


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  do not feed and are hypoactive and markedly hypotonic.
2            Finally, daily treatment with the hypotonic 2-PMPA enema ameliorated macroscopic and micro
3                                          The hypotonic activation of all three Cl- channels was preve
4  In previous studies, we have shown that the hypotonic activation of sClC3 is linked to cell swelling
5 ctin directly and that binding modulates the hypotonic activation of the channel.
6  shelf life of red blood cells (RBCs) used a hypotonic additive solution containing glycerol.
7 hey had acute viral croup, tracheal surgery, hypotonic airway, or vocal cord paralysis or if they die
8 ors that influence the collapsibility of the hypotonic airway, the critical pressure (Pcrit) and nasa
9 on of the TRP vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) channel by hypotonic and heat stimuli requires PIP2 binding to and
10                        The responses to both hypotonic and hypertonic challenge are abolished by cyto
11 y of the exchanger was markedly decreased by hypotonic and hypertonic conditions in normal erythrocyt
12                       We found that strongly hypotonic and hypertonic enemas caused rapid systemic dr
13                            After exposure to hypotonic and hypertonic solutions, reversible changes i
14 ralgesia, also induced hyperalgesia for both hypotonic and mechanical stimuli that was decreased by T
15 ut of the channel makes the channel contents hypotonic and results in coupled water flow into the cha
16 depletes the vestibule of glucose, making it hypotonic and thereby inducing water efflux.
17 riplegic and mixed CP (dyskinetic, athetoid, hypotonic, and ataxic) more often had high myopia, CVI,
18 hrocyte lysis was reduced in the presence of hypotonic aqueous solutions (0-0.05 M saline) or staphyl
19 rols, gabrb3(-/-) mice were also found to be hypotonic, as was indicated by poor performance on the w
20 M) consistently reduced ICl,vol in Ca2+-free hypotonic bath solutions with strong intracellular Ca2+
21                           In Ca2+-containing hypotonic bath solutions with weak Ca2+i buffering, howe
22  this study, we show that, when subject to a hypotonic bath, giant vesicles consisting of phase separ
23 uently, the cells were washed and exposed to hypotonic buffer (112 mM NaCl) containing 100 mM mannito
24                         Exposure of cells to hypotonic buffer (20 or 40% less NaCl) caused an initial
25 opy showed that cell swelling (stretch) with hypotonic buffer also caused thickening of cortical acti
26  polymerized primarily to decavanadate, in a hypotonic buffer efficiently releases over 90% of estrog
27 e have previously shown, MeHg, when added to hypotonic buffer inhibits RVD, primarily due to increase
28 racted from tissues by homogenization with a hypotonic buffer, whereas hormone-occupied ER becomes ti
29 l values, despite the continuous presence of hypotonic buffer.
30 rus attaches to its receptor or is heated in hypotonic buffers, the virion undergoes an irreversible
31 d within monocytes by immunoprecipitation in hypotonic cell fractions.
32                                              Hypotonic cell swelling accelerated the activation and i
33                                              Hypotonic cell swelling stimulated outwardly rectifying
34 f morphological abnormalities accentuated by hypotonic challenge and also exhibit deficits in motilit
35 s regulatory volume decrease (RVD) following hypotonic challenge by an autocrine mechanism involving
36 uman bronchial epithelial cells subjected to hypotonic challenge exhibited enhanced ATP release, whic
37                                              Hypotonic challenge in CF mouse BDCCs also increased rel
38                                    Following hypotonic challenge to promote cell swelling, cell-surfa
39 all, which was further evidenced by use of a hypotonic challenge to separate the plasma membrane from
40 , indicating that the ICl(swell) response to hypotonic challenge was intact in these cells.
41                                         Upon hypotonic challenge, Src was rapidly activated in transi
42 lease and enhances ATP release stimulated by hypotonic challenge.
43 rease in current normally observed following hypotonic challenge.
44  of the cells to volume regulate following a hypotonic challenge.
45 changing the duration of cell swelling after hypotonic challenge.
46 , in which K+ efflux was increased 3-fold by hypotonic challenge; the increase in K+ efflux was fully
47 of cell cultures to significant isotonic and hypotonic challenges, and to hypertonic saline, an effec
48 s in response to extracellular hypertonic or hypotonic challenges.
