


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 I) into Mn-oxides and the uptake of Tl(I) by illite.
2 ffect of the electrolyte on the structure of Illite.
3  and the selective nature of Tl(+) uptake by illite.
4 s study, we investigated Pu sorption onto Na-illite, a relevant component of potential host rocks for
5 n exchange in micaceous clays, in particular Illite-a non-swelling clay mineral that naturally contai
6 Fe-bearing aluminosilicates (vermiculite and Illite) accounted for another 50%.
7 V) were detected in solution on contact with illite after 1 week, which is not expected to be stable
8 natural clay: kaolinite, montmorillonite and illite, all of which are aluminosilicates of similar com
9                                              Illite also may precipitate in the pores of sandstone re
10      The COx, which mainly contains smectite/illite and calcite minerals, is also studied together wi
11 l surfaces (montmorillonite for nucleotides, illite and hydroxylapatite for amino acids) induces the
12 t spectroscopic evidence for Tl(I) uptake by illite and indicates the need for further studies on the
13                                              Illite and kaolinite accumulated at the aqueous/aqueous
14 0% of the cation-exchange capacity (CEC) for Illite and kaolinite and below 1 mmol/kg (<1% CEC) for b
15 roduced unexpected enhancement of Ti(+) from illite and kaolinite clays that contained small quantiti
16 5.0 m/day using columns packed with the same illite and quartz mass however with different spatial pa
17  minimally connected columns with well-mixed illite and quartz.
18  a stacking of layers identical to endmember illite and smectite layers, implying discrete and indepe
19  adsorption to quartz, goethite, birnessite, illite, and aquifer sediments induced an average isotopi
20 cates were hydroxy-interlayered vermiculite, Illite, and kaolinite.
21 he sand medium and the presence of suspended illite clay drastically enhance oocyst deposition.
22                                 Ignoring the Illite decollapse could lead the biased estimation of se
23 emonstrate the requirement of accounting for Illite decollapse especially for high Cs loadings, becau
24 igated the adsorption of Tl(+) onto purified Illite du Puy (IdP).
25            In these salt solutions, numerous illite fibers precipitated after reaction for only 3 h a
26  and its weathering products with diagenetic illite formed by reaction with pore fluids during burial
27 water content, enables the discrimination of illite from montmorillonite clays that typically develop
28    K-Ar dating of authigenic, syn-weathering illite from saprolitic remnants constrains original base
29                       Cesium adsorption onto Illite has been widely studied, because this clay is esp
30 III); 8 x 10(-11) < [Pu]tot/M < 10(-8)) with illite in 0.1 M NaCl at pH between 3 and 10, Pu uptake w
31 actions of Tl(III), Tl(I)-jarosite and Tl(I)-illite in bulk samples based on XAS indicated that Tl(I)
32                                              Illite in shales is a mixture of detrital mica and its w
33 ography, for interpreting the K-Ar ages from illites in sedimentary rocks and for estimating the ages
34 omplexation constants determined for Eu(III)-illite interaction (with redox-insensitive Eu(III) as a
35                                              Illite is a general term for the dioctahedral mica-like
36 s study is to analyze how Cs adsorption onto Illite is affected by structural changes produced by the
37                     Our results suggest that illite is an important adsorbent for Tl in soils and sed
38                                              Illite is of interest to the petroleum industry because
39 Sorption to the phyllosilicate clay minerals Illite, kaolinite, and bentonite has been studied for a
40       This was explained by the expansion of Illite layers (decollapse) induced by large hydrated cat
41          Clay minerals are principally Fe-Mg illite, mixed layers of illite/smectite and chlorite, wi
42 minerals (ferrihydrite, goethite, kaolinite, illite, montmorillonite) using the CuO-oxidation techniq
43 onic exchange capacity commonly accepted for Illite (near 200 mequiv . kg(-1)).
44                            Since neither the illite nor the kaolinite is an expandable clay, adsorpti
45 he identification of kaolinite, chlorite and illite or muscovite, and a new class of hydrated silicat
46 taining ATPS over clay in buffer alone, with illite outperforming the other clays.
47                       Interestingly, in slow illite precipitation processes, oriented aggregation of
48  Cs sorption isotherms were carried out with Illite previously exchanged with Na, K, or Ca, at a broa
49 have been thought to control the smectite-to-illite (S-I) reaction, an important diagenetic process u
50 rom 10(-9) to 10(-2) M at near-neutral pH on illite saturated with Na(+) (100 mM), K(+) (1 and 10 mM)
51 aluation of the evolution of the smectite-to-illite sequence of clay minerals, including the nature o
52 cs and structures of these two models for an illite-smectite interstratified clay mineral with a rati
53                                              Illite-smectite interstratified clay minerals are ubiqui
54 re principally Fe-Mg illite, mixed layers of illite/smectite and chlorite, with minor kaolinite and s
55 work examines the largely unexplored role of illite spatial distribution patterns in dictating the so
56 vidence and the modeling of Cs sorption onto Illite supported the hypothesis of decollapse.
57  Pu(IV) reduction to Pu(III) occurred in the illite suspension.
58 rocline, calcite, kaolinite, phlogopite, and illite under a range of GCS conditions.
59  hexagonal nanoparticles forming the fibrous illite was observed.
60  based on XAS indicated that Tl(I) uptake by illite was the dominant retention mechanism in topsoil m
61 g adsorption of Tl(+) at the frayed edges of illite, with Tl selectivity coefficients between those r
62 d 3.0 m/day, well-connected low permeability illite zones oriented in the flow-parallel direction lea

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