


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ogical state of tau is often referred to as "hyperphosphorylated".
2 g, which alleviates Fpk1 inhibition, Akl1 is hyperphosphorylated.
3  loss of NCC function, whereas NKCC2 becomes hyperphosphorylated.
4 otubule-associated protein Tau is abnormally hyperphosphorylated.
5  DNA replication stress, RPA2 is extensively hyperphosphorylated.
6                                              Hyperphosphorylated 4E-BP dissociates from eIF4E, allowi
7 nterestingly, overexpressed and subsequently hyperphosphorylated 4EBP1.
8                           Lesions containing hyperphosphorylated aggregated TDP-43 characterize amyot
9 acterized by the progressive accumulation of hyperphosphorylated, aggregated forms of tau.
10    The scFvs significantly reduced levels of hyperphosphorylated, aggregated tau in brain tissue of P
11 y the presence of neurofibrillary tangles of hyperphosphorylated, aggregated tau protein and extracel
12              The antibodies markedly reduced hyperphosphorylated, aggregated, and insoluble tau.
13 ha-Syn) is a key protein that accumulates as hyperphosphorylated aggregates in pathologic hallmark fe
14  expression with concomitant accumulation of hyperphosphorylated and abnormally folded proteinase K r
15  kinase Kns1 is differentially expressed and hyperphosphorylated and accumulates in the nucleus after
16           These mice show amyloid pathology, hyperphosphorylated and aggregated normal mouse tau, sig
17                       Neuronal inclusions of hyperphosphorylated and aggregated tau protein are a pat
18  The pathological accumulation of abnormally hyperphosphorylated and aggregated tau, a neuronal micro
19 eatures of AD, including amyloid deposition, hyperphosphorylated and aggregated tau, behavioral chang
20      NS5A is a phosphoprotein that exists in hyperphosphorylated and basally phosphorylated forms.
21  peptide (Abeta) within the brain along with hyperphosphorylated and cleaved forms of the microtubule
22                   Here we show that FANCM is hyperphosphorylated and degraded during mitosis.
23 laforin function, insoluble glucans that are hyperphosphorylated and exhibit sparse branching accumul
24                                      Because hyperphosphorylated and insoluble Tau are hallmarks in n
25                           In AD, tau becomes hyperphosphorylated and misfolded at both presynaptic an
26  protein that stabilizes microtubules and is hyperphosphorylated and mislocalized in Alzheimer's dise
27 tubule-associated protein tau, which becomes hyperphosphorylated and pathologically aggregates in a n
28 togen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) were hyperphosphorylated and the kinase Akt and its downstrea
29 tic initiation factor 2alpha (eIF2alpha) was hyperphosphorylated and total protein translation was de
30  C-terminal fragment led to the formation of hyperphosphorylated and ubiquitinated inclusions in moto
31            Cytoplasmic inclusions containing hyperphosphorylated and ubiquitinated TDP-43 are a patho
32                     Synaptic tau seems to be hyperphosphorylated and ubiquitinated, and forms stable
33 f cTnI (cardiac troponin I) is significantly hyperphosphorylated, and in vitro studies suggest that i
34 ological TDP-43 is abnormally ubiquitinated, hyperphosphorylated, and N-terminally cleaved to generat
35 protein and their conversion into insoluble, hyperphosphorylated, and ubiquitinated pathological spec
36 fically associates with a fraction of RNAPII hyperphosphorylated at Ser5 and Ser7, which is a hallmar
37   In contrast, PPARgamma in PP5-KO cells was hyperphosphorylated at serine 112 but had reduced rosigl
38 showed that the C-terminal domain of RNAP is hyperphosphorylated at serine 5 (S5(P)) on VZV genes 9,
39                            This site becomes hyperphosphorylated at the MBT, thus allowing the dockin
40            At the onset of diabetes, tau was hyperphosphorylated at the tau-1, AT8, CP13, pS262, and
41 ed kinase 1A (DYRK1A) was one of the kinases hyperphosphorylated at Tyr-321 in all HNSCC cell lines.
