


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ition play in the pathophysiology of FXS are ill defined.
2 ontributions of these ligands in vivo remain ill defined.
3 r, the protein targets of the reagent remain ill defined.
4 stage, but their functional capacity remains ill defined.
5 populations in the early mouse embryo remain ill defined.
6 in shear-resistant cell arrest on VCAM-1 are ill defined.
7 equirements of uncommitted T cells are still ill defined.
8 luding high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1), is ill defined.
9 ctivity leads to transporter inactivation is ill defined.
10 l dysfunction and inflammasome activation is ill defined.
11 emic brain, their exact contribution remains ill defined.
12 he mechanisms involved remain unexplored and ill defined.
13 vern neutrophil migration across the BBB are ill defined.
14  function of these receptors in cognition is ill defined.
15 nbp2 in tissue homeostasis, such as RPE, are ill defined.
16 in and immune cells from the bovine host are ill defined.
17 cyte development, but its exact roles remain ill defined.
18 mechanisms governing this susceptibility are ill defined.
19 's proliferative and apoptotic mechanisms is ill defined.
20 arization in skeletal muscle regeneration is ill defined.
21 ote successful bacterial colonisation remain ill defined.
22 nderlying causative molecular mechanisms are ill defined.
23 though the precise contributions of each are ill defined.
24 contribution to chronic inflammation remains ill defined.
25 eir roles in astrocytic physiology have been ill defined.
26 r, the underlying regulatory pathways remain ill defined.
27 DAC pathogenesis, epigenetic alterations are ill defined.
28 ms of molecular processes and cell fates are ill defined.
29 mplexes and trafficking in endosomes, remain ill defined.
30 hat regulate obesity-driven inflammation are ill defined.
31 ctivating complexes of the lectin pathway is ill defined.
32 isms for detrimental immune responses remain ill defined.
33 , but the cell-specific roles in the StV are ill defined.
34 m traditional measures to novel therapies is ill defined.
35 chinery regulating exit from pluripotency is ill defined.
36 cipate in innate defense against bacteria is ill defined.
37 echanisms driving disease progression remain ill defined.
38  underlying molecular mechanism, however, is ill defined.
39  tRNA recognition by this riboswitch remains ill defined.
40 where the functions of pSTAT1 and uSTAT1 are ill defined.
41 ar mechanisms responsible for this event are ill defined.
42 ent IFN-I sources and signaling pathways are ill defined.
43  by which CENP-Bs effect their functions are ill defined.
44 chanisms of action in pulmonary diseases are ill defined.
45  death for asymptomatic mutation carriers is ill defined.
46  of carbohydrate transporters in vivo remain ill defined.
47 ce IFN-dependent biological responses remain ill defined.
48    However, its function in pancreas remains ill defined.
49  their genetic diversity is high, it remains ill defined.
50 etic lineage differentiation in the adult is ill defined.
51  specific interventions successful are often ill defined.
52 % of bacterial genomes; however, its role is ill defined.
53 cognized in the adult and its management are ill defined.
54 sponses, the benefit for T cell responses is ill defined.
55 echanisms that underlie these properties are ill defined.
56 golipid-mediated biological processes remain ill defined.
57 during different stages of transport remains ill defined.
58 ious nutrients, but their clinical impact is ill defined.
59  determinants for O-linked attachment remain ill defined.
60 t for their functional inactivation, remains ill defined.
61 at drive neurogenesis within these zones are ill defined.
62 on (H-function) in potential heart donors is ill defined.
63  persistent antigen on memory T cells remain ill defined.
64 timulation plays in its pathogenesis remains ill defined.
65 ne protection in this patient population are ill defined.
66 n cytokine-induced ceramide formation remain ill defined.
67 or activities in vivo at infection sites are ill defined.
68 nic flux, the underlying ion channels remain ill defined.
69 d the role of the intestine, however, remain ill defined.
70 ar basis for AC-induced inhibition of DCs is ill defined.
71 y, via a nonautolytic mechanism that remains ill defined.
72 s orchestrating these distinct events remain ill defined.
73  (M2; crisis) of human replicative aging are ill defined.
