


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 g skin and involves follicular occlusion and hyperkeratosis.
2  with histological findings of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis.
3 fied as the molecular basis of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis.
4  PLS patients display both periodontitis and hyperkeratosis.
5 ate red patches and localized or generalized hyperkeratosis.
6 dermolysis bullosa simplex and epidermolytic hyperkeratosis.
7  and histologically by acanthosis and marked hyperkeratosis.
8 ng-Meara phenotype with severe palmo-plantar hyperkeratosis.
9 der characterized by generalized scaling and hyperkeratosis.
10 f nail dystrophy, alopecia, and palmoplantar hyperkeratosis.
11 itive layer of cells and was associated with hyperkeratosis.
12 ere dystrophy of the nails, and palmoplantar hyperkeratosis.
13 ents with oral leukokeratosis and follicular hyperkeratosis.
14 erized by thickening of the skin with marked hyperkeratosis.
15 ienced premature tooth loss and palm plantar hyperkeratosis.
16 ysis of cases of pregnancy-associated nipple hyperkeratosis.
17 ong with other skin abnormalities, including hyperkeratosis.
18 ation, delayed differentiation and extensive hyperkeratosis.
19  cultures with IL1A was sufficient to induce hyperkeratosis.
20 mmation and associated epidermal hyperplasia/hyperkeratosis.
21  other keratins were upregulated, suggesting hyperkeratosis.
22 a, and by 2 weeks of age develop significant hyperkeratosis.
23 very kinetics in patients with epidermolytic hyperkeratosis.
24 celerated recovery kinetics in epidermolytic hyperkeratosis.
25 r layer, mild acanthosis, and orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis.
26  skin may be normal, except for palmoplantar hyperkeratosis.
27 ail skin showed hyperplasia with evidence of hyperkeratosis.
28 agnosed with hyperpigmentation was 673; with hyperkeratosis, 243; and with skin cancer (Bowen's disea
29   The most common AEs were arthralgia (33%), hyperkeratosis (27%), and pyrexia (24%).
30 14 [38.9%], respectively [P = .67]), plantar hyperkeratosis (47 [39.5%] and 14 [38.9%], respectively
31  in the dabrafenib and trametinib group, and hyperkeratosis (70 patients, 33%) in the dabrafenib only
32 arly, wound-associated epidermal hyperplasia/hyperkeratosis, a hallmark of adult HK1.fos phenotypes,
33  phenotype mimicking a form of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, a keratin gene disorder.
34 ed embryonic barrier formation and postnatal hyperkeratosis (abnormal accumulation of cornified cells
35 perplasia of the epithelium typified by mild hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, and elongation and isolated
36 er stratum granulosum cells in epidermolytic hyperkeratosis after barrier disruption.
37 kin in which affected infants have epidermal hyperkeratosis and a defective permeability barrier.
38 opy of nuclear-lamin-deficient skin revealed hyperkeratosis and a disordered stratum corneum with an
39 ssive congenital ichthyosis characterized by hyperkeratosis and a disruption in the epidermal permeab
40 ed multifocal hyperplasia without associated hyperkeratosis and aberrant expression of keratin 6.
41 ion, we show that murine epidermis developed hyperkeratosis and acanthosis 4 d after an adenoviral ve
42 ith overt hyperkeratosis of the forestomach, hyperkeratosis and acanthosis of the epidermis, and hypo
43 c nipple changes in pregnancy do not include hyperkeratosis and are expected to resolve or improve po
44                                              Hyperkeratosis and blister formation are relatively mild
45 teractive effect on lung cancer risk between hyperkeratosis and cigarette smoking was identified, whi
46  the Keratin 2e and Egfr mutations, in which hyperkeratosis and epidermal thickening precede epiderma
47 fication with overlapping features including hyperkeratosis and erythema.
