


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ted within appropriate boundaries to prevent illegitimate activation of non-target genes.
2                  These findings suggest that illegitimate activation of origins may be prevented thro
3 ve immortalization in large part through the illegitimate activation of telomerase expression.
4 igated the effects of restriction enzymes on illegitimate and homologous DNA integration in mammalian
5            Effects of restriction enzymes on illegitimate and homologous integration were also studie
6 h diversity is generated by a combination of illegitimate and homologous recombination and mutational
7  within the palindromic repeat occur both by illegitimate and homologous, reciprocal recombination.
8 c.*22C>A mutation in the GFPT1 gene leads to illegitimate binding of microRNA resulting in reduced pr
9 rs, suggesting that they arose from multiple illegitimate break repairs at the same sites or from com
10 and cooperative interactions, which restrict illegitimate complex formation and direct limiting helic
11 d Southern blotting to detect legitimate and illegitimate CSR events in tumor samples of the activate
12                         The patterns include illegitimate DNA end joining, T-DNA truncations, T-DNA r
13  are consistent with functions of LIG4 in an illegitimate DNA end-joining pathway and ensuring effici
14               Rather, we found that, whereas illegitimate DNA rearrangement did not play a major role
15  sites (cryptic loxP sites) that can promote illegitimate DNA recombination and damage when cells exp
16 ciated AML is characterized by site-specific illegitimate DNA recombination, we studied whether etopo
17 ate S phase through mitosis, thus preventing illegitimate DNA replication during that period of the c
18 gy and implicated nucleolytic degradation in illegitimate DSB repair in T4.
19         Together, these results suggest that illegitimate DSB repair may provide a means by which int
20             Our data are consistent with the illegitimate elongation model of repeat gain and loss an
21 terminus with the core of N (NCORE) prevents illegitimate encapsidation of cellular RNA, the interact
22  as etoposide, providing the opportunity for illegitimate end joining and translocation.
23  recircularization of linearized plasmids by illegitimate end-joining after transformation.
24 ian cells repair DNA double-strand breaks by illegitimate end-joining or by homologous recombination.
25 jority of the insertions are the products of illegitimate events in the vicinity of the target DNA, a
26                                              Illegitimate events often take the form of an asymmetric
27 y, the complete absence of one exon produced illegitimate events on the side of heterology.
28 r 10 to 14 days, the significant majority of illegitimate events were MLL tandem duplications, and se
29 romosomal translocation is the most frequent illegitimate gene recombination in paediatric cancer, oc
30 us seems characterized by a preponderance of illegitimate genetic rearrangements in the context of ne
31 tion of this parasite through homologous and illegitimate genomic integration has provided many of th
32  The most notable change was an increase in 'illegitimate' genomic deletions mediated by V(D)J recomb
33 here was no evidence of either legitimate or illegitimate IgH rearrangements by Southern blot assay (
34 blot assay was used to detect legitimate and illegitimate IgH switch rearrangements.
35 enzymes BamHI, BglII and EcoRI increased the illegitimate integration efficiency of transforming DNA
36 fers G418 resistance, was used to select for illegitimate integration events in CHO wild-type and xrc
37 of the gene of interest, without undesirable illegitimate integration events.
38 omosomal sequences are also suggestive of an illegitimate integration mechanism.
39  integrase function most likely required the illegitimate integration of HIV-1 into host chromosomes
40 he mechanisms of recombination governing the illegitimate integration of transfected DNA into a mamma
41  copies of viral DNA genomes in the nucleus, illegitimate integration of viral DNA into host chromoso
42         Hot spot sequences [(G/C)(A/T)T] for illegitimate integration target sites accounted for the
43                             The frequency of illegitimate integration was 6- to 12-fold increased in
44 tasia mutated (ATM) kinase, which suppresses illegitimate joining of DSBs and activates cell-cycle ch
45 hways (DNA-PK-dependent and -independent) of illegitimate mammalian DNA DSB repair and two distinct r
46 rget genes either destroyed or created novel illegitimate microRNA target sites; of them, 78 SNPs exp
47 ar how AID activity is extinguished to avoid illegitimate mutations.
48 iency in this 18q-syndrome patient arose via illegitimate (non-homologous) recombination.
49 ose are involved in aligning RNA strands for illegitimate (nonhomologous) RNA recombination during mi
50 ts increases the rate of noncomplementary or illegitimate nucleotide incorporation into the palindrom
51 ges to federal and private efforts to combat illegitimate online pharmacies, and outlines strategies
52 e of the recombination pathways to eliminate illegitimate or aberrantly paired DNA joint molecules.
53 gested that it protected the chromosome from illegitimate or end-to-end fusion, thus functioning to p
54 e primary function of p53 is in controlling "illegitimate" proliferation and tumor development and no
55 g Tcra/Myc translocations that resulted from illegitimate RAG recombination events and resembled onco
56 erted in between breakpoints, pointing to an illegitimate RAG recombination-driven activity.
