


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1       However, the key intermediate remained hypothetical.
2  etiology of narcolepsy has remained largely hypothetical.
3 ane water channels (aquaporins) has remained hypothetical.
4 gly correlated materials has so far remained hypothetical.
5 roperties of the sheets' edges, has remained hypothetical.
6 ompromised in age-related memory loss remain hypothetical.
7                              Consequently, a hypothetical 100-mm change in ET, whether short term or
8 r which sufficient data are available, (2) a hypothetical 2018 power plant fleet that reflects upcomi
9                                            A hypothetical 25% reduction of sulfate results in approxi
10 th of a reconstruction interval equates to a hypothetical activity.
11 t of the risk model was larger than those in hypothetical all-screening or no-screening scenarios.
12 t significantly more stable communities than hypothetical alternatives.
13 ions of both the 1815 Tambora eruption and a hypothetical analogous future eruption are examined, the
14 w socioeconomic position (SEP) may influence hypothetical and actual living kidney donors and where a
15                       Here we characterize a hypothetical approximately 100 kDa single-chain protein,
16 e shown to agree with the stoichiometry of a hypothetical astrocyte-to-neuron lactate shuttle model,
17 e synthesis and characterization of hitherto hypothetical Au(III) pi-alkyne complexes is reported.
18  are illustrated using model simulations for hypothetical basins.
19             The Genome Balance Hypothesis is hypothetical because the position effect mechanisms impl
20 cher/Labusch models corresponds to that of a hypothetical binary with the elastic constants of our HE
21                              We also provide hypothetical biological pathways to explain our findings
22                                          The hypothetical biological target space covered by these di
23 thetic gene cluster has been sequenced and a hypothetical biosynthetic pathway has been proposed.
24 ptions: the scientists surveyed considered a hypothetical broader study, compared with an otherwise-c
25 ples of inverted ligand field systems with a hypothetical but not unrealistic AlCH3 ligand and sketch
26                        OSTUM is applied to a hypothetical, but realistic, upgrading operation based o
27  Over 75% of the reads were characterized as hypothetical, but thousands were associated with toxin-a
28                                              Hypothetical bypass modeling for all transferred patient
29  of unknown function in Leishmania infantum (hypothetical C1 protein) and specific antibodies of the
30  studies of citation amnesia in the field of hypothetical carbon allotropes to present a computer-age
31                          Inside the cages of hypothetical carbon clathrates there is precious little
32 leading to actual risks far greater than the hypothetical carcinogenic risk purportedly avoided.
33 sponses to nondisclosure requests, we used a hypothetical case example of a Middle Eastern adolescent
34                        The article discusses hypothetical case studies involving the reporting back o
35 od to two retrospective case studies and one hypothetical case study.
36 amines whether the determinants that explain hypothetical choices made by survey respondents match th
37 g surgeons and hepatologists regarding three hypothetical clinical cases of intermediate HCC was perf
38                   The model base case used a hypothetical cohort comprising of 1000 surgeries in the
39                          The model assumed a hypothetical cohort of 10,000 patients who received only
40  model with a 5-year time horizon to study a hypothetical cohort of 100 000 patients who required gla
41                                              Hypothetical cohort of adults admitted to the ICU.
42     We developed a Markov model simulating a hypothetical cohort of commercially insured patients who
43 A Markov model was constructed to simulate a hypothetical cohort of ESLD patients over a 30-year time
44  created a Markov decision model to follow a hypothetical cohort of multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB pati
45 tochastic model of tuberculosis disease in a hypothetical cohort of patients with smear-positive tube
46  modeling with 3 microsimulation models of a hypothetical cohort of previously unscreened US 40-year-
47 health care costs from national sources to a hypothetical cohort of SPRINT-eligible adults.
48                           The model followed hypothetical cohorts of 1,000 patients with a mean age o
49  developed a Markov microsimulation model of hypothetical cohorts of 100,000 individuals undergoing d
50                        We did simulations in hypothetical cohorts of 1000 pregnant women receiving ei
51 s and quality adjusted life years (QALYs) of hypothetical cohorts of identical patients receiving cer
52                           We simulated 1,000 hypothetical cohorts with a binary exposure, a time-to-e
53 ual detection rates were calculated in three hypothetical cohorts, including subjects who met NLST cr
54 istant would be important to their health in hypothetical communication scenarios across visual signa
55                                              Hypothetical conditions were set independently for each
56 those of nonmagnetic compounds Mo2TiAlC2 and hypothetical Cr2TiAlC2.
