


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  duplicated blocks may have been affected by illegitimate recombination.
2  protect chromosome ends against fusions and illegitimate recombination.
3 letions post-polyploidization, and increased illegitimate recombination.
4 oval by unequal homologous recombination and illegitimate recombination.
5 te homologous recombination while preventing illegitimate recombination.
6 ansgene and genomic fragments recombined via illegitimate recombination.
7 me gene, but too much tolerance will lead to illegitimate recombination.
8 hort homology (microhomology), a hallmark of illegitimate recombination.
9 sms that control not only transposition, but illegitimate recombination.
10 eats, a unique signature of intrachromosomal illegitimate recombination.
11 hich may have contributed to DNA breakage or illegitimate recombination.
12 ementary ends can be joined by mechanisms of illegitimate recombination.
13 ntermediates in ERCC1- cells are repaired by illegitimate recombination.
14 ir of double-strand breaks by homologous and illegitimate recombination.
15  amplicon boundaries in 19 mutants reflected illegitimate recombination.
16 A and ligates nonhomologous ends, leading to illegitimate recombination.
17  causing chromosome aberrations by mediating illegitimate recombination.
18  outcomes, and to suppress inappropriate or 'illegitimate' recombination.
19 DNA incorporated into the transgene loci via illegitimate recombination; 50 of the 82 delivered DNA f
20 s for RecQ members in DNA metabolism and the illegitimate recombination and cancer-prone phenotypes a
21 le-strand breaks, is closely associated with illegitimate recombination and chromosomal rearrangement
22 pansion in plants, while DNA removal through illegitimate recombination and intrastrand homologous re
23 tween DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR), illegitimate recombination and plasmid DNA integration.
24  small insertion/deletions, thereby limiting illegitimate recombination and spontaneous mutation.
25 s of magnitude, driven by mechanisms such as illegitimate recombination and transposable element prol
26 ound evidence for important contributions of illegitimate recombination and transposable elements to
27         Duplications and deletions caused by illegitimate recombination and unequal crossing over wer
28 combinant T-DNA molecules were indicative of illegitimate recombination and were similar to left-bord
29  both the frequency of homologous as well as illegitimate recombination, and that RAD18 contributes t
30 te that unequal homologous recombination and illegitimate recombination are primarily responsible for
31 sms of DNA replication, gene correction, and illegitimate recombination at the Ori of PCV1, and it ma
32 diated double-strand breaks in meiosis cause illegitimate recombination between 11q23 and 22q11 resul
33            The deletions can be explained by illegitimate recombination between short (4- to 15-bp) e
34 is an inversion of chromosome 10 mediated by illegitimate recombination between the RET and the H4 ge
35 es can mediate DNA recombination and promote illegitimate recombination by catalyzing the ligation of
36 ude that hPot1 protects chromosome ends from illegitimate recombination, catastrophic chromosome inst
37                 DNA end joining is a type of illegitimate recombination characterized by the joining
38  is genomic instability typified by elevated illegitimate recombination events and accelerated loss o
39                                    Moreover, illegitimate recombination events appear to be an import
40  the tip of the putative hairpin, leading to illegitimate recombination events between similar AT-ric
41 marker system to screen for intrachromosomal illegitimate recombination events in order to assess the
42                              We propose that illegitimate recombination events leading to inverted du
43  and HR, shifting the cellular milieu toward illegitimate recombination events such as iHR and CN-LOH
44 is of the relative numbers of homologous and illegitimate recombination events suggests that C. glabr
45 eplication, chimeric gene formation, and the illegitimate recombination events that lead to stoichiom
46 e find that YKU80 plays an essential role in illegitimate recombination events that result in the acc
47 de and replace genomic DNA through two joint illegitimate recombination events.
