


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r only part of the secretory response to the imidazoline.
2 ecretion evoked by glucose, tolbutamide, and imidazolines.
3 o nonsymmetric cis-stilbene diamines and cis-imidazolines.
4 he NO-scavenger 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-imidazoline-1-oxyl 3-oxide (PTIO).By blocking the activi
5 ited by carboxy-2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-imidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (-85.0 +/- 10.0%; p = 0.008)
6 nger 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-imidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (PTIO) had opposite effects,
7 oxide scavenger 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-ketramethyl-imidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide or by the nitric oxide syntha
8 , or 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-imidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide potassium (cPTIO), a NO scave
9 helator carboxy-2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-imidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide, mitochondrial hyperpolarizat
10  be blocked by 2-phenyl-4,4,5, 5-tetramethyl-imidazoline-1-oxyl-oxide and could not be mimicked by de
11                                              Imidazoline 14 is a competitive adenosine A1 receptor an
12 atment of cancer cells with the noncytotoxic imidazoline 1d (10 nM) resulted in a significant increas
13                Our results indicate that the imidazoline 1d modulates the pro-survival NF-kappaB path
14 sation chemistry of pyrroline 1 (X = CH(2)), imidazoline 2 (X = NH), and 2-oxazoline 3 (X = O).
15 ynthesized 2-[(5-methylbenz-1-ox-4-azin-6-yl)imidazoline, 3, a potent, peripherally acting alpha 2 ad
16 7,10-tetraazacyclododecane, 1) utilizing bis-imidazoline, 6 (1,1'-ethylenedi-2-imidazoline), with 1,2
17  is replaced by an appropriately substituted imidazoline, a 1,2,4- or 1,3,4-oxadiazole, or an alkylat
18 ll as for other phenethylamines, but not for imidazolines, a class of structurally distinct alpha ago
19 ,5,6-tetrahydropyrimidine, H(2)bim = 2,2'-bi-imidazoline, acac = 2,4-pentandionato, py-imH = 2-(2'-py
20  is generated in response to the putative I1-imidazoline agonist moxonidine.
21  observed with catecholamines, azepines, and imidazolines albeit to different degrees.
22 pletely blocked by pretreatment with the non-imidazoline alpha(2)AR-antagonist, SKF86466 (0.5 or 1.0
23 evious report that the 2-(substituted-benzyl)imidazoline alpha-adrenergic agonist oxymetazoline (8) b
24 as prevented by idazoxan (5 mg/kg, i.p.), an imidazoline/alpha(2)-adrenoeceptor receptor antagonist.
25  in addition to effects on the KATP channel, imidazolines also interact with a more distal component
26                                     A methyl imidazoline and a dimethylamide are good alternatives fo
27 thus has structural similarity to ligands of imidazoline and alpha-2 adrenoceptors (alpha-2 AR).
28              Idazoxan, a mixed antagonist of imidazoline and alpha-2 adrenoceptors, partly inhibited
29 ated NO production and could be inhibited by imidazoline and alpha-2 AR antagonists, thus indicating
30 operties of the series of 2,2,5,5-tetraalkyl imidazoline and imidazolidine nitroxides were investigat
31  Union of Pharmacology), includes imidazole, imidazoline, and related compounds.
32 s, and activated olefins to form oxazolines, imidazolines, and pyrrolines, respectively.
33                              Novel tricyclic imidazoline antagonists of the adenosine A1 receptor are
34              Due to the variety of available imidazoline-based precursors to this ligand, its steric
35 hesis and biological activity of a series of imidazoline-based scaffolds as potent inhibitors of NF-k
36                                          The imidazoline binding domain is encompassed within a regio
37                         Identification of an imidazoline binding domain on MAO-B provides a new oppor
38                              To localize the imidazoline binding domain on MAO-B, we labeled the doma
39 immunoprecipitation of labeled peptides, the imidazoline binding domain was localized to residues K14
40 entified B-CK to be the approximately 45 kDa imidazoline binding protein and we have demonstrated the
41 port the isolation of a approximately 45 kDa imidazoline binding protein from rabbit and rat brain us
42 uencing of the isolated approximately 45 kDa imidazoline binding protein, we identified it to be brai
43                           Drugs that bind to imidazoline binding proteins have major physiological ac
44 ntly identified as a member of the family of imidazoline binding proteins.
45 opment of a PET radioligand selective for I2-imidazoline binding sites (I2BS) would enable, for the f
46                            The I1-subtype of imidazoline binding sites has been characterized concern
47       Pheochromocytoma PC12 cells express I1-imidazoline binding sites in plasma membrane and lack al
48 nomolar) affinity for both type 1 and type 2 imidazoline binding sites, and the synthetic standards w
49 he structure of the endogenous ligand(s) for imidazoline binding sites, clonidine-displacing substanc
50 as developed to preferentially interact with imidazoline binding sites, it requires the alpha(2A)-AR
51 tudy based on 2-[3-azaspiro(5,5)undecanol]-2-imidazoline (BL-1743) was initiated.
