


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 lly, biologically, physically and culturally immense.
2                           The opportunity is immense.
3 tributable to common neurological disease is immense.
4 umber of potentially accessible materials is immense.
5 , the global burden of this pathogen remains immense.
6 , the global burden of this pathogen remains immense.
7                              As a result, an immense academic attention has focused on the valorisati
8                  Pooling and analysis of the immense amount of data generated by the major carotid en
9                                          The immense amount of data generated in these studies poses
10                                          The immense and growing repositories of transcriptional data
11 ed capabilities for proteome measurements is immense and is now driving both new strategies and instr
12 trial surface, agricultural lands provide an immense and near-term opportunity to address climate cha
13 edicine and the prospects for the future are immense and potentially society changing.
14 ermans to mix.' Interest in the congress was immense and subsequent international congresses (London,
15    The complexities of airway management are immense and though great strides have been made to impro
16 portance of this translational regulation is immense, and affects such processes as cell growth, deve
17  Highly mutable complex pathogens present an immense antigenic diversity that continues to challenge
18  the urine of a patient can be the source of immense anxiety.
19           The consequences of ROS cycling in immense aphotic zones representing key sites of nutrient
20 e of integral membrane proteins within their immense, architecturally complex dendritic arbors.
21 ate about initial human migration across the immense area of East Polynesia has focused upon seafarin
22 cells are critical for the elimination of an immense array of microbial pathogens.
23                                           An immense array of naturally occurring biological systems
24 ity for neuroprotection and drug delivery is immense, as we show in preclinical and proof-of-concept
25 thways that do not occur, are found to be of immense assistance to comprehend the hitherto poorly und
26 assembly of sugar-derived LMWGs has received immense attention because of their propensity to furnish
27    Proton conducting materials have garnered immense attention for their role as electrolytes in fuel
28 bject of topological materials has attracted immense attention in condensed-matter physics because th
29 ynthesis, and not surprisingly have garnered immense attention.
30      Vaccines that have been proven to be of immense benefit in saving lives offer us a new fringe be
31                          Coral reefs support immense biodiversity and provide important ecosystem ser
32 ycosides represent a group of molecules with immense biological applications and implications.
33 or different plants, and characterizing this immense biological chemodiversity is a challenge for est
34 ing isomerization reactions, and are thus of immense biological significance.
35              This capability complements the immense body of steady-state transcript measurements and
36 creased number of periosteal osteoclasts and immense bone loss in wild type mice but not in Tlr2-defi
37                   These chemosensors present immense brightness and fluorescence enhancement (chelati
38 Reactivation of dormant infections causes an immense burden of morbidity and mortality in the world a
39 disease, and cystic fibrosis, which cause an immense burden of morbidity and mortality.
40                       In order to reduce the immense burden of tuberculosis, new vaccines or vaccinat
41  challenge of oxygenating the whole train is immense but has been successfully accomplished.
42 ome, the scale of the project is potentially immense but nevertheless feasible in the context of a pa
43 calving mass loss remains unconstrained, yet immense calving losses have been observed.
44 ntibody variable domains are critical to the immense capacity of the immune repertoire.
45                                     There is immense cellular and molecular heterogeneity in biologic
46 ic responses to these changes constitutes an immense challenge for ecologists.
47                                          The immense challenge of annotating the entire mouse genome
48                                      Despite immense challenges, the country has a sensitive surveill
49 ns to achieve consistent proportions despite immense changes in size.
50 er, such an understanding is hindered by the immense chemical complexity of environmental mixtures of
51 sfully identified and treated, there will be immense clinical benefits, accompanied by cost savings.
52 entifying metastasis-promoting factors is of immense clinical interest, as the prognosis for patients
53 logy is commercially available and given the immense clinical need, clinical trials in this AD treatm
54 etermine the functional beta-cell mass is of immense clinical relevance.
55 gnals that regulate beta-cell function is of immense clinical relevance.
56 ains, we found that NG2-glia are produced as immense clonal clusters whose number of cells is about o
57          We replicate the association in the IMMEnSE cohort including 772 patients, and a University
58     The field of proteomics suffers from the immense complexity of even small proteomes and the enorm
59  connectomes has been a challenge due to the immense complexity of global brain networks.
60 However, this remains challenging due to the immense computational cost of sampling events on biologi
61  levels, probably contributes to the brain's immense computational efficiency.