57 t mimic either the natural (square prism) or hypothetical (cylindrical) architecture of a seahorse ta
58 is; and 3) statistical reification, treating hypothetical data distributions and statistical models a
59 r plant species of the USA (c. 17,600) and a hypothetical data set containing a zone of biotic transi
60  men in case-control analyses of 8 different hypothetical data sets on the effect of OC use and venou
61 d ill health that I introduced into real and hypothetical data sets.
62 s the calculation of the various metrics for hypothetical data similar to those reported by Turner et
63  of parents withholding opioids during their hypothetical decision-making as well as at home.
64  single vehicles by simple up-scaling (using hypothetical deployment scenarios) would be flawed.
65 rence between modern and medieval medicine-2 hypothetical diagnoses have emerged: either an aortic di
66 ividual recorded dietary intakes rather than hypothetical diet or diets averaged over a population.
67  withhold prescribed opioids when faced with hypothetical dilemmas and after hospital discharge.
68 ontaining polysaccharides, UDP-QuiNAc is the hypothetical donor of the QuiNAc residue.
69 entrations in water could be explained via a hypothetical dynamic emission scenario consistent with c
70                         We also examined the hypothetical effect of the isocaloric substitution of on
71                         We aimed to estimate hypothetical effects of habits (smoking, alcohol consump
72                               The axion is a hypothetical elementary particle arising in a simple and
73      For representative IUOCs (RIUOCs), only hypothetical emissions via passive volatilization from e
74 trate the application of these steps using a hypothetical example for a congestive heart failure post
75 ulative count is described by using a simple hypothetical example, and the computation code with an i
76                                       In all hypothetical examples, and in the real-data study, addit
77  reported for Si-TM complexes, both real and hypothetical examples.
78 jection and seismicity differs from both the hypothetical expected time scale of diffusion process an
79   We conducted simulation studies of various hypothetical exposure scenarios and compared hypothetica
80 ers evaluated narrative summaries describing hypothetical female and male applicants for tenure-track
81   Risk was defined as the probability that a hypothetical fetus created from a random pairing of indi
82 from identification of 6% (95% CI, 4%-8%) of hypothetical fetuses affected for East Asian couples to
83 idelines-based screening panels modeled 55.2 hypothetical fetuses affected per 100,000 (95% CI, 51.3-
84 ies, expanded carrier screening modeled more hypothetical fetuses at risk for severe or profound cond
85 ination and daily vaccination capacity for a hypothetical FMD outbreak in the UK.
86                                      Current hypothetical frameworks suggest temporal (e.g. dispersal
87 pheric particulate burden during actual, not hypothetical, fuel-fleet shifts, has been lacking.
88  genes than strain 630, most of which are of hypothetical function and are present on phages and othe
89 fficile variant is due to the acquisition of hypothetical functions associated with laterally acquire
90 e insertion element at the locus of hp119, a hypothetical gene.
91                                          Two hypothetical genes of unknown function, ctl0225 and ctl0
92 CMG28 revealed novel protein variants in the hypothetical genes TC0237 (Q117E) and TC0668 (G322R).
93 ic repeats (CRISPR) genes as well as several hypothetical genes were commonly up-regulated in Deltass
94 we postulated first functional hints for 235 hypothetical genes.
95 ork uses probabilistic methods to simulate a hypothetical geologic CO2 storage site in a depleted oil
96 raconate taxa, leading to reconstructions of hypothetical ground patterns for major lineages.
97 f paired comparison responses to duration of hypothetical health states.
98                                  Focusing on hypothetical HLA-A2(+) binding scores, 707 peptides were
99  of a present-day boreal forest-wetland to a hypothetical homogeneous wetland landscape could induce
100 ls, we simulated influenza transmission at a hypothetical hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan, during a 1
101  these targets, and compare these results to hypothetical hotspots that did not evolve.