49 rous vortexing of whole organisms in low-pH, hypotonic citrate buffer and isolated by isopycnic sucro
50  gamma, replacement of isotonic Cl- media by hypotonic Cl- resulted in strong volume stimulation and
51  folded proteins, they already occur at low, hypotonic concentrations of salt.
52 abrb3(-/-) mice could be associated with the hypotonic condition exhibited by these mice.
53                            When exposed to a hypotonic condition, the inward K+ current (IKin) was hi
54 stants > 1.7 s) upon hyperpolarization under hypotonic condition.
55 thesis (lacking exon 5) restored coupling in hypotonic conditions and at elevated temperature.
56       In this article, we report that, under hypotonic conditions and independently of NLRP3, ASC was
57 e essential pulsatile behavior of GUVs under hypotonic conditions by advancing a comprehensive theore
58           Exposure of intact mitochondria to hypotonic conditions causes most of Cox17p to be release
59 in KCC3 that are rapidly dephosphorylated in hypotonic conditions in cultured cells and human red blo
60              Positive stress was observed in hypotonic conditions or when one of the polyamines, sper
61 xperiments indicate that both hypertonic and hypotonic conditions reduce the mobility of GFP-WNK1 in
62 erologously in Xenopus laevis oocytes: under hypotonic conditions that induce oocyte swelling, oocyte
63 s KCC-2 transports chloride, is activated by hypotonic conditions, and is inhibited by the loop diure
64 , with a minimum at 6 min after onset of the hypotonic conditions, and then the SM contents were reco
65                           Under isotonic and hypotonic conditions, Cl(-) channels displayed voltage-
66 l size, causing quantal size increases under hypotonic conditions, presumably due to the influx of cy
67 or survival for many free-living cells under hypotonic conditions.
68  that were unable to regulate cell volume in hypotonic conditions.
69 hondria exposed to increased temperature and hypotonic conditions.
70 ar bending elastic regime in both hyper- and hypotonic conditions.
71 though Sty1 phosphorylation is unaffected by hypotonic conditions.
72 myoinositol release compared with release in hypotonic conditions.
73 tected, the stroma should be reexpanded with hypotonic dextran-free riboflavin solutions.
74 sing media osmolarity and incubation time in hypotonic EBSS.
75             Lastly, we found that moderately hypotonic enema formulations caused little to no detecta
76          Local administration of 2-PMPA in a hypotonic enema vehicle resulted in increased colorectal
77     Furthermore, local delivery of 2-PMPA in hypotonic enema vehicle resulted in prolonged drug conce
78                        Similarly, moderately hypotonic enemas provided improved local drug retention
79 pid systemic drug uptake, whereas moderately hypotonic enemas with ion compositions similar to feces
80 port that sodium-based, absorption-inducing (hypotonic) enemas rapidly transport hydrophilic drugs an
81 , but little is known about the effects of a hypotonic environment on AQP abundance.
82 ion in response to danger signals, such as a hypotonic environment, largely has been unexplored.
83                                              Hypotonic exposure evoked increased biochemical associat
84  p38, but increases in cell volume caused by hypotonic exposure increased p38 activity tenfold.
85                                We found that hypotonic exposure of HTC hepatoma cells evoked the open
86 lomycin A(1)-sensitive pool, are depleted by hypotonic exposure, and are not rapidly replenished from
87                                           On hypotonic exposure, we found that there was time-depende
88 n of IK1 and inhibited volume recovery after hypotonic exposure.
89 slowed, the regulatory volume decrease after hypotonic exposure.
90            Consistent with previous reports, hypotonic extracts from 293 cells were shown to contain
91 incidence of hyponatremia when compared with hypotonic fluid for maintenance intravenous fluid therap
92                                Compared with hypotonic fluid, isotonic fluid is associated with a low
93  in over 600 children have demonstrated that hypotonic fluids cause acute hyponatremia, whereas 0.9%
94 ildren with edematous or oliguric states and hypotonic fluids needed for children with urinary or ext
95                                              Hypotonic fluids should not be administered routinely in
96  54 received isotonic fluids and 56 received hypotonic fluids.
97 ically, the initial step is to differentiate hypotonic from nonhypotonic hyponatremia.
98                                              Hypotonic gradients applied to living yeast cells trigge
99  isotonic group and 139.6 (2.6) mEq/L in the hypotonic group (95% CI of the difference, -0.94 to 1.74
100                          Two patients in the hypotonic group developed hyponatremia, 1 in each group
101 this end, red-blood-cell ghosts were made by hypotonic hemolysis and then reconstituted such that the
102 duced mechanical hyperalgesia and attenuated hypotonic hyperalgesia by 42%.
