


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 isting of supercooled liquid water drops and ice crystals).
2 ing directly with the water molecules in the ice crystal.
3  angle to the crystallographic c-axis of the ice crystal.
4 effectively they can form cloud droplets and ice crystals.
5 inter-lamellar voids due to the expansion of ice crystals.
6 ifelong accumulation of detrimental internal ice crystals.
7 iomacromolecules which prevent the growth of ice crystals.
8 ls melt at much lower temperatures than bulk ice crystals.
9 stals are interdispersed with nanometer-size ice crystals.
10 ncluding the freezing of water and growth of ice crystals.
11 orners and the two basal planes of hexagonal ice crystals.
12 pecies and act to slow the rate of growth of ice crystals; a property known as ice recrystallization
13            Based on these results a model of ice crystals aggregates formation in the presence of IBP
14  a larger surface area of the potential seed ice crystal and consequently lowering the freezing point
15          Ice-binding proteins (IBPs) bind to ice crystals and control their structure, enlargement, a
16 o death by selectively adsorbing to internal ice crystals and inhibiting ice propagation.
17 some organisms resist freezing by binding to ice crystals and inhibiting their growth.
18 ext to the sapphire substrate instead of the ice crystals and MgCl2 hydrates.
19                More aerosols lead to smaller ice crystals and more water vapor entering the stratosph
20                            Larger individual ice crystals and no entrapment in control ice creams was
21 y porous structures from directionally grown ice crystals and simultaneously inducing radial segregat
22 tions where mixed-phase clouds consisting of ice crystals and supercooled liquid droplets are constra
23 directly connecting the macroscopic shape of ice crystals and the microscopic hexagons.
24                              Morphologies of ice crystals and their pressure-temperature melting rela
25  These samples were prepared from deuterated ice crystals and transformed to hydrate by pressurizing
26 matrix containing air bubbles, fat globules, ice crystals, and an unfrozen serum phase.
27            Moreover, by using recrystallized ice crystals as templates, 2D and 3D porous networks wit
28 mages plant tissues through the formation of ice crystals at or below freezing temperatures.
29 ogen bond onto the surface of potential seed ice crystals at preferred growth sites, thereby preventi
30 luidic devices, where the medium surrounding ice crystals can be exchanged, we show that the binding
31 get cells from surrounding cells and because ice crystals can form in the air spaces between cells wh
32                                    Clouds of ice crystals (CO2 ice or H2O ice) have been observed num
33 reviously reported, and a decreasing average ice crystal concentration with decreasing temperature.
34 ce cream microstructure was studied using an ice crystal dispersion method.
35                       AFPs act by binding to ice crystals, effectively lowering the freezing point.
36 llization of ice through binding to specific ice crystal faces, and they show remarkable structural c
37 kable structural compatibility with specific ice crystal faces.
38    The vitrification of a liquid occurs when ice crystal formation is prevented in the cryogenic envi
39 eractions, mechanisms of protein folding and ice crystal formation.
40 ures on both raw and blanched carrots due to ice crystals formation and re-crystallisation.
41  we found that survival is less dependent on ice-crystal formation than expected.
42 d explain the evolution of the morphology of ice crystals from hexagonal to trigonal symmetry with de
43  as high as 35 g/liter, are known to prevent ice crystal growth and depress the freezing temperature
44                                        Using ice crystal growth and etching techniques together with
45 sms from freezing temperatures by inhibiting ice crystal growth at temperatures below the colligative
46 surface-bound AFPs are sufficient to inhibit ice crystal growth even in solutions depleted of AFPs.
47                  Antifreeze proteins prevent ice crystal growth in extracellular fluids, allowing fis
48 ction" antifreeze activity as exemplified by ice crystal growth inhibition concomitant with melting t
49                                              Ice crystal growth is a major problem in cell/tissue cry
50  that for antifreeze proteins (AFPs) to stop ice crystal growth, they must irreversibly bind to the i
51  subset of ice-binding proteins that control ice crystal growth.
52 nt of solutions noncolligatively and inhibit ice crystal growth.
53 ozen state may play a role in inhibiting the ice crystal growth.
54 emperature of aqueous solutions, and inhibit ice crystal growth.
55 est that the presence of CCH can inhibit the ice crystals growth in NAM to reduce protein freeze-dena
56  but they also increase the tolerance toward ice-crystal growth.
57 r, which is capable of slowing the growth of ice crystals in a manner similar to antifreeze (glyco)pr
58  use of infrared (IR) spectroscopy to detect ice crystals in biological solutions.
59                                              Ice crystals in the atmosphere nucleate from supercooled
60 sulfur dioxide emissions and the presence of ice crystals in the initial plinian eruption cloud.
61 bians and reptiles tolerate the formation of ice crystals in their body fluids.
62 vin, where the number of droplets containing ice crystals increases rapidly.
63 e exclusion of salt and AuNPs by the growing ice crystals is deemed critical.
64 e mechanism of type III AFP interaction with ice crystals is more complex than that proposed previous
65 nding of hyperactive Tenebrio molitor AFP to ice crystals is practically irreversible and that surfac
66                                 The nanosize ice crystals melt at much lower temperatures than bulk i
67 n the morphology and light scattering of the ice crystals, modulates the amount of water vapor in ice
68 uch as 48% of temporal variability in output ice crystal number and 61% in droplet number in GEOS-5 a
69  up to 89% of temporal variability in output ice crystal number in CAM5.1.
70 observations of deposition growth of aligned ice crystals on feldspar, an atmospherically important c
71 y because of the entrainment of blowing snow/ice crystals or large particles.
72  matches the lattice structure of a specific ice crystal plane.
73 ng the presence of GFP-AFP on the surface of ice crystals several microns in diameter using fluoresce
74 ative humidity near the tropical tropopause, ice crystal size in towering cumulus clouds, and aerosol
75 pe, demonstrating a significant reduction of ice crystal size induced by CCH.
76   The amount of intracellular ice as well as ice crystal size played a role in determining whether or
77  and coplanar for simultaneous binding to an ice crystal surface.
78 nique class of proteins that bind to growing ice crystal surfaces and arrest further ice growth.
79        This device allows growth of a stable ice crystal that can be easily manipulated with or witho
80 ter rye, and type III IBP) had aggregates of ice crystals that entrapped pockets of the ice cream mix
81 rtain organisms from freezing by adhering to ice crystals, thereby preventing their growth.
82 ing the growth of internalized environmental ice crystals, they prevent death by inoculative freezing
83 ing point by preventing the growth of larger ice crystals; thus, it is paramount to determine their t
84 d sbwAFP and visualized it on the surface of ice crystals using fluorescence microscopy.
85                                Intracellular ice crystals were colocated to the sections of cell memb
86                                         When ice crystals were grown in the presence of a mixture of
87                                  Superheated ice crystals were stable for hours above their equilibri
88  However, if warming is too slow, many small ice crystals will recrystallize into fewer but bigger cr

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