42              In the absence of ANXA2, VEC is hyperphosphorylated at tyrosine 731 in response to vascu
43        Herein, we show that halpha-Syn forms hyperphosphorylated (at S129) and ubiquitin-positive LB-
44 gation only when large (>10 mer) aggregated, hyperphosphorylated (AT8- and AT100-positive) and nitrat
45 es of BAF's antiviral activity revealed that hyperphosphorylated BAF is unable to suppress viral DNA
46 state in the SE-Brg1 mutant, suggesting that hyperphosphorylated Brg1 cannot remodel chromatin.
47 s, ARF promoted the chromatin association of hyperphosphorylated, but not basal phosphorylated, topo
48           When stress is terminated, Grb7 is hyperphosphorylated by focal adhesion kinase (FAK), lose
49             Upon exposure to stress, Atf1 is hyperphosphorylated by the mitogen-activated protein kin
50 rs through its N-terminal WW domains and the hyperphosphorylated C-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polym
51 e in hypophosphorylated cdc24 mutants, while hyperphosphorylated cdc24 mutants that were resistant to
52                                              Hyperphosphorylated coat subunits accumulate in the sit4
53                  It is hypothesized that the hyperphosphorylated, conformationally altered, and multi
54 the tandem FF repeat that interacts with the hyperphosphorylated CTD (PCTD).
55 al S83 site, resulting in a mitosis-specific hyperphosphorylated delta isoform.
56 pho-specific antibody, we show that PELP1 is hyperphosphorylated during cell cycle progression.
57 ssembly of these copolymers when vimentin is hyperphosphorylated during mitosis.
58                        We found that Mih1 is hyperphosphorylated early in the cell cycle and is depho
59       Tau is well known to aggregate to form hyperphosphorylated filamentous deposits in several neur
60 with PKC activity upregulates the level of a hyperphosphorylated form of CREB (hyper-PO4 CREB) and tr
61              This site is a component of the hyperphosphorylated form of NS5A, which is in good agree
62 hough methylation at R1810 is present on the hyperphosphorylated form of RNAPII in vivo, Ser2 or Ser5
63 report that Yra1 directly binds in vitro the hyperphosphorylated form of the CTD characteristic of el
64 bed around the pSer202/pThr205 region of the hyperphosphorylated form of the neuronal protein tau.
65 The microtubule-associated protein tau, in a hyperphosphorylated form, aggregates into insoluble pair
66 conversion of CasL into its serine/threonine hyperphosphorylated form, which is important for lymphoc
67 biquitination of IRS1 N-terminal fragment in hyperphosphorylated form, which was isolated from infect
68 CRL7) mediates the ubiquitination of IRS1 in hyperphosphorylated form.
69    In the disease Tau aggregates and becomes hyperphosphorylated forming paired helical and straight
70 and virion assembly, and exists in hypo- and hyperphosphorylated forms.
71 usion bodies formed by polyubiquitinated and hyperphosphorylated full-length and truncated TDP-43.
72 ar phenotype; an excess amount of insoluble, hyperphosphorylated glucans accumulates in cells.
73  accumulation of insoluble, poorly branched, hyperphosphorylated glycogen in brain, muscle, heart, an
74 g the glycogen phosphatase laforin result in hyperphosphorylated glycogen that forms water-insoluble
75 d by the intracellular buildup of insoluble, hyperphosphorylated glycogen-like particles, called Lafo
76 d mice with either gene disrupted accumulate hyperphosphorylated glycogen.
77 lled ribosomes and activated to synthesize a hyperphosphorylated guanosine analogue, (p)ppGpp, which
78       Small modified nucleotides such as the hyperphosphorylated guanosine molecules ppGpp and pppGpp
79  in vitro data confirmed that PINCH binds to hyperphosphorylated (hp) Tau and to E3 ubiquitin ligase,
80  provide the direct evidence that NF-M/H are hyperphosphorylated in AD compared with control brain an
81 d tau at several sites, and these sites were hyperphosphorylated in adult DS brains.