103                                              Hypotonic hyponatremia is further differentiated on the
104                                 Treatment of hypotonic hyponatremia often challenges clinicians on ma
105 rally by overcoming the recipient's salivary hypotonic inactivation of HIV-transmitting leukocytes wa
106 d for their ability to overcome the salivary hypotonic inactivation.
107                                              Hypotonic-induced cell swelling, in contrast, had effect
108 nium, or tetraethylammonium-Cl did not alter hypotonic-induced swelling or volume regulation.
109 mmalian Golgi stress response, we found that hypotonic-induced tubule extension from the Golgi appara
110    A negative osmotic gradient (-300 mOs/kg, hypotonic inside) increased CM two- to threefold for bot
111 ients were randomized to receive isotonic or hypotonic intravenous fluid at maintenance rates for 48
112                                       Use of hypotonic intravenous fluids for maintenance requirement
113 py consisting of bed rest and hydration with hypotonic intravenous fluids.
114  that the historic approach of administering hypotonic IVFs results in a high incidence of hospital-a
115                             Two hypotheses, "hypotonic [low salt]/defensin" and "isotonic volume tran
116                                    S100A2 in hypotonic lysates remained soluble after centrifugation
117 onation of the insulin granule components by hypotonic lysis followed by sucrose gradient centrifugat
118 thiol-binding agents were also sensitized to hypotonic lysis in the absence of TLF-1.
119 hibition using an optical assay based on the hypotonic lysis of acetamide-loaded mouse erythrocytes.
120  There is an increase in R18 fluorescence on hypotonic lysis of ROS whose plasma membrane is labeled
121 ion, also colocalized with glucokinase after hypotonic lysis or detergent extaction of the granules.
122 r of polylysine on glass plates, followed by hypotonic lysis with ice-cold distilled water and subseq
123  membrane attachment in cells as assessed by hypotonic lysis, detergent solubility, carbonate extract
124                                     Here, by hypotonic lysis, differential centrifugation, and glycer
125  brucei brucei became rapidly susceptible to hypotonic lysis.
126   Clinical trial data comparing isotonic and hypotonic maintenance fluids in nonsurgical hospitalized
127 ) for 15 min, followed by 45-min exposure to hypotonic media (112 mM NaCl, mimicking in vivo hyponatr
128               NCX activity was stimulated in hypotonic media and inhibited in hypertonic media; the o
129  purified brush border membranes prepared in hypotonic media are lyophilized and then rehydrated in b
130                  Taking exposure of cells to hypotonic media as the best-known example of mammalian G
131                     Exposure of HTC cells to hypotonic media evoked an increase in cytosolic [Ca(2+)]
132 f neonatal rat primary astrocyte cultures by hypotonic media leads to regulatory volume decrease (RVD
133               Hepatocyte swelling induced by hypotonic media resulted in: 1) time- and medium osmolar
134 tly decreased SC cell volume by 14%, whereas hypotonic media significantly increased cell volume by 1
135 ypothesis, we used whole-cell patch clamp in hypotonic media to examine the effects of inhibitors of
136 tures due to exposure to either high K(+) or hypotonic media was studied.
137 t unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) are exposed to hypotonic media, they respond to the osmotic assault by
138 yglucose and rotenone, 100 mM K(+) media- or hypotonic media-induced D-[3H]aspartate release was comp
139  with the view that during high [K(+)](o) or hypotonic media-induced swelling of primary astrocyte cu
140 ersibly blocked by 5 microM Ctx added to the hypotonic media.
141 s C), exposure of TRPV4-transfected cells to hypotonic medium (225 mOsm/liter) or a non-protein kinas
142                                         With hypotonic medium (50%), tension that was calculated from
143                                            A hypotonic medium on the basolateral side reversibly redu
144     Confocal imaging of HTC cells exposed to hypotonic medium revealed a swelling-induced association
145  mouse lung epithelial cells were exposed to hypotonic medium, a dose-responsive decrease in AQP5 abu
146 TC rat hepatoma cells, evoked by exposure to hypotonic medium, elicited transient increases in intrac
147 sed parasites resist swelling when placed in hypotonic medium, unlike their control counterparts, whi
148 ttain resistance to haemolysis in a selected hypotonic medium.