62 e experimental findings firmly establish the immense computational power of a single neuron, and thus
63 ringency of migration most likely imposes an immense constraint on normal mesenchymal cell mobility i
64 ogenic causes of obesity in humans have made immense contribution toward the understanding of the bra
65           Studies of budding yeast have made immense contributions to this progress.
66 lular pathogens is generally accomplished by immense CTL expansion and activation, which can destroy
67 tolerance was among these and has engendered immense curiosity over the years.
68  carbon at globally significant rates in the immense dark ocean.
69        In this work we analyze a part of the immense data set, in particular radiocesium contaminatio
70               The study also illustrates the immense diagnostic progress since the first regional sur
71 s, vaccines, and therapeutics contributes to immense disease burden.
72                                          The immense diversity coupled with differential clinical eff
73                                      We find immense diversity of both haploid and diploid gene forms
74 ding the key structures and behaviors in the immense diversity of carbon allotropes.
75                Evidence is mounting that the immense diversity of microorganisms and animals that liv
76                                  Despite the immense diversity of papillomavirus types, our understan
77                                          The immense diversity of resistance genes in the human micro
78    Our observations provide insight into the immense diversity of targets utilized by YopJ-like effec
79                                          The immense diversity of Ub substrates, as well as the compl
80                      Our findings bridge the immense divide between the temporal resolutions of these
81                            There has been an immense drive in modern microscopy towards miniaturizati
82 nter (WTC) on September 11, 2001, created an immense dust cloud followed by fires that emitted soot i
83 ularly prone to eutrophication, which causes immense ecological and economic problems.
84 ibbean and western Atlantic, resulting in an immense ecological damage.
85 lination by insects, an ecosystem service of immense economic and conservation importance, depends on
86 tural gas to liquids (Bio-GTL) represents an immense economic opportunity.
87 st popular caffeine-containing beverage with immense economic, medicinal, and cultural importance.
88                                     However, immense efforts have been undertaken to further the unde
89                               In contrast to immense efforts to block the signaling of cancer progres
90 s possess a duplicated lobe structure due to immense elaboration of the processes of class III Kenyon
91       Pulsar systems accelerate particles to immense energies.
92 y, unless this one solution so dominates the immense ensemble of all solutions that its probability i
93 ence, the space of tertiary conformations is immense; existing methods to identify native-like confor
94                                          The immense expansion and specialization of the immune syste
95 oor of the mouth into the cavum ventrale, an immense fascial pocket between the body wall and overlyi
96 etric ligand-receptor binding into a new and immense field of applications: the interaction of solute
97 ined by a few occasional droughts triggering immense fires.
98 /hybridization of carbon is hence a topic of immense fundamental and technological interest.
99           Gram-positive pathogens exhibit an immense genetic repertoire to adapt and develop resistan
100  unknown functions (ORFans) encoded by their immense genetic repertoire.
101                   Instead, the bulk of these immense genomes is composed of highly heterogeneous, rel
102 d on the observation that, although there is immense genomic variation, every infective virion is res
103 alignant, and ischemic disorders, remains an immense health burden despite new molecular therapies.
104 g shortfalls to antimicrobial resistance and immense health inequities.
105                   Stem cell therapy provides immense hope for regenerating the pathological heart, ye
106 gies are in phase 2 and 3 studies, providing immense hope that better treatment will be imminently an
107                Gene therapy (GT) has offered immense hope to individuals who are visually impaired be
108 acilitated by the temporary grounding of two immense icebergs that (i) erected a veritable fence sepa
109                                  HIV-1 poses immense immunological challenges to the humoral immune r
110 ion in humans and other mammals, showing the immense impact of cadherins on normal as well as pathoge
111          Yet, many studies have revealed the immense impact of ocular misalignment on psychosocial va
112      High throughput technology is having an immense impact on biological research and one of the maj
113                    This technique has had an immense impact on biomedical research over the past two
114 ar and cellular processes of vision may have immense impact on research and clinical diagnostics.
115 in the EIC construction process and can have immense impact on the detection of EIC peaks.
116 ule to a biological macromolecule, which has immense implications in drug development.
117 o-date knowledge in the field and review the immense implications that this global infection has for
118 e vectors of parasitic and viral diseases of immense importance for public health.