74 nisms associated with ATM recruitment remain ill defined.
75 ptibility to contact allergic dermatitis are ill defined.
76 , brain regions affected in the disorder are ill defined.
77 catheters in this patient population remains ill defined.
78  this ecosystem and to clinical outcomes are ill defined.
79 decisions during placenta development remain ill defined.
80 from specific NADPH oxidase isoforms remains ill defined.
81 ceptors, but the details of this process are ill defined.
82 pathways that regulate their development are ill defined.
83 ssociating Abeta and tau pathologies remains ill defined.
84 nt to regulate circulating glucose levels is ill defined.
85 ogically relevant microaerobic regime remain ill defined.
86 ection, but the cellular sources of iNOS are ill defined.
87 ents acting downstream of the trisomy remain ill defined.
88 ostate cancer dissemination and lethality is ill defined.
89 echanisms responsible for this, however, are ill defined.
90 iators that affect energy homeostasis remain ill defined.
91 protein (Env) is recruited to the VS remains ill defined.
92 s justifying longer or shorter durations are ill defined.
93 elopment and progression, but mechanisms are ill defined.
94        Yet, the triggering mechanisms remain ill defined.
95 on, but the cellular mechanisms involved are ill defined.
96 iated T helper (Th) cell populations remains ill defined.
97 ce hepatic character within the endoderm are ill defined.
98 ns and oligodendrocytes after CNS injury are ill defined.
99 g-associated immunosuppression in humans are ill-defined.
100 ll maintenance, but the ligands involved are ill-defined.
101 ole-body ammonia homeostasis in vivo remains ill-defined.
102  substrate in the intact human heart remains ill-defined.
103 dity, but that reporting is inconsistent and ill-defined.
104 iological predictors of response to CIRT are ill-defined.
105 ttransplant outcomes in HRS2 patients remain ill-defined.
106 ic architecture of phage populations remains ill-defined.
107 ociated with PC2 regulation by Ca(2+) remain ill-defined.
108 ofactor biogenesis and SiR stability is also ill-defined.
109  which the role of neuroinflammation remains ill-defined.
110 ngth of stay (LOS), but their performance is ill-defined.
111 p for successful transduction but it remains ill-defined.
112     Mechanisms causing NTDs in humans remain ill-defined.
113 ed by external signals, but the mechanism is ill-defined.
114 ds such as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), is ill-defined.
115  airway remodelling and inflammation remains ill-defined.
116  "healthy" versus "unhealthy" obesity remain ill-defined.
117  expenditure, but exactly how this occurs is ill-defined.
118 bution of these variants to tumorigenesis is ill-defined.
119 thymic output of autoreactive T cells remain ill-defined.
120 ion to riverbed sediment geochemistry remain ill-defined.
121 (IgM) in the first trimester of pregnancy is ill-defined.
122  uptake of these virus-like particles remain ill-defined.
123 nderlying this bronchodilation, which remain ill-defined.
124 sis of these memory phenotype T cells remain ill-defined.
125 chanisms underlying their progression remain ill-defined.
126 cated across the organelle membrane is still ill-defined.
127 eukocytes to sites of vascular injury remain ill-defined.
128 nderpinning coronary artery formation remain ill-defined.
129 d progenitor cell (HSPC) fate choices remain ill-defined.
130  controlled during early development remains ill-defined.
131 h excessive TGF-beta causes aneurysms remain ill-defined.
132 but its pathogenesis and natural history are ill-defined.
133 ge genetic component that is, however, still ill-defined.
134 microvascular thrombosis in Stx-HUS is still ill-defined.
135 sms by which they cause tissue damage remain ill-defined.
136 ng to either mitochondria or chloroplasts is ill-defined.
137 e relative importance of each interaction is ill-defined.
138 ologic functions in endothelial cells remain ill-defined.
139 eing important, but their specific roles are ill-defined.
140  response to pharmacologic inhibition remain ill-defined.
141 chanisms regulating spine elimination remain ill-defined.
142 ations, but its contribution in vivo remains ill-defined.
143 iption factor Foxp3 in CD4(+) T cells remain ill-defined.
144 -eluting stents in diabetic patients remains ill-defined.
