


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ir frequently being coordinated (e.g. during hyperthermia).
2 s, premature death and seizures triggered by hyperthermia.
3  both alone and in combination with magnetic hyperthermia.
4  knockout mice are more intolerant of severe hyperthermia.
5 variant" is weakly associated with malignant hyperthermia.
6 olene is the first line therapy of malignant hyperthermia.
7 tion, with syndromes that are exacerbated by hyperthermia.
8 her enhanced the radiosensitizing effects of hyperthermia.
9      Lactulose had no effect on METH-induced hyperthermia.
10 dependent potentiation of MDMA-induced brain hyperthermia.
11 VCmax) sites in response to exercise-induced hyperthermia.
12 s greater HIV-1 replication in conditions of hyperthermia.
13 with (eight pigs) or without (eight pigs) RF hyperthermia.
14  an unrecognized susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia.
15 eceptor 1, and were susceptible to malignant hyperthermia.
16 ons are at high risk of developing malignant hyperthermia.
17 e critical for the pathogenesis of malignant hyperthermia.
18 nsitive liposomal doxorubicin and ultrasound hyperthermia.
19 ed to the pharmacogenetic disorder malignant hyperthermia.
20  scattering is optimal for NIR laser-induced hyperthermia.
21 ncreased cell death in combination with mild hyperthermia.
22 lin receptors in IGF-1 activation of BAT and hyperthermia.
23 caspase in Apaf-1-deficient cells exposed to hyperthermia.
24 owest potency of a TRPV1 antagonist to cause hyperthermia.
25 f each activation mode to the development of hyperthermia.
26 de may further decrease the potency to cause hyperthermia.
27 suggests a role for movement in METH-induced hyperthermia.
28 de metabolism, did not alter cocaine-induced hyperthermia.
29 lies with a very strong history of malignant hyperthermia.
30 lesions of either one alone, caused baseline hyperthermia.
31 erature-sensitive doxorubicin and ultrasound hyperthermia.
32 ne, in reversing MDMA-induced brain and body hyperthermia.
33 red for prospective applications in magnetic hyperthermia.
34 elds (AMFs), making them suitable for cancer hyperthermia.
35 lpha-subtype had no effect on stress-induced hyperthermia.
36 ptoms, including anorexia, hypoactivity, and hyperthermia.
37 t size as dobutamine at a given temperature (hyperthermia: -28% +/- 4%, normothermia: -27% +/- 6%, an
38                                  Conversely, hyperthermia (40 degrees C) increased monocyte antigen p
39           For the LTSL + MR-HIFU group, mild hyperthermia (40-41 degrees C) was applied to the tumors
40                     For the HIFU group, mild hyperthermia (40-42 degrees C) was completed within 90mi
41 lon cancer cell lines were subjected to mild hyperthermia (40-42 degrees C), and treated with chemoth
42 ac function, we characterized the effects of hyperthermia (40.5 degrees C), normothermia (38.0 degree
43             In vitro data suggests that mild hyperthermia (41-46 degrees C for ten minutes) is an opt
44 ermia and atmospheric pressure (group 1), or hyperthermia (42 degrees C) and atmospheric pressure (gr
45 onance imaging heating guidewire-mediated RF hyperthermia (42 degrees C) plus local chemotherapy (cis
46                   Application of local, mild hyperthermia (42 degrees C) significantly increased the
47                                              Hyperthermia (43 degrees C, 20 minutes) was generated in
48 ce cytotoxicity in combination with moderate hyperthermia (43 degrees C, 30 min).
49 e at a pressure of 100 mm Hg: 74 +/- 5 mL at hyperthermia, 52 +/- 4 mL at normothermia, and 41 +/- 3
50  also be considered susceptible to malignant hyperthermia, a life-threatening anesthetic complication
51               However, these compounds cause hyperthermia, a serious side effect.
52 hod provides a direct path way of comparison hyperthermia ability of MNPs, and serves as a good refer
53          Four treatment groups were defined: hyperthermia, ablation, hyperthermia followed by ablatio
54                                              Hyperthermia achieved higher concentrations in visceral
55 e short-term treatment schedules of drug and hyperthermia administration in a 4T1 breast cancer model
56 ity of superparamagnetic nanoparticle (SPNP) hyperthermia agents are still remained as critical chall
57                                              Hyperthermia alone failed to kill cells but induced intr
58 luorouracil), (b) chemotherapy alone, (c) RF hyperthermia alone, and (d) phosphate-buffered saline.
