


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  we show unidirectional airflow in the green iguana, a lizard with a strikingly different natural his
2 he spill to show that a population of marine iguanas (Amblyrhychus cristatus) on Sante Fe island suff
3 radiocarbon dates on individual bones of the iguana, an extinct megapode (Megapodius alimentum), and
4 entified four mutants (neckless, motionless, iguana and doc) that lacked mbp expression in parts of t
5 t, and densities of rodents, howler monkeys, iguanas, and leaf-cutter ants are 10 to 100 times greate
6 s (rodents), and herbivores (howler monkeys, iguanas, and leaf-cutter ants).
7                                              Iguana appears to play a role in regulating this process
8 Lapita-style pottery and bones of an extinct iguana (Brachylophus undescribed sp.) and numerous speci
9                                              iguana-defective zebrafish had too few motile cilia in p
10 sduction proteins Cos2/Kif27/Kif7, Fused, or Iguana do not result in detectable Hh signaling defects;
11              Positional cloning reveals that iguana encodes the zebrafish ortholog of Dzip1, a novel
12 l with molecular dating of endemic Galapagos iguanas, geckos and lizards.
13                                         Smed-iguana gene expression was also similar in pattern to th
14 genetic analysis, we show that the zebrafish iguana gene product acts downstream of the Smoothened pr
15                                              Iguanas had higher baseline and handling stress-induced
16 urons in the lizards Anolis carolinensis and Iguana iguana were immunolabeled with antisera generated
17                                   The lizard Iguana iguana when kept in constant ambient temperature
18                     RNA interference of Smed-iguana in the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea caused ci
19  to study but a new review of work on marine iguanas in the Galapagos islands suggests an answer may
20                   The circadian system of I. iguana is composed of multiple circadian oscillators tha
21  critical and broadly conserved function for Iguana is in ciliogenesis and that this function has com
22 level survival can be quantified by counting iguanas locally.
23 's vesicle promotes left-right asymmetry and iguana mutant embryos had left-right asymmetry defects.
24                             Galapagos marine iguanas offer an ideal test case because island populati
25             In mutants with defective cilia (iguana) or ciliary motility (lrrc50), otoliths are frequ
26                               Finally, human Iguana proteins (dZIP1 and dZIP1L) localize to the basal
27                                     The gene iguana was discovered in zebrafish as required for Hedge
28 t and short-lived, to chuckwallas and desert iguanas, which are less common and long-lived.

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