


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  regions with significant hypometabolism and hypermetabolism.
2 mal liver function, lipid abnormalities, and hypermetabolism.
3  glucose metabolism and amyloid-beta-related hypermetabolism.
4 creased browning of white adipose tissue and hypermetabolism.
5 l of malignant hyperthermia and heat-induced hypermetabolism.
6 at Abeta deposition directly caused reactive hypermetabolism.
7 s the dependable reversal of skeletal muscle hypermetabolism.
8 heral chemoreceptor gain is augmented during hypermetabolism.
9 entilation, was doubled during the period of hypermetabolism.
10 urn long-term oxandrolone treatment improves hypermetabolism and body composition.
11         A severe burn injury leads to marked hypermetabolism and catabolism, which are associated wit
12  study was to investigate activation-induced hypermetabolism and hyperemia by using a multifrequency
13  as being potentially associated with REE or hypermetabolism and hypometabolism after LTx.
14 s in accordance with the notion that glucose hypermetabolism and hypometabolism reflect fundamentally
15 th functional neuroimaging studies reporting hypermetabolism and increased regional cerebral blood fl
16                                              Hypermetabolism and malnourishment are common in the int
17                         Burn trauma triggers hypermetabolism and muscle wasting via increased cellula
18 us in schizophrenia is characterized by both hypermetabolism and reduced size.
19 ropranolol during hospitalization attenuates hypermetabolism and reverses muscle-protein catabolism.
20 the role of the inflammasome in burn-induced hypermetabolism and, potentially, developing novel thera
21 e and regional distribution of inflammation (hypermetabolism) and tissue failure, apoptosis, or atrop
22                            Because anorexia, hypermetabolism, and elevated cytokine levels are freque
23  body surface area), its effects on postburn hypermetabolism, and the long-term cosmetic and function
24      FDG-PET demonstrated an area of intense hypermetabolism, and wide surgical resection was perform
25  of therapeutic strategies that aim to blunt hypermetabolism appears warranted.
26                         Sepsis and excessive hypermetabolism are also associated with protein catabol
27  cellular protection mechanisms and systemic hypermetabolism are initiated and controlled.
28                                              Hypermetabolism associated with severe burns was thought
29                                          CA1 hypermetabolism at baseline predicted hippocampal atroph
30                                Focal glucose hypermetabolism at the level of cervical spinal cord com
31     The identification of unexpected foci of hypermetabolism at whole-body FDG PET may signal the pre
32 h scan was evaluated for abnormal unexpected hypermetabolism based on unusual location (ie, foci that
33 ignificantly associated with the presence of hypermetabolism before LTx and the cumulative dose of pr
34 s regulate inflammatory cytokines that cause hypermetabolism/catabolism via acute phase response, lea
35  response contributes to multiorgan failure, hypermetabolism, complications, and death.
36 r, may contribute to multiple organ failure, hypermetabolism, complications, and death.
37 d resting energy expenditure, but if and how hypermetabolism contributes to disease pathology is unkn
38 nd/or secondary effects such as hyperphagia, hypermetabolism, disturbed glucose homeostasis, altered
39              It has been recently shown that hypermetabolism does not completely resolve after healin
40 luid resuscitation, sepsis, immune function, hypermetabolism, early excision, wound healing, scar for
41 m were concomitant with a loss of lean mass, hypermetabolism, hepatic steatosis, dyslipidemia, and be
42                                              Hypermetabolism/hypometabolism were low but present at t
43 CT scans of 13 tumors showed intense diffuse hypermetabolism in 12 and response to therapy in all 12
44                         Our main finding was hypermetabolism in a cluster comprising the bed nucleus
45                                              Hypermetabolism in a ventral emotional neural system dur
46 ectly the link between neuroinflammation and hypermetabolism in aged mice.
47 th the controversial observation of cerebral hypermetabolism in aging WT mice.
48 r previous finding of relative basal ganglia hypermetabolism in AIDS dementia complex (ADC) and to de
49                                  The role of hypermetabolism in cancer cachexia remains unclear.We st
50 so shows that TSC patients with ASDs display hypermetabolism in deep cerebellar structures, compared
51 owed a nearly identical pattern of hypo- and hypermetabolism in groups 1 and 2.
52 flammation, consistent with prior reports of hypermetabolism in inflammatory disorders.
53                     Higher HOMA-IR predicted hypermetabolism in MCI-progressors and hypometabolism in
54 tudies that have reported anterior cingulate hypermetabolism in the disorder.
55             Conversely, they showed relative hypermetabolism in the right inferior, middle, and super
56                             We also observed hypermetabolism in the same cluster in rats expressing c
57                                      Diffuse hypermetabolism in the subcortical and deep white matter
58 post hoc analyses, depressed patients showed hypermetabolism in these areas during both waking and NR
59                       Age-dependent cortical hypermetabolism in WT mice relative to young animals age
60 y; OR: 1.48 (95% CI: 1.01, 2.17); P = 0.044].Hypermetabolism is correlated with clinical and biologic
61                                  Conversely, hypermetabolism is likely compensatory in regions where
62                Studying the role of regional hypermetabolism is needed to better understand its inter
63 with decreased proinflammatory mediators and hypermetabolism, leading to a significant shorter ICU st
64         These findings show that hippocampal hypermetabolism leads to atrophy in psychotic disorder a
65                                         This hypermetabolism may be an adaptive response to an inabil
66                                              Hypermetabolism might be detrimental in other structures
67  suggest that the hyperpnoea observed during hypermetabolism might be mediated by an increase in the
68 cytokine expression profile, organ function, hypermetabolism, muscle protein synthesis, incidence of
69 ess response to burn trauma, with a focus on hypermetabolism, muscle wasting, and stress-induced diab
70 he human brain, (18)F-FDG PET shows cerebral hypermetabolism of aged wild-type (WT) mice relative to
71 f PAS kinase is consistent with the reported hypermetabolism of PAS kinase-deficient mice, identifyin
72  skeletal muscle may account for the resting hypermetabolism of patients with HIV lipoatrophy.
73 mal metabolic brain network characterized by hypermetabolism of the basal ganglia, supplementary moto
74                           We determined that hypermetabolism protected TAZ kd mice from weight gain.
75                                        While hypermetabolism remains an intriguing target for interve
76  process, but little is known about regional hypermetabolism, sometimes observed in the brain of pati
77                 There were discrete areas of hypermetabolism suggestive of malignancy (positive) in 1
78                    Surprisingly, despite the hypermetabolism, their body temperature is not elevated.
79 valuate the intracranial lesions for glucose hypermetabolism to suggest malignancy, mutiplicity of in
80 tic patients, compared with normometabolism, hypermetabolism was associated with a reduced median sur
81  poor response to escitalopram, while insula hypermetabolism was associated with remission to escital
82                         In at-risk patients, hypermetabolism was found to begin in CA1 and spread to
83                                              Hypermetabolism was negatively correlated only with hypo
84                              The presence of hypermetabolism was significantly associated with the pr
85 imary lesion, 58 abnormal unexpected foci of hypermetabolism were identified in 53 patients.
86 ve blood loss, significant fluid shifts, and hypermetabolism, which alter the pharmacokinetics of man
87 ine reproduced a similar regional pattern of hypermetabolism, while repeated exposure shifted the hip
88 association between brain hypometabolism and hypermetabolism with motor scores of patients with early

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