52                                            ["Imidazoline," by consensus (International Union of Pharm
53                       In particular, for the imidazoline catalyst, the (+)ESI-MS/(MS) detection of th
54  we observed effects that indicated that the imidazoline class of p38 MAPK inhibitors prevented nucle
55 , an alpha1-adrenoceptor (AR) agonist of the imidazoline class.
56 lectron transfer (PCET) reactions in iron bi-imidazoline complexes is presented.
57             Moxonidine is a centrally-active imidazoline compound with preferential affinity for imid
58 ucose, the sulfonylurea tolbutamide, and the imidazoline compounds efaroxan and phentolamine.
59  by scientists at Hoffmann-La Roche that cis-imidazolines could disrupt the protein-protein interacti
60                            Initially, potent imidazoline derivatives were studied, but these compound
61 er different conditions to yield aminoether, imidazoline, diamine and amino bromine.
62 te) and FeII(H2bim) (iron(II) tris[2,2'-bi-2-imidazoline]diperchlorate) both transfer H* to TEMPO (2,
63 AA-RP acts at I-Rs, and because few (if any) imidazolines exist in vivo, we have adopted the term "im
64 e with Asp189 in the S1 pocket and the basic imidazoline fits snugly into the S4 site.
65  bond with the formation of acetophenone and imidazoline fragments.
66  Additionally, a base-catalyzed formation of imidazolines from a nitrile and ethylenediamine was also
67  sequences with hydrogen bonds involving one imidazoline group and the carbazole NH.
68 s in a more "classical" model that uses both imidazoline groups for H-bonding while the carbazole NH
69 ither the 3,6 or 2,7 positions with cationic imidazoline groups gave conclusive, but very surprising,
70 the potential pharmacological development of imidazoline/guanidinium compounds and also presents addi
71           Chiral nonracemic cis-4,5-bis(aryl)imidazolines have emerged as a powerful platform for the
72                                              Imidazolines have wild-type potencies and intrinsic acti
73 ds for the enantioselective synthesis of cis-imidazolines, however, has limited their more general us
74 002 HCl (2-[2-(2-Methoxy-1,4-benzodioxanyl)] imidazoline hydrochloride; 0.25 mg/kg, i.v.).
75                                Targeting the imidazoline I(2) receptor emerges as a new mechanism of
76          This study examined whether a novel imidazoline I(2) receptor ligand CR4056 could serve as a
77 ey all share low micromolar affinity for the imidazoline I(2) receptor, while being devoid of any sig
78 al specificity and appears to be mediated by imidazoline I(2) receptors.
79                                              Imidazoline (I) receptors have been implicated in the re
80                    Changes in the density of imidazoline-I(2) binding sites have been observed in a r
81  olefin in MeCN at room temperature produced imidazoline in high yield.
82 es, and 2) a further analysis of the role of imidazolines in the control of insulin release.
83 es, and diamines provides access to 2-aryl-2-imidazolines in yields up to 96%.
84 sed to prepare a wide variety of enantiopure imidazolines, in a modular fashion, from readily availab
85 aroxan or phentolamine selectively inhibited imidazoline-induced insulin secretion but not the secret
86 yme-bound structure of ZK-816042, an amidine-imidazoline inhibitor of human factor Xa (FXa).
87 equent proton migrations in zwitterionic His imidazoline intermediates that reform the COOH group and
88 egioselective N-arylation of a 4-substituted imidazoline is reported.
89 e one-pot synthesis of tetrafunctionalized 2-imidazolines is described.
90  The first copper-catalyzed N-arylation of 2-imidazolines is described.
91 enry strategy for preparing nonsymmetric cis-imidazolines is illustrated by a comparison of the roles
92 eparation of enantiopure 1,4-disubstituted 2-imidazolines is reported.
93 ed methamphetamine, ketamine, the endogenous imidazoline ligand agmatine, the monoamine oxidase (MAO)
94      We studied the effect of moxonidine, an imidazoline ligand, on metabolic and hemodynamic paramet
95 d amine derivatives, using a new pyridinebis(imidazoline) ligand, a copper catalyst and base.
96 drenergic receptors, which recognize many I1-imidazoline ligands.
97 om 1a undergoes spontaneous isomerization by imidazoline N-H migration, re-forming the COOH group and
98          An approach to the synthesis of new imidazoline nitroxides bearing an N',N'-disubstituted am
99 r 4- and 5-azido analogues; imidazolidine, 4-imidazoline or 4-thiazoline; and N-unsubstituted imine,
100 ocked by the NO scavenger phenyl-tetramethyl-imidazoline-oxyl-oxide as well as by the PKC inhibitor s
101 ain on MAO-B, we labeled the domain with the imidazoline photoaffinity adduct [125I]2-(3-azido-4-iodo
102 ions of 3-trichloromethyl and dichloromethyl imidazoline products (16 examples).