82        Nup62, Nup153, and Nup214 each became hyperphosphorylated in an L-dependent manner.
83                        We found that S6K was hyperphosphorylated in ANDV-infected, hypoxia-treated ME
84                               HDAC2 was also hyperphosphorylated in cells infected with PRV lacking U
85 omain-containing inositol 5 phosphatase were hyperphosphorylated in GC cells and remained colocalized
86 e similar between groups; however, titin was hyperphosphorylated in HFpEF and correlated with betaLA.
87 n is supported by our finding that SAMHD1 is hyperphosphorylated in monocytoid THP-1 cells under nonr
88    In this study, we discovered that BRD4 is hyperphosphorylated in NUT midline carcinoma and identif
89                      We found that STAT1 was hyperphosphorylated in response to cytokine stimulation
90  this modification stimulates RPA2 to become hyperphosphorylated in response to mitotic DNA damage ca
91 translocase FANCM, which we have shown to be hyperphosphorylated in response to various genotoxic age
92 ospholamban, and Ser23/24 in troponin-I were hyperphosphorylated in SA mice, whereas phosphorylation
93     Cdc2 expression is increased and Ubc9 is hyperphosphorylated in several cancers, and this represe
94                                   P70S6K was hyperphosphorylated in Tg1 somatosensory cortex, suggest
95                    We also found that SK2 is hyperphosphorylated in the brain samples from a model of
96               Our data indicate that cTnI is hyperphosphorylated in the failing SHR myocardium compar
97 low copper and becomes more phosphorylated ("hyperphosphorylated") in elevated copper.
98 sion, resultant TTP protein builds up in the hyperphosphorylated inactive form.
99  most of the E4BP1 in the infected cell in a hyperphosphorylated, inactive state.
100 m target, acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), were hyperphosphorylated, indicative of AMPK activation and A
101 athway leading from soluble and monomeric to hyperphosphorylated, insoluble and filamentous tau prote
102 ultimately leads to the rapid degradation of hyperphosphorylated isoforms via a mechanism involving t
103 aiA can bind stably to complexes of KaiB and hyperphosphorylated KaiC.
104                                          Ten hyperphosphorylated KSP sites have been identified on th
105 diomyocytes, Ca(v)1.2 and phospholamban were hyperphosphorylated, leading to increased Ca(2+) spark o
106                                              Hyperphosphorylated lipin-1 remains sequestered in the c
107 lex with a Cdk regulatory subunit (Cks) to a hyperphosphorylated loop of Apc3.
108  a mutant version of hLigI, which mimics the hyperphosphorylated M-phase form of hLigI, does not inte
109 tent evidence of accelerated accumulation of hyperphosphorylated microtubule associated protein tau i
110                            Aggregates of the hyperphosphorylated microtubule-associated protein tau (
111 typified by the intracellular aggregation of hyperphosphorylated microtubule-associated protein tau (
112                                          The hyperphosphorylated microtubule-associated protein tau i
113 ted with neurofibrillary tangles composed of hyperphosphorylated microtubule-associated protein, tau.
114 id beta peptide and intraneuronal tangles of hyperphosphorylated microtubule-associated tau protein (
115 eration, G(2)/M arrest, and on the levels of hyperphosphorylated mitotic Cdc25C and Cyclin B1 protein
116 with interphase chromatin, are released from hyperphosphorylated mitotic chromosomes, but reassociate
117 or ubiquitin, amyloid precursor protein, and hyperphosphorylated neurofilament proteins.
118 ed microtubules, while vNSP2 associates with hyperphosphorylated NSP5.
119                  In Fmr1 KO neurons, Mdm2 is hyperphosphorylated, nuclear localized basally, and unaf
120                              Analysis of the hyperphosphorylated Nup species revealed only phosphoser
121  Cdk1 activity is high in metaphase, Mde4 is hyperphosphorylated on Cdk1 phosphorylation sites and lo
122 in of the paused polymerase large subunit is hyperphosphorylated on serine 5, and phosphorylation of
123          Moreover, htau became progressively hyperphosphorylated over 2 months in vitro beginning wit
124 beginning with nonsymptomatic neurons, while hyperphosphorylated P301S-htau-positive neurons from 5-m
125  may result from proteasome overload because hyperphosphorylated Pin4C aggregation is associated with
126 ry to the central nucleoplasm and to foci of hyperphosphorylated Pol II "transcription factories" (TF
127 ivation in T-ALL and other cancers driven by hyperphosphorylated PP2A substrates has therapeutic pote
128     Cortactin was originally identified as a hyperphosphorylated protein in v-Src-transformed cells,
129  EGFR-driven resistance are characterized by hyperphosphorylated protein kinase AKT, a biomarker we v
130 tep in promoting cell cycle progression, and hyperphosphorylated Rb is commonly found in tumors.
