


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                                             Images were acquired with a four-detector row computed tomogr
2                                                             Images were acquired with a high-resolution PET/CT scanner.
3                                                             Images were acquired with a maximum interval of 3 mo between
4                                                             Images were acquired with a PET/CT scanner, and (68)Ge attenu
5                                                             Images were acquired with a standard pulsed-gradient spin-ech
6                                                             Images were acquired with inspiration of room air and pure ox
7  one cardiac cycle and time-of-flight (TOF) MR angiographic images were acquired with a 3-T MR imager.
8                                                        Cell images were acquired with imaging flow cytometry.
9    Coronary MR angiograms and multiphase gradient-echo cine images were acquired with one respiratory cycle performed per
10                                            CT colonographic images were acquired with the use of standard bowel preparati
11                                                          DW images were acquired with b values of 0 and 600 sec/mm(2).
12 l vein was injected with 150-300 microCi of FDG and dynamic images were acquired with a CTI/Siemens (Knoxville, TN) anima
13                                                  Functional images were acquired with an asymmetric spin echo pulse seque
14                                                     (111)In images were acquired with a SPECT scanner 2, 24, 48, 72, and
15                                                       DW MR images were acquired with b values 0 and 1000 sec/mm(2) and 2
16                                               Functional MR images were acquired with an echo-planar sequence, and statis
17                                               Functional MR images were acquired with block-design echo-planar or spiral
18 ew board-approved HIPAA-compliant study, multiparametric MR images were acquired with an endorectal coil in 48 patients w
19                                                      The MR images were acquired with a 3-T MRI magnet with segmented cin
20                                                      BF MRI images were acquired with echo-planar imaging using an arteri
21                                                     The MRI images were acquired with a fast cine sequence and a novel ul
22                                                 Two sets of images were acquired with multi-detector row CT at standard (
23                                    For each dose, 2 sets of images were acquired, with and without a transmural defect (T
24           In another 9 rats (group 2), myocardial perfusion images were acquired with 13N-ammonia at baseline and during
25                                                     Phantom images were acquired with both systems under nearly identical
26                                      Photoluminescence (PL) images were acquired with three filter-based emission channel
27                                                      Planar images were acquired with some markers from these tumor-beari

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