


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 t decreases in response to increased oxygen (hyperoxia).
2  juvenile and adult mice exposed to neonatal hyperoxia.
3 ent of admission diagnosis and definition of hyperoxia.
4 ds associated with mortality within moderate hyperoxia.
5 ydrogenase (LDH) (68%) following 72 hours of hyperoxia.
6  binding results in increased sensitivity to hyperoxia.
7 n oxidative signaling and protection against hyperoxia.
8  conscious rats during normoxia, hypoxia, or hyperoxia.
9 er, it can also result in varying degrees of hyperoxia.
10 logy in Ndufs4 KO mice exposed to hypoxia or hyperoxia.
11 al apoptosis in the lungs of mice exposed to hyperoxia.
12  to actin S-nitrosylation during exposure to hyperoxia.
13  to a specific FAK inhibitor concurrent with hyperoxia.
14 tivation and autophagy in endothelium during hyperoxia.
15  in neonatal mice lung following exposure to hyperoxia.
16  an important determinant of survival during hyperoxia.
17 mechanism during oxidant challenges, such as hyperoxia.
18  attenuation in prolonged and/or alternating hyperoxia.
19 age of premature infants experience relative hyperoxia.
20 70 from wild-type mice lungs and MLECs after hyperoxia.
21 ng endothelial cells (MLECs) were exposed to hyperoxia.
22 tly diminished by the end of the 3rd week of hyperoxia.
23  resuscitation guidelines recommend avoiding hyperoxia.
24 rbidity and mortality attributed to neonatal hyperoxia.
25 reduced in lungs of mice exposed to neonatal hyperoxia.
26 er each trial was transiently inhibited with hyperoxia.
27 rization, and beta(2) integrin inhibition by hyperoxia.
28 educed in PHD1-depleted mice after 2 days in hyperoxia.
29 n of asthma-like features following neonatal hyperoxia.
30 creased in lungs of neonatal mice exposed to hyperoxia.
31 e in the 3 parafoveal retinal plexuses under hyperoxia.
32  to demonstrate significant change following hyperoxia.
33 y due to oxidative stress caused by neonatal hyperoxia.
34 re larger for severe hyperoxia than for mild hyperoxia.
35  type of EVs found in the early stages after hyperoxia.
36 imilarly biphasically altered in response to hyperoxia.
37 fspring exposed to maternal LPS and neonatal hyperoxia.
38 % arteriolar and 23% total venous area) with hyperoxia (500 mmHg PETCO2; P < 0.001) to the same exten
39 requency reduction (Deltaf(R)) was larger in hyperoxia (65% FiO2), smaller in 15% FiO2, and absent in
40 ection to pregnant dams) and rearing pups in hyperoxia (65% or 85% O2).
41 lyase(+/-) (Sgpl1(+/-)) mice were exposed to hyperoxia (75%) from postnatal day 1 to 7.
42 OR 2.3, 95% CI 1.7-3.0, p<.0001) followed by hyperoxia (80/256 [32%], crude OR 1.5, 95% CI 1.1-2.5, p
43  preexposed to either normoxia (21% O(2)) or hyperoxia (85% O(2)) for up to 21 d.
44 g by exposing mice from 36 inbred strains to hyperoxia (95% O2) for 72 h after birth.
45 ure of pulmonary artery endothelial cells to hyperoxia (95% oxygen and 5% CO2) for 48 h resulted in d
46  were treated with lentivirus and exposed to hyperoxia (95% oxygen).
47                       We found that neonatal hyperoxia acutely initially diminished saccular TGF-beta
48  that the retinal autoregulatory response to hyperoxia affects only the deep capillary plexus, but no
49        It was accompanied by tissue reactive hyperoxia, affirming that the post-occlusion oxygen supp
50  application of hypothermia and avoidance of hyperoxia after cardiac arrest and other brain injuries
51 s have shown a worse outcome associated with hyperoxia after resuscitation from cardiac arrest.