59 Results Compared with chemotherapy alone, RF hyperthermia alone, and phosphate-buffered saline, combi
60 Results Compared with chemotherapy alone, RF hyperthermia alone, and phosphate-buffered saline, combi
61                       Here, we asked whether hyperthermia alters the response to chemotherapy-induced
62  be pharmaceutical targets to defend against hyperthermia and alleviate defective thermoregulation in
63 d with congenital diseases such as malignant hyperthermia and central core disease (CCD).
64 g sites of mutations implicated in malignant hyperthermia and central core disease.
65 ng sites of mutation implicated in malignant hyperthermia and central core disease.
66 buffered saline, combination therapy with RF hyperthermia and chemotherapy induced the lowest cell pr
67 buffered saline, combination therapy with RF hyperthermia and chemotherapy induced the lowest cell pr
68 tudied in detail because toxicity, including hyperthermia and death, reduced interest in the clinical
69 ammation, but directly blocking TRPV1 causes hyperthermia and decreased sensitivity to painful levels
70 important role in the pathology of malignant hyperthermia and heart failure.
71          The role of interleukin-6 (IL-6) in hyperthermia and heat stroke is poorly understood.
72 1(Y522S/WT) mice, a mouse model of malignant hyperthermia and heat-induced hypermetabolism.
73  and high pressure (25 cm H2O) (group 3), or hyperthermia and high pressure (group 4).
74                           The combination of hyperthermia and high pressure significantly increased t
75 g, i.p.), a stable anandamide analog, on the hyperthermia and hyperactivity induced by a fixed dose o
76        Cocaine administered to rats produced hyperthermia and hyperactivity whereas methanandamide wa
77 he animals experienced prolonged episodes of hyperthermia and hypothermia; disruptions in their diurn
78 h RFA sensitizes the tumor periphery to mild hyperthermia and increases RFA antitumor efficacy.
79 ns to prevent maternal and fetal exposure to hyperthermia and inflammation.
80              At 48 h, the animals exposed to hyperthermia and LPS had an enhanced lung inflammatory r
81                  At 24 h, animals exposed to hyperthermia and LPS had significant increases in alveol
82  and 7.5 mg/kg, s.c., 3 doses) evoked robust hyperthermia and persistent depletion of cortical and st
83  APOepsilon3/APOepsilon4 patients had higher hyperthermia and plasma TNF-alpha levels and earlier pla
84 iseases that involve RyRs, such as malignant hyperthermia and polymorphic ventricular tachycardia.
85 f-concept for further evaluation of combined hyperthermia and radiation for GBM treatment.
86  drug delivery in bone is possible with both hyperthermia and thermal ablation.
87 us medical interventional procedures such as hyperthermia and thermal ablation.
88 estrin deficient diseases, such as malignant hyperthermia and ventricular tachycardia.
89 ial dysfunction (e.g. metabolic acidosis and hyperthermia) and that MH-susceptible mice or humans hav
90  acoustic startle, attenuated stress induced hyperthermia, and a blunted increase in startle followin
91 essed using acoustic startle, stress-induced hyperthermia, and a challenge with the anxiogenic drug m
92 e, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, malignant hyperthermia, and baclofen withdrawal.
93 s associated with muscle diseases, malignant hyperthermia, and central core disease.
94 g psychosis, violent behaviors, tachycardia, hyperthermia, and even death.
95 (UCPDK) fail to show methamphetamine-induced hyperthermia, and have a markedly accelerated loss of bo
96 increased intra-abdominal pressure, systemic hyperthermia, and increased metabolic rate, leading to r
97 es rise to NADPH generation was increased by hyperthermia, and mitochondrial oxidative metabolism was
98 sed heart rate and blood pressure, sweating, hyperthermia, and motor posturing, often in response to
99 d CB1 receptors to attenuate cocaine-induced hyperthermia, and that dopamine D2 receptor activation p
100 ions regarding the epidemiology of malignant hyperthermia, and the well known North American Malignan
101 owed a temporal relationship to METH-induced hyperthermia; and 2.) describe the temporal pattern of M
102  in magnetic nanoparticles with relevance to hyperthermia applications in biomedicine.
103  critical challenges for successful clinical hyperthermia applications.
104 totoxicity was similarly augmented with mild hyperthermia applied prior to treatment with released Cu
105 cal functions of IL-6 and other cytokines in hyperthermia are poorly understood.
