


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 receptors and not through H2-histamine or I1-imidazoline receptors.
2 yperthermic effect of morphine by activating imidazoline receptors.
3 ), the H2 histamine receptor antagonist with imidazoline receptor activating properties, prevented th
4 ipating in the physiological responses to I1-imidazoline receptor activation.
5 ha2-AR) agonist guanabenz, but not by the Ih-imidazoline receptor agonists moxonidine or rilmenidine.
6                                Nischarin, or imidazoline receptor antisera-selected protein, is a pro
7  contrast, pretreatment with the specific I1 imidazoline receptor blocker, efaroxan (100-500 microg;
8 ion, i.c.v. or i.v. pretreatment with the I1-imidazoline receptor blocker, efaroxan, failed to inhibi
9                  We hypothesized that the I1-imidazoline receptor couples to a phosphatidylcholine-se
10                       Desensitization of the imidazoline receptor following exposure to high concentr
11 e cross-reactivity of alpha2AR agonists with imidazoline receptors has precluded an understanding of
12                                     Putative imidazoline receptors have a unique distribution pattern
13 te signal transduction pathways for the I(1)-imidazoline receptor in PC12 cells and their interaction
14 rgic receptors, but not via activation of I1-imidazoline receptors in conscious cats.
15 ated through activation of the I1 subtype of imidazoline receptors in conscious cats.
16 line compound with preferential affinity for imidazoline receptors (IR) over alpha(2)-adrenoceptors (
17                                       The I1-imidazoline receptor is expressed in the rostral ventrol
18 ine is known to bind to alpha-adrenergic and imidazoline receptors, it has been suggested that some o
19                             In addition, the imidazoline receptor ligands, BU-226 and AGN-192403 did
20                 Binding of idazoxan (IDA) to imidazoline receptors of the I2 subtype in astrocytes in
21 ity and selectivity of some compounds for I1 imidazoline receptors over alpha2-adreergic receptors.
22 vous system with a polyclonal antibody to an imidazoline receptor protein (IRP) with binding characte
23        These findings suggest coupling of I1-imidazoline receptors to a phospholipase C to generate D
24 nd tested for their binding properties on I1 imidazoline receptors vs alpha2-adrenergic receptors and
25                      Stimulation of the I(1)-imidazoline receptor with moxonidine, a centrally acting

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