コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
2 eton organization and is essential for many, if not all, actin-mediated events involving membrane inv
4 , our data suggest that ASH1L occupies most, if not all, active genes and methylates histone H3 in a
5 r (AhR), which is believed to regulate most, if not all, adverse effects associated with exposure to
6 mmune response at different sites, and most, if not all, affect more than one aspect of host immunity
12 gans, bipedalism and opposable thumbs--most (if not all) are likely the product of strong positive se
13 ll organs show XTH::GUS expression and most, if not all, are found to express multiple XTH::GUS genes
15 tion, may in fact play a major role in most, if not all, aspects of gene regulation, especially the e
17 ver, there is increasing evidence that most, if not all, Atgs also possess functions independent of t
18 nstrate that PKA inhibition eliminates most, if not all, beta-agonist-mediated relaxation of contract
22 the fusion process, but surprisingly, some (if not all) bundle formation occurs after a pore has for
26 n stathmin 1 (STMN1) is upregulated in most, if not all, cancers of epithelial cell origin; therefore
29 ndem duplication of ALL1 is present in most, if not all, cases of AML with +11 as a sole abnormality,
30 cal studies of PMP have suggested that most, if not all, cases of PMP in women are derived from mucin
32 Models are important components of most, if not all, CEAs, and they play a key role in evaluating
33 is endogenously phosphorylated, while most, if not all, cell surface syndecan is phosphorylated foll
35 s of late endosomal origin released by most, if not all, cell types as a means of sophisticated inter
36 est that the repeats are recognized in many, if not all, cell types, and that EIIIB inclusion may be
39 We find that adr-1 is expressed in most, if not all, cells of the C.elegans nervous system and al
42 In this work, we test the idea that most, if not all, cellular Cl- of Amphiuma red blood cells is
45 r (DVGLUT), it is now possible to mark many, if not all, central glutamatergic neurons and synapses.
47 te immune responses that react against most, if not all, circulating influenza strains, over a long p
48 evidence supports the hypothesis that many, if not all, class A rhodopsin-like receptors also form d
53 reticulon family members indicate that most, if not all, contain C-terminal sequences capable of form
56 These studies strongly suggest that many, if not all, cpe-negative C. perfringens isolates (includ
57 eas worms use this pathway to generate most, if not all, crossovers, yeast still form 30-50% of their
58 neocortical progenitors suggests that most, if not all, Cux2(+) and Fezf2(+) RGCs generate diverse p
60 relative solubility demonstrates that most, if not all, decisions that are made in early discovery a
62 n of apoptosis, the mechanism by which most, if not all, developmentally programmed cell deaths occur
64 ent of drugs for skin diseases because most, if not all, drugs available in the armamentarium of the
66 cated as an internalization signal for most, if not all, endogenous plasma membrane proteins that are
67 ated proteins, will likely reveal that many, if not all, epigenetic modifications of the genome are d
69 orthologs (COSII), which are shared by most, if not all, euasterid plant species as well as the model
72 ystem hyperactivity is responsible for most, if not all, features of neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
76 guingly, recent evidence suggests that many, if not all, functional enhancers are themselves transcri
77 inked fibrin and indicate instead that most, if not all, gamma-chain positioning in an assembled fibr
79 The apparent preclinical success of most, if not all, gene-based strategies for the treatment of e
81 s a dynamic structure and suggest that most, if not all, Golgi region-integral membrane proteins cycl
82 it has become increasingly clear that many, if not all, GPCRs function in oligomeric complexes, as e
84 am-positive bacteria lack orthologs of many, if not all, highly conserved genes diagnostic of endospo
88 eactive oxygen species is a feature of most, if not all, human disease, including cardiovascular dise
90 ring tumorigenesis, and is observed in most, if not all, human malignancies, including adenocarcinoma
94 that maternal age is a risk factor for most, if not all, human trisomies, and that alterations in rec
98 nce without conspicuous pathology, and most, if not all, infected mice remain infected for life, with
99 g the transcriptional start site; (ii) most, if not all, Inrs are recognized by the same general tran
100 if so severely impair IN activity that most, if not all, integration events by virus encoding such mu
103 e complexes in these studies contained most, if not all, known core subunits in addition to component
104 on in the size of existing KS lesions, most, if not all, KS patients should be advised to take antire
108 Altogether, these results show that most, if not all, MAIT cell ligands found in Escherichia coli
116 d to be required for the processing of most, if not all, microRNAs (miRNAs) and for processing long d
117 d is expected to control expression of most, if not all, midline primordium-expressed genes, the role
120 ee types of interactions may represent most, if not all, modes of interactions in the DD superfamily
123 ur results support the conclusion that most, if not all, nasal chemosensory neurons derive from Neuro
124 ws that Foxg1 is normally expressed in most, if not all, nasal RGCs but not in most temporal RGCs, ne
125 serotonergic receptor, is expressed in most, if not all, neocortical GABAergic interneurons that do n
129 ection are reflected in adaptations in most, if not all, neurotransmitter systems in the lumbosacral
131 in particular registers, we show that most, if not all, NOD CD4(+) T cells react to B:9-23 bound in
132 ication protein A (RPA) is involved in most, if not all, nuclear metabolism involving single-stranded
134 re, we show that although the vast majority (if not all) of the double-capped 26S proteasomes, both 1
135 sum, these data support a model where most, if not all, of AHR-regulated biology requires nuclear lo
139 plain the absence of affected males in most, if not all, of the 13 known X-linked dominant diseases c
145 rier design takes into account the majority, if not all, of the biological barriers that a particle e
146 Recent studies have suggested that some, if not all, of the cardiovascular effects of TNF are med
152 well characterized genes reveals that most, if not all, of the conserved sequences are essential for
154 nsgenic p21 protein is associated with most, if not all, of the cyclin D1-CDK4 in liver but not signi
155 id hormone, and TR mediates a vast majority, if not all, of the developmental effects of the hormone.