103 on of access to cis-stilbene diamine-derived imidazolines provided by this platform should streamline
104 H group onto the His imidazole ring, forming imidazoline radical intermediates.
105 onors wherein the active doping species, the imidazoline radical, is generated in a postdeposition th
106                 Efaroxan, like several other imidazoline reagents, elicits a glucose-dependent increa
107 ), the H2 histamine receptor antagonist with imidazoline receptor activating properties, prevented th
108 ipating in the physiological responses to I1-imidazoline receptor activation.
109 ha2-AR) agonist guanabenz, but not by the Ih-imidazoline receptor agonists moxonidine or rilmenidine.
110                                Nischarin, or imidazoline receptor antisera-selected protein, is a pro
111  contrast, pretreatment with the specific I1 imidazoline receptor blocker, efaroxan (100-500 microg;
112 ion, i.c.v. or i.v. pretreatment with the I1-imidazoline receptor blocker, efaroxan, failed to inhibi
113                  We hypothesized that the I1-imidazoline receptor couples to a phosphatidylcholine-se
114                       Desensitization of the imidazoline receptor following exposure to high concentr
115 te signal transduction pathways for the I(1)-imidazoline receptor in PC12 cells and their interaction
116                                       The I1-imidazoline receptor is expressed in the rostral ventrol
117                             In addition, the imidazoline receptor ligands, BU-226 and AGN-192403 did
118 vous system with a polyclonal antibody to an imidazoline receptor protein (IRP) with binding characte
119                      Stimulation of the I(1)-imidazoline receptor with moxonidine, a centrally acting
120 line compound with preferential affinity for imidazoline receptors (IR) over alpha(2)-adrenoceptors (
121 e cross-reactivity of alpha2AR agonists with imidazoline receptors has precluded an understanding of
122                                     Putative imidazoline receptors have a unique distribution pattern
123 rgic receptors, but not via activation of I1-imidazoline receptors in conscious cats.
124 ated through activation of the I1 subtype of imidazoline receptors in conscious cats.
125                 Binding of idazoxan (IDA) to imidazoline receptors of the I2 subtype in astrocytes in
126 ity and selectivity of some compounds for I1 imidazoline receptors over alpha2-adreergic receptors.
127        These findings suggest coupling of I1-imidazoline receptors to a phospholipase C to generate D
128 nd tested for their binding properties on I1 imidazoline receptors vs alpha2-adrenergic receptors and
129 ine is known to bind to alpha-adrenergic and imidazoline receptors, it has been suggested that some o
130 receptors and not through H2-histamine or I1-imidazoline receptors.
131 yperthermic effect of morphine by activating imidazoline receptors.
132 by patients treated with clonidine and other imidazoline-related drugs.
133 tionic charge density into the five-membered imidazoline ring.
134 s with a distribution of orientations of the imidazoline ring.
135          As anticipated, the naphthalene and imidazoline rings of PIN-acac complexes 18a and 18b were
136                                          The imidazoline site agonists, agmatine (150mg/kg, i.p.) and
137 ha(2)-adrenoceptor agonists does not involve imidazoline sites but rather the activation of alpha(2)-
138 gnificantly from planarity and projected the imidazoline substituents R(1) and R(2) on opposite faces
139 ation of P53 in tumor cells by Nutlin, a cis-imidazoline that inhibits the Hdm2-P53 interaction.
140 to prepare highly substituted cis-4,5-diaryl imidazolines that project unique aromatic rings, and the
141 nd, BL-1743 (2-[3-azaspiro (5,5)undecanol]-2-imidazoline), that inhibits influenza virus growth was i
142 CF(3)) in combination with an imidazolidine, imidazoline, thiazolidine, or thiazoline heterocycle.
143 e complexes were photolyzed with N-protected imidazolines to give protected azapenams.
144  residues are involved in the binding of all imidazoline-type agonists such as oxymetazoline, cirazol
145 alkyl group derives from the substrate; this imidazoline undergoes further reaction in situ to afford
146 hloroethylamidines, which are converted into imidazolines upon workup with aqueous hydroxide.
147                  The mechanisms of action of imidazolines were examined in more detail.
148    A series of 2'-alkylthio-2-(anilinomethyl)imidazolines were prepared to examine the effect of the
149          A catalytic asymmetric synthesis of imidazolines with a fully substituted beta-carbon atom b
150                             N-Arylation of 2-imidazolines with arylboronic acids promoted by copper(I
151 iamagnetic 4-R-amino-1,2,2,5,5-pentamethyl-3-imidazolines with bromoacetic acid ethyl ester; the prod
152 lizing bis-imidazoline, 6 (1,1'-ethylenedi-2-imidazoline), with 1,2-dibromoethane.

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