


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mposed of two pyrimidine rings fused with an imidazole ring.
2  also consistent with trapping at C-2 of the imidazole ring.
3 y the "windshield wiper" motion of the His51 imidazole ring.
4  is coordinated with it through the N on the imidazole ring.
5 on process involving the amine moiety of the imidazole ring.
6 rome P450 inhibition absolutely requires the imidazole ring.
7  is attributed to the positive charge of the imidazole ring.
8 firmed to be the N epsilon 2 position in the imidazole ring.
9 o intramolecular interactions with the His41 imidazole ring.
10 odified isoprene subunit to a functionalized imidazole ring.
11 ily involving rupture of and addition to the imidazole ring.
12 irectly observed at the N1' positions of the imidazole rings.
13  the metal at the N(delta) position of their imidazole rings.
14 tivity by exogenous proton donors containing imidazole rings.
15    Using these spectra, we have assigned the imidazole ring (1)H and (15)N chemical shifts of the pro
16 ract with the phosphate-ribose moiety or the imidazole ring abolish cGMP binding.
17  with the ligand act to position the His-435 imidazole ring against the Trp-457 indole ring, allowing
18 solved by demonstrating that the axial His25 imidazole ring also rotates counterclockwise with respec
19     In the solid state, all display coplanar imidazole rings, an anti relationship of amide groups, a
20  cyclic structure incorporates the histidine imidazole ring and a newly formed pyrrole derived from t
21  NMR changes in chemical shifts indicate the imidazole ring and amide nitrogen atoms to the N terminu
22 ons are preferentially protonated in the His imidazole ring and consist of multiple conformers that d
23 (carboxylate) bonds with the spinning of the imidazole ring and syn-anti isomerization of the termina
24  two hydroxamic acid moieties, the histidine imidazole ring and the alkylammonium groups on ExoMN, co
25                The juxtaposition between the imidazole ring and the steroid D ring appears to be impo
26  pH values, cross-peaks were assigned to the imidazole rings and their patterns interpreted.
27  with the porphyrin core, the CO ligand, the imidazole ring, and/or the phenyl rings.
28 ta-aminoalanine fragment, the pyrimidine and imidazole rings, and the amide nitrogen of the beta-hydr
29 AR and inter-AR hydrogen bonds involving the imidazole ring; and (3) the hydrophobic interaction asso
30 es that bind the phosphate-ribose moiety and imidazole ring are critical for high affinity binding.
31 c bulk around other positions of the His 166-imidazole ring are much less severe, as indicated by the
32 ll of the compounds show that the phenol and imidazole rings are close to coplanar and are connected
33        However, the planes of the purine and imidazole rings are twisted approximately 57 degrees in
34 nt repositioning and flipping of the His-175 imidazole ring as crucially required in the trigger hypo
35  interactions between the metal ions and the imidazole ring as well as by the conjugated molecular ba
36 teraction restricting both the motion of the imidazole ring as well as the terminal carboxylate confo
37 oscopy clearly show that all three histidine imidazole rings at positions 6, 13 and 14 in Abeta 1-16
38 nt study originate from changes in the His93 imidazole ring azimuthal angle.
