


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 h prolonged exposure therapy, which includes imaginal and in vivo exposure to anxiety-provoking stimu
2 cific antibodies showed losses of Nopp140 in imaginal and polyploid tissues.
3 ion of several chemosensory-related genes in imaginal bugs, while both sexes had similar expression p
4 deling at metamorphosis involves a classical imaginal cell population and a population of differentia
5 ing larval feeding rates, protein synthesis, imaginal cell size, and control of molting.
6                                              Imaginal cells are specified in the embryo and remain qu
7 uch as Drosophila are generated by groups of imaginal cells dedicated to the formation of different o
8            Pupal and adult tissues form from imaginal cells, tissue-specific progenitors allocated in
9    tarsal-less is required for embryonic and imaginal development in Drosophila, but the molecular an
10                  Second, loss of Upd3 during imaginal development results in defects of adult structu
11 ssues [5, 6] or transplantation of a damaged imaginal disc [7, 8] delays the onset of metamorphosis.
12 both cases, the epidermal tissue of the wing imaginal disc acts as a niche expressing the ligands Ser
13 ligands, Gbb and Dpp, to patterning the wing imaginal disc along its A/P axis, change as a function o
14 onditionally ablate patches of tissue in the imaginal disc and assess the ability of the surviving si
15 other developing epithelia, such as the wing imaginal disc and the embryonic germband in Drosophila,
16 hogenetic furrow, that sweeps across the eye imaginal disc and transforms thousands of undifferentiat
17 h factor (FGF) proteins produced by the wing imaginal disc and transported by cytonemes to the air sa
18 t specifically reduced misfolded Rh-1 in the imaginal disc assay also delayed age-related retinal deg
19 ed a glycolytic tumor in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc by activating the oncogene PDGF/VEGF-recep
20                  In homozygous E(z) mutants, imaginal disc cells are smaller than cells in normally p
21 larity gene scribble in clones of Drosophila imaginal disc cells can cooperate with Ras signaling to
22                       In Drosophila, damaged imaginal disc cells can induce the proliferation of neig
23 y (CLPs) able to induce the proliferation of imaginal disc cells in vitro.
24                                              Imaginal disc cells mutant for the tumor-suppressor gene
25                                           In imaginal disc cells mutant for Vps4, EGFR and other rece
26             Previous studies have shown that imaginal disc cells that are mutant for TSC have increas
27   We find that after IR, p53 is required for imaginal disc cells to repair DNA, and in its absence th
28         dBre1 affects the levels of Su(H) in imaginal disc cells, and it stimulates the Su(H)-mediate
29  14 kb upstream of the bantam hairpin in eye imaginal disc cells, arguing that this regulation is dir
30  preferentially localizes to the membrane of imaginal disc cells.
31 ay modulate Hippo transcriptional effects in imaginal disc cells.
32 ental checkpoint extends larval growth after imaginal disc damage by inhibiting the transcription of
33                                              Imaginal disc damage inflicted early in larval developme
34              While most previous analyses of imaginal disc development have not distinguished between
35                                              Imaginal disc development in Drosophila requires coordin
36 Fas2 is expressed in dynamic patterns during imaginal disc development, and in the eye we have shown
37 l genes and genetic pathways involved in leg imaginal disc development, we employed a Genome Wide Ass
38  dMyc in this process during Drosophila wing imaginal disc development.
39 for both viability and the initial stages of imaginal disc development.
40 ase (JNK)-specific MKP, during embryonic and imaginal disc development.
41 e Drosophila YAP homolog Yorkie (Yki) during imaginal disc development.
42 ene expression patterns observed during wing imaginal disc development.
43  of founder cells that give rise to the wing-imaginal disc during normal development and following co
44 ng element is required for the action of the imaginal disc enhancer(s).
45                                          The imaginal disc epithelia that give rise to the adult ecto
46 -suppressor genes (nTSGs) in Drosophila wing imaginal disc epithelia that tumor initiation depends on
47 suppressor genes that regulate the growth of imaginal disc epithelia.