106 wax composite capsule coating using magnetic hyperthermia as a release trigger.
107 ffects of radiofrequency (RF) electric-field hyperthermia as an adjunctive therapy to [60]fullerene n
108 e coating, which is activated using magnetic hyperthermia as an on-demand release mechanism to heat a
109                    The unexpected finding of hyperthermia as an on-target side effect in clinical stu
110  redox potential, over-expressed enzymes and hyperthermia as well as to externally applied stimuli su
111 This review describes the pathophysiology of hyperthermia, as distinct from fever, and the physiology
112 tial minimally invasive functional malignant hyperthermia assay.
113 RPV1 antagonist, AMG9810, caused significant hyperthermia, associated with increased noradrenaline co
114 adenocarcinoma cell cultures after 1 hour of hyperthermia at 41 degrees C or 43 degrees C with or wit
115 channel mutations suffer from anhidrosis and hyperthermia at high ambient temperatures.
116  chemotherapy (gemcitabine and 5-FU) plus RF hyperthermia, (b) chemotherapy only, (c) RF hyperthermia
117 tions that add to our knowledge of malignant hyperthermia because we can go to the web or to newspape
118 ncreased AKT activation, but the addition of hyperthermia before radiotherapy reduced AKT activation
119                                 Furthermore, hyperthermia blocked this histone modification as effici
120 e (3.0 and 10.0 mg/kg, s.c., 3 doses) caused hyperthermia but no long-term change in cortical or stri
121 dministration, methanandamide attenuated the hyperthermia, but not hyperactivity, induced by cocaine.
122 destly effective in attenuating MDMA-induced hyperthermia by moderately inhibiting skin vasoconstrict
123 to the powerful potentiation of MDMA-induced hyperthermia by social interaction and warm ambient temp
124 ary MR imaging heating guidewire-mediated RF hyperthermia can enhance the chemotherapeutic effect on
125                Conclusion Intraesophageal RF hyperthermia can enhance the effect of chemotherapy on e
126             A computational model of retinal hyperthermia can guide further optimization of laser par
127 nd extra-vascular space suggest that mild RF hyperthermia can improve nanoparticle delivery into tumo
128           Methanandamide also attenuated the hyperthermia caused by a dopamine D1 receptor agonist, S
129 at exposure of a human lymphoid cell line to hyperthermia causes CDK5 insolubilization and loss of ty
130                                              Hyperthermia causes changes in protein-protein/DNA inter
131                                    Moreover, hyperthermia combined with p53 depletion restored both t
132  the presence of all metals within 1 h under hyperthermia conditions, Cu(II) activation produces >50%
133 acheal LPS and then exposed to febrile range hyperthermia (core temperature, approximately 39.5 degre
134                    When associated with mild hyperthermia, Dbait induced cytotoxicity in all tested c
135 wspapers and read of recent tragic malignant hyperthermia deaths.
136 sed to describe characteristics of malignant hyperthermia deaths.
137                       Notably, we found that hyperthermia delayed the repair of DNA damage caused by
138 ects in humans, including the development of hyperthermia during acute intoxication.
139                                      Chronic hyperthermia during lactation was not caused by increase
140  dramatic enhancements of drug-induced brain hyperthermia during social interaction (exposure to male
141 optic nucleus induced a robust, long-lasting hyperthermia effect that was mimicked by either H1 or H3
142 g0.13 -gammaFe2 O3 nanofluids show promising hyperthermia effects to completely kill the tumors.
143 noplatforms were capable of producing strong hyperthermia efforts to kill cancer cells and hela cells
144                                              Hyperthermia either as standalone treatment or before ab
145                                              Hyperthermia enhances diffusion in the visceral peritone
146    Thus, a more detailed knowledge about how hyperthermia exerts its effects on chemotherapy may illu
147 iterature to obtain a compendium of in vitro hyperthermia experiments investigating the heat-shock re
148 lementation on organ injury following severe hyperthermia exposure in anaesthetized mice.
149                The immune system responds to hyperthermia exposure resulting in heat stroke by produc
150 the range of cellular responses to sublethal hyperthermia, expression of the gene encoding a 70 kDa h
151 itomycin C, doxorubicin, or oxaliplatin with hyperthermia fails to eradicate tumors in a significant
152 groups were defined: hyperthermia, ablation, hyperthermia followed by ablation, or no HIFU.
153 ythm, whereas sham-vaccinated animals showed hyperthermia, followed by sustained hypothermia, as well
154  we assumed locally triggered release due to hyperthermia for 30 min.
