


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ing associated with chronic inflammation and hyperinsulinemia.
2 ed improved insulin sensitivity and reversed hyperinsulinemia.
3  adipose tissue insulin resistance and worse hyperinsulinemia.
4 ice treated with LPS develop glucose-induced hyperinsulinemia.
5 y improve glucose metabolism during systemic hyperinsulinemia.
6 decrease in liver triglyceride export during hyperinsulinemia.
7  Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase activation during hyperinsulinemia.
8 ere independent of age, body mass index, and hyperinsulinemia.
9  offspring with normal glucose tolerance but hyperinsulinemia.
10 iver, insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia and hyperinsulinemia.
11       This appears to explain a phenotype of hyperinsulinemia.
12 [(18)F]-fluorodeoxyglucose during euglycemic hyperinsulinemia.
13  type 2 diabetes: combined hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia.
14 re observed, which also were correlated with hyperinsulinemia.
15 rtantly, enhanced insulin secretion, causing hyperinsulinemia.
16 ently associated with insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia.
17 ulin signaling, leading to hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia.
18 to a sustained state of hyperglycemia and/or hyperinsulinemia.
19 n have normal insulin sensitivity, with mild hyperinsulinemia.
20  portal glucose delivery, hyperglycemia, and hyperinsulinemia.
21 ommon origin that involves insulin-resistant hyperinsulinemia.
22 e livers of mice with insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia.
23 ation of oxidative stress, inflammation, and hyperinsulinemia.
24 ed in the presence of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia.
25 aged at the baseline and under conditions of hyperinsulinemia.
26 ed in the presence of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia.
27 lucose-induced insulin secretion, leading to hyperinsulinemia.
28 s, likely reflecting the lipogenic effect of hyperinsulinemia.
29 ty in the presence of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia.
30 etic signaling results in a leptin-dependent hyperinsulinemia.
31  was higher in OB+DM than OB and Lean during hyperinsulinemia.
32 ls are inversely correlated with obesity and hyperinsulinemia.
33 hereas Osteocalcin inactivation halves their hyperinsulinemia.
34 istance of liver and skeletal muscle, and 3) hyperinsulinemia.
35 xes of oxidative stress and inflammation and hyperinsulinemia.
36 n the setting of pre-diabetes and endogenous hyperinsulinemia.
37 bolism and, when challenged with HFD, marked hyperinsulinemia.
38 stream of the HIF signaling pathway precedes hyperinsulinemia.
39 y also promoting insulin resistance (IR) and hyperinsulinemia.
40 ond effects accounted for by concurrent mild hyperinsulinemia.
41             In response to acute physiologic hyperinsulinemia, 1) HGP is suppressed primarily through
42 ned hyperglycemia (202.0 +/- 10.6 mg/dL) and hyperinsulinemia (110.6 +/- 59.0 muU/mL) were, despite i
43 r disease risk factor prevalence was fasting hyperinsulinemia (74%), elevated high-sensitivity C-reac
44                                              Hyperinsulinemia, a hallmark of these pathologies, is su
45                                              Hyperinsulinemia, a key factor in obesity, pre-diabetes
46 (-1) x min(-1), P < 0.05) in the presence of hyperinsulinemia, accompanied by smaller increments in R
47                  Sirolimus alone resulted in hyperinsulinemia after oral glucose challenge compared t
48                            Hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia also impaired the PI3K/Akt while enhanc
49 ) were resistant to diet-induced obesity and hyperinsulinemia, although systemic glucose intolerance
50 tor for type 2 diabetes, is characterized by hyperinsulinemia and accelerated body fat recovery.
51 s relevant to understanding the link between hyperinsulinemia and AD.
52 2KO/IRS1KO, exhibited insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia and an absence of compensatory beta-cel
53 ctive to understand the relationship between hyperinsulinemia and cancer evolution.
54 reatment of type 1 diabetes, or when chronic hyperinsulinemia and central insulin resistance develops
55 erest in relation to the association between hyperinsulinemia and colorectal cancer.
56                                              Hyperinsulinemia and decreased glucose utilization were
57        Accordingly, Esp inactivation doubles hyperinsulinemia and delays glucose intolerance in ob/ob
58                    This may be attributed to hyperinsulinemia and dysregulation of adipokine levels a
59 lpha-reductase inhibitor finasteride induced hyperinsulinemia and hepatic steatosis (10.6 +/- 1.2 vs.
