


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 aling performance on the dentin floor up to the 10 min that images were recorded.
2                                                    Confocal images were recorded and subsequently analyzed offline, blind
3                                      In vivo localized COSY images were recorded at 3 T in the breast tissue of women car
4                                                             Images were recorded at liquid nitrogen temperature using a h
5 essed GFP in brain and liver became visible, and whole-body images were recorded at video rates.
6                                                             Images were recorded by continuously focusing the optical sec
7                                                             Images were recorded by fluorescence microscope.
8                                                             Images were recorded by using a preclinical MPI demonstrator.
9                 Mid-LV M-mode and two-dimensional color TDI images were recorded during control and inotropic modulation
10                                              Full-thickness images were recorded from the central and temporal cornea, an
11                                                Fluorescence images were recorded from the same set of isolated molecules
12                                                  Static PET images were recorded immediately after MRI acquisitions to qu
13 Pressure and high-frequency intraluminal ultrasound (HFIUS) images were recorded simultaneously in healthy subjects and p
14  ionic currents from stretch-activated channels and [Ca2+]i images were recorded simultaneously.
15 = 14.2 +/- 0.7% (when imaged), T1 = 74 +/- 3 s), and proton images were recorded using (1)H hyperpolarized pyridine (100
16                                                       (13)C images were recorded using hyperpolarized 1-(13)C-succinate-d
17                       These hyperpolarized proton and (13)C images were recorded using large imaging matrices of up to 25
18 iotin-sites on the surfaces of PM1 cell lines, and the cell images were recorded using scanning confocal microscopy.
19                                                             Images were recorded using standard imaging modalities: color
20                  Both passive acoustic emissions and B-mode images were recorded with a diagnostic ultrasound machine dur
21 d a lunge motion from 0 degrees to 90 degrees of flexion as images were recorded with a dual fluoroscopic system.
22 aximum fascial thickness was measured, and two longitudinal images were recorded with both modalities.
23                                       The three-dimensional images were recorded with confocal and light sheet-based fluo

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