


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                               Crude rates of hyperchloremic acidosis, acute kidney injury, and hospit
2               We compared the development of hyperchloremic acidosis, acute kidney injury, and surviv
3              0.9% saline, which results in a hyperchloremic acidosis after infusion, is frequently us
4 measured anions acidosis, but not those with hyperchloremic acidosis, had an increased mortality comp
5                                              Hyperchloremic acidosis is common and substantial after
6  chloride load was no longer associated with hyperchloremic acidosis or acute kidney injury after con
7 hip between chloride load and development of hyperchloremic acidosis or acute kidney injury is less c
8                                              Hyperchloremic acidosis resolved faster in patients who
9                               Development of hyperchloremic acidosis was associated with the amount o
10  receiving large-volume fluid resuscitation, hyperchloremic acidosis was documented in 523 (11%).

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