102                                            A hypothetical human consumer of 50 kg of fish, gathered 3
103 ssociated with a choice was randomly real or hypothetical (i.e., participants only sometimes received
104                                In the model, hypothetical individuals from a representative US popula
105 estions for which respondents considered two hypothetical individuals with different health states an
106 urvature, closer to the configuration of the hypothetical intermediate.
107 inverse probability weighting and assuming a hypothetical intervention where no infants were low birt
108 ls to assess potential population effects of hypothetical interventions and censor competing events.
109 ed the independent and joint associations of hypothetical interventions on BMI and physical activity
110 and p,p'-DDE serum concentrations under five hypothetical interventions.
111 esolve over half ( approximately 60%) of all hypothetical isomer pairs, including leucine and isoleuc
112  simulate nutrient reduction scenarios for a hypothetical lake.
113 m known tertiary structures to suggest which hypothetical large RNA motifs can be considered "RNA-lik
114                                   Although a hypothetical lethal isoform of PrP cannot be excluded, o
115                                          The hypothetical link between malaria and hypertension can b
116                 VCD analysis with respect to hypothetical localized modes enabled the quantitative pr
117                                            A hypothetical M7.0 North Korean underground nuclear explo
118                       We demonstrated that a hypothetical man or woman can reach clinically relevant
119 r pockets near the band edges of this so far hypothetical material structure, which is higher than th
120 ization and postoperative infections remains hypothetical, measures to reduce perioperative suture co
121                                          One hypothetical mechanism accounting for mutant phenotypic
122 in N. gaditana and lay the foundations for a hypothetical mechanism of regulation of primary carbon p
123                        We discuss additional hypothetical mechanisms that may explain our paradoxical
124 gulatory T cells (Tregs) have evolved from a hypothetical mediator of adoptively transferred toleranc
125 s the two pre-insertion strands flanking the hypothetical membrane-insertion loop.
126                                 However, the hypothetical Michael adducts in this mechanism have only
127  were projected to their total masses in 100 hypothetical midrange passenger vehicles.
128 vals of as short as 10 s, corresponding to a hypothetical minimum activity of 0.017 MBq of (124)I.
129                                            A hypothetical minimum activity of 0.5 MBq of (124)I obtai
130                                            A hypothetical minimum activity was sought by means of a p
131                 This study aimed to assess a hypothetical minimum administered activity of (124)I req
132  a protein with so far unknown function as a hypothetical Mn transporter in the cyanobacterial model
133 ent early-life associated regulation (LEARn) hypothetical model indicates that accumulated environmen
134  alterations in paediatric ACT and outline a hypothetical model of paediatric adrenocortical tumorige
135 e new structural information also leads to a hypothetical model of RapA in complex with RNAP immobili
136            Mechanistically, we propose a new hypothetical model that the slower transfer of a more hy
137                                 We propose a hypothetical model where ripening/senescence induced a r
138 iscuss this unique correlation and suggest a hypothetical model whereby CD133 promotes morphogenesis
139 ment, to be located in Midwestern Ohio, as a hypothetical modeling environment to identify and examin
140                             We propose three hypothetical models (Top-Down Model of Control; Risk Pot
141 g the reviewed studies with reference to the hypothetical models and make suggestions regarding futur
142             Furthermore, our studies suggest hypothetical models on how other proteins as TIN2 and ta
143 s of theoretical calculations on existing or hypothetical molecules.
144                                Both real and hypothetical monetary rewards are widely used as reinfor
145  implications for future utility of real and hypothetical monetary rewards in studies of risk taking
146                    However, whether real and hypothetical monetary rewards modulate risk taking and d
147 onstrate differential effects of real versus hypothetical monetary rewards on risk taking behavior an
148  paradigm to examine the effects of real and hypothetical monetary rewards on risk taking in the brai
149 l CCS under the Clean Power Plan (CPP) and a hypothetical more stringent CO2 emission reduction targe
150                Finally, we compare different hypothetical morphogen patterning mechanisms (Turing, ti
151 -positive patients, we iteratively simulated hypothetical multiarm clinical trials under various scen
152                           For simulations of hypothetical multiarm trials of experimental therapies a
153 time cost without prior assumption about its hypothetical nature and emphasizes its sigmoidal shape f
154                                     The real/hypothetical nature of the reward on any one trial was,
155 thout making any prior assumption about this hypothetical nature.