155  Results show the potential of HIFU-mediated hyperthermia for enhanced delivery of polymer therapeuti
156 es in accurate control of large volume tumor hyperthermia for longer duration (>30min.).
157 d companies to search for ways to circumvent hyperthermia, for example by the development of modality
158                             We conclude that hyperthermia-free TRPV1 antagonists do not block TRPV1 a
159              In animal models, febrile-range hyperthermia (FRH) worsens acute lung injury, but the me
160                                         Mild hyperthermia generated using high intensity focused ultr
161 atment drugs after the development of robust hyperthermia (>2.5 degrees C), thus mimicking the clinic
162                               Magnetic fluid hyperthermia has been recently considered as a Renaissan
163                                         Mild hyperthermia has been used in combination with polymer t
164                                   Whole-body hyperthermia holds promise as a safe, rapid-acting, anti
165 ure differentials through tissues undergoing hyperthermia, however temperatures can be predicted and
166 ox) with thermosensitive liposomes (TSL) and hyperthermia (HT) has shown preclinically to achieve hig
167                                              Hyperthermia (HT) is a strong adjuvant treatment with ra
168 included hepatopathy, bifid uvula, malignant hyperthermia, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, growth reta
169 e of the need to withdraw therapy because of hyperthermia, hypothermia, dehydration, or sunburn.
170 o conventional strategies employing magnetic hyperthermia in a radio frequency (RF) AMF.
171  and must be adapted to produce uniform mild hyperthermia in a solid tumor.
172            Plasma IL-6 is elevated following hyperthermia in animals and humans, and IL-6 knockout mi
173 led focused ultrasound can achieve localized hyperthermia in bone for image-guided drug delivery in b
174 sculature with and without application of RF hyperthermia in each condition.
175  CO2 production (V(CO2)) did not change with hyperthermia in either control or DNE pups.
176 ve for reversing MDMA-induced brain and body hyperthermia in emergency clinical situations, with poss
177 trategies to treat pathological MDMA-induced hyperthermia in humans are palliative and marginally eff
178 S mutation that is associated with malignant hyperthermia in humans, die when exposed to short period
179 tor, can be used to increase cytotoxicity of hyperthermia in in vitro cell lines and the effectivenes
180 rs the ventilatory and metabolic response to hyperthermia in neonatal rats (postnatal age 2-4 days),
181 t alterations in the ventilatory response to hyperthermia in neonatal rats.
182 ons in MDMA pharmacokinetics or MDMA-induced hyperthermia in rats previously exposed to MDMA contribu
183 -Amphetamine (potent sympathomimetic) caused hyperthermia in WT mice, which was reduced in TRPV1 KO m
184 eserved by heat shock (42 degrees C for 2 h, hyperthermia) in bovine aortic endothelial cells.
185                                              Hyperthermia increases expression of the antiviral cellu
186                  It is well-established that hyperthermia increases neuronal death and worsens stroke
187                             We found that RF hyperthermia induced a 30-40% increase in Alexa-Albumin
188                                    Following hyperthermia, induced expression of cell surface heat sh
189 or bearing mice, a single treatment of tumor hyperthermia, induced via gold nanorod mediated plasmoni
190 c nanoparticles targeted to a tumor, causing hyperthermia-induced cell death.
191 tible than Scn1b(+/-) and Scn1b(+/+) mice to hyperthermia-induced convulsions, a model of pediatric f
192 which one Fgf13 allele was deleted exhibited hyperthermia-induced seizures and epilepsy.
193          SGE-516 treatment protected against hyperthermia-induced seizures, reduced spontaneous seizu
194 ce, we determined the effect of treatment on hyperthermia-induced seizures, spontaneous seizure frequ
195             Additionally, they indicate that hyperthermia induces apoptosis through the insolubilizat
196                                 However, how hyperthermia induces DNA damage sensitivity is not clear
197                             The IGF-1-evoked hyperthermia involved activation of brown adipose tissue
198    Several randomized trials have shown that hyperthermia is a good adjuvant for radiotherapy at seve
199                                    Malignant hyperthermia is a pharmacogenetic disorder typically tri
200                                              Hyperthermia is a proteotoxic stress that is lethal when
201                                     Although hyperthermia is a recognized animal teratogen and matern
202 ion enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) during hyperthermia is an appealing approach to induce death of
203                                              Hyperthermia is frequently seen in the intensive care se
204                                 MDMA-induced hyperthermia is highly variable, unpredictable, and grea
205  little is known about the mechanisms of how hyperthermia is involved in this neuronal death process.
