


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 while leaf vacuoles accumulate sodium in the ice plant.
2 sitol 1-phosphate synthase (INPS1), from the ice plant.
3 CSP1 co-localized to nuclei of NaCl-stressed ice plants.
4 ready been shown to be stress-induced in the ice plant [16].
5 ay and its extension by novel enzymes in the ice plant also highlights biochemical differences.
6 , showed rRNA N-glycosidase activity against ice plant and rabbit reticulocyte ribosomes.
7  contemporaneous with those of South African ice plants and North American agaves, revealing a simult
8  McHKT1 in ion homeostasis in the halophytic ice plant are discussed.
9 2 from Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (common ice plant) are members of a family of genes homologous t
10                                       In the ice plant, co-ordinate induction of Na+/H+-antiporters a
11               Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (ice plant) exhibits extreme tolerance to salt.
12 ion as water channels (aquaporins), from the ice plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum.
13 ean acid metabolism (CAM) in detached common ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum) leaves.
14 st neutron-mutagenized populations of common ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum), a facultative
15 ve Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) common ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum), using a prote
16 /KAT subfamily (Shaker type) from the common ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum), with a focus
17 mily have been characterized from the common ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum).
18 n kinase (CDPK) was isolated from the common ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum; McCPK1).
19                                   The common ice plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, is a halophyti
20                                     From the ice plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, McHKT1 was iso
21 otein kinase (CDPK) isolated from the common ice plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum.
22                                In the common ice plant PPcK belongs to a small gene family containing
23 es include the hydration-mediated opening of ice plant seeds, actuation of pine cones, or the ingenio
24 ges in translation lead to adaptation of the ice plant to salt stress.
25 ophyte Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (common ice plant), two enzymes, myo-inositol O-methyltransferas
26  2427 singleton ESTs) expressed in leaves of ice plant under unstressed and salinity stressed conditi
27 hocked Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (common ice plant) were detected by reverse-transcription differ

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