60 ssant-like effects, LAC corrected a systemic hyperinsulinemia and hyperglicemia in rFSL and failed to
61 o GcgR(-/-),LepR(-/-) mice caused the severe hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia of LepR(-/-) mice to
62 strated that PoG infusion in the presence of hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia triggered an increase
63 as performed in the presence of postprandial hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia with exenatide (20 mi
64                                         With hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia, exenatide produced a
65  impact physiological functions resulting in hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia.
66 pearance of the GcgR transgene abolished the hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia.
67                                              Hyperinsulinemia and hyperleptinemia may therefore parti
68 sed food intake and obesity accompanied with hyperinsulinemia and hyperleptinemia.
69 ic steatohepatitis (NASH) is associated with hyperinsulinemia and increased FFA-blood levels, the int
70                                   A role for hyperinsulinemia and increased insulin-like growth facto
71 overt insulin resistance, which is masked by hyperinsulinemia and increased pancreatic islet mass, to
72 n oxidant-mediated protein modifications and hyperinsulinemia and increased plasma adiponectin.
73                                   Endogenous hyperinsulinemia and insulin receptor (IR)/IGF-I recepto
74 ce were protected against the development of hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance because of enhan
75                                     Although hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance have been hypoth
76 protein kinase Map4k4 drives obesity-induced hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance in part by promo
77 igen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 causes hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, which result fr
78 in obese mice and resulted in a reduction of hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance.
79 elative contribution of insulin clearance to hyperinsulinemia and its relationship to liver histology
80                                        Thus, hyperinsulinemia and its resultant increased signaling m
81 cific inducible CEACAM1 expression prevented hyperinsulinemia and markedly limited insulin resistance
82  this, Smad3-deficient mice exhibit moderate hyperinsulinemia and mild hypoglycemia.
83 ine protease inhibitor) levels increase with hyperinsulinemia and obesity.
84 uesters fat within adipose tissue because of hyperinsulinemia and results in adaptive suppression of
85 ty in the presence of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia and the associated mechanism.
86 emic load (GL) may influence cancer risk via hyperinsulinemia and the insulin-like growth factor axis
87 gment the MBV increase seen with physiologic hyperinsulinemia and whether free fatty acid (FFA)-induc
88 ring and the earlier onset of hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia and/or hyperlipidemia.
89  including hyperbilirubinemia, hypoglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and birth trauma.
90 nce suggests an association between obesity, hyperinsulinemia, and colorectal cancer risk.
91 emic CLGI, compromised glycemic homeostasis, hyperinsulinemia, and early symptoms of liver steatosis.
92 ond pathway broadly associated with obesity, hyperinsulinemia, and free IGF-I.
93 kedly exacerbated HFD-induced hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and glucose intolerance in TgKO mice.
94 sterolemia, with aggravated hyperleptinemia, hyperinsulinemia, and glucose intolerance.
95 f PKD1 in beta-cells worsened hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and glucose intolerance.
96 ulation, hepatic steatosis, hyperleptinemia, hyperinsulinemia, and glucose intolerance.
97 enuated comorbidities such as hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and hepatic steatosis and normalized l
98 her GlyRa, lower ATIS at baseline and during hyperinsulinemia, and higher lipid oxidation.
99 reases in lipid uptake, de novo lipogenesis, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperglycemia accompanied with sev
100     Physiological responses to hypoglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperglycemia include a critical a
101 trol-fed PXR-KO mice exhibited hepatomegaly, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperleptinemia but hypoadiponecti
102 c disorders, including obesity, hyperphagia, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperleptinemia, similar to those
103 s-induced diabetes, including hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperlipidemia.
104                          Insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperproinsulinemia occur early in
105 gous mice exhibit progressive hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and impaired glucose tolerance from 12
106 unction with low grade chronic inflammation, hyperinsulinemia, and increased body fat, which are sign
107  knockout mice develop obesity, fatty liver, hyperinsulinemia, and insulin insensitivity on chow diet
108 it has been hypothesized that hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and insulin resistance are involved in
109 -induced weight gain, adipocyte hypertrophy, hyperinsulinemia, and insulin resistance, which occur in
110 abolic dysfunction, including hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and insulin resistance.
111 end on experimental models of hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and insulin resistance.