52                                     Although hyperoxia alone attenuated the postshock hyperinflammati
53                                              Hyperoxia also increased expression of Clec9a, a CD103(+
54 here was also an association with increasing hyperoxia, although not as dramatic as that for hypoxia
55 lysis yielded a relative risk of an SSI with hyperoxia among all surgery patients of 0.84 [95% confid
56 nces in baseline characteristics between the hyperoxia and control group.
57 ounders, the probability of being exposed to hyperoxia and hospital-specific characteristics, exposur
58                                              Hyperoxia and hypothermia can attenuate tissue hypoxia d
59                   Therefore, we assessed how hyperoxia and hypoxia alter four physiological traits in
60 maturity is whether hyperoxia or alternating hyperoxia and hypoxia creates the disease phenotype in h
61                                  Alternating hyperoxia and hypoxia in untreated rats led to periphera
62 t for a 10% overlap of patients who had both hyperoxia and hypoxia.
63  in cortical oxygenation induced by systemic hyperoxia and hypoxia.
64                 Exposure to a combination of hyperoxia and injurious mechanical ventilation resulted
65 ming injury is induced by the combination of hyperoxia and injurious mechanical ventilation.
66 ples over the course of a 45-min exposure to hyperoxia and iNOS dimers increase in a commensurate fas
67                                  Exposure to hyperoxia and mechanical ventilation resulted in an incr
68 ere systematically searched for the keywords hyperoxia and mortality or outcome.
69 t data have suggested an association between hyperoxia and mortality; however, this conclusion has no
70 tilator-free days in comparison to both mild hyperoxia and normoxia for all metrics except for the wo
71 -27 +/- 2% baseline) and was attenuated with hyperoxia and PAV (-18 +/- 1 and -17 +/- 2% baseline, P
72 cal adaptation of the retinal vasculature to hyperoxia and reduced pathological angiogenesis followin
73 t of asthma-like features following neonatal hyperoxia and suggest therapeutic potential for targetin
74 ed and newly constructed metrics of arterial hyperoxia and systematically assess their association wi
75 e did not demonstrate an association between hyperoxia and worse outcome, the small proportion of pat
76 ounders, the probability of being exposed to hyperoxia, and hospital-specific effects, exposure to hy
77 ficient mice have increased mortality during hyperoxia, and lung-targeted adenoviral delivery of Hsp7
78 Both severe hypoxia and, to a lesser extent, hyperoxia are associated with an increased risk of death
79              High levels of inspired oxygen, hyperoxia, are frequently used in patients with acute re
80                        We studied the use of hyperoxia as an alternative therapeutic strategy for reg
81             Similarly, adult mice exposed to hyperoxia as neonates display alveolar simplification as
82 ed as PaO2 between 120 and 200 mm Hg; severe hyperoxia as PaO2 greater than 200 mm Hg.
83                           We show that after hyperoxia-associated oxidative stress, a large amount of
84 NAs are altered the most significantly after hyperoxia-associated oxidative stress.
85     PHD1-deficient mice demonstrated reduced hyperoxia-associated vascular obliteration during oxygen
86 citation from near-lethal hemorrhagic shock, hyperoxia attenuated hyperinflammation, and thereby show
87                                              Hyperoxia attenuated VE to a similar extent in baseline
88                              Although modest hyperoxia attenuates exercise hyperaemia by improving O(
89 production doubles within 10 min exposure to hyperoxia but declines to approximately half-maximum pro
90 us actin increased within 15 min exposure to hyperoxia but then decreased below the control level.
91 ce has shown the potential risks of arterial hyperoxia, but the lack of a clinical definition and met
92 esulted in increased sensitivity of lungs to hyperoxia, but this effect is less prominent if overwhel
93 l growth factor (VEGF), which was reduced by hyperoxia, but to local retinal ganglion cell layer-deri
94 reased the survival of TLR4-deficent mice in hyperoxia by 24 h and decreased LDH release and lung cel
95                                              Hyperoxia can exacerbate acute respiratory failure, whic
96 olar epithelial cells (AECs) and showed that hyperoxia can induce the expression of this protein.