206                         Exposure of cells to hyperthermia is known to induce apoptosis, although the
207                       In radiation oncology, hyperthermia is known to radiosensitize cells, and it is
208 to IGF-1, suggesting that the IGF-1 mediated hyperthermia is partly dependent on expression of functi
209                                    Malignant hyperthermia (MH) and central core disease in humans hav
210                                    Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a clinical syndrome of skeletal mus
211                                    Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is linked to mutations in the type 1 r
212                                    Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is potentially fatal pharmacogenetic d
213                                    Malignant hyperthermia (MH) susceptibility has been attributed to
214                                    Malignant hyperthermia (MH) susceptibility is a dominantly inherit
215 ntrolene used for the treatment of malignant hyperthermia (MH), suppressed the elevated SOCE in CSQ1-
216                           Two hours prior to hyperthermia, mice were treated with 0.6 mug intraperito
217 s of recovery time during magnetic nanofluid hyperthermia (MNFH) on the cell death rate and the heat
218 media, a temperature range suitable for mild hyperthermia of solid tumors.
219                                     Although hyperthermia offers clinical appeal to sensitize cells t
220     In this study, we examined the effect of hyperthermia on HPV-positive cells using cervical cancer
221 ting protocols to explore the effect of mild hyperthermia on the tumor accumulation of targeted TTSL
222  proliferation than chemotherapy only and RF hyperthermia only (0.39 +/- 0.13 [standard deviation] vs
223 e tumor volume than chemotherapy only and RF hyperthermia only (0.65 +/- 0.03 vs 1.30 +/- 0.021 and 1
224  hyperthermia, (b) chemotherapy only, (c) RF hyperthermia only, or (d) phosphate-buffered saline.
225  great value to cryopreservation of tissues, hyperthermia or cryogenic, and other thermal-based clini
226 creased compared with mice exposed to either hyperthermia or LPS alone.
227 dicated that inhibiting PARylation by either hyperthermia or PARPi induced lethal DSB upon chemothera
228 ur work reveals how PARP blockade, either by hyperthermia or small-molecule inhibition, can increase
229 escribe the temporal pattern of METH-induced hyperthermia over an extended dose range.
230                      Stress factors included hyperthermia, oxidative stress, and starvation.
231 ved antidepressant effects resulted not from hyperthermia per se, but from nonspecific aspects of the
232 ed DNA (ds-DNA) is opened up to evaluate the hyperthermia performance of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs
233 eabilizing effects of mild (40-42 degrees C) hyperthermia produced by a local RF field, we controlled
234 (10 mg/kg, s.c.), indicating that it reduces hyperthermia produced by dopamine D1 receptor activation
235 erature increases; the onset of METH-induced hyperthermia ranged from 45 min post-treatment to 120 mi
236  symptoms in pathogen host defense including hyperthermia, reduced bodily iron stores, conservation/w
237  and the well known North American Malignant Hyperthermia Registry was used to describe characteristi
238 particles in cancer treatment, the timing of hyperthermia relative to drug administration must be exa
239 ng advances in nanomedicine such as magnetic hyperthermia rely on a precise control of the nanopartic
240 he DMH/DHA and the RMR at baseline, and that hyperthermia requires the release of this inhibition fro
241                  Acute noradrenaline-induced hyperthermia requires UCP1 but not UCP3.
242 S) after combined chemotherapy plus regional hyperthermia (RHT).
243     In vivo, combined treatment with DDC and hyperthermia significantly delayed tumor progression in
244                In vitro and in vivo magnetic hyperthermia studies using Mg0.13 -gammaFe2 O3 nanofluid
245 pattern of physiological responses to severe hyperthermia, suggesting that early endogenous expressio
246                                    Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility (MHS) is primarily conferred
247 tor (RYR1(T4825I/+)) confers human malignant hyperthermia susceptibility (MHS).
248               Genetic diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility can sometimes be obtained fr
249 dine receptor type 1 (RyR1) confer malignant hyperthermia susceptibility.
250  facilitate the anesthetic care of malignant hyperthermia susceptible patients.
251  could readily distinguish between malignant hyperthermia-susceptible and normal controls cells.
252 gnificantly higher in immortalized malignant hyperthermia-susceptible B cells treated with 0.75 mM 4-
253 5'-triphosphate degradation in the malignant hyperthermia-susceptible cells.