149 h-cultured cells are rapidly pipetted into a hypotonic medium.
150 h wild-type mice, an effect accompanied by a hypotonic medullary interstitium and impaired countercur
151 sequently modified by the ducts to produce a hypotonic, NaCl-depleted final saliva.
152                      In late 2003 a severely hypotonic neonate, just 38 h old at onset of illness, wa
153 f the paracellular pathway, had no effect on hypotonic or forskolin-induced water secretion in IBDUs.
154 ter several hours of sustained incubation in hypotonic or hypertonic medium.
155 ocifensive paw-withdrawal reflex elicited by hypotonic or mechanical stimuli in rat.
156 that the liquids lining airway surfaces were hypotonic or that salt concentrations differed between C
157                       Similarly, addition of hypotonic PBS to mouse trachea in vivo decreased AQP5 wi
158 tics of a B1-like subset and are depleted by hypotonic peritoneal lysis.
159 rvivors are fertile but exhibit hypokalemia, hypotonic polyuria, and apparent mineralocorticoid activ
160     In addition to backwards channels' being hypotonic rather than hypertonic, they are predicted to
161                                              Hypotonic reduction of AQP5 was blocked by ruthenium red
162                                              Hypotonic reduction of AQP5 was observed only in the pre
163 rvations indicate that TRPV4 participates in hypotonic reduction of AQP5, including a requirement for
164  exposure of the external corneal surface to hypotonic saline (100 mosm), the rate of corneal swellin
165 After exposure of the endothelial surface to hypotonic saline by anterior chamber perfusion, the rate
166 lling (10-min exposure of corneal surface to hypotonic saline) was remarkably delayed in AQP1 null mi
167 mples, in physiologic volumes, prevented the hypotonic saliva from inactivating HIV-transmitting leuk
168 be due to their isotonicity, which overcomes hypotonic salivary inactivation of HIV-transmitting leuk
169 , we locally depleted peritoneal B cells via hypotonic shock before disease induction.
170  found in many bacteria, protects cells from hypotonic shock by reducing intracellular pressure throu
171           Inhibition of protein synthesis by hypotonic shock has not been reported previously.
172                      However, treatment with hypotonic shock or EGTA transiently increased transepith
173 tes that animal cells, in response to either hypotonic shock or ER stress, can bypass the cholesterol
174                     Results obtained using a hypotonic shock should, therefore, be viewed with cautio
175 lly delivered into the macrophage cytosol by hypotonic shock treatment, indicating that ESX-1 is not
176 sphorylated ERK1/ERK2 expression following a hypotonic shock was up-regulated by protein kinase C (PK
177 sin D, by K(+)-depletion in combination with hypotonic shock, and by mutation of the protein kinase A
178 how a swelling-induced Cl- current following hypotonic shock, by recording membrane current responses
179                                Minutes after hypotonic shock, srp-6 null animals underwent a catastro
180                                   Faced with hypotonic shock, to circumvent cell lysis, bacteria open
181 ury resulting from DNA alkylating agents and hypotonic shock, whereas it promotes a caspase-8-mediate
182  in contrast to volume regulation induced by hypotonic shock, which appears to require extracellular
183 ase cascade are critical for the response to hypotonic shock.
184 ulant was decreased 2-fold within 2 hours of hypotonic shock.
185    We depleted peritoneal B cells in mice by hypotonic shock.
186 rsus systemic drug delivery, and that mildly hypotonic, sodium-based vehicles can provide uniform dru
187 o single-fiber recordings in rat showed that hypotonic solution activated 54% of C-fibers, an effect
188                     Exposure to a hyposmotic/hypotonic solution also led to a significant increase in
189       HIT cell volume initially increased in hypotonic solution and was followed by a regulatory volu
190 al membrane is permeable when replicating in hypotonic solution and within macrophages, resulting in
191            For CBCEPCs challenged with a 10% hypotonic solution at 37 degrees C, the kinetic constant
192 cell and perforated patch recording methods, hypotonic solution caused cell swelling and the activati
193                                Exposure to a hypotonic solution caused the activation of a large, out
194                                              Hypotonic solution induced transient Cl- channel activit
195 owing cell swelling induced by exposure to a hypotonic solution or in response to calcium-mobilizing
196 ic acid and, to a lesser extent, DIDS to the hypotonic solution potentiated swelling and blocked the
197                                        A 15% hypotonic solution stimulated insulin release to a peak
198 ed with isomolar amounts of sucrose, whereas hypotonic solution was the same as isotonic solution wit
199 100 mmol/L glucose, or no additional solute (hypotonic solution).
