
108           Furthermore, CerS1, -2, and -6 are hyperacetylated in the mitochondria of SIRT3-null mice,
109  and both active and inactive promoters were hyperacetylated in yolk sac.
110                           Moreover, c-Myc is hyperacetylated, levels of p27 are reduced, and cyclin-d
111 ealed the formation of ZNF532-NUT-associated hyperacetylated megadomains, distinctly localized but ot
112 sulted in increased DNase I accessibility on hyperacetylated mononucleosomes and substantial reductio
113                                              Hyperacetylated nucleosomal arrays show only subtle diff
114                                      We find hyperacetylated nucleosomes less susceptible to CoREST/L
115 t it is thermodynamically more difficult for hyperacetylated nucleosomes to assemble onto the 172-12
116 o a more natural system involving intact but hyperacetylated nucleosomes.
117 ed identical cleavage patterns in normal and hyperacetylated nucleosomes.
118                                    Nav1.5 is hyperacetylated on K1479 in the hearts of patients with
119 erform assays with arrays reconstituted with hyperacetylated or trypsinized histones and isolated his
120 matin immunoprecipitation with antibodies to hyperacetylated or unacetylated H4 or H3.
121 al arrays reconstituted with hypoacetylated, hyperacetylated, or partially trypsinized histones.
122               Pull-down assays revealed that hyperacetylated p300 HAT is more efficiently retained by
123 300 HAT acetylation of a histone H4 peptide, hyperacetylated p300 HAT is much more potently inhibited
124 utoacetylation was retained about as well as hyperacetylated p300 HAT, suggesting that the loop and A
125 the cytosol, autophagy is abrogated, ATG7 is hyperacetylated, p53 acetylation is abolished, and p300
126 athways but encoding normal small T showed a hyperacetylated pattern similar to that of wild-type vir
127                     Of note, the top 38 case hyperacetylated promoters (P < 0.05) included >15 genes
128 terochromatic domains in vivo, histone H3 is hyperacetylated, providing evidence that the chromatin a
129 anied by enhanced chromatin accessibility at hyperacetylated regions in the gene body.
130 (HDACs) revealed hundreds of genes linked to hyperacetylated regions targeted by CBP.
131  region containing the 5' exon of KOS/29 was hyperacetylated relative to lytic gene regions in the ab
132 on of SIRT1 in macrophages renders NF-kappaB hyperacetylated, resulting in increased transcriptional
133  Smarce1 as well as in the reorganization of hyperacetylated round spermatid chromatin.
134 erved an increased frequency of mutations in hyperacetylated Sgamma DNA segments immunoprecipitated w
135                                          The hyperacetylated species concentrates at the 5' end of ac
136 plays a detrimental role when cells are in a hyperacetylated state and experience treatment with radi
137               We find that acetate induces a hyperacetylated state of histone H3 in hypoxic cells.
138 overexpressed a point mutant that mimics the hyperacetylated state of Hsp90 at lysine K294.
139             We found that inducing a histone hyperacetylated state via HDAC inhibition transforms a l
140 nitially, a 120 kb domain of germline DNA is hyperacetylated, that extends from D(FL16.1), the 5'-mos
141 criptionally inactive state but not with the hyperacetylated transcriptionally active form.
142 promoter-associated histones are transiently hyperacetylated, while those in the coding region are no
143 r normal locations, and that histones became hyperacetylated within these regulatory elements.
144 s complemented with XPA-K6367Q, which mimics hyperacetylated XPA, display significantly higher UV sen

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