


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 se cells have dynein arms, some cilia remain immotile.
2 eas the remaining molecules were essentially immotile.
3  most cilia (92-98%) in the otic vesicle are immotile.
4  and hermaphrodite sperm lacking GSP-3/4 are immotile.
5 CK is 6.7, an internal pH at which sperm are immotile.
6  germ cells, are infertile, as the sperm are immotile.
7 ll as peripheral focal adhesions, and become immotile.
8 onocilia on mutant embryonic node cells were immotile.
9 e glycylation sites on beta-tubulin produces immotile 9 + 0 axonemes and inhibits cytokinesis.
10 sicles exhibit an increased tendency to form immotile aggregates during transport.
11 tant mice are viable but male sterile due to immotile and structurally defective sperm.
12 sts have for many decades described singular immotile appendages known as primary cilia to be present
13                The fliM and fliN mutants are immotile at normal expression levels but become motile w
14 he local flow around it is Gaussian-like for immotile bacteria, wild-type cells exhibit anomalous non
15 ype Chlamydomonas flagella in vivo, rendered immotile by vanadate, to be EI = 840 +/- 280 pNmum(2) an
16                   By comparing wild-type and immotile cells embedded in a dense wild-type swarm, the
17 f physiological changes in optically trapped immotile Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHOs) and motile h
18    The research investigates the role of the immotile chondrocytic primary cilium in the growth plate
19  the ratio of motile cilia at the expense of immotile cilia and produces a laterality defect reminisc
20 iated with cells possessing either motile or immotile cilia and sperm.
21 otile cilia, and leads to an accumulation of immotile cilia at the anterior half of the KV.
22 llular domain (NICD) increases the number of immotile cilia at the expense of motile cilia, and leads
23 hing an essential balance between motile and immotile cilia at the left-right organizer to determine
24 spatial distribution and ratio of motile and immotile cilia at the left-right organizer.
25         The two-cilia hypothesis argues that immotile cilia detect and respond to this flow through a
26  in mosaic organizers composed of motile and immotile cilia generated by dnah7 knockdowns.
27          Our results show that the number of immotile cilia is too small to ensure robust left and ri
28  locomotion by motile cilia, both motile and immotile cilia serve as signaling platforms for the cell
29             Although assigning a function to immotile cilia was a challenge not so long ago, the myri
30 able of identifying the number of motile and immotile cilia, we now established that the final number
31 mplete absence of ciliary ODAs, resulting in immotile cilia.
32 ng a ciliary ultrastructural abnormality and immotile cilia.
33                        These neutrophils are immotile, defective in actin polymerization in response
34 sing from single functional IP3Rs are almost immotile (diffusion coefficient<0.003 microm2 s(-1)), as
35 rved cellular program that allows polarized, immotile epithelial cells to convert to motile mesenchym
36                    These mutants have short, immotile flagella with deficiencies in radial spokes, in
37 ude that stable clusters of small numbers of immotile IP3Rs may underlie local Ca(2+) release sites,
38 nges in overall motility or in clustering of immotile IP3Rs were apparent following activation of IP3
39                            A fraction of the immotile IP3Rs were organized in clusters, with dimensio
40 ad also induces bidirectional stepping of an immotile kinesin that lacks its mechanical element (neck
41             The axonemes of motile cilia and immotile kinocilia contain 9 peripheral microtubule doub
42 ized by the crystallization of otoliths onto immotile kinocilia that protrude from sensory "hair" cel
43 generated by motile cilia and is detected by immotile mechanosensory cilia, activating an asymmetric
44           Surprisingly, the presence of this immotile Merlin mutant also inhibited trafficking of the
45 ) mutant was identified as one of a group of immotile mutants in the 1996 Tubingen genetic screen.
46 mplete genome sequences for other motile and immotile mycoplasmas enabled us to use comparative genom
47 cs, which mirror the clustered morphology of immotile natural isolates found in the cystic fibrosis l
48                    Consistently, we observed immotile nodal cilia and missing leftward flow via parti
49 nce leads to the development of a malformed, immotile, non-infectious ookinete with an extended apica
50 ents, the adjacent LCs in ear pinna remained immotile over a 48-hr period of observation.
51 mbranes of all eukaryotic motile (9 + 2) and immotile primary (9 + 0) cilia harbor channels and recep
52 a generate leftward flow that is detected by immotile sensory cilia, which transduce flow into downst
53 ved from strain 81116 that is flagellate but immotile showed the strong AAG exhibited by the parent s
54 ctive system unique to flowering plants, two immotile sperm are delivered to an ovule by a pollen tub
55                         In flowering plants, immotile sperm cells develop within the pollen grain and
56 quires the growth of pollen tubes to deliver immotile sperm for fertilization.
57 the formation of bundles, or aflagellate and immotile sperm have evolved independently in several gro
58                                              Immotile sperm were activated to swim (86-90% motility)
59 flies are viable but male sterile, producing immotile sperm whose axonemes are deficient in the centr
60  those backcross males with motile sperm and immotile sperm, but no significant differential gene exp
61 s with motile sperm and backcross males with immotile sperm.
62 and GNAT3 is compromised, with malformed and immotile sperm.
63 roprioception deficits, and sterility due to immotile sperm.
64 round: motile sperm, no sperm (sterile), and immotile sperm.
65 c(T)-null mice contained a greater number of immotile spermatozoa than did samples from control mice,
66 ation of the same frames permits counting of immotile sperms.
67  motile, cylindrical slug transforms into an immotile, stalked fruiting body and the constituent cell
68 m maturation, and in maintaining sperm in an immotile state in the epididymis and vas deferens (2,4-6
69                                We engineered immotile strains of the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescen
70                                              Immotile, tailless sperm that physically lacked dynein A
71 t at the otic vesicle poles, surrounding the immotile tether cilia.
72 ti-OMV IgG renders Vibrio cholerae organisms immotile, thus they pass through the small intestine wit
73                            A comparison with immotile trypanosomes demonstrates that self-propulsion
74  Clupea pallasi, are unique in that they are immotile upon spawning in the environment.

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