112 in sensitivity, normalized hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia, and lowered postprandial insulin resis
113 iet caused excess weight gain, dyslipidemia, hyperinsulinemia, and mild glucose intolerance, however,
114 Rs in the early phase of the disease develop hyperinsulinemia, and show a strong inverse correlation
115  diet-induced body weight gain but exhibited hyperinsulinemia, and their adipose tissues were similar
116 (GB) surgery is associated with postprandial hyperinsulinemia, and this effect is accentuated in post
117 ted levels of biomarkers of inflammation and hyperinsulinemia are associated with a higher risk of HC
118                  Insulin resistance (IR) and hyperinsulinemia are hallmarks of the metabolic syndrome
119 lin triggers CB, highlighting a new role for hyperinsulinemia as a stimulus for CB overactivation.
120 inciding with the onset of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia as well as the induction of P2X(7) in a
121 nderlies the development of glucose-mediated hyperinsulinemia associated with endotoxemia.
122 all-molecule diabetes therapeutic agents and hyperinsulinemia-associated GCK mutations share a striki
123 L/6 mice, in vivo physiological responses to hyperinsulinemia at euglycemia and hypoglycemia were int
124 onstrated that in canines, physiologic brain hyperinsulinemia brought about by infusion of insulin in
125 ng insulin resistance may depend not only on hyperinsulinemia but also on the ability to suppress glu
126 oincides with the onset of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia but, unexpectedly, is not mediated by t
127       Insulin clearance was not saturated at hyperinsulinemia, but metabolic clearance of C-peptide,
128  low circulating SHBG has been attributed to hyperinsulinemia, but no mechanistic evidence has been d
129 asculature beyond that seen with physiologic hyperinsulinemia by a distinct mechanism that is not blo
130              Importantly, with correction of hyperinsulinemia by inhibition of hepatic aPKC and impro
131 sulin resistance but also be responsible for hyperinsulinemia by stimulating secretion and reducing c
132 erol during physiologic and supraphysiologic hyperinsulinemia, by combining microdialysis with oral g
133          She presented the Banting Lecture, "Hyperinsulinemia: Cause or Consequence?" on Sunday, 26 J
134 ression reversed the glucose intolerance and hyperinsulinemia caused by the HFD and protected against
135 ent of HFF GcgR(-/-) to simulate HFF-induced hyperinsulinemia caused obesity and mild T2D.
136 S1 and IRS2 in the heart and examine whether hyperinsulinemia causes myocardial insulin resistance an
137 , sex, race, ethnicity, body mass index, and hyperinsulinemia, children with metabolic syndrome had 5
138 tations in KCNQ1, includes, besides long QT, hyperinsulinemia, clinically relevant symptomatic reacti
139 els of triglycerides and were protected from hyperinsulinemia compared with HFD PBS-treated mice.
140                                              Hyperinsulinemia contributes to cardiac hypertrophy and
141            In summary, our data suggest that hyperinsulinemia could induce breast cancer progression
142 , respectively; P < 0.05), while FFAs during hyperinsulinemia decreased and GDR increased significant
143 in tolerance, protection against LPS-induced hyperinsulinemia, decreased macrophage infiltration into
144  insulin signaling in response to peripheral hyperinsulinemia, despite detecting increased signaling
145 erglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia and greater hyperinsulinemia developed in the MKR mice treated with
146                Less marked hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia developed with NVP-BEZ235 than NVP-BKM1
147 adipose tissue, or lipodystrophy, results in hyperinsulinemia, diabetes mellitus, and severe hepatic
148 -resistant patients with T2DM, hyperglycemic-hyperinsulinemia did not increase ER stress response mar
149                           Furthermore, acute hyperinsulinemia downregulates H19, a phenomenon that oc
150 vide evidence that higher BMI levels precede hyperinsulinemia during childhood, and this one-directio
151                                  Physiologic hyperinsulinemia during FFA elevation paradoxically decr
152  prevalence of CVD risk factors (ie, fasting hyperinsulinemia, elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive p
153                                              Hyperinsulinemia failed to suppress adipose tissue inter
154                                              Hyperinsulinemia generally increased both NOx FSR and ab
155 ion of p31(comet) causes insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, glucose intolerance, and hyperglycemia
156 e correlated with measures of hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, glucose intolerance, and insulin resis
157  normal weight loss; however, they developed hyperinsulinemia, glucose intolerance, increased express
158         Increasing levels of ALT and fasting hyperinsulinemia (&gt;12 muU/mL) synergized with increasing
159 itine infusion in the presence or absence of hyperinsulinemia had no effect on muscle TC content in v
160 reases breast cancer risk and mortality, and hyperinsulinemia has been identified as a major factor l
161 g hyperglycemia, impaired glucose tolerance, hyperinsulinemia, hepatic steatosis and diminished insul
162  are protected from the glucose intolerance, hyperinsulinemia, hepatic steatosis, adiposity, hyperten
163 s of Lep-null mutant rats including obesity, hyperinsulinemia, hepatic steatosis, nephropathy, and in
164 rose-enriched diet was sufficient to provoke hyperinsulinemia, hepatosteatosis, hepatic insulin resis
165                                              Hyperinsulinemia (HI) is elevated plasma insulin at basa
166                              The progressive hyperinsulinemia, however, caused a dose-dependent incre
167 ain in response to excess caloric intake and hyperinsulinemia; however, the mechanism by which GH is
168 sting and amino acid-induced hypoglycemia in hyperinsulinemia hyperammonemia (HI/HA).
