


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 The right kidneys were controls and remained hypoperfused.
2  thalamic and midbrain structures which were hypoperfused.
3                    The volumes of critically hypoperfused and hyperperfused brain (HypoBV and HyperBV
4   While signal intensity differences between hypoperfused and normal myocardium were comparable for f
5 ker in the direction of baseline-perfused or hypoperfused areas.
6          When flow is controlled, kidneys in hypoperfused ARF can extract sufficient oxygen from ante
7 (UO) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in hypoperfused ARF.
8 G:PLP1) ratio, which declines in chronically hypoperfused brain tissue.
9 irreversible tissue damage and of critically hypoperfused but potentially salvageable tissue (i.e., t
10 he ischemic region, even when only dogs with hypoperfused but transmurally viable myocardium were con
11           In contrast, baseline-perfused and hypoperfused contacts mainly demonstrated non-significan
12 positive oligodendroglial progenitors in the hypoperfused corpus callosum.
13  our data show that neglect can be caused by hypoperfused dysfunctional tissue not detectable by stru
14 in the hemisphere opposite to the previously hypoperfused hemisphere (p < 0.001).
15  patients used the hand contralateral to the hypoperfused hemisphere they would show unique activatio
16 his study was designed to study apoptosis in hypoperfused hibernating myocardium subtending severe co
17 g myocyte death through myocyte apoptosis in hypoperfused hibernating myocardium.
18 ors feature increased vessel density yet are hypoperfused, leading to tumor hypoxia.
19 ochemical evaluation of sham and chronically hypoperfused mice a month after surgery revealed signifi
20 lderly which has been modeled in chronically hypoperfused mice.
21              Reduced fatty acid oxidation in hypoperfused myocardium is believed to result from impai
22 lycolytic production of lactate and alanine, hypoperfused myocardium preferentially oxidized SCFA ove
23         Apoptosis was found not only in 24-h hypoperfused myocardium, but also in 4-week hypoperfused
24  hypoperfused myocardium, but also in 4-week hypoperfused myocardium.
25  reduce the risk of ischemia in a critically hypoperfused organ.
26 on of contrast enhancement into the formerly hypoperfused perilesional zone.
27 ral blood flow distribution curve toward the hypoperfused range, with a decrease in global cerebral b
28                              The size of the hypoperfused region was equivalent in both groups.
29 ent demonstrated focal radiotracer uptake in hypoperfused regions where angiogenesis was stimulated.
30 .06), indicating metabolic adaptation of the hypoperfused regions.
31 inning will functionally identify regionally hypoperfused resting myocardium.
32 valuated visually before PEA for parenchymal hypoperfused segments.
33 fusion parameters improved and the extent of hypoperfused territory declined (4.6% of LV mass +/- 1.4
34 action and the extents of microinfarction or hypoperfused territory.
35 related to the extents of microinfarction or hypoperfused territory.
36 ischemic core <70 mL, and volume of severely hypoperfused tissue <100 mL).
37                     The algorithm identifies hypoperfused tissue in mean transit time maps by simulta
38 ad a more severe intracellular acidosis than hypoperfused tissue recruited to the final infarct (P <
39 .0001), which in turn was more acidotic than hypoperfused tissue that survived (P < 0.0001).
40 ventilation increases the volume of severely hypoperfused tissue within the injured brain, despite im
41 d ischemic core and the volume of critically hypoperfused tissue.
42        Exogenous Ang-1 enhances perfusion in hypoperfused tissues only in the presence of increased l
43 actor (VEGF)/angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1) on adult hypoperfused tissues.
44 ion in MIA-treated rats, all structures were hypoperfused (to 25+/-7% of baseline, 48+/-8% of vehicle
45 iduals with schizophrenia were significantly hypoperfused when compared to controls.
46 d positive correlation with MAG:PLP1, in the hypoperfused white matter in Alzheimer's disease.
47 d well with radiolabeled microsphere-derived hypoperfused zone (r = 0.89).
48 tween infarcted and viable tissue within the hypoperfused zone after a single venous injection.
49                           Regions within the hypoperfused zone that had not undergone necrosis showed

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