145 y fatal but the mechanisms of disease remain ill-defined.
146 ary changes to microbiota alterations remain ill-defined.
147 however, the mechanisms for this process are ill-defined.
148 ppropriate amount of biventricular pacing is ill-defined.
149 f this phenomenon, termed durotaxis, remains ill-defined.
150 of the parameters, such as force fields, are ill-defined.
151 L-10 suppresses cytokine production is still ill-defined.
152 s following resection of these tumors remain ill-defined.
153 ochondria, but regulation of this process is ill-defined.
154 cular formation and function in vivo remains ill-defined.
155  that provide this type of regulation remain ill-defined.
156  underlie breast epithelial hierarchy remain ill-defined.
157 mal traffic affects T cell signaling remains ill-defined.
158 1 in mitochondrial fusion and energetics are ill-defined.
159 iated neurocognitive disorder (HAND) remains ill-defined.
160  regulatory effects on chromatin that remain ill-defined.
161 e diverse features of these disorders remain ill-defined.
162 phy-induced PIF phosphorylation has remained ill-defined.
163 consequences of takotsubo cardiomyopathy are ill-defined.
164 ed and possible trafficking routes are still ill-defined.
165 ical events that regulate muscle mass remain ill-defined.
166  receptor binding C5a and C5adesArg, remains ill-defined.
167 on and progression to periodontitis is still ill-defined.
168 owever, the substrates for these enzymes are ill-defined.
169 itive bacteria, but the CcpA regulon remains ill-defined.
170 cell subsets in cancer immunotherapy remains ill-defined.
171 pact of its absence on biological systems is ill-defined.
172 octamers and the cause of their pathology is ill-defined.
173 ients, the immunopathogenesis of ENL remains ill-defined.
174 derlying enhanced somatic susceptibility are ill-defined.
175 e cross-talk between M2 and NK cells remains ill-defined.
176 echanisms and neuronal circuit functions are ill-defined.
177 changes that occur with age in humans remain ill-defined.
178 neration of regulatory B (Breg) cells remain ill-defined.
179 t contribute to a protumorigenic ecology are ill-defined.
180 f the noncanonical NF-kappaB pathway remains ill-defined.
181 namics in these subcellular compartments are ill-defined.
182 ugh the causes of these Abs remain broad and ill-defined, a genetic deficiency in C1 complex (C1qC1r2
183 ic infections such as active tuberculosis is ill defined, although several case reports and small ser
184 iological functions of citrullination remain ill-defined, although citrullination of core histones ha
185 flammation, such as rheumatoid arthritis, is ill defined and probably requires tight regulation.
186                              However, it was ill-defined and diagnosed by a variety of techniques.
187 ficantly higher organ parasites coupled with ill-defined and immature hepatic granulomas, whereas in
188 and specialist units and to replace previous ill-defined and inconsistent methods.
189  and lifestyle factors, and in particular to ill-defined and low levels of physical activity.
190 eneity among cancer stem cells (CSC) remains ill-defined and may hinder effective anti-CSC therapy.
191 uencies of specific processes, with at times ill-defined and nonspecific markers.
192 cation within EBs is generally considered an ill-defined and poorly controlled process.
193 f injury development following insult remain ill-defined and there are no FDA approved pharmaceutical
194 in mice, other cooperating mutations, as yet ill defined, are important for disease pathogenesis.
195 m, which, however, is the most divergent and ill-defined aspect of plant cell compartmentation.
196 munodeficiency virus (HIV) infection remains ill defined because of the lack of reliable specific mar
197 of human CAFs in cancer progression has been ill-defined because human CAFs lack a unique marker need
198 K3alpha and GSK3beta, whose functions remain ill-defined because of a lack of inhibitors that can dis
199 ever, mitochondrial changes in ageing remain ill-defined because of the challenges of imaging in nati
200  used by Mtb to resist these stresses remain ill-defined because the complex combination of oxidants
201 rain tumors (CNS-PNETs) are rare tumors with ill-defined biological features.
202 ulation of diphthamide, and importantly, its ill-defined biological role.
203 re with bacterial physiology in various, yet ill-defined, biological contexts.