39 hat electron-withdrawing groups at C5 on the imidazole ring benefit potency and that oxygen-containin
40 ine side chain, whereas zoledronate (with an imidazole ring) binds more strongly, since the ring is p
41 s inhibited strongly by azoles containing an imidazole ring but not by those tested containing a tria
42  compute the (13)C NMR shieldings of all the imidazole ring carbons ((13)C(gamma), , and ) for each o
43 ", noncoordinating nitrogen of the histidine imidazole ring could be observed from the Rieske protein
44 n several cases, the tautomeric state of the imidazole ring could not be derived from inspection of t
45 ox-related changes in the positioning of the imidazole ring during redox cycling and greatly decrease
46 tudy on the influence of substituents in the imidazole ring established that a CF3 group at position
47                              At high pH, its imidazole ring exists primarily as the normally unfavore
48 II, this leucine abuts a phenylalanine whose imidazole ring extends into the substrate binding cavity
49 e tyrosine D and that proton transfer to the imidazole ring facilitates the efficient oxidation/reduc
50 we propose that it enables a reaction-driven imidazole ring flip mechanism, overcoming a major dilemm
51                                  The His-175 imidazole ring flips becoming almost perpendicular to th
52  of such intermediates or benzylation of the imidazole ring followed by milder ammonolysis of the imi
53 on from the terminal COOH group onto the His imidazole ring, forming imidazoline radical intermediate
54  cationic NM-N7-dG adduct that can yield the imidazole ring-fragmented lesion, N(5)-NM-substituted fo
55 e of the intact protein protects the His(34)-imidazole ring from depegylation.
56      This binding site is surrounded by four imidazole rings from the top and four indole rings of Tr
57 ctive side chains may be substituted for the imidazole ring (generally needs to be side chain protect
58                                  Histidine's imidazole ring has a pK(a) of 6, making this an attracti
59 epresents an unusual "dual reduction" of the imidazole ring (i.e., hydroboration of the C horizontal
60 rbene (C4) centers in the same five-membered imidazole ring (III), has been prepared by lithiation of
61                       The replacement of the imidazole ring in 1 with a pyrrole ring in 2 makes the k
62 etween a substrate and the deltaN of HIS42's imidazole ring in an HRP/substrate binding complex, obta
63 hosphate synthase catalyzes formation of the imidazole ring in histidine biosynthesis.
64 ur data show that deprotonation of the His89 imidazole ring in myr(+)MA destabilizes the salt bridge
65 ation and, finally, by introducing a charged imidazole ring in place of the phenolic OH making it dic
66  significantly depress the pKa of the buried imidazole ring in the native state.
67 uld raise the pK(a) of His-54 and freeze the imidazole ring in the place optimal for forming an ion p
68 ant roles in the recognition of the oxidized imidazole ring in the substrate bases, and the Watson-Cr
69 aintenance of residual interactions with the imidazole ring in the unfolded N-terminal subdomain appe
70 l values for residues within 5A of the His41 imidazole ring indicate that a significant degree of res
71 ta nitrogen and proton resonances of the H63 imidazole ring indicates that the hydrogen bond between
72 he same magnitude as the rotation of the H63 imidazole ring induced by mutation.
73 te with its benzo ring pointing to F150, its imidazole ring inserted between residue D112 and residue
74                                 The aromatic imidazole ring interacts with a helix dipole, similar to
75 as a structure in which the pi-system of the imidazole ring is extended by the acylimine bond, which
76                                 Instead, the imidazole ring is nearly perpendicular to its placement
77 e ribose-OH protons and N epsilon 2 of His51 imidazole ring is partially contributed by the "windshie
78 3 and neighboring residues indicate that the imidazole ring is positively charged.
79      An oxygen atom at the 2-position of the imidazole ring is required for aerobic activity.
80 sphate concentration for which the axial His imidazole ring is rotated by approximately 20 degrees fr
81  to be a shared hydrogen between the His-134 imidazole ring ligated to Fe2 of the [2Fe-2S] cluster an
82 protonation state and tautomeric form of the imidazole ring, making them excellent indicators of pH o
83 hile 8-oxoA's lack of flexibility and closed imidazole ring may contribute to Fpg's inability to exci
84 acin mixture, binds to Co(II) via the His-10 imidazole ring N(epsilon), the thiazoline nitrogen, and
85       A computational model with constrained imidazole rings (necessary for reproducing spin states),
86 scopy, we have successfully detected the two imidazole ring nitrogens, one near the "exact cancellati
87  unit of 2 into the olefinic C-H bond of the imidazole ring of 1 and four-membered cyclic silylene (4
88 e cobalt(III) complex to the nitrogen of the imidazole ring of a histidine residue.