97 to a vasoactive stimulus such as hypoxia and hyperoxia, can be used to assess the vascular range of a
98                                       At P8, hyperoxia caused apoptosis of NG2(+)O4(-) progenitor cel
99                    Prior work has shown that hyperoxia causes S-nitrosylated actin (SNO-actin) format
100                        We show that neonatal hyperoxia causes ultrastructural changes, including: mye
101 nstrated decreased median survival following hyperoxia compared to WT mice.
102                                              Hyperoxia contributes to lung injury in experimental ani
103 nt of the physiologic phenomenon of reactive hyperoxia could prove clinically beneficial for both dia
104                                  Episodes of hyperoxia decreased (p < 0.0001), whereas hypoxic episod
105                                              Hyperoxia decreased BH4 in retinas, lungs, and aortas in
106                                 Furthermore, hyperoxia decreased cardiac 3-nitrotyrosine formation an
107        In the vasodegenerative phase, during hyperoxia, defective endothelial nitric oxide synthase (
108                                              Hyperoxia depleted pulmonary immune cells by 67%; howeve
109   Vehicle-injected animals in both levels of hyperoxia developed a severe BPD-like lung disease (alve
110  higher relaxation constant tau at 24 hours, hyperoxia did not affect cardiac function.
111 ) Attenuation of peripheral chemoreflexes by hyperoxia does not abolish the augmented CO2 chemoreflex
112 tially rescued the immune cell population in hyperoxia (doubling the viable cells), reduced the perce
113                                    Following hyperoxia DTI was unchanged in controls.
114 d for meta-analyses and showed that arterial hyperoxia during admission increases hospital mortality:
115                                 Avoidance of hyperoxia during perfusion may prevent postreperfusion s
116                                              Hyperoxia during resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock in
117              Investigation of the effects of hyperoxia during resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock in
118         On day 3, perinatal inflammation and hyperoxia each triggered a distinct pulmonary immune res
119                 Exposure of neonatal mice to hyperoxia enhanced sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) levels
120     In addition, IRAK-M(-/-) AECs exposed to hyperoxia experienced a decrease in cell death.
121       Comparison of transcriptome changes in hyperoxia-exposed animals (WT versus knock-out) identifi
122                                 Treatment of hyperoxia-exposed mice with either IL1 receptor antagoni
123                                              Hyperoxia-exposed neonatal mice have increased caspase-1
124 y, alveolar-capillary structural deficits in hyperoxia-exposed pups were accompanied by a significant
125 pression of GSNO reductase, was decreased in hyperoxia-exposed pups.
126                                              Hyperoxia-exposed RV-infected mice showed further increa
127                  Induced IL-12 expression in hyperoxia-exposed, RV-infected mice was associated with
128 hydrogen peroxide into the supernatant after hyperoxia exposure (mean +/- SEM, 1,879 +/- 278 vs. 842
129                                              Hyperoxia exposure accentuated lung injury in TREK-1-def
130 oping retinal vasculature during therapeutic hyperoxia exposure and later ischemia-induced neovascula
131               Our data suggest that neonatal hyperoxia exposure causes detrimental effects on airway
132 e have previously demonstrated that neonatal hyperoxia exposure in the mouse disrupts development of
133                                     Neonatal hyperoxia exposure inhibited alveolar-capillary septal d
134                                              Hyperoxia exposure resulted in a 74% increase in (99m)Tc
135                        At baseline and after hyperoxia exposure, bronchoalveolar lavage cytokine leve
136       We were unable to verify any harm from hyperoxia exposure.
137 servational studies have suggested harm from hyperoxia exposure.
