


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ilage and higher oxygen tension in transient hypertrophic cartilage.
2  proteins and messages were detected only in hypertrophic cartilage.
3 he proper invasion of blood vessels into the hypertrophic cartilage and both the perichondrium and th
4 leto-hematopoietic defects, and suggest that hypertrophic cartilage and endochondral skeletogenesis m
5 esulting in an expanded area of growth plate hypertrophic cartilage and few bony trabeculae.
6 estoration of bone growth, resorption of the hypertrophic cartilage and normalization of the growth p
7 gulators of the proximal Col10a1 promoter in hypertrophic cartilage and suggest that interactions bet
8 he articular surface was replaced by bone or hypertrophic cartilage as judged by the expression of ty
9  where marrow develops is first defined by a hypertrophic cartilage blueprint.
10  that MMP9 mediates vascular invasion of the hypertrophic cartilage callus, and that Mmp9(-/-) mice h
11 ls (MSCs) into either permanent cartilage or hypertrophic cartilage destined to be replaced by bone h
12                                The resulting hypertrophic cartilage ECM, tested in a stringent ectopi
13 efects underscore an unforeseen link between hypertrophic cartilage, endochondral ossification, and e
14 g this process of endochondral ossification, hypertrophic cartilage expresses a unique matrix molecul
15 nsgene product with endogenous collagen X to hypertrophic cartilage in growth plates and ossification
16  sufficient to induce vascularization of the hypertrophic cartilage in the absence of Ihh but require
17 32Yneo mice displayed transient expansion of hypertrophic cartilage in the growth plate concomitant w
18 e vesicles, thus promoting the initiation of hypertrophic cartilage matrix mineralization.
19 he skeletal vascular endothelium invades the hypertrophic cartilage matrix, and osteoblasts different
20  cells to participate in the invasion of the hypertrophic cartilage matrix, followed by endothelial c
21 nucleated, TRAP-positive cells resorbing the hypertrophic cartilage matrix.
22 e expression of type X collagen, a marker of hypertrophic cartilage normally absent from articular ca
23                                              Hypertrophic cartilage remodeling was paralleled by ingr
24                                   Engineered hypertrophic cartilage required IL-1beta to be efficient
25 ciated with abnormal immunostaining with the hypertrophic cartilage specific type X collagen antibody
26                         Moreover, the 4.7-kb hypertrophic cartilage-specific promoter could be used f
27 either permanent articular-like cartilage or hypertrophic cartilage that is destined to become endoch
28  due to decreased osteoclast invasion of the hypertrophic cartilage through the bone collar.
29                    Collagen X is produced by hypertrophic cartilage undergoing endochondral ossificat
30 ion, but that osteoblast differentiation and hypertrophic cartilage vascularization require additiona
31 erating and prehypertrophic zones but not in hypertrophic cartilage where Col10a1 is strongly express
32 ctive capacity of engineered and devitalized hypertrophic cartilage, which is the primordial template
33 ounding extracellular matrix in the expanded hypertrophic cartilage zone.

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