


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ulin less than 2 ng/ml (95%, euthyroid; 96%, hypothyroid).
2 unction (127 were hyperthyroid, and 168 were hypothyroid).
3  indicating that the lungs were functionally hypothyroid.
4                  Peripheral tissues are also hypothyroid.
5 tal thyroidectomy and then allowed to become hypothyroid.
6 d dysfunction: 19 became hyperthyroid and 14 hypothyroid.
7 eveloped secondary leukemia and three became hypothyroid.
8                      AF incidence was 78% in hypothyroid, 67% in hyperthyroid, and the duration of in
9                                           In hypothyroid adult ventricular myocardium, there was a se
10  and approximately 12-fold, respectively, in hypothyroid and euthyroid rats.
11 en linked to delayed diastolic relaxation in hypothyroid and failing hearts.
12 4, 12 and 24 months of age during euthyroid, hypothyroid and hyperthyroid states.
13 eptor, and affected animals are congenitally hypothyroid and profoundly deaf as a consequence when th
14                                  Five became hypothyroid and required long-term thyroxine.
15             The behavior of six congenitally hypothyroid and six normal control rats was assessed und
16                 Mice with severe TEC H/P are hypothyroid, and normalization of serum thyroxine levels
17 ological rat cardiac hypertrophy models with hypothyroid- and hyperthyroid-like changes in the TH tar
18 ver, deletion of SMRT in either euthyroid or hypothyroid animals had little effect on TH signaling.
19  increased SREBP-2 nuclear protein levels in hypothyroid animals results in thyroid hormone-independe
20                                              Hypothyroid animals showed cardiac atrophy and reduced c
21 n was not derepressed in liver or kidneys of hypothyroid animals, our results indicated that the thyr
22  of direct cardiac effects in the genesis of hypothyroid cardiac dysfunction, the cardiac myocyte was
23              The half-life of D2 activity in hypothyroid cells was 47 min after cycloheximide and 60
24  were studied at euthyroid, hyperthyroid and hypothyroid conditions.
25 tified in the hypothyroid, mutant progeny of hypothyroid dams by tracking developmental changes in th
26                                  Subclinical hypothyroid disease in pregnancy is a special case and a
27              We retrospectively analyzed 535 hypothyroid dosimetry studies performed as part of routi
28                                Unexpectedly, hypothyroid double KO mice also failed to mount a signif
29            These mice also become profoundly hypothyroid due to deregulation of genes involved in thy
30              At last, we have confirmed that hypothyroid environment attenuated ovarian cancer growth
31                     At the end of treatment, hypothyroid, euthyroid, and hyperthyroid status was conf
32                     Transgenic mice rendered hypothyroid exhibited a TSH response that was only 30% o
33 tination in normal extracts toward levels in hypothyroid extracts, which showed little E3alpha-depend
34 eatic islets, and that growth retardation in hypothyroid fetal sheep is associated with reductions in
35                      Mice were then rendered hypothyroid, followed by graded T(3) replacement.
36                                  A 12-yr-old hypothyroid girl was diagnosed at birth as athyreotic be
37 rocytes of animals suffering from congenital hypothyroid goiter with defective thyroglobulin, GRP94 a
38 hormone) is an important cause of congenital hypothyroid goiter; further, homozygous mice expressing
39 e and ending at the second poly(A) signal in hypothyroid hearts were 0.26 euthyroid levels (P < 0.05)
40      Energy restriction produces a transient hypothyroid-hypometabolic state that normalizes on retur
41                                        These hypothyroid-like abnormalities are completely reversed b
42 downregulated in 2 hypertrophy models with a hypothyroid-like mRNA phenotype, phenylephrine in cultur
43 tant TSHR (Pro --> Leu at 556) in congenital hypothyroid mice activates osteoclast differentiation, c
44 etion of thyroid hormones in vivo and rescue hypothyroid mice after transplantation.
45 riglyceride esterification protects severely hypothyroid mice against NAFLD.
46 deleted NCoR1 in the livers of euthyroid and hypothyroid mice and examined the effects on gene expres
47                          Grafts from chronic hypothyroid mice contained fewer beta-cells, heterogenou
48                   Here, we found that mildly hypothyroid mice develop NAFLD without down-regulation o
49                                        These hypothyroid mice displayed oxidative stress in the thyro
50               Brown adipocytes isolated from hypothyroid mice replaced with T3, but not from those re
51                        In contrast, severely hypothyroid mice show down-regulation of TH signaling in
52                                              Hypothyroid mice were treated for 10 days with varying d
53 tablished by demonstrating that treatment of hypothyroid mice with thyroxine resulted in a specific i
54                                           In hypothyroid mice, hepatic expression of Spot 14, Bcl-3,
55  in a sequential manner in euthyroid but not hypothyroid mice, thus providing evidence that chondrocy
56 is and thymopoiesis were normal in dwarf and hypothyroid mice.
57 observed for malic enzyme mRNA expression in hypothyroid mice.
58 tive T3 (3,3',5-triiodothyronine) targets in hypothyroid mice.
59  the cell cycle was significantly reduced in hypothyroid mice.
60 f Dio3 in the fetus and produced a permanent hypothyroid milieu in the adult.
61 tios (IRRs) of asthma among children born to hypothyroid mothers versus children born to mothers with
62 was markedly reduced compared with all other hypothyroid mouse genotypes.