204 a sharp border toward the gray matter and an ill-defined border toward the white matter (18 of 18) on
205                         CALMs with jagged or ill-defined borders of the coast of Maine subtype tend t
206 us and noisy Hoxa5 expression, as well as an ill-defined boundary phenotype in Dicer mutants.
207 es-related variable clinical outcomes remain ill-defined but hold the potential to provide insights i
208  the pathogenesis of human breast cancer are ill-defined, but our analysis of publically available ar
209 ia permeation across plasma membranes remain ill-defined, but the structural similarity of water and
210 was not associated with infection-related or ill-defined cancers.
211 ear-survival following infection-related and ill-defined cancers.
212 o these antigens is partly established by an ill-defined capacity of ACs to inhibit antigen-presentin
213 a is a consequence of tumor burden caused by ill-defined catabolic alterations in muscle protein turn
214                      Early studies employing ill-defined catalysts showed evidence for retention of t
215 g increasingly important to develop complex, ill-defined cellular phenotypes.
216 a process resembling the well-documented yet ill-defined clinical phenomenon of cancer cell cannibali
217  fork progression by counteracting an as yet ill-defined cohesion "antiestablishment" activity impose
218  role of adaptive immunity contrasts with an ill-defined component of innate immunity in celiac disea
219  of financial interest and only partially or ill-defined correlates/mechanisms of protection that cou
220 cation payments; these are intended to cover ill-defined costs inherent to training programs, such as
221 uropathic corneal pain (NCP) is currently an ill-defined disease.
222 of bladder granulomogenesis and fibrosis are ill defined due to the prior lack of tractable animal mo
223                      MR imaging depicted 101 ill-defined edemalike osseous lesions.
224 osis, ciliary injection, corneal abcess with ill defined edges and hypopyon.
225 c circuits as monitoring systems in complex, ill-defined environments, and may lead to the developmen
226 only in male germ cells but are activated by ill-defined epigenetic mechanisms in human tumors, inclu
227 tually bypassed by transformed cells, due to ill-defined epistatic interactions.
228 it a characteristic morphology consisting of ill-defined epithelial junctional complexes but without
229  mechanism for one of the most important yet ill-defined events in the cell cycle.
230 ed arrays of RNA polymerase binding sites of ill-defined function.
231  porous, composite electrode structures with ill-defined geometry and uncontrolled interfacial proper
232 ntiation and large vacuoles, or in small and ill-defined glands.
233 gely relied on the use of antibodies against ill-defined glycosylated epitopes of CD133.
234  arrangement of MINOS within mitochondria is ill-defined, however.
235                 Quiescent CNV appeared as an ill-defined hyperfluorescent lesion without leakage or p
236 a covalent F acceptor, a heretofore somewhat ill-defined if not controversial interaction.
237 sition to a multitude of cancer types and an ill-defined immunodeficiency involving low serum Ab tite
238 unction of individual OST subunits are still ill defined in plants.
239 d persons; however, risk markers for CVD are ill defined in this population.
240  herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) remains ill defined; in particular, it is unclear whether CD4(+)
241 gely a disease of exclusion characterized by ill-defined infiltrates on the chest radiograph and hypo
242                              We adjusted for ill-defined injury categories that might contain misclas
243 pect of peroxisome biology that has remained ill defined is the role the various import pathways play
244 reasing chlorite mass fraction-likely due to ill-defined luminescence quenching by both structural Fe
245 rium, and Shigella flexneri are sensed in an ill-defined manner by an intracellular inflammasome comp
246 ases changing from heterogeneous masses with ill-defined margins into homogeneous hypoattenuating les
247 erin loss were more likely to manifest as an ill-defined mass and less likely to manifest noncomedo m
248 3% of spiculated masses compared with 80% of ill-defined masses (P = .054).
249 ed at screening are more likely to appear as ill-defined masses and less likely to manifest noncomedo
250 ses in vitro rely on poorly controllable and ill-defined matrices, thereby largely overlooking the co
251  and nuclear localization of ChREBP by still ill-defined mechanisms.