169 uent studies demonstrated that wild-type and hyperinsulinemia/hyperammonemia forms of GDH are inhibit
170  developed glucoregulatory defects including hyperinsulinemia, hyperglucagonemia, hyperglycemia, and
171 uding increased circulating estrogen levels, hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, and chronic inflammatio
172  identify hepatocellular changes elicited by hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, and PoG signaling in no
173 paired fasting glucose, glucose intolerance, hyperinsulinemia, hyperleptinemia and dyslipidemia marke
174 ly and raised on an Se-adequate diet exhibit hyperinsulinemia, hyperleptinemia, glucose intolerance,
175 ountered in humans, including hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, hyperleptinemia, insulin and leptin re
176 mon metabolic dysregulation such as obesity, hyperinsulinemia, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes.
177 eveloped along with aspects of MS, including hyperinsulinemia, hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, an
178 ated ChREBP, and caused glucose intolerance, hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and hepatic stea
179 ith obesity and metabolic risk, specifically hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hyperleptinemia,
180 ion (anti-incretin effect) to defend against hyperinsulinemia-hypoglycemia.
181  suppressed development of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia, improved systemic glucose tolerance, r
182 perfusion and amino acid availability during hyperinsulinemia improves the muscle protein anabolic ef
183                  We found that physiological hyperinsulinemia in awake, behaving mice does not increa
184 igh fat (HF) diet-induced diabetic mice with hyperinsulinemia in ECIRS1 TG versus wild type (WT), but
185  is unknown but may involve the influence of hyperinsulinemia in enhancing free or bioavailable conce
186 urthermore, the role of hyperglycemia versus hyperinsulinemia in exenatide-mediated glucose disposal
187 ricular dAG failed to regulate FM and induce hyperinsulinemia in GHSR-deficient (Ghsr(-/-)) mice.
188 emonstrate that pharmacological induction of hyperinsulinemia in mice down-regulates myocardial UCP3.
189 iled to cause glucose intolerance or promote hyperinsulinemia in mixed background A/A or S/S mice.
190                                              Hyperinsulinemia in NAFLD correlated strongly with impai
191 limus and sirolimus induce hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia in normal rats.
192 eased birth weight as a consequence of fetal hyperinsulinemia in Pima Indians, missense and common no
193 s were few but consistent with prevention of hyperinsulinemia in some but not all overweight persons.
194  data provide evidence for a direct role for hyperinsulinemia in stimulating hepatic Cd36 expression
195 y be a useful tool for reducing postprandial hyperinsulinemia in T2DM, thereby potentially improving
196  a mechanism that involves hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia in the development of malformations.
197  mice exhibited decreased glucose levels and hyperinsulinemia in the fasting and fed state.
198 parameters, baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) and hyperinsulinemia in the high fructose-drinking (HFD) rat
199 tential to revert the unfavorable effects of hyperinsulinemia in these patients.
200 cose metabolism caused by normal physiologic hyperinsulinemia in this large animal model.
201 ycemia was linked to glucose intolerance and hyperinsulinemia in TLR4(+/+) mice, but not in TLR4(-/-)
202 lating and tissue endocannabinoid levels and hyperinsulinemia in type 2 diabetes.
203  these molecular events during physiological hyperinsulinemia in vivo in a large animal model.