48           Finally, loss of Wts in Drosophila imaginal disc epithelial cells results in diminished cor
49               In the growing Drosophila wing imaginal disc epithelium, most of the cell divisions in
50  sequestering Hedgehog protein signal within imaginal disc epithelium.
51 chanism of growth control is not specific to imaginal disc growth and could be of general relevance.
52                                   Drosophila imaginal disc growth factor 2 (IDGF2) is a member of chi
53 ess of EpiTools by analyzing Drosophila wing imaginal disc growth, revealing previously overlooked pr
54 xpected requirement for the miRNA pathway in imaginal disc growth.
55 ila larvae by inducing apoptosis in the wing imaginal disc in a spatially and temporally regulated ma
56 tion needed to transform a relatively simple imaginal disc into a more complex and three-dimensional
57                     The division of the wing imaginal disc into anterior, posterior, dorsal, and vent
58 Following segregation of the Drosophila wing imaginal disc into dorsal (D) and ventral (V) compartmen
59                          The Drosophila wing imaginal disc is subdivided along the proximodistal axis
60 t expressed until differentiation in the eye imaginal disc it was more easily trans-inactivated than
61                               Using the wing imaginal disc model in Drosophila, we identified new SMO
62           The Drosophila larval eye-antennal imaginal disc must be subdivided into regions that diffe
63 ne expression analyses of the larval genital imaginal disc of D. mauritiana, D. sechellia, and two D.
64  Ptip (Paxip1) gene in early development and imaginal disc patterning.
65                  Here we show that the small imaginal disc phenotype arises, at least in part, from a
66                           The Drosophila leg imaginal disc provides a paradigm with which to understa
67                          The Drosophila wing imaginal disc provides a powerful system with which to u
68                               In Drosophila, imaginal disc regeneration can be induced either by frag
69          Here we test the role of Sp1 during imaginal disc regeneration.
70 Thor gene in E(z) mutants partially restores imaginal disc size toward wild-type and results in an in
71 nduction of apoptosis in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc stimulates activation of the Hippo pathway
72 re types of filopodia in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc that are proposed to serve as conduits in
73 distribution of Hedgehog protein in the wing imaginal disc through a Wnt-independent mechanism.
74 ell fate specification in the Drosophila eye imaginal disc using fibrillarin antibody labeling.
75                                 The antennal imaginal disc was transplanted between premetamorphic ma
76 sues where Ubx is active (third thoracic leg imaginal disc) but is not bound in tissues where the Ubx
77 he Ubx gene is repressed (first thoracic leg imaginal disc).
78   To study this question the Drosophila wing imaginal disc, an epithelial primordial organ that later
79 etic furrow sweeps anteriorly across the eye imaginal disc, driven by Hedgehog secretion from photore
80                       In the Drosophila wing imaginal disc, dying cells trigger compensatory prolifer
81 input derived from the transplanted antennal imaginal disc, most antennal lobe projection neurons (29
82 nder cells specified in the mesothoracic leg imaginal disc, we also demonstrate that the TGFbeta path
83 m, the embryonic nervous system and the wing imaginal disc, we show that Flybow in conjunction with s
84 esses gene expression in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc, where it is expressed in symmetrical late
85 ferentially expressed in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc, which gives rise to two distinct adult st
86                        In the Drosophila eye imaginal disc, Wingless (Wg) signaling defines the regio
87                      Most remarkable is that imaginal disc-derived lines can generally be assigned, o
88 ferentially expressed in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc.
89 r/posterior compartment boundary of the wing imaginal disc.
90 nit (RnrL) reduce compensatory growth in the imaginal disc.
91 elopment of the Drosophila melanogaster wing imaginal disc.
92 C1 double null clones in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc.
93 ly enhance robustness in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc.
94 lium is essential for patterning of the wing imaginal disc.
95  Branchless FGF-expressing cells in the wing imaginal disc.
96 itted progenitor cells of the Drosophila eye imaginal disc.
97 ence that the DVM FCs may arise from the leg imaginal disc.
98 s enriched in the dorsal portion of the wing imaginal disc.
99 crete subpopulation of cells within the wing imaginal disc.
100 ling the formation of SOPs in the adult wing imaginal disc.
