


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 between-group, and group-by-time interaction image analyses.
2 retraction were assessed with time-lapse and image analyses.
3  retinal lesions were quantified by computer image analyses.
4 l morphology were performed by using digital image analyses.
5 finition required of conventional volumetric image analyses.
6 tegy-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging analyses.
7 e with QD620 for flow cytometry and confocal imaging analyses.
8 TEM for localization in ultrahigh resolution imaging analyses.
9 clusion of other liver diseases by blood and imaging analyses.
10 HCC is made based on findings from biopsy or imaging analyses.
11 examination and abdominal magnetic resonance imaging analyses.
12 patibility antigen by phenotypic and in vivo imaging analyses.
13 ain reaction and immunochemical and confocal imaging analyses.
14 arena have a powerful new tool to be used in imaging analyses.
15 mined in water-soluble extracts of cornea by imaging analyses after SDS-PAGE.
16    Immunoblot, autophagic flux, genetic, and imaging analyses all associated the increase in sensitiv
17                                    Live-cell imaging analyses also reveal that PNPLA8 dynamically int
18                                              Image analyses and cardiovascular disease event adjudica
19                           Using quantitative image analyses and computer simulation, we demonstrate t
20             Using live imaging, quantitative image analyses and modeling, we show that during Arabido
21 we synthesized field measurements, satellite image analyses, and empirical models to evaluate forest
22 Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) image analyses, and empirically based models.
23 ial, (3) collection of material for multiple imaging analyses, and (4) direct collection onto nanostr
24 nces based on pharmacological studies, brain imaging analyses, and genetic research are now convergin
25 in 99mTc-FGF-1 renal binding was measured by imaging analyses, as compared with renal binding in the
26 loss (F [%]), and Q [% x mm(2)]--obtained by image analyses can predict lesion progression.
27                   Despite these differences, image analyses carried out on two-dimensional CFM and CR
28 integrating network, clustering, pathway and image analyses, define multiple functional protein modul
29         The results from our biochemical and imaging analyses demonstrate that KSHV capsids possess a
30                       Noninvasive functional imaging analyses derived from coronary computed tomograp
31                                              Imaging analyses focused on activity related to anticipa
32 injury; (ii) immunohistochemical and digital image analyses for antibody and complement deposition an
33                                  Genetic and image analyses have revealed the elegant intricacies ass
34                                              Imaging analyses have confirmed the presence of temporal
35                                        Brain imaging analyses highlighted higher dorsal anterior cing
36                             Time-resolved PL imaging analyses highlighted the microsecond decay-kinet
37                     Biochemical and cellular imaging analyses identified a cell-autonomous pathway in
38      Furthermore, biochemical and two-photon imaging analyses identified elevated and imbalanced gluc
39                                      Similar image analyses in human embryonic kidney 293 cells expre
40                                  Genetic and imaging analyses in invertebrates show that Syd-1 works
41                Functional magnetic resonance imaging analyses included 27 early psychosis patients an
42                                              Imaging analyses indicated that ICAM-GFP fusion proteins
43 ghput automated microscopy and semiautomated image analyses of >4000 spindles, we found a reduction i
44                                              Image analyses of autoradiographs show, that in comparis
45  (siRNAs) in H2.35 liver cells and performed image analyses of cells undergoing cytokinesis.
