


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                                  Optimal 3D images were acquired using a Bi3(+) liquid metal ion gun oper
2                                     Macular OCT angiography images were acquired using the RTVue XR Avanti with AngioVue.
3                                              Bioluminescent images were acquired using a CCD camera equipped with optical
4 quipped with parallel hole collimators, and hybrid SPECT/CT images were acquired using a dedicated cardiac SPECT system w
5                                         Standard and PS OCT images were acquired using a commercial 1,310-nm swept-source
6                                                      Planar images were acquired using a conventional SPECT camera equipp
7 )Tc-HMPAO or (99m)Tc-duramycin (both 37-74 MBq), and planar images were acquired using a high-sensitivity modular gamma-c
8                                       Material/Radiographic images were acquired using either computed radiography or fla
9                                          Magnetic resonance images were acquired using a 1.5-T magnet from 20 first-episo
10                                          Magnetic resonance images were acquired using a whole body 7 Tesla magnetic reso
11                       Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images were acquired using the same acquisition parameters an
12           Simultaneous reflectance and fluorescence retinal images were acquired using the fAOSLO.
13   Dual-isotope-targeted (99m)Tc and (201)Tl perfusion SPECT images were acquired using a hybrid SPECT/CT camera in 6 dogs
14                   We applied it to 204 patients whose SPECT images were acquired using a same-day dual-isotope (99m)Tc/(2

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