156 e WGCNA tool allowed us to design and test a hypothetical network in order to infer relationships acr
157 30-70x higher-than-nominal concentrations of hypothetical new compounds (via anion exchange between I
158 lution control policies and contributions of hypothetical Ni sources (industrial and automobile exhau
159 diverse functions might be attributed to the hypothetical non-coding RNAs embedded within the gene.
160 kdusan (Changbaishan) that can be induced by hypothetical North Korean nuclear explosions.
161                    This required that all 32 hypothetical off-target interactions within the eight-pe
162 eon Phi processor with off-chip memory (with hypothetical on-chip digital resistive random access mem
163     The majority of the modulated genes were hypothetical or of unknown function, although some are k
164 proposed to result from superposition of two hypothetical oscillatory impulse response functions gene
165                      In contrast to expected hypothetical outcomes, collagen has limited conformation
166 to mitigate severe disease across a range of hypothetical pandemic scenarios.
167 ysis methods are often derived by relying on hypothetical parametric models for read counts that are
168                                          The hypothetical parent phase Bi4O4Cu2Se3 is unstable with r
169                        Majorana fermion is a hypothetical particle that is its own antiparticle.
170 th a range of illness severities involving a hypothetical patient (Mrs. X).
171 9 scenarios wherein each scenario compared a hypothetical patient who developed a number of lower gra
172 er of lower grade complications with another hypothetical patient who underwent the same surgical pro
173                      This study modeled 1000 hypothetical patients with attributes similar to those o
174 education about HS, response to HS use among hypothetical patients with cancer, knowledge of HS adver
175 ding their choice in long-term therapy for 3 hypothetical patients with uveitic conditions (Behcet di
176 hat maximize time until treatment failure on hypothetical patients, using parameters estimated from c
177  a transplant in 30 scenarios presenting two hypothetical patients.
178 rs and the administered activities for the 2 hypothetical patients.
179 e activities that they would administer to 2 hypothetical patients: a 5-y-old boy (20 kg, 110 cm tall
180  naturalist Goethe proposed the concept of a hypothetical 'Plant Archetype', declared "Alles ist Blat
181  rather than being derived vertically from a hypothetical plastid-bearing common ancestor of alveolat
182 ed by the bioamplification factor (BAmF), of hypothetical PLOPs with different combinations of partit
183                  We examined the impact of a hypothetical point-of-care (POC) test reporting antibiot
184 tive to construct the awaited and looked-for hypothetical polybenzene (pbz) or "cubic graphite" struc
185 edicted," "uncharacterized," "inferred," or "hypothetical" polypeptides containing as few as 39 amino
186 l-based TB transmission model representing a hypothetical population consisting of people who worked
187                         The model analyzed a hypothetical population of patients with NSCLC who could
188 ation scenarios, ie, random vaccination in a hypothetical population that is completely susceptible,
189 ock viruses with different life-histories in hypothetical populations of feral swine with different c
190 ission model of multi-strain TB epidemics in hypothetical populations reflective of the epidemiologic
191 redibly rapidly, transforming from a largely hypothetical possibility to a well-established field tha
192                                   Studies of hypothetical praseodymium(IV) and terbium(IV) analogues
193 all system, however, places great demands on hypothetical prebiotic chemistry.
194 ts were classified into 1 of the following 4 hypothetical preclinical AD groups using baseline cerebr
195 estions that asked parents to choose between hypothetical primary care practices with different level
196  of cross-linguistic variation follow from a hypothetical principle that dependency length--the dista
197       These aspects are demonstrated through hypothetical problem scenarios that explore some major b
198 nsolidation.' Recent work has shown that the hypothetical process of reconsolidation is only triggere
199                                              Hypothetical processes for the deployment of such sorben
200 nse pathway and identified a gene encoding a hypothetical protein (clr-3) that is required for repres
201 nstrated the strong antigenic character of a hypothetical protein and consequently its potential use
202  we describe characterization of a conserved hypothetical protein annotated as BB0238, which specific
203           In this study we characterized the hypothetical protein BB0794 in Borrelia burgdorferi.
204 ied transcriptional start site shortens this hypothetical protein by 69 amino acids, reveals a predic
205 d the presence of mam genes and MTB-specific hypothetical protein coding genes.
