


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 al conditions (low temperatures and seasonal ice cover).
2 or those that experience periods of snow and ice cover.
3  with important guest appearances by surface ice cover.
4  time removing gases trapped in the ablating ice cover.
5 timing is temporally matched to seasonal sea ice cover.
6  possibly protected from harsh conditions by ice cover.
7 iched microbial "oasis" embedded in the lake ice cover.
8 rn if there were a rectified response in sea ice cover.
9  of reactive materials in areas of permanent ice cover.
10 with the Arctic Ocean shifting to a seasonal ice cover.
11 ommunities related to presence or absence of ice cover.
12 high-resolution in situ marine proxy for sea-ice cover.
13 mean d (2) among stranded seals explained by ice cover.
14 , possibly associated with reductions in sea-ice cover.
15 s, reflecting the increase in seasonality in ice cover.
16 tures and associated decreases in winter sea-ice cover.
17 quilibrium of PCBs partition when lakes were ice covered.
18      A few longer time series reveal reduced ice cover (a warming trend) beginning as early as the 16
19 4 masculineN), inter-annual variation in sea ice cover also explained a major part (up to 47%) of the
20 determined from samples taken just below the ice cover and at a depth of 12 m, respectively.
21 oxy records of Arctic Ocean temperature, sea ice cover and circulation.
22             The results demonstrate that sea ice cover and demographic factors have a greater influen
23                                          Sea ice cover and duration predetermine levels of phytoplank
24 mospheric temperatures lead to increased sea ice cover and formation rate around Antarctica.
25 reased in recent decades because of thinning ice cover and proliferation of melt ponds.
26  climate change-induced trends in Arctic sea-ice cover and temperature.
27        Possible future changes in Arctic sea ice cover and thickness, and consequent changes in the i
28  Canadian Basin of the Arctic Ocean, largely ice covered and isolated from deep contact with the more
29 or several millions of years, with most land ice-covered and much of the ocean seasonally freezing.
30  limited air-water exchange of oxygen due to ice cover, and minimal circulation.
31 erated meltstream water at the bottom of the ice cover, and predicted that this physical mechanism sh
32 val, then increased temperature, reduced sea-ice cover, and stronger winds are affecting the populati
33  sea level pressure (SLP), freshwater input, ice cover], and PCs 1-2 of 36 biological time series [pr
34 ere, we examined bacterial diversity in five ice-covered Antarctic lakes by 16S rRNA gene-based pyros
35 e, we show that pronounced changes in annual ice cover are accompanied by equally important shifts in
36 gin and that primary production rate and sea-ice cover are major drivers of its concentration in the
37                                       Summit ice cover (areal extent) decreased approximately 1% per
38                                              Ice cover assessments were conducted for the month of Fe
39 om either highly productive ocean margins or ice-covered basins before the recent major ice retreat.
40 n Chl a trends reflects shifting patterns of ice cover, cloud formation, and windiness affecting wate
41 plasma tended to decrease with elevation and ice cover consistent with published data and model outco
42                                          The ice cover contains frozen microbial mats throughout that
43 ected to reduce northern hemisphere snow and ice cover, continued increase in atmospheric greenhouse
44 al losses of sea-ice habitat, or whether sea-ice cover crosses a tipping point and irreversibly colla
45 is study analyzed multiple factors including ice cover, demographics, and genetic diversity, which co
46 we have only limited data of past Arctic sea-ice cover derived from short historical records, indirec
47 ration and occurrence of northern hemisphere ice cover due to recent climate warming is well-document
48                   We find that decreased sea-ice cover during early winter months (November-December)
49 a-level records to constrain areal extent of ice cover during glacial intervals with sparse geologica
50 a ice mitigate this when the Arctic Ocean is ice covered during a sufficiently large fraction of the
51 amic; in contrast, East Greenland was mostly ice-covered during the mid-to-late Pleistocene.
52  years ago could have episodically melted an ice-covered early ocean.
53 terize physical features such as clouds, sea ice cover, etc.
54 onsidered proxies for possible life forms on ice-covered extraterrestrial bodies.
55                               A consolidated ice cover facilitates the depletion of Hg(0) and ozone,
56 k evolution by promoting the rapid growth of ice-covered grains.
57           The dramatic loss of Kilimanjaro's ice cover has attracted global attention.
58 were characterized by extensive seasonal sea ice cover, high water column and sediment carbon product
59 control erosion rates more than do extent of ice cover, ice flux or sliding speeds.
60 xtremes in ice extent ranging from expansive ice cover in 2010 and 2011 to nearly ice-free waters in
61 eased with elevation and year-round snow and ice cover in both plasma and eggs, indicating long-range
62 nt climate, with comparable areas of ice/sea-ice cover in each hemisphere, and would represent the cu
63          During the early Pleistocene epoch, ice cover in East Greenland was dynamic; in contrast, Ea
64                                          The ice cover in high mountain lakes breaks up and disappear
65  2012 exhibited the lowest Arctic summer sea-ice cover in historic times.
66 an in general and the fate of the Arctic sea ice cover in particular.