101 e embryonic head and developing eye-antennal imaginal disc.
102 expression of brm(K804R) in the eye-antennal imaginal disc.
103  proliferative program and growth of the eye imaginal disc.
104 tations that impair regeneration in the wing imaginal disc.
105 rogenitor cells develop together in the wing imaginal disc.
106 ol of epithelial integrity in the Drosophila imaginal disc.
107 regulates folds within the third instar wing imaginal disc.
108 dentified the Trithorax group protein Little imaginal discs (Lid) as a regulator of dMyc-induced cell
109 brid screens to identify a protein, tumorous imaginal discs (Tid1), that binds to the cytoplasmic dom
110 mammalian homolog of the Drosophila tumorous imaginal discs (Tid1).
111 n ligase, cause dramatic loss of polarity in imaginal discs accompanied by tumorous proliferation def
112 rder cells or proneural clusters of the wing imaginal discs affects DRONC-dependent patterning.
113       Genetic evidence in the developing eye imaginal discs also demonstrates the critical functions
114 ulates Wingless internalization both in wing imaginal discs and cultured cells.
115 lly activate PI(3)K signalling in Dp110(RBD) imaginal discs and Dp110(RBD) flies are small.
116 ling pathway functions to suppress growth in imaginal discs and has been suggested to control organ s
117 rs, including the histone demethylase little imaginal discs and histone-interacting protein p55, that
118 derably reduces toxic mHtt aggregates in eye imaginal discs and partially restores rhabdomere morphol
119 he cell cycle and consequently for growth of imaginal discs and the derived adult organs.
120                            When all cells in imaginal discs are mutant for scrib, they hyperactivate
121  Hippo pathway components in Drosophila wing imaginal discs are organized into distinct junctional co
122 cle and cell growth control using Drosophila imaginal discs as a genetically accessible system.
123                             Using Drosophila imaginal discs as an in vivo model, we show that Wts, bu
124  However, the development of appendages from imaginal discs as in Drosophila is a derived state, whil
125 d-type Rh-1 were overexpressed in developing imaginal discs beyond the ER protein folding capacity of
126  in damaged and regenerating Drosophila wing imaginal discs but that is dispensable for these fates i
127  We propose that p53 maintains plasticity of imaginal discs by co-regulating the maintenance of genom
128  patterns the embryonic epidermis and larval imaginal discs by regulating the transcription factor, C
129               Drosophila melanogaster larval imaginal discs can recover from extensive damage, produc
130 , many cells in the posterior regions of eye imaginal discs carrying a double knockdown of Mcm10 and
131 tion is dramatically increased in lgl larval imaginal discs compared to both wild type and brat mutan
132                         Damage to Drosophila imaginal discs elicits a robust regenerative response fr
133                    Without juvenile hormone, imaginal discs form and grow despite severe starvation.
134 inal discs in mid-third instar larvae, since imaginal discs from larvae with reduced or no ecdysone s
135 lesser extent, Ds suppress overgrowth of the imaginal discs from which appendages develop and regulat
136  Specification and development of Drosophila imaginal discs have been studied for many years as model
137  onset of metamorphosis are regulated by the imaginal discs in Drosophila, and suggest that the termi
138 es, Hippo and Warts, restricts the growth of imaginal discs in Drosophila.