204             In the presence of hyperglycemic-hyperinsulinemia in ZDF, reduced glycogenic flux partial
205 olon cancer recurrence in states of relative hyperinsulinemia, including sedentary lifestyle, obesity
206            In normal subjects, hyperglycemia-hyperinsulinemia increased after/before mRNA ratios of s
207     Superimposing contraction on physiologic hyperinsulinemia increased MBV within 10 min by 37 and 6
208                                              Hyperinsulinemia increased the synthesis of nearly half
209  can influence breast cancer development via hyperinsulinemia, increased estrogen, and/or inflammatio
210 causes improved glucose tolerance, decreased hyperinsulinemia, increased insulin sensitivity and decr
211  and LepR(-/-),GcgR(+/+) mice both developed hyperinsulinemia, increased liver sterol response elemen
212  glucagon receptor-null mice did not develop hyperinsulinemia, increased liver sterol response elemen
213                                 In addition, hyperinsulinemia increases C-peptide clearance, which ma
214              We hypothesized that endogenous hyperinsulinemia increases mammary tumor growth by direc
215 ppear to rapidly alleviate hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia independent of weight loss.
216                                     Maternal hyperinsulinemia (independent of maternal body weight an
217 on rate needed to maintain euglycemia during hyperinsulinemia, indicating enhancement of peripheral i
218  we conclude that combined hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia induce short-term myocardial lipid accu
219 T2DM patients, was associated with decreased hyperinsulinemia-induced ER stress responses.
220 lin-signaling pathway and with a decrease of hyperinsulinemia-induced ER stress responses.
221  but appears to result partly from increased hyperinsulinemia-induced hypothalamic fatty acid synthas
222 = 0.80) but augmented the hyperaminoacidemia-hyperinsulinemia-induced increase in the rate of muscle
223                           Hyperglycemia- and hyperinsulinemia-induced insulin resistance causes alter
224 eight gain (21.6 +/- 1.4 vs 16.2 +/- 2.4 g), hyperinsulinemia (insulin area under the curve during gl
225  mice, including glucose intolerance, marked hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance in skeletal muscle
226 levels by >50% beginning at 21 days, causing hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, and elevation in h
227 L-iNOS-Tg mice exhibited mild hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, and impaired insul
228  D16 pregnant dams in association with basal hyperinsulinemia, insulin-resistant endogenous glucose p
229                             We conclude that hyperinsulinemia is a key programming factor and therefo
230                                              Hyperinsulinemia is a risk factor for late-onset Alzheim
231                                              Hyperinsulinemia is an adaptive mechanism that enables t
232                                              Hyperinsulinemia is believed to play a key role in the p
233                                              Hyperinsulinemia is induced by inflammatory stimuli as a
234 ta-cell replication when acute hyperglycemia/hyperinsulinemia is induced.
235 nce in prediabetic individuals, postprandial hyperinsulinemia is reduced only when a low-GI diet is c
236                                      Because hyperinsulinemia is typically characterized by a 3-fold
237                                 Whether this hyperinsulinemia itself is part of a feedback loop that
238 n muscle TC during l-carnitine infusion with hyperinsulinemia, l-carnitine infusion in the presence o
239 rp78(+/-) mice are resistant to diet-induced hyperinsulinemia, liver steatosis, white adipose tissue
240                      These data suggest that hyperinsulinemia may contribute to the development of ob
241 Sustained down-regulation of cardiac UCP3 by hyperinsulinemia may partly explain the poor prognosis o
242 rom long-standing systemic hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia, may be generalized to the brain, resul
243                                   Peripheral hyperinsulinemia modestly increases ISF and plasma Abeta
244  plasma free fatty acid concentration during hyperinsulinemia most strongly predicted infant birth we
245 temporal and mechanistic connections between hyperinsulinemia, obesity and insulin resistance.
246 ue inflammation corresponded with the robust hyperinsulinemia observed in APOE2 mice after being fed
247 l model systems consistently have shown that hyperinsulinemia occurs in animals with periodontitis co
248 ype II (MODY-II) and persistent hypoglycemic hyperinsulinemia of infancy (PHHI).
249 n was an important mediator in the effect of hyperinsulinemia on breast cancer metastasis.
250  largely prevented the suppressive effect of hyperinsulinemia on EGP.
251 e were evaluated to understand the impact of hyperinsulinemia on estimates of beta-cell function.
252 could mediate some of the adverse effects of hyperinsulinemia on HCC.
