


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ct synergistically to modulate growth of the imaginal disk.
2 ssion of homeotic genes or reporter genes in imaginal disks.
3 o stimulate cell division and growth of wing imaginal disks.
4 ation and serum-independent proliferation of imaginal disk and embryonic cells in vitro.
5 ows reporter gene expression in neuroblasts, imaginal disks and a subset of sensory neurons.
6 analysis of ppan mutant clones in Drosophila imaginal disks and ovaries demonstrates that ppan is cel
7 n and the growth of internal organs, such as imaginal disks, and is required for the normal proportio
8 bovine ADA, also stimulates proliferation of imaginal disk cells, and addition of adenosine to this m
9 onstrate that in interphase cells in the eye imaginal disk cyclin A is present in both the nucleus an
10 ision and the duration of growth of the wing imaginal disks depend on the size of the body in which t
11 ression of an active form of Msn in the wing imaginal disk disrupted activation of endogenous MAD by
12 stribution in the developing Drosophila wing imaginal disk does not adapt to disk size.
13 slocalization of Ex to basolateral domain of imaginal disk epithelial cells.
14                                          The imaginal disk expression of the TGF-beta superfamily mem
15  reports, that they have additive effects on imaginal disk growth and development.
16 reparation for metamorphosis, the control of imaginal disk growth becomes feeding and nutrition-indep
17 n upstream component of the Hippo pathway in imaginal disk growth control.
18 ral other chitinase-like proteins, including imaginal disk growth factor IDGF2.
19                       When expressed in wing imaginal disks, hSmad2 induced oversize wings while hSma
20 here a mechanism by which the growth of wing imaginal disks is controlled.
21 arval feeding period, the growth of the wing imaginal disks of Lepidoptera is dependent on continuous
22                           Growth of the wing imaginal disks of non-feeding wandering stage Manduca se
23                                    When wing imaginal disks of the butterfly Precis coenia are remove
24 criptions from any type of tissue (e.g. wing imaginal disk, ovary) and at any stage of development.
25 ndages develop from precursor tissues called imaginal disks that grow after somatic growth has ceased
26  producing inositide messengers required for imaginal disk tissue maturation and subsequent formation
27  are that mutant larvae are almost devoid of imaginal disk tissue, have a reduction in brain size, an
28               In insects, the growth rate of imaginal disks varies with nutrition and keeps pace with

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