139 s of GFP-expressing salivary glands and wing imaginal discs in living Drosophila melanogaster pupae i
140        Instead, creation of the late-forming imaginal discs in Manduca appears to be controlled by un
141 we show that ecdysone promotes the growth of imaginal discs in mid-third instar larvae, since imagina
142                The evagination of Drosophila imaginal discs is a classic system for studying tissue l
143 upation phenotype seen when a single pair of imaginal discs is homozygous for a neoplastic TSG mutati
144 t the initial ato transcription in different imaginal discs is regulated by distinct 3' cis-regulator
145             The initial expression of ato in imaginal discs is regulated by sequences that lie 3' to
146  Car for late endosome-to-lysosome fusion in imaginal discs is specific as early endosomes are unaffe
147  show that damage to, or slow growth of, the imaginal discs is sufficient to retard metamorphosis bot
148 t the normal role of this exoribonuclease in imaginal discs is to suppress the expression of transcri
149                     Expression of BID in eye imaginal discs leads to a rough-eye phenotype, and this
150       Genetic analysis of dally-like in wing imaginal discs leads us to a model whereby, at the surfa
151        Regeneration of fragmented Drosophila imaginal discs occurs in an epimorphic manner involving
152 hat IR-induced apoptosis still occurs in the imaginal discs of chk2 and p53 mutant larvae, albeit wit
153                                          The imaginal discs of Drosophila are subdivided into distinc
154                                          The imaginal discs of Drosophila are the larval primordia fo
155                                              Imaginal discs of Drosophila have the remarkable ability
156                                          The imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster provide a part
157                                              Imaginal discs of Drosophila provide an excellent system
158  compartment borders that subdivide the wing imaginal discs of Drosophila third instar larvae are eac
159 ion under physiological conditions using the imaginal discs of Drosophila.
160 anscriptional profiling of dissected genital imaginal discs of each sex at three time points during e
161 la melanogaster, IR induces apoptosis in the imaginal discs of larvae, typically assayed at 4-6 hr af
162 he exception of the wing imaginal discs, the imaginal discs of Manduca sexta are not formed until ear
163 RNA and 4E-BP protein levels are elevated in imaginal discs of PRC2 subunit mutant larvae.
164                                   The larval imaginal discs of the genetically tractable model organi
165 ytoneme modulation was recapitulated in wing imaginal discs of transgenic Drosophila, providing evide
166      The study of regeneration in Drosophila imaginal discs provides an opportunity to use powerful g
167 gaster Live imaging of single DSBs in larval imaginal discs recapitulates the spatio-temporal dynamic
168                           Damaged Drosophila imaginal discs regenerate efficiently early in the third
169                              When Drosophila imaginal discs regenerate, specific groups of cells can
170  of aveugle mutant cells in the eye and wing imaginal discs resemble those caused by reduction of EGF
171  -epsilon or sgg/gsk3beta in Drosophila wing imaginal discs results in the accumulation of dMyc prote
172              Intriguingly, pixie mutant wing imaginal discs show complex regional and temporal defect
173  that kill about half of the cells in larval imaginal discs still develop into viable adults.
174 ecified during embryogenesis and, unlike the imaginal discs that make up the thoracic and head segmen
175                              We show that in imaginal discs the single Drosophila STAT protein (STAT9
176 ous, induced strong overgrowth in Drosophila imaginal discs through modulating the activity of the Hi
177           Similar to most organs, Drosophila imaginal discs undergo a fast, near-exponential growth p
178           Ft also inhibits the overgrowth of imaginal discs via the Hippo pathway, repressing the act
179 , ecdysone appears to regulate the growth of imaginal discs via Thor/4E-BP, a negative growth regulat
180 sine-specific demethylase 1) and Lid (little imaginal discs), demethylate histone H3 at Lys 4 (H3K4),
181 eveloping and intact epithelium ( Drosophila imaginal discs), wherein cell-cell adhesion properties a
182 la, null mutations in pacman result in small imaginal discs, a delay in onset of pupariation and leth
183 teristic of Hh signaling loss in embryos and imaginal discs, and epistasis analysis places ihog actio
184  modulator of Hippo pathway activity in wing imaginal discs, and implicate Yorkie activation in compe
185 ua (Cic) restricts cell growth in Drosophila imaginal discs, and its levels are, in turn, downregulat
186  posterior compartments in the embryo and in imaginal discs, and posterior to the morphogenetic furro