119                       This discovery has had immense importance for the understanding, diagnosis, and
120                                Despite their immense importance in neurobiology, glia remain understu
121 gard to neuronal Cl- regulation, despite its immense importance in the generation of inhibitory synap
122  dependence in population growth rates is of immense importance to ecological theory and application,
123                                   Due to its immense importance, the present review has been formulat
124 the Eliashberg function of a material, is of immense importance.
125 on of this gene within the human brain is of immense importance.
126 h the burden of IC on the American public is immense in both human and financial terms, there is no c
127 lly known to be an insulator could induce an immense increase in the selective photo-oxidation of dif
128                                          The immense intercellular and intracellular heterogeneity of
129             Li-rich oxides continue to be of immense interest as potential next generation Li-ion bat
130       C-di-GMP, in particular, has attracted immense interest because it is found in many bacteria an
131 ishmania major infection in mice has been of immense interest because it was among the first models t
132 ffinity in protein-ligand interaction are of immense interest because of obvious practical applicatio
133 ces of magnetically active materials attract immense interest because of the idea of exploiting fermi
134 involving turn on/off principles have gained immense interest due to their specificity and sensitivit
135 ed bimetallic nanoparticles are currently of immense interest due to their unique electronic, optical
136 -catalytic events by using nano-probes is of immense interest due to unique optical properties of met
137                                  As such, an immense interest exists for the development of therapies
138 lly precise copper nanoclusters (NCs) are of immense interest for a variety of applications, but have
139 rbohydrate display on the cell surface is of immense interest for diagnosis and therapy.
140 success of cancer immunotherapy has produced immense interest in defining the clinical contexts that
141 as pharmaceutical targets, there has been an immense interest in developing therapeutic monoclonal an
142 targets for cancer drug discovery, prompting immense interest in epigenetic-focused, medicinal chemis
143 orated the causal debate of MS and generated immense interest in the patient and scientific communiti
144                Recent research has witnessed immense interest in the use of recombinant enzymatic met
145                                      Despite immense interest in using antimalarials as autophagy inh
146                                Despite their immense interest, no simple method exists to gain insigh
147                                      Despite immense interest, the mechanism by which the 2 enzymes e
148  and transfection of cells has recently seen immense interest.
149 acyl carbanion processes has been an area of immense interest.
150  the mechanism of collagen degradation is of immense interest.
151 d to tubulin and cause mitotic arrest are of immense interest.
152 basis of such interactions is the subject of immense interest.
153 llow them to chain into complex molecules of immense length.
154 completed within the next few years, despite immense logistic and political difficulties, and may ult
155                      The solar wind blows an immense magnetic bubble, the heliosphere, in the local i
156 t clinical trials have demonstrated that the immense majority of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) p
157                                          The immense majority of genes are alternatively spliced and
158                                  Despite the immense medical implications, the genetic and molecular
159                                  Despite the immense medical importance of amyloid fibrils, no atomic
160                These findings underscore the immense microbial diversity and functional potential tha
161 arch suggests that these environments harbor immense microbial diversity.
162                                          The immense molecular diversity of neurons challenges our ab
163 on is a complex, multiscalar phenomenon with immense moral and economic costs.
164 g model systems for epigenetics due to their immense morphological and behavioral plasticity.
165 ker data, especially sequence data, imply an immense multiple testing burden.
166 integrated multi-omics and immunity PCA - an immense national resource to interrogate, target, and in
167                               Harnessing the immense natural diversity of biological functions for ec
168 adily toward clinical trials, spurred by the immense need to find reparative therapeutics for central
169               The brain vasculature forms an immense network such that most neural cells are in conta
170              Plant roots are colonized by an immense number of microbes, referred to as the root micr
171                                           An immense number of post-translational modifications on hi
172                                 Although the immense number of sequence combinations makes wholly ran
173 ot limited by dispersal as a result of their immense numbers and microscopic size.
174 ions continuously in time and space over the immense ocean areas they inhabit is challenging but esse
175 ntified patient-level research data presents immense opportunities to all stakeholders involved in ca
176 lved problem", while others might argue that immense opportunity remains untapped or simply inaccessi
177 ithin tissues they have colonized has raised immense optimism that these cells may provide functional
178                          Thus, realizing the immense pathologic significance of Bmi-1 in cancer, we w
179              Mammals host gut microbiomes of immense physiological consequence, but the determinants
180  for nitric oxide, an endogenous molecule of immense physiological importance to animals.