46                            Computer-enhanced image analyses of L7 spinal cord sections demonstrated a
47                                          PET image analyses of mice with RG2-TK tumors resulted in an
48                                              Image analyses of presynaptic neuronal architecture reve
49     Biochemical crosslinking experiments and image analyses of the DSH-kinesin head-microtubule compl
50 oremediation end point were characterized by image analyses of X-ray micro-CT scans and N2 adsorption
51                Volumetric magnetic resonance imaging analyses of 30 subjects were undertaken to quant
52 sensitive dye Fluo-4, we conducted real-time imaging analyses of calcium waves propagated among mamma
53              Here we integrate proteomic and imaging analyses of caveolae at the blood-tumor interfac
54 issue, we conducted intravital, longitudinal imaging analyses of cellular behavior in nonlymphoid tar
55 er lipid membranes (BLM), Ca(2+), and Mn(2+) imaging analyses of myotubes and RyR1 channels obtained
56 he longest serial cardiac magnetic resonance imaging analyses of patients with large anterior ST-segm
57          Our electrophysiological and Ca(2+) imaging analyses of recombinant Ca(v)2.1 and AMPA recept
58      Quantitative and qualitative cardiac MR imaging analyses of the RV and the left ventricle (LV) w
59 sections were immunostained and quantitative image analyses performed.
60                         Our genetic and live-imaging analyses provide novel evidence that the proxima
61                     Single- and multisection image analyses required 5 and 25 minutes per subject, re
62                 Our cell fate and time-lapse imaging analyses reveal that the sorting of Pax6+ and Gs
63 onfocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and image analyses revealed a significant increase of eGFP e
64              Morphological and 3-dimensional image analyses revealed enlarged and thin-walled blood v
65          Morphological and three dimensional image analyses revealed significant (P<0.05) increases i
66                    Furthermore, quantitative image analyses revealed that actin organization affects
67                                              Imaging analyses revealed a marked increase in surface N
68                                  Fluorescent imaging analyses revealed that adoptively transferred M2
69                Biochemical, biophysical, and imaging analyses revealed that fibers produced by Escher
70                                    Live-cell imaging analyses revealed that ORP3a is localized at the
71                                      Calcium imaging analyses show a reduced sensitivity of ABA-induc
72                            Quantitative live imaging analyses show that the amnion initiates EE ruptu
73                              Dihydroethidium imaging analyses showed increased superoxide formation i
74 nude mice, biodistribution and scintigraphic imaging analyses showed selective uptake of (99m)Tc-NC10
75 This observation is further substantiated by imaging analyses, showing redistribution of cholesterol
76                                 Based on our image analyses, Snowy Plover clutches, in general, appea
77                    Initial subtraction-based image analyses sought significant rCBF changes anywhere
78                                 Quantitative image analyses suggest that these temporal gradients pro
79                               Our multimodal imaging analyses suggest that cognitive trajectories rel
80                               Behavioral and imaging analyses suggested that dopamine is a stronger a
81                                          For image analyses, the left ventricle was divided into 14 s
82                                           On imaging analyses, the hallucinators, all of whom experie
83 solution MRI and surface-based computational image analyses to map regional abnormalities in the cort
84               In this study we used unbiased imaging analyses to correlate resting cerebral glucose m
85 en used within functional magnetic resonance imaging analyses to identify neural coding of prediction
86 l measurements of bias were then used in the imaging analyses to identify regions involved in biasing
87                            Based on confocal imaging analyses, unfertilized oocytes that had been inj
88  epifluorescence microscopy and quantitative image analyses, we characterized the localization of CL
89 sing cortical thickness and diffusion tensor image analyses, we found greater and more widespread gra
90 sing patch clamp, Western blot, and confocal imaging analyses, we demonstrated that internalized hERG
91                                  Using novel imaging analyses, we observe that untethering chromatin
92           Using biochemical and fluorescence imaging analyses, we show that Shh signaling activity re
93 Both voxelwise- and volume of interest-based image analyses were performed.
94                                              Image analyses were restricted to correct recognition tr
95                                 Quantitative image-analyses were performed on grayscale images to ass
96 etic findings, functional magnetic resonance imaging analyses were conducted in an independent sample
97                           Results of blinded imaging analyses were correlated with pathologic finding
98 , colonoscopy, and pelvic magnetic resonance imaging analyses were performed according to suspected d
99                        SPM5 was used for all image analyses, which included cross-sectional between-g
100 ofluorescence, and high-speed automated cell-imaging analyses with antibodies specific against MCM2 a

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