187 ate that the developing adult organs, called imaginal discs, are a regulator of critical size in larv
188  replication and proliferation in brains and imaginal discs, as well as for gene amplification in ova
189  regulates Dpp and Notch signaling in larval imaginal discs, at least partially via regulation of thi
190 d activate transcription in embryos and wing imaginal discs, but it is no longer processed into the r
191       The Thor gene is normally repressed in imaginal discs, but Thor mRNA and 4E-BP protein levels a
192 f adult structures through expression in all imaginal discs, driven by enhancers from the 3' cis-regu
193                         In mosaic Drosophila imaginal discs, for example, wild-type cells induce the
194 t Drosophila melanogaster body develops from imaginal discs, groups of cells set-aside during embryog
195                                    In larval imaginal discs, growth and cell fate specification occur
196 uction is essential for proliferation of the imaginal discs, in part, by regulating JAK/STAT signalin
197                                              Imaginal discs, like appendages in lower vertebrates, in
198  Drosophila, including controlling growth of imaginal discs, planar cell polarity (PCP) and the proxi
199                        (c) Diffuse damage to imaginal discs, results in compensatory proliferation of
200 etic circuits tumors depend on because their imaginal discs, simple epithelia present in the larva, c
201  nonoverlapping patterns in both embryos and imaginal discs, suggesting that transcription of these n
202            In epithelial cells of Drosophila imaginal discs, the Caspase-9 ortholog Dronc drives AiP
203               With the exception of the wing imaginal discs, the imaginal discs of Manduca sexta are
204 2 mutants show impaired development of their imaginal discs, the primordial tissues that form the adu
205                      Thus, in Drosophila eye imaginal discs, Trr, likely functioning together with Ut
206 mitotic cell junction dynamics in Drosophila imaginal discs, we mathematically predict the convergenc
207 stat92E is active ubiquitously in early wing imaginal discs, where it acts to inhibit the induction o
208 required for development of the wing and leg imaginal discs, whereas cleavage at the S1 site is suffi
209                                              Imaginal discs, which are larval precursors of fly limbs
210      Drosophila adult structures derive from imaginal discs, which are sacs with apposed epithelial s
211 sophila melanogaster are derived from larval imaginal discs, which originate as clusters of cells wit
212  including upregulation of the same genes in imaginal discs, which suggests that Sbb cooperates with
213 sophila, the adult wing is derived from wing imaginal discs, which undergo a period of growth and pro
214 ation along the basal surface of larval wing imaginal discs, which was restored with wild type pgant3
215                            In the mosaic eye imaginal discs, while ph(del), a null allele, causes onl
216 ibble (scrib) are eliminated from Drosophila imaginal discs.
217  in every segment boundary within the larval imaginal discs.
218 een reported to be a survival factor in wing imaginal discs.
219 texts; for example, in the wing, leg and eye imaginal discs.
220 cell proliferation and promotes apoptosis in imaginal discs.
221 the progression of S phase in Drosophila eye imaginal discs.
222 ession domain of homothorax (hth) in the leg imaginal discs.
223  leg regeneration in fragments of Drosophila imaginal discs.
224 -induced p53-independent apoptosis in larval imaginal discs.
225 nt Crumbs (Crb) affects growth in Drosophila imaginal discs.
226 ss of Crb similarly results in overgrowth of imaginal discs.
227 phila Schneider line 2 (S2) cells and larval imaginal discs.
228 dispensable in primary epithelia such as the imaginal discs.
229 direct targets of PcG-mediated repression in imaginal discs.
230 rior compartment boundary of Drosophila wing imaginal discs.
231 it was rescued by expression of nito in wing imaginal discs.
232  the Ultrabithorax (Ubx) gene in larval wing imaginal discs.
233 e mutants and disproportionate growth of the imaginal discs.
234 d/or Phol for binding to the bxd PRE in wing imaginal discs.
235 is deregulated in rbf mutant cells in larval imaginal discs.
236 eded to limit IR-induced apoptosis in larval imaginal discs.
237 arge cohort of miRNAs expressed primarily in imaginal discs.
238 the pathway by which Ras regulates growth in imaginal discs.
239 entially expressed genes in wing and haltere imaginal discs.
240 en signaling in Drosophila melanogaster wing imaginal discs.
241 on and hyperplastic overgrowth of Drosophila imaginal discs.
242 ila, and fat mutants have severely overgrown imaginal discs.
243 uses abnormal epithelial cysts in Drosophila imaginal discs.
244 NA-mediated translational repression in wing imaginal discs.
245 gene expression, cell affinity and growth in imaginal discs.
246 led2 leads to Wingless stabilization in wing imaginal discs.
247 se early larval lethality and the absence of imaginal discs.
