


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s), and posterior cerebellum were relatively hypermetabolic.
2 hibit increased fatty acid oxidation and are hypermetabolic.
3 nt to high-fat diet-induced weight gain, and hypermetabolic.
4 ometabolic, whereas E2+/p- mice are lean and hypermetabolic.
5             Mice lacking SCD-1 were lean and hypermetabolic.
6  390 enrolled patients, 49% of subjects were hypermetabolic, 30% of subjects were normometabolic, and
7                         PET identified focal hypermetabolic abnormalities in 19 of 22 intracranial me
8          In all seven PET scans, the uniform hypermetabolic activity associated with the demarcation
9 that also demonstrates a symmetrical rimlike hypermetabolic activity seen on PET scans.
10                  Critically ill children are hypermetabolic and in negative NB.
11 glucose levels of 130 mg/dL exert attenuated hypermetabolic and inflammatory responses, as well as si
12 ween 1,5-InsP8 and 5-InsP7 as drivers of the hypermetabolic and p53-elevated phenotypes, we used IP6K
13 atum, which was heavily weighted (relatively hypermetabolic) and appeared to provide a disease-specif
14                                    The lean, hypermetabolic, and insulin-sensitive E2+/p- phenotype a
15               In contrast, BalphaKO mice are hypermetabolic, and similar to whole body PGC-1alpha nul
16                                +/p- mice are hypermetabolic at both ambient temperature (21 degrees C
17 peated exposure shifted the hippocampus to a hypermetabolic basal state with concurrent atrophy and p
18 r understand the motor clinical relevance of hypermetabolic brain regions in HD.
19 ely shunt oxygenated blood to the imminently hypermetabolic focus or may be due to small local decrea
20                Homozygous mutants are small, hypermetabolic, hyperactive, and infertile, with markedl
21 hermal injury, ameliorates the hyperdynamic, hypermetabolic, hypercatabolic, and osteopenic responses
22                            Further, they are hypermetabolic, hyperphagic and hyperthermic, all consis
23                                      In this hypermetabolic, hypoglycaemic state, propranolol stimula
24 ling of REE suggests that skeletal muscle is hypermetabolic in patients with HIV lipoatrophy.
25               Seriously injured patients are hypermetabolic in the early postinjury period.
26                               At FDG PET, 46 hypermetabolic lesions consistent with tumor were depict
27                                   Fifty-nine hypermetabolic lesions identified on 7 min/bed position
28 y (PET) -computed tomography showed multiple hypermetabolic lesions involving subcutaneous tissue, mu
29  that of PET/CT in allowing the detection of hypermetabolic lesions suspicious for malignancy in pati
30  (7 per patient) were analyzed for number of hypermetabolic lesions.
31 ypeptide VGF (nonacronymic) produces a lean, hypermetabolic mouse.
32                                              Hypermetabolic, normometabolic, and hypometabolic patien
33                                              Hypermetabolic patients, compared with normometabolic pa
34  Small, non-avid tumors and those within the hypermetabolic, PET-avid brain were falsely negative.
35         The genomic pattern for liver in the hypermetabolic phase after the burn injury involves tran
36            Finally, before hypometabolism, a hypermetabolic phase was identified for some cortical re
37 -induced obesity, thereby recapitulating the hypermetabolic phenotype of global SCD1 deficiency.
38 stored p53 expression but did not affect the hypermetabolic phenotype.
39 SOD1) mouse models of familial ALS possess a hypermetabolic phenotype.
40 uring early adolescence yields a distinctive hypermetabolic prefrontal cortex state that was not obse
41 re (SPM5) was used to identify all hypo- and hypermetabolic regions in patients with HD relative to c
42                    IGF-I/BP-3 attenuates the hypermetabolic response after thermal injury and may imp
43 rly enteral tube feedings, will decrease the hypermetabolic response and the incidence of sepsis that
44 evere burns are associated with a persistent hypermetabolic response characterized by hyperdynamic ci
45  show that female children exert a decreased hypermetabolic response compared with male children, whi
46 atients exert an attenuated inflammatory and hypermetabolic response compared with males.
47 , early wound closure, and modulation of the hypermetabolic response have decreased morbidity and mor
48                       Severe burns trigger a hypermetabolic response that persists for up to 2 years
49 e, nonsurvivors exhibited a vastly increased hypermetabolic response that was associated with increas
50                                          The hypermetabolic response to severe burn is associated wit
51                   The catecholamine-mediated hypermetabolic response to severe burns causes increased
52              These findings suggest that the hypermetabolic response to thermal injury is maximal in
53 ndrome of skeletal muscle that presents as a hypermetabolic response to volatile anesthetic gases, wh
54  activation during HIV-1 infection induces a hypermetabolic response with increased glucose uptake.
55 nteral nutrition in burn patients blunts the hypermetabolic response.
56  of constitutive proteins, and modulated the hypermetabolic response.
57 tcomes, infection, sepsis, inflammatory, and hypermetabolic responses were determined.
58  with extreme and prolonged inflammatory and hypermetabolic responses, resulting in significant catab
59 ver injury, and that hypoxia subsequent to a hypermetabolic state caused by activated Kupffer cells i
60 ed liver injury, and hypoxia subsequent to a hypermetabolic state caused by activated Kupffer cells p
61 ed, results do not support the notion that a hypermetabolic state contributes to unexplained weight l
62 es the metabolic rate and contributes to the hypermetabolic state in severe illness.
63                            Thus, we define a hypermetabolic state that incites changes in the epigene
64 injury and major surgical stress result in a hypermetabolic state with accelerated breakdown of prote
65 he traditional view is that cocaine causes a hypermetabolic state with increased heat production.
66 creased in the septic patients, suggesting a hypermetabolic state with increased protein breakdown.
67 itically ill patients are characterized by a hypermetabolic state, a catabolic response, higher nutri
68            If amyloid were found to induce a hypermetabolic state, this would suggest an alternative
69                     Thermal injury induces a hypermetabolic state, which is reported to increase with
70 oxidation and the detrimental induction of a hypermetabolic state.
71 abolic ceilings vary with respect to whether hypermetabolic states involve relatively short bouts of
72        KSHV-MCD activity was associated with hypermetabolic symmetric lymphadenopathy (median maximal
73 an anesthetic-drug-induced, life-threatening hypermetabolic syndrome caused by abnormal calcium regul
74                   All patients were markedly hypermetabolic throughout acute hospital stay and had si
75                                PET/CT showed hypermetabolic uptake in the skin in all patients, in th
76                                          The hypermetabolic uptake of FDG fell to background levels w
77                             ALS patients are hypermetabolic with increased resting energy expenditure

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