181                                          The immense plasticity of bone marrow cells allows them to p
182                    Bacterial chromosomes are immense polymers whose faithful replication and segregat
183 eforms to improve health equity will receive immense popular support, governmental commitment, and in
184 d laparoscopic surgery in urology has gained immense popularity with the daVinci system, but a lot of
185                                              Immense populations of viruses are present in the human
186                      Humans are colonized by immense populations of viruses, which metagenomic analys
187  anti-inflammatory fat cell hormone that has immense potential as a therapeutic target for a multitud
188 es and natural biological processes and have immense potential as novel nanomaterials.
189 g and selective detection devices which hold immense potential as point of care (POC) tools.
190                        VDR ligands also show immense potential as therapeutic agents for autoimmune d
191 ent of resistance in bacteria and hence bear immense potential as therapeutic agents to tackle multid
192       CRISPR-Cas genome-editing methods hold immense potential as therapeutic tools to fix disease-ca
193 mploying aptamers as capture probes, holding immense potential for application in detection of a broa
194                          This strategy holds immense potential for durable patient-specific tissue-en
195  walls (DWs) above room temperature provides immense potential for exploitation of their DW motion in
196 axis-related alkane bioaccumulation, and has immense potential for fast and high-throughput screening
197                               TOF-SIMS holds immense potential for investigating the subcellular mech
198      Together, these results demonstrate the immense potential for reassortment to generate viral div
199 Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) offer immense potential for regenerative medicine and studies
200                           The field also has immense potential for the development of medical treatme
201 mergence of functional metadevices has shown immense potential for the practical realization of highl
202 tically engineered cells into the CNS offers immense potential for the treatment of several neurologi
203 ided by emerging stem cell technology, holds immense potential for the treatment of valvular heart di
204 ization, and application of Adipogel provide immense potential for tissue engineering and regenerativ
205  powerful gene silencing technology that has immense potential for treating a vast array of human ail
206 pid membrane-embedded nanochannel system has immense potential nanotechnological and biomedical appli
207                   Our findings highlight the immense potential of dynamical models, mathematics, and
208 oaches to development challenges, and by the immense potential of innovation and new technologies to
209                               To realize the immense potential of large-scale genomic sequencing afte
210 eous catalytic processes and demonstrate the immense potential of novel nonlinear spectromicroscopies
211                     Our findings demonstrate immense potential of this device for automated breast tu
212 is investigation may be key to realizing the immense potential of widely pursued nanocomposites.
213              Cave animals are one group with immense potential to address the mechanisms of evolution
214                     Thus, SEGA (3a) bears an immense potential to be a novel gastroprotective agent a
215 sults indicate that the developed sensor has immense potential to be used as accurate online Hg(0) va
216 mat with appropriate polymeric carriers have immense potential to become an RNAi-based platform suita
217                          The method has thus immense potential to develop as rapid, selective, simple
218 id perovskite multijunction solar cells have immense potential to realize power conversion efficienci
219                            CRISPR/Cas9 holds immense potential to treat a range of genetic disorders.
220                                Despite their immense potential, the ability to control the dispersion
221 approach for glycan structural analysis with immense potential.
222 ution molecular genetic analysis would be of immense practical application in the study of human dise
223                         However, despite the immense practical importance of fibre-optic communicatio
224  frameworks and mesostructured oxides are of immense practical utility for gas storage, separations a
225                      In addition to being of immense practical utility, the ability to evolve protein
226                          In recent years, an immense progress has been made in understanding the link
227                                      Despite immense progress in antiretroviral therapy (ART) scale-u
228                                      Despite immense progress in our understanding of the structure-f
229 cades of neuroscience research have produced immense progress in the methods available to understand
230 n that remains robust today and has inspired immense progress in understanding how natural selection
231               The demonstrations show SWNTs' immense promise as a low-cost and scalable TFT technolog
232                                Thus, SIP has immense promise for discovering microorganisms responsib
233  and versatile genome-editing tool and holds immense promise for future therapeutic applications.
234 This proof of concept developed herein holds immense promise for the ability to regulate gene activit
235                        These data reveal the immense promise of in situ albumin targeting for develop
236                        This result shows the immense promise of nanofiber supported thin-film composi
237 es represent major global health problems of immense proportion.
238 nstitutes a personal and societal tragedy of immense proportions.
239 talline Zeo-GO for detection of ketamine has immense prospective for field-testing platforms.
240 loviruses, Ebola and Marburg, usually garner immense public attention, often with a sensationalist be
241 ental to the health of the individual and an immense public health and economic burden.