131 regulated cell cycle proteins, cyclin D1 and hyperphosphorylated Rb.
132    RyR2s are oxidized, nitrosylated, and PKA hyperphosphorylated, resulting in "leaky" channels in fa
133 lly, BaP treatment increased accumulation of hyperphosphorylated retinoblastoma protein (pRb) which c
134 RDGC, which dephosphorylates Rh1, results in hyperphosphorylated Rh1.
135                                Enrichment of hyperphosphorylated RNA polymerase II (Pol II) and histo
136 hromosomes is virtually identical to that of hyperphosphorylated RNA polymerase II (RNAPII), but is d
137 , Nanos1-depleted PGCs prematurely exhibit a hyperphosphorylated RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain
138 ulation of S-phase cells with high levels of hyperphosphorylated RPA-loaded single-stranded DNA.
139                                              Hyperphosphorylated Rpb1 is not primarily targeted for p
140 n was also detected on chromatin-associated, hyperphosphorylated Rpb1, consistent with a role in tran
141       Enhanced SR Ca(2+) leak through CaMKII-hyperphosphorylated RyR2, in combination with larger I(N
142                                 Hyperactive, hyperphosphorylated RyRs because of reduced local phosph
143 nodine receptor (RyR1), is progressively PKA-hyperphosphorylated, S-nitrosylated, and depleted of the
144                             We identified 13 hyperphosphorylated sites of NF-M; 9 Lys-Ser-Pro (KSP) s
145           The two mAbs significantly reduced hyperphosphorylated soluble Tau in long term brain slice
146 ; (iii) strong and selective accumulation of hyperphosphorylated soluble tau multimers into the synap
147  related oligomeric amyloid-beta assemblies, hyperphosphorylated soluble tau species localized in syn
148 hat S222 phosphorylation predominates in the hyperphosphorylated species.
149 d, referred to as basally phosphorylated and hyperphosphorylated species.
150 Here, we show that ATR is transformed into a hyperphosphorylated state after DNA damage, and that a s
151 y, we found that PALB2 is transformed into a hyperphosphorylated state in response to ionizing radiat
152 hus, strategies that maintain eIF2alpha in a hyperphosphorylated state may be a novel therapeutic app
153 mmediately after blood feeding, 4E-BP became hyperphosphorylated, suggesting rapid inhibition of its
154 ant intraneuronal pathological inclusions of hyperphosphorylated T40PL-GFP.
155       Detergent-resistant, ubiquitinated and hyperphosphorylated Tar DNA binding protein 43 (TDP-43,
156 3xTg mice, PMX205 also significantly reduced hyperphosphorylated tau (69%).
157              Aggregated filamentous forms of hyperphosphorylated tau (a microtubule-associated protei
158 crease in intraneuronal oligomeric Abeta and hyperphosphorylated tau (AT8) immunoreactivity in the hi
159 ase, the grafted tissue was characterized by hyperphosphorylated tau (AT8; immunofluorescent staining
160                     Amyloid-beta (Abeta) and hyperphosphorylated tau (p-tau) aggregates form the two
161 eport that lysozyme induced the formation of hyperphosphorylated tau (P-tau) in cultured neurons, we
162 gyrus using antibodies to synaptic vesicles, hyperphosphorylated tau (pTau), neurofibrillary tangle c
163 e, the grafted tissue showed the presence of hyperphosphorylated tau [both AT8 (phospho-tau Ser202 an
164 is an ordered and predictable progression of hyperphosphorylated tau abnormalities through the nervou
165  human diseases such as HIV transmission and hyperphosphorylated tau accumulation in Alzheimer's dise
166 tau pathology by looking for the presence of hyperphosphorylated tau aggregates, co-localization of t
167 changes in the 3R:4R isoform ratio and AT100-hyperphosphorylated tau aggregates, while P301L neurons
168 l as with cerebrospinal fluid levels of tau, hyperphosphorylated tau and abeta 42 proteins.