138 antly reduced the number of live cells after hyperoxia exposure.
139  toxicity is neonatal lung injury induced by hyperoxia exposure.
140 k, C57BL/6J background) mice were exposed to hyperoxia (FiO2 > 0.95) for 48 hours.
141  at rest and in all conditions with alveolar hyperoxia (FIO2 = 1.0).
142 for arterial oxygen saturation >/= 90%) and "hyperoxia" (FIO2 1.0 for 24 hr) groups.
143                Mice were exposed to neonatal hyperoxia followed by a period of room air recovery.
144 n, 2) 95% hyperoxia for 24 hours, and 3) 95% hyperoxia for 24 hours followed by mechanical ventilatio
145  room air, no mechanical ventilation, 2) 95% hyperoxia for 24 hours, and 3) 95% hyperoxia for 24 hour
146 by the exposure of wild-type newborn mice to hyperoxia for 24 hours, or by APC specific deficiency in
147 ng uptake of these agents in rats exposed to hyperoxia for prolonged periods, a common model of acute
148                  Mortality was higher in the hyperoxia group as compared with normoxia (crude odds ra
149   Plasma creatinine values were lower in the hyperoxia group during resuscitation coinciding with sig
150                                          The hyperoxia group had a higher incidence of DCI (p<0.001)
151 al rates were 50% and 89% in the control and hyperoxia groups, respectively (p = 0.077).
152 e; wild-type mice, which induced PINK1 after hyperoxia, had intermediate susceptibility; and NLRP3(-/
153 ex vivo retina from 34 to 548 mm Hg, whereas hyperoxia has been reported to increase retinal pO(2) in
154 cause few trials assessed potential harms of hyperoxia, hazards were not included.
155                We recently demonstrated that hyperoxia (HO) activates lung endothelial cell NADPH oxi
156 i is also effective in a 24-hour alternating hyperoxia-hypoxia model.
157 fy gene orthologues responding to hypoxia or hyperoxia in both mice and drosophila.
158  present results suggest a higher benefit of hyperoxia in comorbid swine due to an increased suscepti
159  cohort studies investigating the effects of hyperoxia in critically ill adults.
160 l changes during chronic moderate normobaric hyperoxia in mice.
161  moderately high probability of a benefit to hyperoxia in reducing SSIs in colorectal surgery patient
162 kin-1beta gene expression was not altered by hyperoxia in TREK-1-deficient mice compared with control
163  contrast, human fetal lung ECFCs exposed to hyperoxia in vitro and neonatal rat ECFCs isolated from
164     The role of lung endothelial HO-1 during hyperoxia in vivo is not well defined.
165                                              Hyperoxia increased levels of ATP metabolites and expres
166                                              Hyperoxia increased lung IL-12 expression, which persist
167  a neonatal mouse model of BPD, we show that hyperoxia increases activity and expression of a mediato
168                                              Hyperoxia increases synthesis of reactive species leadin
169             We have previously reported that hyperoxia increases the formation of NO and peroxynitrit
170                                     Neonatal hyperoxia induced asthma-like features including airway
171                                              Hyperoxia induced significant reduction in the flow inde
172     Furthermore, SphK1 deficiency attenuated hyperoxia-induced accumulation of IL-6 in bronchoalveola
173                                              Hyperoxia-induced acute lung injury (HALI) is a key cont
174 resent study, we address the question of how hyperoxia-induced alterations in WM development affect o
175 ysis to provide comprehensive information on hyperoxia-induced biomolecular modifications in neonatal
176    beta-LGND2 inhibited in vitro hypoxia- or hyperoxia-induced cell death and the formation of endoth
177 nia seemed to nonsignificantly attenuate the hyperoxia-induced changes.