248 capacity to regulate cell differentiation in imaginal discs.
249 daries and the compartment boundaries in the imaginal discs.
250 l septate junctions and causes overgrowth of imaginal discs.
251 h for mRNAs misregulated in pacman null wing imaginal discs.
252 n long-range Hh signaling in Drosophila wing imaginal discs.
253 apoptosis in surface epithelia of Drosophila imaginal discs.
254 he transcription activation by Trl in larval imaginal discs.
255 al size or the state of development of their imaginal discs.
256 hough more restricted, results in the larval imaginal discs.
257 in, in contrast to epithelial tissues of the imaginal discs.
258 (SAC) genes and preventing apoptosis in wing imaginal discs.
259  silencing, some PcG mutants also have small imaginal discs.
260 t translational repression in developing eye imaginal discs; (2) in dendritic elaboration of larval s
261 ression of an active form of Msn in the wing imaginal disk disrupted activation of endogenous MAD by
262 stribution in the developing Drosophila wing imaginal disk does not adapt to disk size.
263 slocalization of Ex to basolateral domain of imaginal disk epithelial cells.
264  reports, that they have additive effects on imaginal disk growth and development.
265 reparation for metamorphosis, the control of imaginal disk growth becomes feeding and nutrition-indep
266 n upstream component of the Hippo pathway in imaginal disk growth control.
267 ral other chitinase-like proteins, including imaginal disk growth factor IDGF2.
268  producing inositide messengers required for imaginal disk tissue maturation and subsequent formation
269 ct synergistically to modulate growth of the imaginal disk.
270 ision and the duration of growth of the wing imaginal disks depend on the size of the body in which t
271 arval feeding period, the growth of the wing imaginal disks of Lepidoptera is dependent on continuous
272                           Growth of the wing imaginal disks of non-feeding wandering stage Manduca se
273 ndages develop from precursor tissues called imaginal disks that grow after somatic growth has ceased
274                                In Drosophila imaginal epithelia, clones of cells mutant for tumor sup
275 to restrict cell proliferation in developing imaginal epithelia.
276 egulate proliferation and differentiation in imaginal epithelia.
277  show that in the developing Drosophila wing imaginal epithelium, cell clones deprived of the BMP-lik
278 ssing of traumatic material, and in vivo and imaginal exposure homework.
279 ted of modified prolonged exposure including imaginal exposure to the trauma memory, processing of tr
280 ovel insight into the hormonal regulation of imaginal growth.
281 ein depletion>95 correlated with the loss of imaginal island (precursor) cells in the larval midgut a
282 inal larval (fifth) instar of Manduca sexta, imaginal precursors including wing discs and eye primord
283  as a metamorphosis-initiating factor in the imaginal precursors.
284 ollaboration required between linguistic and imaginal processing in this task would be underserved in
285                    Hedgehog signaling in the imaginal sensory organ precursors thus confers different
286              In this study, using Drosophila imaginal tissue as an in vivo model system, we show that
287         In contrast, complete removal of all imaginal tissue has no effect on critical size.
288                                       In the imaginal tissue of developing fruit flies, achaete (ac)
289 e spider Antp gene in Drosophila embryos and imaginal tissue that this unique function of Antp is not
290 t cause pronounced hyperproliferation of eye imaginal tissue, accompanied by deregulation of epitheli
291 ects have demonstrated that either damage to imaginal tissues [5, 6] or transplantation of a damaged
292 acco hornworm moth Manduca sexta, larval and imaginal tissues stop growing, the former because they l
293 totic recombination in developing Drosophila imaginal tissues to analyze the behavior of cells devoid
294 ecific growth trajectories of larval but not imaginal tissues.
295 disc (Tr2) are precociously repopulated with imaginal tracheoblasts during L3.
296 igate division orientation in the Drosophila imaginal wing disc epithelium.
297 , as employed to study the Drosophila larval imaginal wing disc, the precursor of the adult wing.
298 roliferation, and survival in the developing imaginal wing disc.
299 he anterior/posterior boundary of the larval imaginal wing disc.
300 herited through successive cell divisions in imaginal wing discs.

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