169 , neuroinflammation, increased production of hyperphosphorylated tau and amyloidogenic Abeta-peptides
170            The present quantitative study of hyperphosphorylated tau and beta amyloid in drug user br
171 yloid precursor protein and toxic effects of hyperphosphorylated tau and beta-amyloid probably contri
172 se in brain amyloid beta protein aggregates, hyperphosphorylated tau and microglia load as observed b
173 hyperactivity and perikaryal aggregations of hyperphosphorylated Tau and neurofilaments, pathogenic h
174 -mediated neuropathological changes, such as hyperphosphorylated tau and neuronal death.
175 nied by a significant reduction in levels of hyperphosphorylated tau and oligomeric Abeta, the precur
176 sts SRPK2 may contribute to the formation of hyperphosphorylated tau and the pathogenesis of AD.
177               Filamentous inclusions made of hyperphosphorylated tau are characteristic of numerous h
178                      NFTs contain aberrantly hyperphosphorylated Tau as paired helical filaments (PHF
179 mice, brain A beta was reduced by 65-85% and hyperphosphorylated tau by 50-60%.
180 g that mice overexpressing CRF had increased hyperphosphorylated tau compared with wild-type litterma
181                           We also found that hyperphosphorylated tau contained 4-fold less O-GlcNAc t
182 ynaptotoxic role in Alzheimer's disease, and hyperphosphorylated tau facilitates Abeta toxicity.
183         Neurofibrillary tangles, composed of hyperphosphorylated tau fibrils, are a pathological hall
184 ta, reduces cognitive deficits, and prevents hyperphosphorylated tau immunoreactivity.
185  maze (RAWM) test and decreased the level of hyperphosphorylated tau immunostained with AT8 and PHF-1
186 n mitochondrial dysfunction and assesses how hyperphosphorylated tau impairs axonal transport of orga
187 inked to neurofibrillary tangles composed of hyperphosphorylated tau in AD.
188  where they interact and are associated with hyperphosphorylated Tau in Alzheimer disease brain.
189 e the cause of the increased cytotoxicity of hyperphosphorylated tau in Alzheimer's disease and also
190                                              Hyperphosphorylated tau in Alzheimer's disease appearing
191 erized by abundant filamentous inclusions of hyperphosphorylated tau in both neurons and glia.
192           Histological analysis demonstrated hyperphosphorylated tau in brainstem nuclei, directly or
193    We have shown previously that deposits of hyperphosphorylated tau in drug user brains exceed those
194                                The levels of hyperphosphorylated tau in drug users fell far short of
195 the apoE4-driven accumulation of Abeta42 and hyperphosphorylated tau in hippocampal neurons, as well
196 no correlation between high beta amyloid and hyperphosphorylated tau in individual cases.
197                          The accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau in neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs
198 s and contribute to aberrant accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau in neuronal cells affected by ta
199 c studies revealed a significant increase of hyperphosphorylated tau in synaptosomes of demented dogs
200                              Accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau in the entorhinal cortex (EC) is
201 sis and markedly reduced levels of total and hyperphosphorylated TAU in the spinal cord, brain stem,
202 y associated with the presence or absence of hyperphosphorylated tau in these cells.
203                By localizing and quantifying hyperphosphorylated tau in vivo, results of tau PET imag
204 urodegenerative tauopathies characterized by hyperphosphorylated tau include frontotemporal dementia
205      Neurofibrillary pathology of abnormally hyperphosphorylated Tau is a key lesion of Alzheimer dis
206                               Aggregation of hyperphosphorylated tau is a major hallmark of many neur
207 to SH3 domains; no binding was detected with hyperphosphorylated tau isolated from Alzheimer brain, b
208                                              Hyperphosphorylated tau levels correlated significantly
209 owed neuronal loss and extensive deposits of hyperphosphorylated tau mainly involving the tegmentum o
210                   However, the addition of a hyperphosphorylated tau mimic 352PHPtau significantly in
211  protein (T40PL-GFP Tg mouse line) exhibited hyperphosphorylated tau mislocalized to the somatodentri
212                          The accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau oligomers at human AD synapses i
213           Our findings suggest that synaptic hyperphosphorylated tau oligomers may be an important me
214 tauopathy by means of reducing the levels of hyperphosphorylated tau oligomers.