89 from proton NMR at the active site histidine imidazole ring of bovine pancreatic sPLA(2) in the prese
90 ms: the coordinating epsilon-nitrogen of the imidazole ring of each histidine ligand (A = [3.45, 3.71
91 ents revealed that oxidation occurred on the imidazole ring of each substrate.
92 c GTP cyclohydrolase III that hydrolyzes the imidazole ring of GTP but does not remove the resulting
93 onment which dictates the orientation of the imidazole ring of H248, one of the metal binding ligands
94         The hydrogen bond formed between the imidazole ring of H41 and the backbone carbonyl of E14 o
95 mobile; the hydrogen bond formed between the imidazole ring of H41 and the backbone nitrogen of D34 i
96                             The pK(a) of the imidazole ring of H48 was shown to be shifted from 5.7 f
97 gen bond between the carbonyl of F58 and the imidazole ring of H63 remains intact in this mutant.
98                                          The imidazole ring of His 287 is almost orthogonal relative
99  to the peptidic NH group of Gly 110 and the imidazole ring of His 66.
100 yl group was located on the C4 carbon of the imidazole ring of His(10).
101 chain hydroxyl is away from the plane of the imidazole ring of His(187).
102 nd the hydroxyl group is in the plane of the imidazole ring of His(187).
103  observations led us to hypothesize that the imidazole ring of His(229) may function to facilitate th
104 l structures of hGSTM1a-1a indicate that the imidazole ring of His107 is oriented toward the substrat
105 ld-type papain due to the flexibility of the imidazole ring of His159.
106       In particular, in the P23T mutant, the imidazole ring of His22 switches from the predominant Ne
107 he phenol ring of tyrosine to stack with the imidazole ring of His263, thus competing for the substra
108                                          The imidazole ring of His291-alpha in E1b coordinates to the
109 lved in donor-acceptor interactions with the imidazole ring of His291.
110 e contribution of interactions involving the imidazole ring of His41 to the pH-dependent stability of
111  a distal phosphate group of the DNA and the imidazole ring of His71.
112 ations were offered for this result: (a) the imidazole ring of His75 is required for charge delocaliz
113  Interestingly, protein interaction with the imidazole ring of histamine differs significantly betwee
114                                          The imidazole ring of histidine 12 protrudes from one side,
115  that the structure and electostatics of the imidazole ring of histidine are critical for its functio
116  the fraction of the tautomeric forms of the imidazole ring of histidine in proteins as a function of
117 tep takes place when a proton resides on the imidazole ring of I-His376 and the large active-site clu
118 is not the Se atom, but instead might be the imidazole ring of the His141 residue which is located in
119 ydrogen bond from His-435 that positions the imidazole ring of the histidine above the pyrrole ring o
120 roduct induced by insufficient space for the imidazole ring of the mutant phenylalanine residue.
121 ophilic attack of OH(-) on C-8 to cleave the imidazole ring of the purine.
122                           Replacement of the imidazole ring of the scaffold with triazole or cyclic u
123                            The fact that the imidazole ring of the wild-type covalent uridylyl-enzyme
124 ecific role for the lysine in polarizing the imidazole ring of this histidine.
125 ues and predominant tautomeric states of the imidazole rings of His26 (pKa approximately 7.1, N epsil
126 se combined data demonstrate that protonated imidazole rings of histidine residues mediate a pH-respo
127                            In the model, the imidazole rings of the His ligands are held in a somewha
128                                          The imidazole rings of the two key catalytic residues, His7
129  report here the pK(a) values of each of the imidazole rings of the two ligating histidines (His134 a
130 ution on the phenyl at the 2-position of the imidazole ring on biological activity.
