


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 ng electron microscope (SEM) images and confocal microscope images were taken.
2 inical follow-up visits for up to 8 years after the retinal images were taken.
3                                     Whole-body gamma camera images were taken 4-5 h postinjection of the radiolabeled bio
4                                                    Confocal images were taken along the inner wall (IW) of the aqueous pl
5                                             Cross-sectional images were taken and analyzed by custom-designed software in
6                                                        When images were taken at 266-ms intervals, the detection limit fo
7                                                  Additional images were taken at 80, 60, 40 and 20% of MVC at an ankle an
8                                                          AF images were taken between a mean of 13 and 36 months.
9              ICG was injected into the mouse tail vein, and images were taken by in vivo confocal microscopy.
10                                                             Images were taken frequently over an extended period.
11 e processed for immunocytochemistry, and sequential digital images were taken from the superior limbus to the central epi
12            Abdominal MRI scans (axial T1-weighted spin echo images) were taken, from which adipose tissue volumes were ca
13 our study total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy images were taken of Cholera toxin subunit B (CtxB) membrane-
14                                         Confocal time lapse images were taken of labeled TM cells on FITC-collagen.
15 equacy of the simulation, progressively defocused series of images were taken of several volunteers.
16                                               More than 300 images were taken of VZV-infected cells on 4 different sample
17                                        Digital color fundus images were taken on the same day.
18                                                             Images were taken over an extended period.
19                                         Digital IR and CBVT images were taken prior to initial bone grafting and at the 6
20    The globes were fixed, the choroid was flat mounted, and images were taken with a fluorescence microscope.
21                                     The confocal microscope images were taken with each sample submerged in water to show

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