


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  LpL knockout mice; however, these mice were hypertriglyceridemic.
2 , hyperleptinemic, hypercholesterolemic, and hypertriglyceridemic.
3                        The morbidity rate of hypertriglyceridemic acute pancreatitis (HTG-AP) increas
4         We report a patient with DKA-induced hypertriglyceridemic acute pancreatitis treated successf
5 ue against diabetic progression via its anti-hypertriglyceridemic and anti-hyperglycemic effects.
6 cterized by hyperglycemic, hyperinsulinemic, hypertriglyceridemic, and enhanced noradrenergic indexes
7         Fasted HcB-19 mice are hypoglycemic, hypertriglyceridemic, and have higher than normal levels
8 ess mice became obese, hypercholesterolemic, hypertriglyceridemic, and hyperinsulinemic compared with
9 s after preincubation with either fasting or hypertriglyceridemic blood.
10                                 In addition, hypertriglyceridemic but not fasting blood inhibited the
11   In addition, SCD1 deficiency prevented the hypertriglyceridemic effect and reduced hepatic triglyce
12                                    Moreover, hypertriglyceridemic events and abnormal international n
13 creased in both the hypercholesterolemic and hypertriglyceridemic groups (298 +/- 29 and 342 +/- 31 n
14        Mean values for PD and CAL in the two hypertriglyceridemic groups were significantly higher th
15               The effect of normo (NTG)- and hypertriglyceridemic (HTG)-VLDL on cultured human umbili
16 [NL]) and those with moderately elevated TG (hypertriglyceridemic [HTG]) were studied on both a contr
17 ism by which statins lower VLDL (and LDL) in hypertriglyceridemic individuals is by stimulation of li
18 litate the development of atherosclerosis in hypertriglyceridemic individuals, we used in situ hybrid
19                                              Hypertriglyceridemic men aged 39-66 y (n = 34) participa
20 gnosing and treating patients with suspected hypertriglyceridemic pancreatitis; or diagnosing hypertr
21 n of lipoproteins is increased when familial hypertriglyceridemic patients are treated with drugs tha
22 n of VLDL to an apoC-III-dominated system in hypertriglyceridemic patients characterized by reduced c
23                                     LDL from hypertriglyceridemic patients or prepared in vitro by th
24 ring drugs, and lower triglyceride levels in hypertriglyceridemic patients.
25  altered, LDL levels may rise, especially in hypertriglyceridemic patients.
26                        When LpL was added to hypertriglyceridemic plasma, dextran accumulation within
27 ce received an adenovirus encoding Pltp, the hypertriglyceridemic response to T0901317 was partially
28                                          Two hypertriglyceridemic siblings were homozygous for the sa
29 rated clinical and TNF-alpha response in the hypertriglyceridemic subjects.
30  supports further clinical investigations in hypertriglyceridemic subjects.
31                    Fasting and postprandial (hypertriglyceridemic) subjects were injected with endoto
32 asted VLDLr knockout (VLDLr0) mice were more hypertriglyceridemic than controls (2-fold greater trigl
33 istics seem to be common to postprandial and hypertriglyceridemic very low density lipoproteins as we
34  vivo to examine the capacity of fasting vs. hypertriglyceridemic whole blood to attenuate the effect

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