48 hil-derived cys-LTs and the CysLT(2)R in the hyperkeratosis and fibrosis of allergic skin inflammatio
49 y associated with a correct diagnosis, while hyperkeratosis and fissures and ridges were independent
50 nd cutaneous blistering at birth followed by hyperkeratosis and less frequent blistering later in lif
51 is of suprabasal keratinocytes and secondary hyperkeratosis and melanocytosis.
52 atinocytes resulted in epidermal hyperplasia/hyperkeratosis and novel 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-ac
53 ental anomalies, hypotrichosis, palmoplantar hyperkeratosis and onychodysplasia, syndactyly, and clef
54 zed by persistent plaque-like or generalized hyperkeratosis and transient red patches of variable siz
55 nthosis), thickening of the cornified layer (hyperkeratosis), and increased vascularity in the dermis
56 0 deficient mouse, a model for epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, and a mouse model for Bloom syndrome are
57 sing MCPyV T antigens developed hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis, and acanthosis of the skin with addition
58 e exhibit epidermal and adnexal hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis, and almost total alopecia.
59 epidermis resulted in epidermal hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis, and an increased labeling index that per
60 t at a normal rate and developed oily coats, hyperkeratosis, and apparent vision defects.
61 uding immune suppression, thymus involution, hyperkeratosis, and carcinogenesis.
62 ibited significant epidermal hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis, and developed spontaneous squamous cell
63 e developed severe epidermal hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis, and did not survive beyond 3 weeks of ag
64 th delayed cerebellar development, epidermal hyperkeratosis, and follicular dystrophy.
65 ocyte hyperproliferation, skin inflammation, hyperkeratosis, and increased apoptosis.
66 , epidermal and sebaceous gland hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis, and increased epidermal thickness.
67 asia characterized by alopecia, palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, and nail dystrophy.
68  psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, and Netherton's syndrome.
69 essing mice, developed progressive alopecia, hyperkeratosis, and skin lesions containing profuse acti
70 arcinoma, ten with precancerous lesions with hyperkeratosis, and ten subjects without laryngeal disea
71  of the barrier abnormality in epidermolytic hyperkeratosis are unknown, however.
72 cated keratin 10 gene exhibit acanthosis and hyperkeratosis as seen in the human disease.
73 sting of early-onset patches of erythema and hyperkeratosis, as well as SCA manifesting in the fourth
74 clude basal hyperplasia, lack of maturation, hyperkeratosis, atypical nuclei, perinuclear clearing, a
75 d by early-onset poikiloderma, pachyonychia, hyperkeratosis, bone anomalies and neutropenia, predispo
76 ability barrier abnormality in epidermolytic hyperkeratosis can be attributed to abnormal lamellar bo
77 ed atrophic and pigmentary lesions, striated hyperkeratosis, coarse lusterless hair and alopecia, cat
78                          Two individuals had hyperkeratosis confined to palms, soles, and anogenital
79 ) is an autosomal dominant disorder in which hyperkeratosis confined to the palms and soles is charac
80 tion, it did not protect from acanthosis and hyperkeratosis, demonstrating that neutrophils are dispe
81 at the histopathologic feature of follicular hyperkeratosis distinguished these 6 patients from previ
82 utosomal dominant skin disease epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (EHK) is an arginine to histidine substit
83 hich models the human disease, epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (EHK).
84 h clinical features similar to epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (EHK).
85 nherited blistering disorders, epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, epidermolysis bullosa simplex, epidermol
86 ologic and dermatoscopic findings of KP were hyperkeratosis, hypergranulosis, mild T helper cell type
87 ed a markedly thinned epidermis and striking hyperkeratosis, hypoplastic sebaceous glands, and a fibr
88 ncing in four probands with undiagnosed skin hyperkeratosis/ichthyosis, we identified compound hetero
89 ty-five cases of pregnancy-associated nipple hyperkeratosis identified during a 5-year period (Januar
90 arkable occurrence of severe palmar--plantar hyperkeratosis in both patients suggests that the kerati
91 vement of hemichannels in the development of hyperkeratosis in KID syndrome.