178 ient in liver-specific HIF-1alpha experience hyperoxia-induced damage even with DMOG treatment, where
179                            P326TAT inhibited hyperoxia-induced disruption of monolayer barrier integr
180                            Functionally, the hyperoxia-induced epithelial MVs promote macrophage acti
181 esidues 326-333 has been shown to reduce the hyperoxia-induced formation of NO and peroxynitrite in l
182 bstitution (P265L) had significantly reduced hyperoxia-induced inflammation compared to strains witho
183                                              Hyperoxia-induced intracellular pH changes and subsequen
184 promote cell growth and thereby exaggerating hyperoxia-induced lung epithelial cell death.
185  showed that TLR4 confers protection against hyperoxia-induced lung injury and mortality.
186 ignaling-regulated ROS in the development of hyperoxia-induced lung injury in a murine neonatal model
187 e the relationship between TLR4 and Hsp70 in hyperoxia-induced lung injury in vitro and in vivo and t
188                                              Hyperoxia-induced lung injury was evaluated by using bro
189                                     Further, hyperoxia-induced lung injury was significantly reduced
190  Sgpl1(+/-), mice offered protection against hyperoxia-induced lung injury, with improved alveolariza
191 role of TREK-1 in vivo in the development of hyperoxia-induced lung injury.
192 opment of novel treatment strategies against hyperoxia-induced lung injury.
193                                              Hyperoxia-induced oxidative stress is an established mod
194 nd NLRP3(-/-) mice, which had high basal and hyperoxia-induced PINK1, were the least susceptible.
195 namics and underlying mechanisms involved in hyperoxia-induced PWMI will allow for future targeted th
196                    To identify the causes of hyperoxia-induced PWMI, we characterized cellular change
197 e results suggest a novel role for nmMLCK in hyperoxia-induced recruitment of cytoskeletal proteins a
198  coupling when raised sufficiently high, the hyperoxia-induced rise in retinal pO(2) in vivo is not s
199 iRNA, or inhibitor against SphK1, attenuated hyperoxia-induced S1P generation.
200 ia-induced pathologic angiogenesis, but also hyperoxia-induced vaso-obliteration, which suggests a no
201 nd hph1(-/-) groups did not show exacerbated hyperoxia-induced vessel closure, but exhibited greater
202 is study, we made the novel observation that hyperoxia induces intracellular acidification in nMLF, w
203                          We hypothesize that hyperoxia is common and associated with worse outcome af
204                  A pathogenic consequence of hyperoxia is endothelial injury.
205 ut suggest that a short period of normobaric hyperoxia is not beneficial in this context.
206 onflicting findings is important, given that hyperoxia is often used in the clinic in the treatment o
207                        The ability to resist hyperoxia is proportional to PINK1 expression.
208    Confirmation following a longer period of hyperoxia is required.
209 nistering high levels of inspired oxygen, or hyperoxia, is commonly used as a life-sustaining measure
210                                              Hyperoxia lowered LG from a median of 3.4 [interquartile
211     We have previously shown that normobaric hyperoxia may benefit peri-lesional brain and white matt
212                          Ventilation-induced hyperoxia may decrease myocardial oxygenation and lead t
213 Oxygen is vital during critical illness, but hyperoxia may harm patients.
214 , produced more superoxide after exposure to hyperoxia (mean +/- SEM, 89,807 +/- 16,616 vs. 162,706 +
215                        In patients following hyperoxia, mean diffusivity (MD) was unchanged despite b
216 rotective effect of MIF, including decreased hyperoxia-mediated AKT phosphorylation and a 20% reducti
217                 Treatment with MIF decreased hyperoxia-mediated H2AX phosphorylation in a CD74-depend
218  separate nights, subjects were submitted to hyperoxia (n = 9; FiO2 approximately 0.5) or hypoxia (n