206                              Results for the hypothetical protein D d e0289 in D. alaskensis include
207                                            A hypothetical protein from P. luminescens was identified,
208 l wall surface anchor protein (mg0377) and a hypothetical protein gene, mg0359, unique to M. gallisep
209       This is also the first report that the hypothetical protein of latent transcript of CyHV-3 cont
210                       PG2212, annotated as a hypothetical protein of unknown function, is a 10.3-kDa
211 rt on the functional characterization of the hypothetical protein Slr1270, a TolC homologue in Synech
212 f these (FTT1696/GroEL and FTT0975/conserved hypothetical protein) discriminated between the Spanish
213 genes (vacJ, pldA, ttg2C, pheS and conserved hypothetical protein) that we hypothesise have a role in
214                              We found that a hypothetical protein, which is predicted by the leech ge
215  the promoter regions of abcR2 and the three hypothetical protein-encoding genes, and DNase I footpri
216 eomics analyses identified unique, discrete, hypothetical proteins ("tapirins," origin from Maori: to
217 vealed three additional genes encoding small hypothetical proteins also under the control of VtlR.
218  regions predominantly harbor genes encoding hypothetical proteins and are within or adjacent to prop
219                   Several MIPs are conserved hypothetical proteins and may be involved in responses t
220                    Novel, hitherto unstudied hypothetical proteins and other proteins not previously
221 creened the potential enzymatic functions of hypothetical proteins encoded by genes of Bacteroides th
222                  Synteny-based annotation of hypothetical proteins highlighted gene transfers from no
223 a free-standing acyl carrier protein and two hypothetical proteins in oocydin A biosynthesis.
224  genes in resistance to miltefosine, and for hypothetical proteins in resistance to paromomycin, amph
225  reductases and are present in more than 490 hypothetical proteins in the GenBank(TM), the vast major
226 und to carry interruptions in genes encoding hypothetical proteins or proteins with putative function
227                Characterization of these two hypothetical proteins revealed they influence transcript
228                                 Six of these hypothetical proteins were randomly selected and deleted
229 verlapping ORFs (ORFA and ORFB) encoding two hypothetical proteins with unknown functions.
230 o the rapid accumulation of uncharacterized 'hypothetical proteins' in the public databases.
231 e (avtA), superoxide dismutase (sodB), and 2 hypothetical proteins.
232 ing to 47 different proteins, of which 4 are hypothetical proteins.
233                   This question is no longer hypothetical: quantum degenerate gases of atoms and mole
234                                 Furthermore, hypothetical reaction intermediates and transition struc
235    Similar exposure risks were estimated for hypothetical recreational waters containing 100- or 1000
236 ating the sample sizes needed to demonstrate hypothetical reductions in risk and concluded that the b
237 cremental diagnostic value of Xpert, and the hypothetical reductions in unnecessary treatment, contac
238  deduce the information on the still largely hypothetical regulatory mechanisms governing tissue turn
239 se-positive rate of study results over many (hypothetical) repetitions of the experiment of interest.
240 tion of the energy-water usage efficiency of hypothetical reuse systems in five case study regions wi
241 e revised method correlates well against the hypothetical reverse mutations, better than comparable m
242 ome and disregarded whether it was a real or hypothetical reward.
243 ART with real rewards compared to those with hypothetical rewards, suggesting increased loss aversion
244 ing with real rewards compared to those with hypothetical rewards, which may reflect greater predicti
245                             RSPRY1 encodes a hypothetical RING and SPRY domain-containing protein of
246 y) carcinogenic risk is nonexistent; it is a hypothetical risk derived from the demonstrably false LN
247                         Here, we resolve the hypothetical role of trade routes through statistical an
248  accuracy of each approach across a range of hypothetical RT prevalence rates plausible for the Unite
249                    Modeling across different hypothetical saturation levels and rates of gain decay,
250  Dw along the z-axis were determined for six hypothetical scanning ranges: chest alone; abdomen alone
251 equivalent comparison, the study developed a hypothetical scenario in which the same LM design flow i
252                             We constructed a hypothetical scenario to analyze the patient population
253                                         In a hypothetical scenario where all Californians starting tr
254 ests for intermediate-risk adenomas, using a hypothetical scenario.