92 aviolet A treatments reduced hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis in murine skin.
93 r compared with normal epidermis, and a mild hyperkeratosis in the cornified layer.
94 arked epidermal papillomatous acanthosis and hyperkeratosis in the skin, with a notable decrease in t
95 keratinocyte hyperproliferation, acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, intraepidermal neutrophil microabscesses
96 utosomal recessive disorder characterized by hyperkeratosis involving the palms, soles, elbows, and k
97                                Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis is a dominantly inherited ichthyosis, fre
98                                Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis is a hallmark feature of light and electr
99                                Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis is characterized by tonofilament clumping
100                                              Hyperkeratosis is significantly associated with an incre
101 ecture leading to a severe form of epidermal hyperkeratosis known as ichthyosis hystrix Curth-Macklin
102  these mice showed epidermal hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis, marked thickening of the dermis and hypo
103 nant skin blistering disorder, epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (MIM 113800), which is caused by mutation
104         Deletion of K2 caused acanthosis and hyperkeratosis of the ear and the tail epidermis, corneo
105   The mice present histologically with overt hyperkeratosis of the forestomach, hyperkeratosis and ac
106 s disorder allow differentiation from nevoid hyperkeratosis of the nipple and areola.
107 , after estrogen treatment, and/or in nevoid hyperkeratosis of the nipple and areola.
108                                              Hyperkeratosis of the nipple and/or areola can develop i
109                         Pregnancy-associated hyperkeratosis of the nipple can be symptomatic and pers
110 ologic entity be called pregnancy-associated hyperkeratosis of the nipple.
111 recessive condition manifested clinically by hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles and rapidly progre
112                   Slurp2(-/-) mice exhibited hyperkeratosis on the volar surface of the paws (i.e., p
113 ized by intraepidermal blistering, epidermal hyperkeratosis, or abnormalities in skin appendages, suc
114 vere phenotype characterized by hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, and impaired epidermal ba
115 enodermatosis characterized by epidermolytic hyperkeratosis restricted to the palm and sole epidermis
116  Cx26-G45E mice displayed reduced viability, hyperkeratosis, scaling, skin folds, and hair loss.
117        The chronic epidermal hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis seen in these mice is similar to that see
118 ) mice showed mild epidermal hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis, severe hyperplasia of the sebaceous glan
119  recovery rates were faster in epidermolytic hyperkeratosis than in age-matched controls.
120 hinning of stratum corneum, thereby reducing hyperkeratosis that likely underlies ectropion in patien
121 in phenotype is characterized by acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, the presence of a mixed inflammatory cel
122 g from mild psoriasiform scaly skin to overt hyperkeratosis, typically develops within the first thre
123 nt caused vaginal epithelial hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis, uterine inflammation, adenomyosis, and f
124                                              Hyperkeratosis was also evident.
125                             In two patients, hyperkeratosis was improved on the gentamicin side, as d
126 rted in GJB3, yet the extent and severity of hyperkeratosis was milder compared to the corresponding
127       Patients' self-reported improvement of hyperkeratosis was significantly greater on the gentamic
128                 Aggregate formation, but not hyperkeratosis, was suppressed by the deletion of both K
129 PL --> (157)NQSPLQPL) leads to epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, we tested and showed that the analogous
130  histological analysis, both hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis were evident.
131 hyperplasia, acanthosis, orthokeratosis, and hyperkeratosis were only observed in mice maintained in
132 dentified, which suggests that patients with hyperkeratosis who have been exposed to arsenic should c
133 amination revealed extensive areas of marked hyperkeratosis with focal parakeratosis, acanthosis, der
134 ted individuals later developed palmoplantar hyperkeratosis with patchy erythema and scale elsewhere
135 gic features were conspicuous orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, with papillomatosis and acanthosis being
136 tagonist led to a dose-dependent decrease in hyperkeratosis without a reduction in non-polar lipids i
137 atosis type 1, Bloom syndrome, epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, X-linked ichthyosis, Netherton syndrome,

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