242                 Tuberculosis (TB) remains an immense public health problem in the Republic of Korea d
243 nt polysaccharide on Earth and represents an immense quantity of stored energy for biofuel production
244                   However, how and when this immense radiation of animals originated is unclear.
245     For a process intimately connected to an immense range of physiological processes, the molecular
246 ovide a novel cell-free system that uses the immense regenerative power of ES cells while avoiding th
247  Although protein adsorption on solids is of immense relevance, experimental limitations mean there i
248 ithania somnifera (Ws), a medicinal plant of immense repute known to synthesize a large array of biol
249                                              Immense research work is going on for detection of molec
250  bacterial genome sequences have revealed an immense reservoir of biosynthetic gene clusters, sets of
251       To date, only a small fraction of this immense resource has been characterized because of the d
252                                    Given the immense risk posed by widespread environmental pollution
253 uch as Brucella spp. in dairy products is an immense risk to public health.
254 tion factor binding sites; all of which play immense roles in global gene expression regulation.
255               Metallic nanostructures are of immense scientific interest owing to unexpectedly strong
256                                  Despite the immense sequence diversity among OSS cell piRNAs, our an
257 ral response, a property consistent with the immense sequence variation noted for NSP1 proteins.
258 s with liver microsomes is suggested to have immense significance in the design of one-step, green bi
259                                  Despite the immense significance retrotransposons have had for genom
260                                    Given the immense size and complexity of eukaryotic genomes, this
261                                        Their immense size and intricate geometry pose many unique cel
262 omprehensive proteomic profiling include the immense size and structural heterogeneity of the proteom
263  millions of deaths annually, and present an immense social and economic burden.
264                                          The immense social and economic impact of bacterial pathogen
265  human-like emotions is controversial and of immense societal concern [1-3].
266 ellular parasites of humans and animals with immense socio-economic and health impacts.
267 information that systematically explores the immense space of small structural elements and reveals m
268 es of these 'hot Jupiters' are heated by the immense stellar irradiation.
269 as concentrations as permafrost thaw exposes immense stores of frozen carbon (C) to microbial decompo
270                                      Because immense structural and electrostatic diversity at a sing
271 amily have an essential role in creating the immense structural diversity of triterpenoids across the
272 ma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum inflict immense suffering as agents of human schistosomiasis.
273                        It creates, within an immense swath of river corridor well upstream of the SFB
274 c complexity in eukaryotes ushered in by the immense technological advances in high-throughput sequen
275             Plant synthetic biology promises immense technological benefits, including the potential
276 olloid composites, an important challenge of immense technological relevance.
277 th huMIF and plasmodial MIF, thus bearing an immense therapeutic potential against proinflammatory re
278                               To address the immense therapeutic potential of miRNAs and their antago
279                                  Despite the immense therapeutic value of this biosynthetic pathway,
280 al benefits of native ecosystems are clearly immense, they remain largely unquantified for all but a
281  pharmaceutical companies alike have devoted immense time and capital into the design of nanocarriers
282 ability of early neural arrangements over an immense time span.
283 isolates have not yet been obtained, have an immense, untapped reservoir of enzymes that could help a
284 including Caenorhabditis elegans has been of immense use in identifying nonredundant components of co
285                                  Despite its immense value and in contrast to transcriptomics, only a
286                                  Sorghum has immense value as a staple food item for humans in Africa
287 atasets under identical conditions can be of immense value both to biomedical researchers and clinici
288 inst profiles of several proteins would have immense value in drug discovery.
289 are examples where single-cell cloning is of immense value.
290                                      Despite immense variability across languages, people can learn t
291                           Humans perceive an immense variety of chemicals as having distinct odors.
292 at in its structural diversity parallels the immense variety of structural options available for poly
293 nses is the ability to discriminate among an immense variety of substances by means of antibodies (Ab
294                                           An immense variety of sugars and glycosidic linkages leads
295               Providing high sensitivity and immense versatility while being minimally perturbing to
296                                          The immense volume and rapid growth of human genomic data, e
297 subsequent osteoporosis and fracture risk is immense with potential far-reaching effects in patient q
298 unities: if they exist, the implications are immense with regard to understanding subsurface environm
299 technology is still at its toddler stage and immense works are still in progress to increase the volu
300 cs by the addition of sugars may explain the immense, yet tightly regulated, variability of the remod

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