


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 vities spanning approximately 3 log units of illuminance.
2 amatically affected by variations in retinal illuminance.
3  that differed in cone and rod photoreceptor illuminance.
4  such light has a non-linear relationship to illuminance.
5 rast sensitivity independent of mean retinal illuminance.
6 ed retinal loci (PRLs) at different stimulus illuminances.
7           This follows, because the ganzfeld illuminance (10(-5) scot.cd/m2) that causes the pupil to
8        Study 2, predicting effect of reduced illuminance: 17 eyes of 17 subjects (26-61 years old) we
9 history, as opposed to a typical indoor room illuminance, amplifies the phase-shifting response to a
10 yer, creating thin rubber sheets that change illuminance and capacitance under deformation.
11                     Short-wavelength reduced-illuminance and conventional fundus autofluorescence ima
12 ree diameter blue flashes of varying retinal illuminance and from different retinal regions in respon
13 imately as I0/(I0 + IB), where IB is retinal illuminance and I0 is a constant.
14 ntly from optical factors, decreased retinal illuminance, and early stage disease.
15                                  Irradiance, illuminance, and light spectra measurements were perform
16 of a natural movie at levels of contrast and illuminance ( approximately 50-100 lux) typical of natur
17              Dazzling glare occurs when high illuminances are spread across the retina.
18 be attributed solely to decreases in retinal illuminance associated with increasing age.
19             Moreover, differences in retinal illuminance due to varying opaqueness of the crystalline
20  auxiliary lighting increased the cage-level illuminance from normal lighting levels (15-630 lux) to
21 urve, but an increase in the relative S-cone illuminance had no effect.
22 ublished data to inform estimates of retinal illuminance in early infancy, and no concurrent studies
23                  Error in estimating retinal illuminance in prematurely born infants is inevitable be
24 ance or troland value as a proxy for retinal illuminance in this population.
25 o constant light for different periods at an illuminance level of 1200 to 1500 lux.
26  the 7.5-Hz TVI function decreased at higher illuminance levels.
27 y 10 dB over a 1.6 log unit range of retinal illuminances; model fits for all subjects had r2> 95%.
28 placed into constant fluorescent light at an illuminance of 115 foot-candles to 130 foot-candles for
29                                      Retinal illuminance of the infant eye compared with adult eyes w
30                         How does the ambient illuminance of the visual scene influence this retinal o
31                                     The high-illuminance PRL (PRLhi) and low-illuminance PRL (PRLlo)
32     The high-illuminance PRL (PRLhi) and low-illuminance PRL (PRLlo) were operationally defined as th
33 as determined by changes in the dark-adapted illuminance sensitivity threshold, escape latency and ra
34 d 7.5 Hz, an increase in the relative L-cone illuminance steepened the slope of the rod-only TVI curv
35 linear function, such that exposure to lower illuminances still exerts a robust effect.
36 s that patients used to fixate a high or low illuminance stimulus, respectively.
37 iles in albino mice indicated higher retinal illuminance than in pigmented mice exposed to similar am
38                    (1 troland is the retinal illuminance that results when a surface luminance of 1 c
39                                          The illuminances that induced shifting ranged from 106 to 34
40  moderate field defects, obtained at retinal illuminances that were sufficient to render flicker sens
41 e of test conditions, including high retinal illuminances that yielded temporal contrast sensitivity
42 ed monkeys, auxiliary lighting increased the illuminance to 25,000 lux for 6 hours during the middle
43    The slope of the rod threshold versus the illuminance (TVI) function changes with the wavelength o
44                                      Retinal illuminance varies with stimulus luminance, pupil size,
45 ween the PRLhi and the PRLlo as the stimulus illuminance was changed.
46                      Thus, increased retinal illuminance was not correlated with higher A2E.
47  visual feeding with a model of sun and moon illuminance, we estimated foraging rates of an idealized
48 d their characteristics at the corresponding illuminances were assessed.
49 oland values cannot be used to infer retinal illuminance when comparing eyes of markedly differing si
50  demineralization-resistant layer, threshold illuminance with both Nd: YAG and Ho: YAG was ineffectiv
51 at occur in dentin when treated at threshold illuminance with two clinically interesting laser wavele

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