57 abilized so that they cannot undergo further illegitimate rearrangements, and they also exhibit reduc
58 J recombination that protect the genome from illegitimate rearrangements.
59 This suggests that random DNA breaks attract illegitimate recombination (IR) events that compete with
60 gh unequal homologous recombination (UR) and illegitimate recombination (IR) is proposed to be the ma
61 r direct DNA delivery methods occurs through illegitimate recombination (IR).
62            The mechanism, short-patch double illegitimate recombination (SPDIR), facilitates short si
63 s for RecQ members in DNA metabolism and the illegitimate recombination and cancer-prone phenotypes a
64 le-strand breaks, is closely associated with illegitimate recombination and chromosomal rearrangement
65 pansion in plants, while DNA removal through illegitimate recombination and intrastrand homologous re
66 tween DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR), illegitimate recombination and plasmid DNA integration.
67  small insertion/deletions, thereby limiting illegitimate recombination and spontaneous mutation.
68 s of magnitude, driven by mechanisms such as illegitimate recombination and transposable element prol
69 ound evidence for important contributions of illegitimate recombination and transposable elements to
70         Duplications and deletions caused by illegitimate recombination and unequal crossing over wer
71 combinant T-DNA molecules were indicative of illegitimate recombination and were similar to left-bord
72 te that unequal homologous recombination and illegitimate recombination are primarily responsible for
73 sms of DNA replication, gene correction, and illegitimate recombination at the Ori of PCV1, and it ma
74 diated double-strand breaks in meiosis cause illegitimate recombination between 11q23 and 22q11 resul
75            The deletions can be explained by illegitimate recombination between short (4- to 15-bp) e
76 is an inversion of chromosome 10 mediated by illegitimate recombination between the RET and the H4 ge
77 es can mediate DNA recombination and promote illegitimate recombination by catalyzing the ligation of
78                 DNA end joining is a type of illegitimate recombination characterized by the joining
79  is genomic instability typified by elevated illegitimate recombination events and accelerated loss o
80                                    Moreover, illegitimate recombination events appear to be an import
81  the tip of the putative hairpin, leading to illegitimate recombination events between similar AT-ric
82 marker system to screen for intrachromosomal illegitimate recombination events in order to assess the
83                              We propose that illegitimate recombination events leading to inverted du
84  and HR, shifting the cellular milieu toward illegitimate recombination events such as iHR and CN-LOH
85 is of the relative numbers of homologous and illegitimate recombination events suggests that C. glabr
86 eplication, chimeric gene formation, and the illegitimate recombination events that lead to stoichiom
87 e find that YKU80 plays an essential role in illegitimate recombination events that result in the acc
88      This motif was shown to be a target for illegitimate recombination events.
89 de and replace genomic DNA through two joint illegitimate recombination events.
90  homologous recombination and high levels of illegitimate recombination found in the tubercle bacillu
91                                              Illegitimate recombination fused normally distant chromo
92 through unequal homologous recombination and illegitimate recombination have attenuated the growth of
93 ylation and their removal from the genome by illegitimate recombination have been well documented, th
94 ared boundary sequences of module junctions, illegitimate recombination in a non-sequence-directed pr
95 provides compelling evidence for the role of illegitimate recombination in horizontal genetic exchang
96 ions or other target DNA sites implicated in illegitimate recombination in mammalian cells.
97           However, large-scale evaluation of illegitimate recombination in plant genomes has not been
98 appears to be involved in the suppression of illegitimate recombination in plant mitochondria.
99               Our data strongly suggest that illegitimate recombination in plants is mediated by a DN
100 ontributions of homologous recombination and illegitimate recombination in the repair process.
101 verexpression of the topoisomerase I gene on illegitimate recombination in the yeast Saccharomyces ce
102 ence and structure-specific requirements for illegitimate recombination in tobacco.
103 hows that these activities together suppress illegitimate recombination in vivo, whereas unregulated
104          We designed substrates representing illegitimate recombination intermediates formed when a d
105 omosomal homology, the plasmid integrated by illegitimate recombination into random sites in the geno
106 edominantly reflected microhomology mediated illegitimate recombination involving short complementary
107 n events near the IS1236 elements arise from illegitimate recombination involving transposase-mediate
108 that removal of retrotransposon sequences by illegitimate recombination is also operating more slowly
109                   These results suggest that illegitimate recombination is an important competing pat
110             Sequence analysis suggested that illegitimate recombination is nonrandom at the single-ge
111                    Our results indicate that illegitimate recombination is the driving force behind g
112                                              Illegitimate recombination is the prevailing molecular m
113                        Nested insertions and illegitimate recombination occurred extensively between
114 erted repeat correction (or conversion), and illegitimate recombination of any circular DNA molecule
115                                              Illegitimate recombination of fragments that encode prot
116             A model is proposed in which the illegitimate recombination of the cps island into the ga
117 he frequency of transformation due to random illegitimate recombination of transfected DNA into the g
118  operon and could have moved there either by illegitimate recombination or more plausibly via integra
119  induce a genome-wide microhomology-mediated illegitimate recombination pathway that facilitates inte
120 or two distinct and evolutionarily conserved illegitimate recombination pathways.
121 ependent events both mediated by independent illegitimate recombination processes.
