


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ere normometabolic, and 21% of subjects were hypometabolic.
2 tabolic rate and body temperature (Tb), is a hypometabolic adaptation to stressful environmental cond
3 ic, normometabolic, or at the border between hypometabolic and normal cortex (metabolic "border zones
4 lization of epileptogenic brain regions, but hypometabolic areas are often larger than or can miss ep
5 s performed to evaluate the role of severely hypometabolic areas.
6                   In contrast, m-/+ mice are hypometabolic at ambient temperature and eumetabolic at
7                  We conclude that there is a hypometabolic component of the rat brain adaptation to c
8 to 0.967 (metaROI), and from 0.801 to 0.983 (hypometabolic convergence index).
9  Alzheimer discrimination analysis tool, the hypometabolic convergence index, and a set of meta-analy
10                              This feature of hypometabolic cortex is remarkably similar to that of st
11 e more heterogeneous: there were significant hypometabolic effects in posterior cingulate, precuneus,
12                    Our data suggest that the hypometabolic epileptogenic focus seen in [18F]FDG-PET s
13 s of interest (ROIs), which included (1) the hypometabolic epileptogenic regions and (2) the homologo
14    On the autonomic side, Trpv1 KO mice were hypometabolic (had a lower oxygen consumption) and hyper
15  renal cell tumor embolism that hemorrhaged (hypometabolic lesion).
16 ities in 19 of 22 intracranial metastases, 2 hypometabolic lesions, and 1 renal cell tumor embolism t
17 s over cortical areas, which were defined as hypometabolic, normometabolic, or at the border between
18  patients, the temporal lobe (which appeared hypometabolic on PET) was determined to be the site of t
19 ones significantly more frequently than over hypometabolic or normometabolic regions.
20 l background, G93A SOD1 mice become markedly hypometabolic, overweight and less active.
21          Hypermetabolic, normometabolic, and hypometabolic patients were identified with the use of B
22  Compound B positron emission tomography, AD hypometabolic pattern shown on fludeoxyglucose F 18 posi
23        In this analysis, the only persisting hypometabolic region was that centred over the left ante
24                     Cortical areas bordering hypometabolic regions can be highly epileptogenic and sh
25 equently overlay metabolic border zones than hypometabolic regions.
26 the thought that humans can undergo a severe hypometabolic state analogous to hibernation borders on
27                                         This hypometabolic state is manifested by lowered neuronal gl
28                                          The hypometabolic state of torpor is a widely utilized and w
29 restriction produces a transient hypothyroid-hypometabolic state that normalizes on return to energy-
30 s treatment with H2S can induce a reversible hypometabolic state, which can protect organs from ische
31 nsform an organ or a cellular network into a hypometabolic state, without loss of functional integrit
32 cal and mechanistic aspects into how various hypometabolic states are initiated in mammals are poorly
33  in ion leakage across cell membranes during hypometabolic states-has highlighted the energetic benef
34 etabolites were decreased, consistent with a hypometabolic syndrome.
35 hmia of the thalamocortical loop, leading to hypometabolic theta activity in the MGB.
36 ) on the evolution of the volume of severely hypometabolic tissue in anaesthetized baboons and compar
37                                 The severely hypometabolic tissue volume, as defined by a threshold o
38 role in the induction of the hypothermic and hypometabolic torpid state in hibernating mammals, we in
39                          Moreover, the final hypometabolic volume where cerebral metabolic rate of ox
40 elationship between histological and chronic hypometabolic volumes (r = 0.84; p < 0.001).
41                               However, these hypometabolic volumes regressed in the chronic stage (p
42                    E2m-/+ mice are obese and hypometabolic, whereas E2+/p- mice are lean and hypermet
43 mentia did not extend caudal to the atrophic/hypometabolic zone.

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