252 R-Chk1 DNA damage response (DDR) pathway via ill-defined mechanisms.
253  (PG) are 2-carbon monocarboxylic acids with ill-defined metabolic roles.
254 ms underlying antigen cross-presentation are ill-defined, most notably in human dendritic cells (DCs)
255   Though molecular pathogenic mechanisms are ill-defined, mounting evidence connects its amyloid form
256 roperly isolated in the assembly process, an ill-defined network results instead of dimers, even at l
257 s, which also revealed that the formation of ill-defined networks in the case of longer DNA arms can
258 havior was observed for assemblies that form ill-defined networks.
259 y inactivates the Ras homolog Rap through an ill-defined non-canonical catalytic mechanism.
260  We demonstrate the merits of a system where ill-defined nonradiative channels are suppressed and wel
261 oplasmic structure that is separated from an ill-defined nuclear component by the nuclear envelope.
262 to-nucleus retrograde communication pathways ill-defined or incomplete.
263 ithout smoothing, imputation is likely to be ill-defined or jump erratically from one strain to anoth
264 ot be used when the record was created under ill-defined or uncontrolled conditions such as during ge
265                  TSE prion structures remain ill-defined, other than being highly structured, self-pr
266 onography revealed hypoechogenic change with ill-defined outlines, size 14x10 mm - BI-RADS 5.
267 stic value, it harbours shortcomings such as ill-defined parameters for subtypes and grading criteria
268 is include: involvement of the lumbar spine, ill-defined paraspinal abnormal contrast enhancement, di
269 ll enzymatic characterization and reveal the ill-defined PfSET7 is an AdoMet-dependent histone H3 lys
270 intricately linked to the varying (and still ill-defined) physiological functions and cellular expres
271 lity, which can be largely attributed to the ill-defined polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) surface ligands a
272   AR is an important limitation of TAVR with ill-defined predictors and unclear long-term impact on o
273 alytically inactive RIPK1 are viable, and an ill-defined pro-survival function for the RIPK1 scaffold
274 wn depolymerization methods typically afford ill-defined products in low yields (that is, less than 1
275 -type band at approximately 500 nm and broad ill-defined Q-type band(s) in the region 600-950 nm, whi
276 s make a static macroscopic polarization, an ill-defined quantity in metals--it is exceedingly unusua
277                                          For ill-defined reasons, CS degenerate in retinitis pigmento
278                    Semen contains relatively ill-defined regulatory components that likely aid fertil
279 The aim of this study was to analyze the yet ill-defined relationship of distinct human monocyte subs
280 l response, deficient resource mobilisation, ill defined responsibilities, and insufficient coordinat
281 on of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) is ill defined, restricting our appreciation of potential f
282                                They occur in ill-defined reverse-transcription- and pre-integration-c
283 aped processivity clamps play a critical but ill-defined role in mediating exchange between Y-family
284   Neuropilin 1 (NRP1) plays an important but ill-defined role in VEGF-A signaling and vascular morpho
285 0/MALT1 (CBM) signalosome involving key, yet ill-defined roles for linear ubiquitination.
286 family of proteins, which have essential but ill-defined roles in cell wall biogenesis during growth,
287 AMTS6 are homologous metalloproteinases with ill-defined roles.
288 mical roles for its Wnt pathway related, but ill defined signaling program.
289 ronic structure methods separate from (often ill-defined) solvent effects.
290 ction of alternatively spliced isoforms with ill-defined spatial and temporal distributions.
291 rtant insights into the role of a previously ill-defined species of RNA polymerase II in regulating t
292          Cyc1 is known to be important at an ill-defined step in the assembly and/or stability of CcO
293 itional heterogeneity of the films and their ill-defined surfaces.
294  powerful approach for studying structurally ill-defined systems, but its application in amyloid olig
295                             "Oligomer" is an ill-defined term because many kinds have been reported a
296                             "Oligomer" is an ill-defined term.
297           rAAV nuclear translocation remains ill-defined; therefore, we performed microscopy, genetic
298                   However, these methods are ill defined, thus introducing variability into the syste
299 mon fibroproliferative dermal lesion with an ill-defined treatment strategy.
300  track the (potentially highly irregular and ill-defined) tumour boundary.

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