200 ntly placed in a high ionic strength buffer, hypotonic solution, or detergent.
201                                      For the hypotonic solution, we found that hypotonicity inhibited
202 nd blocked cell swelling normally induced by hypotonic solution.
203 ed ciliary epithelial (NPCE) cells by a 23 % hypotonic solution.
204 onic solution and was decreased 38% by a 33% hypotonic solution.
205 howed impaired regulatory volume decrease in hypotonic solution.
206                                              Hypotonic solutions ( approximately 230 mOsm) activated
207 anges in relative cell volume in response to hypotonic solutions and glucose were studied in single i
208                                              Hypotonic solutions first elicited a rapid increase in f
209                                              Hypotonic solutions increased and hypertonic solutions d
210                                  Exposure to hypotonic solutions increased relative CSAs of normal BD
211                   Longer (>1 h) exposures to hypotonic solutions permitted a subsequent slow decrease
212                                4alphaPDD and hypotonic solutions stimulated SP and CGRP release from
213 icantly attenuated cell volume regulation in hypotonic solutions, consistent with VRAC inhibition.
214 ls, we show that Ca2+ influx is triggered by hypotonic solutions, which can be partially blocked by G
215 esicles followed by washes with isotonic and hypotonic solutions.
216 ha-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate (4alphaPDD) and hypotonic solutions.
217 esponses to the TRPV4 agonists 4alphaPDD and hypotonic solutions.
218 rtonic media but with a steeper slope in the hypotonic solutions.
219  cells secreted insulin when challenged with hypotonic solutions.
220 in cRNA by measuring the rate of swelling in hypotonic solutions.
221 t sympathetic neurones during application of hypotonic solutions.
222 also observed in cells following exposure to hypotonic solutions.
223                                  Exposure to hypotonic stimulation evoked robust increases in [Ca2+](
224 45 (47 and 35%, respectively), implying that hypotonic stimulation induces ATP release via Cx43 and C
225                                              Hypotonic stimulation of cultured epithelial cells incre
226 nts, but significantly delayed and inhibited hypotonic stimulation of I(Cl,swell).
227  behavioral responses to both mechanical and hypotonic stimulation of the hind paw.
228                              ATP released by hypotonic stimulation rapidly (<10 min) increased phosph
229         The swelling of cells in response to hypotonic stimulation was traced in real time using the
230 GC responses to TRPV4-selective agonists and hypotonic stimulation were absent in Ca2+ -free saline a
231 a(2+)]i elevations evoked in Muller cells by hypotonic stimulation were antagonized by the selective
232  through a silicon substrate, in response to hypotonic stimulation with ms temporal resolution that a
233 ciation of NKCC2 by 5-fold upon low chloride hypotonic stimulation, whereas AnxA2-Y24A-GFP and PKC-de
234 m in mouse lung epithelial (MLE) cells after hypotonic stimulation; and reduction of AQP5 abundance a
235  reduced hyperalgesia to both mechanical and hypotonic stimuli in different models of inflammatory an
236  reversed the hyperalgesia to mechanical and hypotonic stimuli induced by inflammatory mediators with
237                                              Hypotonic stimuli induced sustained [Ca(2+)]i elevations
238 a novel pathway in mammalian cells whereby a hypotonic stimulus directly induces intracellular calciu
239 4 confirmed that the channel is required for hypotonic stimulus-induced nociception.
240                                              Hypotonic stress (from 280 to 221 mosmol kg(-1)) to roun
241 ) polymorphism showed diminished response to hypotonic stress (relative to the wild-type channel) and
242 expression of factors required to respond to hypotonic stress - a mechanism that may allow the cell t
243                                 In addition, hypotonic stress also led to a modest increase in WNK1 a
244 omplexes and other osmotic stressors, namely hypotonic stress and glutamate, induced transient swelli
245 ls, basal ATM activity and ATM activation by hypotonic stress and inhibition of DNA replication was i
246  One of these kinases, Lyn, was activated by hypotonic stress and phosphorylated TRPV4 in an immune c
247 mbrane Cl- currents that can be activated by hypotonic stress are involved in mechanisms controlling
248                         Our results identify hypotonic stress as a (previously unrecognized) contribu
249                   Insig-2 is not affected by hypotonic stress because of its slower turnover rate.
250 s together constitute the VRAC pore and that hypotonic stress can activate VRAC through a decrease in
251                               Increasing the hypotonic stress did not result in an increased activati
252 nase is specific for hyperosmotic stress, as hypotonic stress does not activate it.
