


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 lated and cultivated with five species of mould, and sample images were captured.
2  images were captured centered on the fovea, and additional images were captured after steering the field of view inferio
3                                                             Images were captured and the measurements of retinal morpholo
4                                                             Images were captured as 12-bit tiff files and postprocessed t
5             To verify DEP response, fluorescence microscope images were captured before and after the electric excitation
6                                                        CIMT images were captured by a single ultrasonographer at 1 center
7                                                     The FAF images were captured centered on the fovea, and additional im
8                                           Light microscopic images were captured in 32 regions of each optic nerve.
9                                                             Images were captured on Bioptigen SD-OCT, Zeiss Cirrus HD-OCT
10 e 200 degrees pseudocolor and fundus autofluorescence (FAF) images were captured on the Optos 200 Tx Ultrawide-field devi
11 Rotational image sequences consisting of 40 two-dimensional images were captured using an optically corrected digital ima
12                                                  The SD-OCT images were captured using Macular Cube (200x200 or 512x128)
13                                              Cell migration images were captured with a camera attached to the microscope
14 ow-passage human SC cells using calcein AM fluorescent dye; images were captured with a confocal microscope, and data wer
15            Specimens were examined by light microscopy, and images were captured with a digital camera.
16            Specimens were examined by light microscopy, and images were captured with a digital camera.

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