215 r topographical distribution and severity of hyperphosphorylated tau pathologic findings measured by
216          Thirty-one of 33 cases (94%) showed hyperphosphorylated tau pathology in the form of neuropi
217                         We hypothesized that hyperphosphorylated tau pathology is associated with cog
218 ic traumatic encephalopathy, the spectrum of hyperphosphorylated tau pathology ranged in severity fro
219 The mTau mice show a progressive increase in hyperphosphorylated tau pathology with age up to 15 to 1
220                                              Hyperphosphorylated tau positive (AT8, AT100) neuropil t
221                                              Hyperphosphorylated tau positive neuropil threads increa
222 the RCAN1-1L protein exhibit accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau protein (AT8 antibody), an early
223 function due to the regional accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau protein (p-tau).
224 gp120-transgenic mice, we found evidence for hyperphosphorylated tau protein (paired helical filament
225 characterized by intraneuronal inclusions of hyperphosphorylated tau protein and abnormal expression
226 o effectively blocks accumulation of soluble hyperphosphorylated TAU protein and slows down the disea
227 rs suggests that repetitive brain trauma and hyperphosphorylated tau protein deposition promote the a
228 lical filaments (PHF), which are composed of hyperphosphorylated Tau protein dissociating from microt
229 f PET radiotracers for imaging aggregates of hyperphosphorylated tau protein in neurofibrillary tangl
230  hFTAA also stained intracellular lesions of hyperphosphorylated Tau protein in P301S Tau transgenic
231 ation of misfolded amyloid-beta peptides and hyperphosphorylated tau protein in the brain.
232                  Deposition of aggregates of hyperphosphorylated tau protein is a hallmark of tauopat
233                   Accumulation of neurotoxic hyperphosphorylated TAU protein is a major pathological
234                                We identified hyperphosphorylated tau protein using AT8 immunohistoche
235 ile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles made of hyperphosphorylated tau protein with neuronal loss.
236 , are characterized by insoluble deposits of hyperphosphorylated tau protein within brain neurons.
237 elated tauopathies are composed of insoluble hyperphosphorylated Tau protein, but the mechanisms unde
238 n pathologic feature of aggregates formed of hyperphosphorylated tau protein, which are associated wi
239  tauopathies, are comprised of aggregates of hyperphosphorylated tau protein.
240 urofibrillary tangles composed of abnormally hyperphosphorylated tau protein.
241 contain neurofibrillary tangles comprised of hyperphosphorylated tau protein.
242 protein and intracellular tangles containing hyperphosphorylated Tau protein.
243 strated that neurofibrillary tangles made of hyperphosphorylated tau proteins are closely associated
244 eins (Abeta) and neurofibrillary deposits of hyperphosphorylated tau proteins are the diagnostic lesi
245 ptides in senile plaques and accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau proteins in neurofibrillary tang
246 des, and neurofibrillary tangles composed of hyperphosphorylated tau proteins.
247  intracellular aggregation of abnormally and hyperphosphorylated tau proteins.