253 helial cells release less ATP in response to hypotonic stress in an inflammatory environment (IFN-gam
254                      The activity induced by hypotonic stress in erythrocyte membranes had the pH dep
255  mammalian hypothalamus, and is activated by hypotonic stress in vitro.
256 eduction of [Cl(-)]i, either by low chloride hypotonic stress or coinjection of oocytes with the solu
257 s are unable to fuse vacuoles in response to hypotonic stress or nutrient starvation.
258 rks in two different types of cells, and how hypotonic stress promotes tumor formation when the funct
259                             We observed that hypotonic stress resulted in rapid tyrosine phosphorylat
260       In aggregate, these data indicate that hypotonic stress results in Src family tyrosine kinase-d
261                          Here we report that hypotonic stress reverses the sterol-mediated inhibition
262                                              Hypotonic stress to flattened, non-dividing cells activa
263 eness) and in kidney and heart (resulting in hypotonic stress).
264 nd, NCCbeta is not activated by low-chloride hypotonic stress, although the unique Ste20-related prol
265 esponse to ATM activation by chloroquine and hypotonic stress, but not after induction of double-stra
266                                              Hypotonic stress, causing tension in the vesicle membran
267 f endothelial cells with fluid shear stress, hypotonic stress, or membrane fluidizing agent leads to
268 hways, to signal responses to hypertonic and hypotonic stress, respectively.
269 al actin filaments, sClC3 contributes to the hypotonic stress-induced VSOACs in NIH/3T3 cells.
270 ls also displayed increased constitutive and hypotonic stress-stimulated release of UDP-GlcNAc.
271 cei brucei was reminiscent of swelling under hypotonic stress.
272  inhibition of protein synthesis mediated by hypotonic stress.
273 icantly decreased ATP release in response to hypotonic stress.
274 holine, and during mechanical stimulation by hypotonic stress.
275 n basal ATP release or release stimulated by hypotonic stress.
276 l role in allowing the cell to survive acute hypotonic stress.
277  exhibited distinctly different responses to hypotonic stress.
278 ry human amnion cells were also increased by hypotonic stress.
279  for efficient ATM signalling in response to hypotonic stress.
280 response to AVP stimulation and low chloride hypotonic stress.
281 imuli, including ionising radiation (IR) and hypotonic stress.
282 um, mercury, and zinc exposure as well as by hypotonic stress.
283  of corneal transparency and thickness after hypotonic swelling (10-min exposure of corneal surface t
284                                         Cell hypotonic swelling and lysis, nuclei isolation/washing a
285 acking TRPV4 but not AQP4 showed deficits in hypotonic swelling and regulatory volume decrease.
286                                              Hypotonic swelling and the selective agonist GSK1016790A
287                                              Hypotonic swelling of voltage-clamped mIK1-expressing oo
288         Whereas control oocytes subjected to hypotonic swelling remained swollen, mIK1 expression con
289 7-triacetic acid (HP-DO3A) or saline via the hypotonic swelling technique were implanted into the ant
290                                              Hypotonic swelling was associated with a transient incre
291  was inversely correlated with the degree of hypotonic swelling, suggesting that reduced ion channel
292 sion of these vesicles in a solution that is hypotonic to the intravesicular solution increases chann
293 radually shaping nucleus is not disrupted by hypotonic treatment and brief Triton X-100 extraction.
294                                              Hypotonic treatment of intact mitochondria revealed that
295 where specialized junctions were formed to a hypotonic treatment, a drastic surge in the testin gene
296                         We conclude that the hypotonic upper airway becomes most collapsible by the t
297  polydipsia and produced a copious amount of hypotonic urine.
298                                              Hypotonic volume expansion of skate erythrocytes rapidly
299                                         Upon hypotonic volume expansion, skate erythrocytes lose solu
300 d not be detected in membranes pretreated by hypotonic wash and freeze-thaw.

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