67 to an atmospheric-warming-induced decline in ice cover in spring that decreases CO2 accumulation unde
68 sing seawater temperature and decreasing sea ice cover in Svalbard, we document rapid and extensive s
69 nt, particularly in the rapid decline of sea ice cover in the Arctic.
70  thus explaining the recent reduction in sea-ice cover in the eastern Eurasian Basin.
71  negative correlation (R (2) = 0.49) between ice cover in the Gulf of St.
72 500 cal B.P. coincided with extensive summer ice cover in the western Arctic Ocean, persistence of a
73  gas loss may occur by advection through the ice cover, including approximately 75% of the N2, approx
74 termine whether comets formed primarily from ice-covered interstellar grains, or from material that w
75 atiles in comet Hyakotake may have come from ice-covered interstellar grains, rather than material pr
76                                         When ice cover is absent, PCBs were mainly adsorbed on microp
77                                  Loss of the ice cover is expected to affect the Arctic's freshwater
78 ably from lake to lake, the thickness of the ice cover is remarkably consistent, ranging from 3.5 to
79                                          The ice cover is stabilized by a negative feedback between i
80 ctic, contain numerous lakes whose perennial ice cover is the cause of some unique physical and biolo
81                                    Antarctic ice-covered lakes are exceptional sites for studying the
82 n several closed basins in which perennially ice-covered lakes are found.
83                                  Freezing in ice-covered lakes causes dissolved gases to become super
84                                  Perennially ice-covered lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
85 treme and unique biogeochemical gradients of ice-covered lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys.
86 isolated from the atmosphere by a continuous ice cover may be distinguished from one in which cracks
87 en loss of the remaining wintertime-only sea ice cover may be likely.
88 o those protected by virtually permanent sea ice cover (McMurdo Sound).
89 odeling results indicated that seasonal lake ice cover melt, and varying contributions of input from
90  cues (variation in temperature and snow and ice cover) occurring over the course of short periods, w
91 solution gravity field of poorly charted and ice-covered ocean near West Antarctica, from the Ross Se
92 buted to sea breeze (cold air advection from ice-covered ocean onto adjacent land during the growing
93               Saturn's moon Enceladus has an ice-covered ocean; a plume of material erupts from crack
94                                The permanent ice cover of Lake Vida (Antarctica) encapsulates an extr
95 nal occurrence of a large opening in the sea-ice cover of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica, a phenomenon k
96                                The permanent ice covers of Antarctic lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys
97           Consistent with a warming climate, ice cover on the Great Lakes is in decline, thus the ice
98       Models permit oceans with either total ice cover or substantial areas of open water.
99       Once thought to be devoid of life, the ice-covered parts of Antarctica are now known to be a re
100 ly governed by thermodynamic laws during the ice-covered period, while none of the tested physical or
101 r gas exchange, but spend months per year in ice-covered ponds without lung breathing.
102                                       Of the ice cover present in 1912, 85% has disappeared and 26% o
103               Trapped bubbles in a subliming ice cover provide a natural "fluxmeter" for gas exchange
104                         Leads in the dynamic ice cover provided added sunlight necessary to initiate
105 elationship between planetary albedo and sea ice cover, quantities inferred from two independent sate
106 esent increased volatility of a thinning sea-ice cover, rather than tipping-point behaviour.
107 is constrained by the limitations of the sea-ice cover record, preliminary statistical analyses of on
108 e, Lake Vida has the thickest subaerial lake ice cover recorded and may represent a previously undisc
109  which we calculate the mass change over all ice-covered regions greater in area than 100 km(2).
110 otal contribution to sea level rise from all ice-covered regions is thus 1.48 +/- 0.26 mm (-1), which
111 ing and elevated turbidity in the absence of ice cover resulted in light limitation of the phytoplank
112  'zero-age' volcanic terrain on this remote, ice-covered ridge.
113 n annual extent, distribution, and length of ice-covered season.
114 diate depth water (AIW) temperatures and sea-ice cover spanning the last 1.5 million years (Ma) of
115  feedback promotes the existence of multiple ice-cover states, the stabilizing thermodynamic effects
116                                    Expansive ice cover supported phytoplankton blooms of filamentous
117             A spatiotemporal analysis of sea ice cover that accounts for the habitat of ringed seals
118  out, enhanced solar absorption, and reduced ice cover the next autumn.
119 a, including the evolution of the Arctic sea ice cover, the El Nio Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the A
120                                          The ice cover thickens at both its base and surface, sealing
121 apidly transforming from a thicker multiyear ice cover to a thinner and largely seasonal first-year i
122 ond which the ice-albedo feedback causes the ice cover to melt away in an irreversible process.
123 rocesses associated with the transition from ice-covered to ice-free Arctic Ocean conditions.
124 anic processes, particularly diminishing sea ice cover, upper ocean warming, and increasing and prolo
125  has doubled since 2000 due to a more mobile ice cover, which can partly explain the recent drastic i
126 n centered on the annual minimum (September) ice cover, which is often seen as particularly susceptib
127  disintegration of North Atlantic winter sea ice cover, which steepened the interhemispheric meridion
128                              Due to the long ice-covered winter period, we expected to find general b
129 to a thinner and largely seasonal first-year ice cover with significant consequences for Arctic prima
130                                        Total ice cover would make an anoxic ocean likely, and would b

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