156 ing partially formed septa, into which most, if not all, of the division proteins had assembled.
157 portance, the dinucleotide pTpT mimics most, if not all, of the effects of UV irradiation on pigmenta
158 nucleotide addition), indicating that most, if not all, of the end modification enzymes have been id
161 deficiency virus (HIV) infection meets many, if not all, of the established criteria that justify rou
163 have been demonstrated to account for most, if not all, of the events associated with bacterial seps
166 . nidulans genome and find it contains many, if not all, of the genes needed for ST biosynthesis.
169 icity may be sufficient to account for most, if not all, of the interaction strength between GroEL an
174 i) unlike most viruses, PBCV-1 encodes most, if not all, of the machinery to glycosylate its major ca
175 ed that this enzyme is responsible for most, if not all, of the malonyl-CoA synthetase activity in th
176 f the baboon chymase promoter contains most, if not all, of the mast cell-specific region of the prom
178 ng inverse correlation with that of several, if not all, of the miRNAs of the PAD-specific miRNA sign
179 sed to contribute to the occurrence of many, if not all, of the most common neurodegenerative disorde
183 ditionally, both simulations preserved most, if not all, of the NMR-derived interactions and violated
184 nucleoli, the poly(A) RNA could access most, if not all, of the non-chromosomal space in the nucleus.
185 of deafferented animals revealed that most, if not all, of the olfactory organ was missing on the ab
187 throughout the genome, indicating that most, if not all, of the paternal genome may be initially sile
189 ons of these methods could account for most, if not all, of the positive correlations of SV40 in huma
190 te for the factor that participates in most, if not all, of the post-transcriptional regulatory event
191 dioblasts of the dorsal vessel as well most, if not all, of the presumptive somatic muscle precursors
192 motility appears to be responsible for most, if not all, of the protection engendered by OMV vaccinat
193 is a multicatalytic enzyme catalyzing most, if not all, of the reactions in the C-24/C-23 pathway of
195 In addition, we propose that the majority, if not all, of the response to newly encountered antigen
197 d the beta-tubulin can perform the majority, if not all, of the roles of microtubules in both juvenil
198 olding phase involves the formation of most, if not all, of the secondary structure with a relaxation
200 Our combined studies indicate that most, if not all, of the Ser-Pro motifs in human PR are sites
201 oldest fiber cells of the adult lens, most, if not all, of the spectrin is cleaved to discrete fragm
202 a P RNA-derived ribozyme that contains most, if not all, of the structural elements thought to be inv
204 nexin40 and connexin37 were present in most, if not all, of the thoracic and abdominal aortic endothe
207 se genes, and the results suggest that most, if not all, of the U2 gene promoters are bound by factor
216 y C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) fulfills many, if not all, of these criteria, and blood levels of hs-CR
224 d that the Spr2 gene product catalyzes most, if not all, omega3 fatty acid desaturation within the "p
227 l membrane PAM isoforms predominate in most, if not all, PAM-expressing cell types throughout develop
232 s with the b3a2-BCR/ABL cDNA recreates most, if not all, phenotypic abnormalities seen in primary CML
233 hould make it possible to characterize most, if not all, phosphoproteins from a whole-cell lysate in
234 ommatidium autonomous and required in most, if not all, photoreceptors within an ommatidium to estab
235 of proteases are pivotal regulators of most, if not all, physiological and pathological processes.
244 Thus, we demonstrated that more than 98%, if not all, retroviral recombinations occurred during mi
246 borating epidemiological evidence that some, if not all, SA EEEV strains are attenuated for humans.
247 be able to compete metabolically with most, if not all, Salmonella serovars, representing a novel ap
250 o different types of sensory hairs: in most, if not all, sensilla trichodea and in approximately 40%
253 that gp67 forms a complex with RNAP at most, if not all, sigma(A)-dependent promoters, but selectivel
259 olved in RNA metabolism are present in most, if not all, species from all three primary kingdoms and
262 quantitative Luminex assays detecting most, if not all, species of DJ-1 and alpha-synuclein in human
265 ty, expression in vitro and in vivo by most, if not all, strains, and the effect of immunization on r
267 has not rigorously been established in most, if not all, studies to date, and a number of issues rema
269 cells, increasing the likelihood that most, if not all, targets identified by mass spectroscopy are
271 g additional EC combinations show that many, if not all, the EC domains contribute to the formation o
272 on 1 for definition), which is used in most, if not all, theoretical and experimental work in the pas
273 suggest that PAR1 and PAR4 account for most, if not all, thrombin signaling in platelets and that ant
276 Swf1 may be the enzyme responsible for most, if not all, TMD-associated palmitoylation in yeast.
280 t in the initiation and progression of many, if not all, tumors makes them prime targets for developi
283 Genomic amplification is observed in many, if not all, types of human malignancy and is one of the
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