63 ed developmental stage was identified in the hypothyroid, mutant progeny of hypothyroid dams by track
64 m 1 month after surgery were randomized into hypothyroid (N=9), euthyroid (N=9), and hyperthyroid (N=
65 s of term infants that weighed <2,500 g, and hypothyroid non-Hispanic white women had higher odds of
66 d that in the CA1 region of the hippocampus, hypothyroid or stress partially blocked E-LTP.
67             When these animals were rendered hypothyroid or thyrotoxic, mRNA expression of MHC isofor
68                                          Two hypothyroid patients evaluated with thyroid ultrasonogra
69                              Six of 15 (40%) hypothyroid patients had suppressed TSH concentrations b
70 hole body scans (84% of euthyroid and 94% of hypothyroid patients) and stimulated thyroglobulin less
71 nts and 84 ng/100 ml in 15 untreated primary hypothyroid patients.
72 s and the results are comparable to those of hypothyroid protocols in the majority of patients.
73                                              Hypothyroid R429Q KI mice displayed elevated TSH subunit
74  TSH levels in the euthyroid and subclinical hypothyroid range with incident AF was examined by using
75  high serum thyrotropin (TSH) levels (in the hypothyroid range) while in therapy with L-T4 in tablet.
76 levels worsened again reaching levels in the hypothyroid range.
77 riptional enhancement obtained in T3-treated hypothyroid rat liver (1.8-fold increase) but not in T3-
78 s to the urinary concentrating defect in the hypothyroid rat.
79 ride and urea transporters and aquaporins in hypothyroid rats (HT) with diminished urinary concentrat
80                                           In hypothyroid rats (induced by addition of propyl-thiourac
81  muscle UCP3 levels were decreased 3-fold in hypothyroid rats and increased 6-fold in hyperthyroid ra
82 le large dose of L-triiodothyronine given to hypothyroid rats caused a 4.7-fold increase in myocardia
83                    Administration of T(3) to hypothyroid rats elevated the abundance of PGC-1 alpha m
84 us were identical in both euthyroid rats and hypothyroid rats induced by 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil in d
85 s compared with euthyroid controls (CTL) and hypothyroid rats replaced with L-thyroxine (HT+T).
86            Thyroid hormone administration to hypothyroid rats resulted in a doubling of the HCN2/beta
87 T3 and T4 levels were significantly lower in hypothyroid rats than control.
88  pituitary glands were significantly less in hypothyroid rats than the corresponding normal littermat
89 of MDA-bound proteins, hyperthyroid rats and hypothyroid rats were compared to euthyroid controls.
90 d septic rats, and more slowly in those from hypothyroid rats, than in controls.
91  the other hand, in extracts of muscles from hypothyroid rats, where overall proteolysis is reduced b
92 significantly influence EEG-defined sleep in hypothyroid rats.
93 region, the preoptic region, was examined in hypothyroid rats.
94 leasing Hormone (TRH) in the hypothalamus of hypothyroid rats.
95 and spine alterative changes in the brain of hypothyroid rats.
96 d in the liver of hyperthyroid compared with hypothyroid rats.
97                                          The hypothyroid responsiveness to LPS, however, was restored
98 m that exploited paired euthyroid and severe hypothyroid serum samples from human subjects.
99  cell proliferation and mass observed in the hypothyroid sheep fetus and may have consequences for pa
100 t rats were treated chemically to induce the hypothyroid state and cause a transition in the ventricu
101 body radiation exposure as compared with the hypothyroid state in withdrawal patients.
102 cts with corepressor proteins and mimics the hypothyroid state, regardless of the circulating thyroid
103                               Hence, for the hypothyroid state, transcriptional and post-transcriptio
104 cellular carcinoma (HCCs), suggesting that a hypothyroid status favors the onset and progression of p
105              The results also suggest that a hypothyroid status of preneoplastic lesions may contribu
106 pre-B, and B cells in the bone marrow of the hypothyroid strain of mice are significantly reduced com
107 ls is significantly reduced in the dwarf and hypothyroid strains of mice, which have defects in the p
108  changes in body weight, serum lipid levels, hypothyroid symptoms as measured by a HRQL questionnaire
109 ferences in the mean change at 1 year in the Hypothyroid Symptoms score (0.2+/-15.3 in the placebo gr
110  two primary outcomes were the change in the Hypothyroid Symptoms score and Tiredness score on a thyr
111                                              Hypothyroid tadpoles did not exhibit the decline in lary
112                      Laryngeal cartilages of hypothyroid tadpoles exhibited low density and minimal p
113 ce appear grossly normal, however, when made hypothyroid the repression of many positively regulated
114               Animals that had been rendered hypothyroid through removal of the thyroid gland showed
115 dogenous SMRT and NCoR mRNA were observed in hypothyroid transgenic mice.
116                          When mice were made hypothyroid, TSH levels increased, obliterating the diff
117 ased in TR-beta2-null mice to levels seen in hypothyroid wild-type mice and did not change significan
118       Prepro-TRH expression was increased in hypothyroid wild-type mice and markedly suppressed after
119 mental and growth delays and were profoundly hypothyroid, with no detectable thyroid hormone and elev
120 increased inflammatory markers were found in hypothyroid WT mice exposed to VILI compared with euthyr

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