255                                       Use of hypothetical scenarios and a nonprobability sample that
256                                         Five hypothetical scenarios representing alternative programm
257                        We also simulated two hypothetical scenarios-no treatment and treatment with P
258 resent together with high pain scores in the hypothetical scenarios.
259 work were randomly allocated to one of three hypothetical scenarios: tiered consent and controlled da
260                                Assessment of hypothetical schedules following current clinical protoc
261                                            A hypothetical screening strategy was evaluated in which a
262                                      Since a hypothetical screening test would be applied during ante
263 brate lineage, but do not strongly support a hypothetical second event.
264 ctive case detection, pooled sampling, and a hypothetical serological diagnostic-were simulated and e
265  an almost 10-fold increase in size from the hypothetical single-genome ancestor.
266 els that represent the main broad classes of hypothetical size-control mechanisms currently under con
267                            We identified two hypothetical small proteins and the virulence regulator
268                                          The hypothetical societal limit to resources was included us
269 nes would provide one structural form of the hypothetical sp-hybridized carbon allotrope carbyne, whi
270  mining of the existing literature, a set of hypothetical statements about the plausible range of con
271 ss spectra and evaluation of a collection of hypothetical structures predicted based on the biosynthe
272 there is a particular problem with accessing hypothetical structures that this approach may solve.
273 n the effects of material heterogeneities in hypothetical structures, to derive common concepts from
274  drawing conclusions about real choices from hypothetical studies of intended behavior, especially wh
275 aw insights by analyzing the SWM system of a hypothetical suburban U.S. city of 100 000 people over 3
276  SOA formation, and (4) test the impact of a hypothetical sulfate reduction scenario on IEPOX SOA.
277 ratures, and would not be suppressed even in hypothetical systems where initial DW states and experim
278 cases defined as sensitive or resistant to a hypothetical therapy.
279 ese data, sample sizes were calculated for a hypothetical three-year randomised trial in which the tr
280 s fully invertible, enabling us to construct hypothetical topographic activation maps for target posi
281 s, with clinical disease only occurring when hypothetical toxic forms (called PrP(L) or TPrP) begin t
282  scenarios (+1-+4 degrees C), the effects of hypothetical toxicants on suborganismal processes, inclu
283 ioid), adverse drug event understanding, and hypothetical trade-off decisions (i.e., scenarios presen
284 efense regulation to hormesis and provides a hypothetical transcriptional scenario for the induction
285 tes were used to design scenarios describing hypothetical treatments that were labeled as new drug, o
286 ntrations of the drug at 90 min exceeded the hypothetical Treg-specific therapeutic window determined
287 as-usual approach) and predict the effect of hypothetical trends in the market development of nanomat
288 hypothetical exposure scenarios and compared hypothetical true historical intake rates with estimates
289                        Seismic waveforms for hypothetical underground nuclear explosions at North Kor
290                                              Hypothetical uses of the corridor include: the first exp
291 about the circumstances under which women in hypothetical vignettes were perceived to violate gendere
292 epending on the environment and included new hypothetical viruses when compared with the current tran
293                Furthermore, C3 N shows a low hypothetical voltage ( approximately 0.15 V), efficient
294           In this work we asked whether this hypothetical weakness is a problem in practice.
295  appears to be associated with an increased 'hypothetical' willingness to be a living kidney donor bu
296 function of inhibitory circuits, including a hypothetical wish list for optogenetic approaches to all
297 t present value of timber harvesting from 10 hypothetical wood-producing Forest Management Units (FMU
298 ed through 1990, we estimated the impacts of hypothetical workplace interventions on arsenic exposure
299                         Although millions of hypothetical zeolite structures have been proposed, not
300 the band alignment for a number of known and hypothetical Zn-based ZIFs with respect to the vacuum le

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