122                                        In 12 illegitimate recombination products analysed, we found t
123 ated by its slow growth and its high rate of illegitimate recombination relative to homologous DNA ex
124 rtant implications in terms of mechanisms of illegitimate recombination that can result in chromosoma
125  years, the two chromosomes have experienced illegitimate recombination that has been temporally rest
126 these small fragments provided evidence that illegitimate recombination was most likely mediated by a
127 ogous recombination about 100-fold; however, illegitimate recombination was stimulated more than 1,00
128 equal homologous recombination compared with illegitimate recombination were highly variable between
129  ITRs in the helper plasmid were involved in illegitimate recombination with AAV ITRs, deletions of w
130                                              Illegitimate recombination within direct pentameric DNA
131  DNA double-strand breaks can be repaired by illegitimate recombination without extended sequence hom
132  both the frequency of homologous as well as illegitimate recombination, and that RAD18 contributes t
133 ude that hPot1 protects chromosome ends from illegitimate recombination, catastrophic chromosome inst
134                              We propose that illegitimate recombination, not positive selection, has
135 ought to stimulate homologous recombination, illegitimate recombination, or both in mammalian cells.
136 quired from the host bacterial chromosome by illegitimate recombination, providing further evidence t
137 evolutionary innovations depend much more on illegitimate recombination, which makes novel genes by g
138 hort homology (microhomology), a hallmark of illegitimate recombination.
139 sms that control not only transposition, but illegitimate recombination.
140 hich may have contributed to DNA breakage or illegitimate recombination.
141 ementary ends can be joined by mechanisms of illegitimate recombination.
142 ntermediates in ERCC1- cells are repaired by illegitimate recombination.
143 ir of double-strand breaks by homologous and illegitimate recombination.
144 A and ligates nonhomologous ends, leading to illegitimate recombination.
145  causing chromosome aberrations by mediating illegitimate recombination.
146 eats, a unique signature of intrachromosomal illegitimate recombination.
147  amplicon boundaries in 19 mutants reflected illegitimate recombination.
148  duplicated blocks may have been affected by illegitimate recombination.
149  protect chromosome ends against fusions and illegitimate recombination.
150 letions post-polyploidization, and increased illegitimate recombination.
151 oval by unequal homologous recombination and illegitimate recombination.
152 te homologous recombination while preventing illegitimate recombination.
153 ansgene and genomic fragments recombined via illegitimate recombination.
154 me gene, but too much tolerance will lead to illegitimate recombination.
155 DNA incorporated into the transgene loci via illegitimate recombination; 50 of the 82 delivered DNA f
156 3)] were isolated as the apparent result of "illegitimate" recombination events on intrahelical pseud
157  outcomes, and to suppress inappropriate or 'illegitimate' recombination.
158 tern generated after chromosome breakage and illegitimate rejoining.
159                                              Illegitimate repair events after minimal repair included
160 12 telomeric repeats is sufficient to impede illegitimate repair in a highly directional manner at ne
161 raversal and show that the likely product of illegitimate repair of damage from a single alpha-partic
162           Distinction between legitimate and illegitimate repair processes is thought to be achieved
163 ed during DHBV infection initiates cycles of illegitimate replication by generating mutants with alte
164 utants carry out a mixture of legitimate and illegitimate replication that can contribute to elevated
165 and these hepatocytes proceeded to carry out illegitimate replication.
166 inear DNA intermediates, a process we called illegitimate replication.
167                   RT-PCR was used to amplify illegitimate RP1 transcripts from lymphoblasts.
168  where Rad51-double-stranded DNA may inhibit illegitimate second-end capture to ensure the error-free
169 binds the viral nucleoprotein to prevent its illegitimate self-assembly.
170 xpression in higher eukaryotes is to prevent illegitimate signal-independent activation by imposing r
171    We conclude that etoposide can induce the illegitimate site-specific action of V(D)J recombinase o
172 gnals from the metanephric mesenchyme to the illegitimate sites on the WD.
173                                              Illegitimate switch recombination fragments (defined as
174 uent (karyotypic 14q32 translocations and/or illegitimate switch recombination fragments are present
175 es or tumor samples analyzed further, cloned illegitimate switch recombination fragments were confirm
176 d frequent deletions within Sgamma and other illegitimate switch recombinations.
177 ) mutations, while the VDJ assay identifies "illegitimate" T-cell receptor Vgamma-Jbeta interlocus re
178 e transcription polymerase chain reaction of illegitimate transcripts from peripheral white blood cel
179 d by nuclear exosome-mediated degradation of illegitimate transcripts.
180 rget sites revealed that for the majority of illegitimate transformants there was no microhomology wi
181 comprehensive legal framework to prevent the illegitimate use of toxins and infectious agents.
182 at the translocation had been mediated by an illegitimate V(D)J recombination event that disrupted th
183 L) and are generally believed to result from illegitimate V(D)J recombination events.
184                                              Illegitimate V(D)J recombination, class switch recombina
185 p32 involving SIL/SCL, are cited examples of illegitimate V(D)J recombination.
186                Although increased numbers of illegitimate VDJ recombination events do not directly po

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