219                  Macrophages were exposed to hyperoxia (O2) for 24 h and LPS for 6 h or 24 h.
220  to test the hypothesis that tissue reactive hyperoxia occurs following release of hind-limb tourniqu
221 ratio, 1.68; 95% CI, 1.09-2.57) and moderate hyperoxia (odds ratio, 1.66; 95% CI, 1.11-2.50) were ass
222  strain (hph1)] to investigate the impact of hyperoxia on BH4 bioavailability and retinal vascular pa
223    This study seeks to assess the effects of hyperoxia on myocardia oxygenation in the presence of se
224 ublications assessing the effect of arterial hyperoxia on outcome in critically ill adults (>/= 18 yr
225          Little is known about the impact of hyperoxia on the ischemic heart.
226 y demonstrates that the beneficial effect of hyperoxia on the severity of OSA is primarily based on i
227 udy of retinopathy of prematurity is whether hyperoxia or alternating hyperoxia and hypoxia creates t
228 mulated with recombinant VEGF and exposed to hyperoxia or hydrogen peroxide.
229  avoid the harms associated with inadvertent hyperoxia or hypoxia through careful and precise control
230 r equal to 300, and normoxia, not defined as hyperoxia or hypoxia.
231  ratio </= 300, and normoxia, not defined as hyperoxia or hypoxia.
232 O2 ratio </=300 and normoxia, not defined as hyperoxia or hypoxia.
233     Neonatal mouse pups were exposed to >90% hyperoxia or room air during postnatal days 0 to 7, and
234 t was inhibited under hypoxia (P<0.0001) and hyperoxia (P=0.0006) compared with normoxia.
235 e first arterial gas, 207 patients (11%) had hyperoxia (Pa(O)(2) >/=300 mm Hg) and 448 (24%) had hypo
236 erate hyperoxia (PaO2 101-300mm Hg), extreme hyperoxia (PaO2 > 300 mm Hg), and mortality were evaluat
237 m Hg), normoxia (PaO2 60-100mm Hg), moderate hyperoxia (PaO2 101-300mm Hg), extreme hyperoxia (PaO2 >
238  core temperature 34 degrees C), or "combi" (hyperoxia plus hypothermia) (n = 9 each).
239                        In addition, neonatal hyperoxia promoted allergic TH responses to house dust m
240  the underlying mechanisms by which neonatal hyperoxia promotes asthma development.
241 greatest quadriceps fatigue attenuation with hyperoxia (r(2) = 0.79, P < 0.0001).
242 known as linc1623 in mice, in the setting of hyperoxia/reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced lung inj
243 clinical data suggesting potential harm with hyperoxia remain compelling, and further investigation,
244                            However, in vivo, hyperoxia reportedly has no effect on blood flow.
245                           However, sustained hyperoxia resulted in a biphasic response and subsequent
246 mean fractional flow reserve of 0.64+/-0.02, hyperoxia resulted in a significant decrease of myocardi
247 y increased H(2)O(2) emission in response to hyperoxia, resulting in substantial loss of Ca(2+) buffe
248                                  Exposure to hyperoxia results in acute lung injury.
249                                       During hyperoxia, RTN activation maintains breathing despite th
250 to antagonize negative effects of the GCY-35 hyperoxia sensor on spermatogenesis.
251               Analytical metrics of arterial hyperoxia should be judiciously considered when interpre
252                                Time spent in hyperoxia showed a linear and positive relationship with
253  Furthermore, cultured astrocytes exposed to hyperoxia showed a reduced capacity to protect oligodend
254 maintain arterial oxygen saturation > 90%), "hyperoxia" (standard resuscitation, but FIO2, 1.0), "hyp
255  There was no significant difference between hyperoxia TG and control group (P>0.05).
256 conditional mortality were larger for severe hyperoxia than for mild hyperoxia.
257 sustained hypopnoea post-CBD than before; in hyperoxia, the responses were identical.