48      This motif was shown to be a target for illegitimate recombination events.
49 3)] were isolated as the apparent result of "illegitimate" recombination events on intrahelical pseud
50  homologous recombination and high levels of illegitimate recombination found in the tubercle bacillu
51                                              Illegitimate recombination fused normally distant chromo
52 through unequal homologous recombination and illegitimate recombination have attenuated the growth of
53 ylation and their removal from the genome by illegitimate recombination have been well documented, th
54 ared boundary sequences of module junctions, illegitimate recombination in a non-sequence-directed pr
55 provides compelling evidence for the role of illegitimate recombination in horizontal genetic exchang
56 ions or other target DNA sites implicated in illegitimate recombination in mammalian cells.
57           However, large-scale evaluation of illegitimate recombination in plant genomes has not been
58 appears to be involved in the suppression of illegitimate recombination in plant mitochondria.
59               Our data strongly suggest that illegitimate recombination in plants is mediated by a DN
60 ontributions of homologous recombination and illegitimate recombination in the repair process.
61 verexpression of the topoisomerase I gene on illegitimate recombination in the yeast Saccharomyces ce
62 ence and structure-specific requirements for illegitimate recombination in tobacco.
63 hows that these activities together suppress illegitimate recombination in vivo, whereas unregulated
64          We designed substrates representing illegitimate recombination intermediates formed when a d
65 omosomal homology, the plasmid integrated by illegitimate recombination into random sites in the geno
66 edominantly reflected microhomology mediated illegitimate recombination involving short complementary
67 n events near the IS1236 elements arise from illegitimate recombination involving transposase-mediate
68 This suggests that random DNA breaks attract illegitimate recombination (IR) events that compete with
69 gh unequal homologous recombination (UR) and illegitimate recombination (IR) is proposed to be the ma
70 r direct DNA delivery methods occurs through illegitimate recombination (IR).
71 that removal of retrotransposon sequences by illegitimate recombination is also operating more slowly
72                   These results suggest that illegitimate recombination is an important competing pat
73             Sequence analysis suggested that illegitimate recombination is nonrandom at the single-ge
74                    Our results indicate that illegitimate recombination is the driving force behind g
75                                              Illegitimate recombination is the prevailing molecular m
76                              We propose that illegitimate recombination, not positive selection, has
77                        Nested insertions and illegitimate recombination occurred extensively between
78 erted repeat correction (or conversion), and illegitimate recombination of any circular DNA molecule
79                                              Illegitimate recombination of fragments that encode prot
80             A model is proposed in which the illegitimate recombination of the cps island into the ga
81 he frequency of transformation due to random illegitimate recombination of transfected DNA into the g
82  operon and could have moved there either by illegitimate recombination or more plausibly via integra
83 ought to stimulate homologous recombination, illegitimate recombination, or both in mammalian cells.
84  induce a genome-wide microhomology-mediated illegitimate recombination pathway that facilitates inte
85 or two distinct and evolutionarily conserved illegitimate recombination pathways.
86 ependent events both mediated by independent illegitimate recombination processes.
87                                        In 12 illegitimate recombination products analysed, we found t
88 quired from the host bacterial chromosome by illegitimate recombination, providing further evidence t
89 ated by its slow growth and its high rate of illegitimate recombination relative to homologous DNA ex
90            The mechanism, short-patch double illegitimate recombination (SPDIR), facilitates short si
91 rtant implications in terms of mechanisms of illegitimate recombination that can result in chromosoma
92  years, the two chromosomes have experienced illegitimate recombination that has been temporally rest
93 these small fragments provided evidence that illegitimate recombination was most likely mediated by a
94 ogous recombination about 100-fold; however, illegitimate recombination was stimulated more than 1,00
95 equal homologous recombination compared with illegitimate recombination were highly variable between
96 evolutionary innovations depend much more on illegitimate recombination, which makes novel genes by g
97  ITRs in the helper plasmid were involved in illegitimate recombination with AAV ITRs, deletions of w
98                                              Illegitimate recombination within direct pentameric DNA
99  DNA double-strand breaks can be repaired by illegitimate recombination without extended sequence hom

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