253         Here, we have explored the effect of hyperinsulinemia on hepatic Cd36 expression, development
254 -/-) mice had similar weight, adiposity, and hyperinsulinemia on high-fat diets, and Ffar1(-/-) mice
255        We investigated the effect of chronic hyperinsulinemia on proteostasis by generating a time-re
256              The in vivo effects of insulin (hyperinsulinemia) on omentin-1 levels were also assessed
257 d 11 adults, respectively, during euglycemic hyperinsulinemia or after oral niacin to suppress FFA co
258  risk for hypoglycemia, nor did it rely upon hyperinsulinemia or beta-cell hyperplasia, although PKA
259 ing on net hepatic glycogen synthesis during hyperinsulinemia or hepatic portal vein glucose infusion
260          LepR(-/-),GcgR(-/-) did not develop hyperinsulinemia or hyperglycemia.
261 ia, and low HDL cholesterol), and markers of hyperinsulinemia or insulin resistance (insulin and C-pe
262 of prediabetes, and the patients may develop hyperinsulinemia or type 2 diabetes in the future.
263  response of the liver to normal physiologic hyperinsulinemia over 4 h.
264 easures of oxidative stress (P < 0.001), and hyperinsulinemia (P < 0.01).
265  0.05 mug/mL per mug protein; P < 0.05), and hyperinsulinemia (P < 0.05).
266 de the first evidence that hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia promote insulin resistance and impair l
267  (NEFAs) in the liver, whereas IR-associated hyperinsulinemia promotes hepatic de novo lipogenesis.
268 gate the mechanisms through which endogenous hyperinsulinemia promotes mammary tumor metastases.
269                                              Hyperinsulinemia reduced HGP due to a rapid transition f
270                            Thirty minutes of hyperinsulinemia resulted in an increase in phospho-FOXO
271  hepatic insulin extraction to cause chronic hyperinsulinemia, resulting in insulin resistance and vi
272 duced postprandial hyperglycemia and fasting hyperinsulinemia significantly correlated with tumor inc
273 ting FFAs; however, decreases in FFAs during hyperinsulinemia significantly determined GDR improvemen
274                                Rather, brain hyperinsulinemia slowly caused a modest reduction in net
275 y liver disease, and thus it correlates with hyperinsulinemia, steatosis, and insulin resistance.
276                                              Hyperinsulinemia stimulates liver production of IGF-I, p
277        Pathologic conditions associated with hyperinsulinemia, such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, a
278 ciated with high levels of serum FFAs during hyperinsulinemia, suggesting impaired insulin action in
279 y pharmacological inhibition of DPP-4 caused hyperinsulinemia, suppression of glucagon release, and g
280           Here we show in a model of chronic hyperinsulinemia that adipocytes develop selective insul
281 of the human GLUT4 promoter, can prevent the hyperinsulinemia that results from obesity.
282 ity, thereby accelerating the development of hyperinsulinemia that will ultimately lead to advanced m
283                        In contrast, reducing hyperinsulinemia to basal levels, exenatide-increased to
284                  However, mechanisms linking hyperinsulinemia to NAFLD and HCC require clarification.
285                       Insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia underlie the pathogenesis of T2DM.
286                                              Hyperinsulinemia was caused by increased insulin secreti
287                           A 2-fold increased hyperinsulinemia was maintained for the first 4 weeks of
288 t was elevated in the transgenics, and their hyperinsulinemia was more marked, suggesting greater ins
289                          Among nondiabetics, hyperinsulinemia was positively associated with Barrett'
290    A higher fasting insulin concentration or hyperinsulinemia was significantly associated with an in
291            Glucose and lipid kinetics during hyperinsulinemia were also measured in a subset of parti
292                       Insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia were induced in mice by a high fat diet
293             Tumors from mice with endogenous hyperinsulinemia were larger and had greater IR phosphor
294 sal, and suppression of fat oxidation during hyperinsulinemia were significantly lower in Ab- compare
295 xhibited impairment of insulin clearance and hyperinsulinemia, which caused insulin resistance beginn
296                                              Hyperinsulinemia, which is associated with aging and met
297 pically from Irs1 single mutants and exhibit hyperinsulinemia, while maintaining normal beta cell mas
298  [-4.0 +/- 0.9 pmol/l]) and during sustained hyperinsulinemia with hypoglycemia (-14 +/- 2 pg/ml [-4.
299                          They also developed hyperinsulinemia with transient insulin resistance durin
300 d to 3 days of high caloric intake exhibited hyperinsulinemia without hyperglycemia and a decrease in

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