254 muscle relaxant succinylcholine in malignant hyperthermia-susceptible individuals.
255 mulation was markedly increased in malignant hyperthermia-susceptible lymphocytes compared with contr
256 evels were significantly higher in malignant hyperthermia-susceptible lymphocytes or immortalized B c
257 ily distinguish between normal and malignant hyperthermia-susceptible lymphocytes, independent confir
258  same Ca channel mutation found in malignant hyperthermia-susceptible muscle, we investigated agonist
259                                    Malignant hyperthermia-susceptible patients (n = 13) and normal su
260 compared in blood lymphocytes from malignant hyperthermia-susceptible patients and normal subjects.
261 ion of Dox may prove to be broadly useful in hyperthermia targeted chemotherapy of a variety of solid
262 y, we demonstrate that a clinically relevant hyperthermia temperature of 42 degrees C for 1 hour resu
263                      While focusing on brain hyperthermia, temperature monitoring from the two periph
264  lymphocyte-adenosine protocol for malignant hyperthermia testing.
265 dose in swine CBD walls with intrabiliary RF hyperthermia than without it (gemcitabine: 0.32 mg/g of
266 injection into the POA caused dose-dependent hyperthermia that could be blocked by pretreatment with
267 n (and especially, the lower-dose reversible hyperthermia that surrounds a coagulated zone) with mech
268 bit all modes of TRPV1 activation can elicit hyperthermia, the compounds disclosed herein do not elev
269 e development for drug delivery and magnetic hyperthermia, the in vivo anti-tumor effect under a low-
270  applications, such as magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia therapy and targeted drug delivery.
271 PV-positive cervical cancer and suggest that hyperthermia therapy could improve patient outcomes.
272 therapeutic platform for non-invasive cancer hyperthermia therapy.
273 their use in combination with external local hyperthermia to achieve heat-triggered drug release.
274 of using intraesophageal radiofrequency (RF) hyperthermia to enhance local chemotherapy in a rat mode
275  results demonstrate the potential for tumor hyperthermia to increase the delivery of HSP targeted ma
276                                 Cooling from hyperthermia to normothermia and from normothermia to mi
277 4 +/- 0.2 L/min) decreased with cooling from hyperthermia to normothermia and mild hypothermia, where
278 -systolic volume at a pressure of 100 mm Hg (hyperthermia to normothermia: -28% +/- 3% and normotherm
279 or in diverse stress scenarios, ranging from hyperthermia to protein folding diseases.
280 ction assistance following microwave-induced hyperthermia to remove the bone tumor.
281  explaining the mechanism of action of local hyperthermia to treat viral warts.
282 , we showed that the RF method of delivering hyperthermia to tumors was more localized and uniform ac
283 he factors that influence the delivery of RF hyperthermia to tumors.
284              Recent progress in diagnostics, hyperthermia treatments, and drug delivery are all consi
285                           The combination of hyperthermia-triggered drug delivery followed by ablatio
286 therapy strategies such as thermal ablation, hyperthermia-triggered drug delivery from temperature-se
287 ve liposomes (TSL) could be obtained by mild hyperthermia-triggered release of the chemotherapeutic d
288         Adenosine formation due to malignant hyperthermia-triggering agent halothane or the ryanodine
289 ergic "fever," serotonin syndrome, malignant hyperthermia, uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation, a
290 /kg or ~1/5 of LD50 in rats) can cause fatal hyperthermia under environmental conditions commonly enc
291 arked and immediate reversal of MDMA-induced hyperthermia via inhibition of brain metabolic activatio
292                    Image-guided non-invasive hyperthermia was applied for a total of 30 min, complete
293 es that induced robust locomotor activation, hyperthermia was modest in magnitude (up to approximatel
294                                          The hyperthermia was significantly attenuated by the beta-ad
295                         In this study, tumor hyperthermia was utilized as a means to increase the act
296 al found that a single session of whole-body hyperthermia (WBH) reduced depressive symptoms; however,
297  to compare the effects of high pressure and hyperthermia when used separately and when combined in t
298 ated synergistic effects in combination with hyperthermia with combination index values of 0.65 and 0
299                        In addition, combined hyperthermia with radiation is a very effective treatmen
300                                              Hyperthermia without focused ultrasound resulted in an i
301 d and irreversible damage to tumor tissue by hyperthermia, without harming surrounding healthy tissue

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