258 ygen from postnatal day 7 to 12 (P7 to P12) (hyperoxia), then returned to normal air (relative hypoxi
259 s) under respiration challenges ranging from hyperoxia to hypoxia (10 levels of oxygenation, 100%-10%
260 ates the potential of BOLD MRI with maternal hyperoxia to quantify regional placental function in viv
261 ion-Level-Dependent (BOLD) MRI with maternal hyperoxia to quantitatively assess mismatch in placental
262                                       Use of hyperoxia to reduce SSIs is controversial.
263 ian methods to evaluate the effectiveness of hyperoxia to reduce surgical site infections (SSIs) and/
264 bout 270 d, likely from cardiac disease, and hyperoxia-treated mice die within days from acute pulmon
265                                        After hyperoxia-treated neonatal mice were returned to ambient
266                                              Hyperoxia treatment (HT, 40%-75% oxygen) was initiated o
267                                              Hyperoxia treatment (HT, 75% oxygen) was initiated on po
268 dantly, the treatment of SMNDelta7 mice with hyperoxia treatment increased the inclusion of SMN2 exon
269                    We further confirmed that hyperoxia up-regulates the levels of certain specific mi
270 udy examined the impact of brief exposure to hyperoxia using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to identi
271 tence of IL-1alpha and IL-1beta on day 28 in hyperoxia/vehicle-treated lungs.
272 lung endothelium increased susceptibility to hyperoxia via alterations in autophagy/mitophagy, protea
273 ge in functional MRI signal intensity due to hyperoxia was 16% +/- 3% in BR-d0 vs. 4% +/- 3% in hemor
274          A shorter protocol with normoxia to hyperoxia was also performed (five levels of oxygenation
275                 In SAH patients, exposure to hyperoxia was associated with DCI.
276                                       Severe hyperoxia was associated with higher mortality rates and
277                                     Moderate hyperoxia was associated with increased mortality during
278                                     Moderate hyperoxia was associated with increased mortality in pat
279 subsets of critically ill patients, arterial hyperoxia was associated with poor hospital outcome.
280         The difference in R1 (DeltaR1) after hyperoxia was converted to change in partial pressure of
281 nts were divided into three exposure groups: hyperoxia was defined as PaO2 >/= 300 mm Hg (39.99 kPa),
282                                              Hyperoxia was defined as PaO2 >/=300 mm Hg (39.99 kPa),
283                                         Mild hyperoxia was defined as PaO2 between 120 and 200 mm Hg;
284 nts were divided into three exposure groups: hyperoxia was defined as PaO2 more than or equal to 300
285                                              Hyperoxia was defined as the highest quartile of an area
286                                              Hyperoxia was frequent, affecting 54% of patients.
287 anial pressure crisis, pneumonia and sepsis, hyperoxia was independently associated with DCI (OR, 3.1
288 spital-specific characteristics, exposure to hyperoxia was independently associated with higher in-ho
289 d TBI patients admitted to the ICU, arterial hyperoxia was independently associated with higher in-ho
290 , and hospital-specific effects, exposure to hyperoxia was independently associated with in-hospital
291 troke patients admitted to the ICU, arterial hyperoxia was independently associated with in-hospital
292  II score, rebleeding, pneumonia and sepsis, hyperoxia was independently associated with poor outcome
293 ntly associated with worse outcome; however, hyperoxia was not (odds ratio for good outcome, 1.02 [0.
294  cohort study, we tested the hypothesis that hyperoxia was not associated with higher in-hospital cas
295  the antioxidant, catalase, these effects of hyperoxia were abolished.
296                        Similarly, effects of hyperoxia were abrogated in cells depleted of focal adhe
297 e of 23 to 24 weeks and (2) inflammation and hyperoxia were associated with prominent increases in ri
298 g and newly constructed metrics for arterial hyperoxia were examined, and the associations with hospi
299 imed at the prevention of harm by iatrogenic hyperoxia while preserving adequate tissue oxygenation.
300 sis whether mild therapeutic hypothermia and hyperoxia would attenuate postshock hyperinflammation an

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