248            Tangles are composed of misfolded hyperphosphorylated tau proteins; however, the link betw
249      In contrast, pyramidal cells containing hyperphosphorylated tau retain monoacylglycerol lipase e
250 : neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) composed of hyperphosphorylated tau selectively affect pyramidal neu
251                           In TgF344-AD rats, hyperphosphorylated tau was detected in the locus coerul
252                                              Hyperphosphorylated tau was labeled in the corresponding
253  abnormalities caused by the accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau within intact dendritic spines,
254 and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) formed by hyperphosphorylated tau, a microtubule-associated protei
255 ry tangles (NFTs), composed of truncated and hyperphosphorylated tau, are a common feature of numerou
256 ced intracellular levels of amyloid-beta and hyperphosphorylated tau, as well as microglial activatio
257 les (NFTs), which are composed of abnormally hyperphosphorylated tau, but the mechanism of tau hyperp
258  tau contained 4-fold less O-GlcNAc than non-hyperphosphorylated tau, demonstrating for the first tim
259 rticular, p25/Cdk5 has been shown to produce hyperphosphorylated tau, neurofibrillary tangles as well
260 d activator p25, results in the formation of hyperphosphorylated tau, neuroinflammation, amyloid depo
261  Lewy body pathology and the accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau, supporting a link between PLA2G
262 ciated kinases that promote the formation of hyperphosphorylated tau, the major component of neurofib
263  Twenty-six percent of the neurons contained hyperphosphorylated tau, while the level of NFT-related
264 aracterized by intracellular accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau.
265 a contributing factor to the accumulation of hyperphosphorylated Tau.
266 ed of paired helical filaments of abnormally hyperphosphorylated tau.
267  and its role in the formation of abnormally hyperphosphorylated tau.
268 e levels correlated with PHF-1 immunostained hyperphosphorylated tau.
269 in (APP) and neurofibrillary tangles made of hyperphosphorylated Tau.
270 seases marked by intracellular aggregates of hyperphosphorylated Tau.
271 ls of Abeta, and a decrease in the levels of hyperphosphorylated tau.
272 ith a decline in the levels of total tau and hyperphosphorylated tau.
273 ques and neurofibrillary tangles composed of hyperphosphorylated tau.
274 se in brain A beta and a 35-45% reduction in hyperphosphorylated tau.
275 believed to be involved in the generation of hyperphosphorylated tau.
276  aggregates of conformationally abnormal and hyperphosphorylated tau.
277 ed mitochondria, and accumulation of soluble hyperphosphorylated tau.
278 ar 'ghost' tangles due to the recognition of hyperphosphorylated tau.
279 y tangles and dystrophic neurites containing hyperphosphorylated tau.
280 mpal neurons expressing TERT did not contain hyperphosphorylated tau.
281 nomers, induce accumulation of pathological, hyperphosphorylated tau.
282  major pathologies: amyloid-beta (Abeta) and hyperphosphorylated tau.
283  of amyloid-beta (Abeta) and accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau.
284 urite outgrowth and cause an accumulation of hyperphosphorylated Tau.
285 urofibrillary tangles composed of aggregated hyperphosphorylated tau.
286 ibrillary tangles, composed predominantly of hyperphosphorylated tau; and cerebral amyloid angiopathy
287 hsp110(-)(/)(-) mice exhibit accumulation of hyperphosphorylated-tau (p-tau) and neurodegeneration.
288 thology in a distribution pattern similar to hyperphosphorylated-tau.
289 smic accumulation of toxic ubiquitinated and hyperphosphorylated TDP-43 fragments and the loss of nor
290 lts in a dramatic reduction of insoluble and hyperphosphorylated TDP-43 that enhances cell survival,
291 ing increased the DNA relaxation activity of hyperphosphorylated topo I by enhancing its association
292                                              Hyperphosphorylated transactive response DNA-binding pro
293                        These aggregates were hyperphosphorylated, Triton insoluble, and thioflavin-S
294 hies is thought to involve the generation of hyperphosphorylated, truncated, and oligomeric tau speci
295 t pathological TDP-43 species, which include hyperphosphorylated, ubiquitinated, and N-terminally cle
296  we found the Arg-389 variant of ADRB1 to be hyperphosphorylated upon continuous stimulation with nor
297 sthesia-induced hypothermia, MT-free tau was hyperphosphorylated, which impaired its ability to bind
298               In Alzheimer's disease, tau is hyperphosphorylated, which is thought to detach it from
299 trogliotic tissues, however, the protein was hyperphosphorylated, with evidence implicating the p38/m
300  sclerosis (ALS), NF proteins are aberrantly hyperphosphorylated within the cell bodies.

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