131 ucleobases within genomic DNA, including the imidazole ring opened N(6)-(2-Deoxy-alpha,beta-D-erythro
132 d the dose-dependant formation of persistent imidazole ring-opened AFB(1)-DNA adducts.
133  recognizes and excises the highly mutagenic imidazole ring-opened AFB1-deoxyguanosine adduct (AFB1-F
134  could not be isolated and further led to an imidazole ring-opened product; in the case of pyridines,
135 amino-ethyl adducts of guanine, resulting in imidazole ring opening [formamidopyrimidine (Fapy)] and
136 rmamidopyrimidine (FAPY) adduct arising from imidazole ring opening of the initially formed trans-8,
137 N7-methylation of deoxyguanosine followed by imidazole ring opening.
138 undergoes either spontaneous depurination or imidazole-ring opening yielding formamidopyrimidine AFB1
139                               The protonated imidazole ring, or imidazolium group, is shown to enhanc
140 istidine side chain, resulting in an altered imidazole ring orientation.
141 ty indicates that partial protonation of the imidazole ring permits cellular uptake of the analogues.
142 razine ring with a less bulky planar charged imidazole ring permitting binding to a narrower groove,
143 um of compound 1 showed that addition of the imidazole ring perturbs the frequency of the tyrosine ri
144  bottom of the antigen-binding site with the imidazole ring poised for nucleophilic attack.
145 imately 45 degrees rotation of the axial His imidazole ring, relative to that in mammalian globins.
146               In this "out" orientation, the imidazole ring releases the delta nitrogen's excess prot
147 lve His-water proton exchange facilitated by imidazole ring reorientations.
148 ns from the outer-shell atoms of a histidine-imidazole ring resulted in reasonable Debye-Waller facto
149 ly different values for the N-Fe-N angle and imidazole ring rotation angles are presented.
150  Asp(102)-His(57) H-bonds and moving His(57) imidazole rings, such as the reaction-driven ring flip.
151                               (iv) The His63 imidazole ring tilts upon 15 atm of oxygen treatment and
152 that singlet oxygen reacts with the histidyl imidazole ring to form an endoperoxide and then converte
153  + 2] cycloaddition of singlet oxygen to the imidazole ring to form an unstable endoperoxide, subsequ
154 attach the Ndelta1 nitrogen of the histidine imidazole ring to the metal, whereas histidine ligands f
155 onjugated molecular backbone that linked the imidazole ring to the nanoparticle cores.
156 he distal histidine, leaving Nepsilon of the imidazole ring unprotonated and able to accept positive
157 distribution of the tautomeric forms for the imidazole ring varies significantly among different hist
158 th the N(tau) nitrogen atom of the histamine imidazole ring via an ion pair.
159  Peptidomimetics where the 5-position of the imidazole ring was linked to the hydrophobic scaffold sh
160               A product (A) with an oxidized imidazole ring was the only major product detected at ro
161 s287 is a residue in the Type 2 region whose imidazole ring was thought to hydrogen bond to the Type
162 ine specifically (13)C-labeled at C-2 of the imidazole ring was used, providing evidence for trapping
163  N1 (1-pHis) or N3 (3-pHis) positions of the imidazole ring, we detect for the first time phosphoisof
164 substituents on the 4 and 5 positions of the imidazole ring were synthesized.
165 to the vicinity of H13 and H14 of Abeta, and imidazole rings were incorporated to compete with H13/H1
166 f new phthalazine derivatives 1-4 containing imidazole rings were prepared.
167 s dependent on the presence of a neighboring imidazole ring, which has taken over as a less efficient
168 ision of FapyA likely result from the opened imidazole ring, while 8-oxoA's lack of flexibility and c
169 at by replacing the aryl substitution on the imidazole ring with a more polar carboxylic ester or ami
170 rocyclic core of these inhibitors by a fused imidazole ring with the triazine to provide imidazo[1,2-
171  between the angular position of the two His imidazole rings with respect to the Cu2S2(Cys) core plan

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