


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                     Maternal immune activation (MIA) via infection during pregnancy i
2 es (ovarian development after queen loss and immune activation after pathogen exposure).
3 xp3(+) Treg functions result in uncontrolled immune activation and autoimmunity.
4 ammatory disease resulting from dysregulated immune activation associated with a large local secretio
5               Our results suggested that the immune activation caused by ZIKV infection in the uterin
6                  Heightened inflammation and immune activation in HIV-1+ infants did not alter IgA re
7 his study, we asked whether combining innate immune activation in the brain with concurrent Abeta sup
8                                      Genital immune activation is suspected to modulate local human i
9 mmunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease, chronic immune activation leads to T-cell exhaustion.
10  with HIV viremia, CD4(+) T-cell counts, and immune activation markers, suggesting their pathogenic i
11  soluble CD14 in plasma, a marker of chronic immune activation.
12 ctively prevented by combination with T-cell immune agonist immunotherapies resulting in superior the
13                                          The immune and autoimmune responses that characterize IgAN i
14 two receptors, C5aR1 and C5aR2, expressed on immune and bone cells.
15 elial cells (13) , and still others detected immune and epithelial cells (14-16) .
16           HFD markedly induced expression of immune and inflammatory genes, which was not attenuated
17 lations, and cytokine levels, and identifies immune and metabolic correlates of vaccine immunity.
18 underwritten by stable epigenetic changes in immune and metabolic pathways.
19 athogenesis of Crohn's disease (CD) involves immune and microbial dysregulation, induced by environme
20 icrobiome research in relation to neuro(auto)immune and neurodegenerative conditions affecting humans
21 of the complexity of the genetic, microbial, immune, and environmental factors that affect risk for C
22 lthy older individual or after recovery from immune aplastic anemia, is uncertain.
23 ant and support the further investigation of immune-based therapies for this cancer.
24  immune mediation and has been responsive to immune-based therapies; in addition to early cytokine th
25           This phenomenon may play a role in immune cartilage destruction; however, the mechanisms of
26                                              Immune cell activation stimulates neuronal circuits that
27 nscriptional programs that are a hallmark of immune cell activation.
28  and inflammatory responses and affected the immune cell content of the spleen and liver.
29  assays, hRETNTg(+)Tlr4(-/-) mice, and human immune cell culture, we demonstrate that hRetn binds the
30 immune gene expression profile and decreased immune cell infiltration in an intradermal model of infe
31 nflammation, a hallmark of obesity, involves immune cell infiltration into expanding adipose tissue.
32 ment of interstitial fibrosis, and prevented immune cell infiltration.
33 oxygen, energetics, and redox homeostasis in immune cell metabolism, and how these factors are reflec
34 ging, the function of Roquin was examined in immune cell subsets in the absence of autoimmune complic
35 r time-dependent phenotypic changes in blood immune cell subsets that occur following trauma, includi
36          When tested for expression in other immune cell subsets, MOSPD2 was apparent also, though le
37 lays a key role in tissue fluid homeostasis, immune cell trafficking, and fat absorption.
38                  Together, our data position immune cell-derived complement production and autocrine/
39  By cDNA library screening, we identified an immune cell-specific, co-stimulatory receptor B7.2 (CD86
40    Some studies detected infected intestinal immune cells (8-12) , other studies detected epithelial
41 oles in directing the development of diverse immune cells and controlling the dynamic transcriptional
42 lncRNAs in the development and activation of immune cells and their roles in immune-related diseases.
43 concentration, recovery and purity of airway immune cells from a large volume of diluent, which was n
44 e brain ISF, CSF, CNS-derived molecules, and immune cells from the CNS and meninges to the peripheral
45 t strives to understand the diverse roles of immune cells implicated in atherogenesis.
46 disorder characterized by an accumulation of immune cells in the duodenal mucosa as a consequence of
47                    Macrophages are prominent immune cells in the tumor microenvironment that exert po
48 cination promotes the prevalence of relevant immune cells in tonsillar follicles and support the use
49      By secreting proinflammatory molecules, immune cells may induce myocyte inflammation, adversely
50 lex networks, interactions, and responses of immune cells produce diverse cellular ecosystems compose
51 l immunity such that by young adulthood, all immune cells responding to a foster dam immunogen are th
52 ar the gut mucosa, are the major sites where immune cells traffic and reside.
53 ed systemic inflammation, the recruitment of immune cells, and bone regeneration, resulting in delaye
54 is progression rate, hepatic infiltration of immune cells, IFN-lambda3 expression, and serum sCD163 l
55 els of pro-inflammatory cytokines and innate immune cells.
56 effects of checkpoint blockade immunotherapy.Immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapies can unleash a
57 atment with CDK4/6 inhibitors and PD-1-PD-L1 immune checkpoint blockade to enhance therapeutic effica
58  sarcomas appears inflamed and responsive to immune checkpoint blockade with programmed death 1 (PD-1
59 s analysis revealed major differences in the immune checkpoint expression patterns across tumor types
60 ell apoptosis and upregulation of inhibitory immune checkpoint molecules.
61 he efficacy of adoptive T-cell therapies and immune checkpoint therapies in myelogenous leukemia are
62                                              Immune checkpoint therapies target tumor antigen-specifi
63 gens as potential mediators of resistance to immune checkpoint therapy.
64                                              Immune-checkpoint-blockade (ICB)-mediated rejuvenation o
65 anging effects of AES on innate and adaptive immune compartments.
66 nce is Ag specific, and tolerant mice retain immune competence to respond to unrelated Ags.
67 romised mice developed persistent infection, immune-competent mice cleared the virus within 3 to 5 we
68 ansfer and uptake of allergen-containing IgG immune complexes (Ig-ICs) by gut dendritic cells (DCs).
69 We found that FDCs took up and retained self-immune complexes composed of ribonucleotide proteins, au
70                     Features consistent with immune compromise were also detected, notably elevated n
71                                      Whereas immune-compromised mice developed persistent infection,
72 inst PPP1R1, injected into the tail veins of immune-compromised mice, and followed by noninvasive bio
73                       No toxicity or adverse immune consequences of vector administration are observe
74 atients off-therapy, suggesting the restored immune control observed in MMR and MR(4.5) is not an ent
75  Th cells most likely contributes to loss of immune control of LTBI in HIV-infected individuals, alth
76 an influenza virus infections in humans, the immune correlates of protection for avian influenza vacc
77 /tryptophan (KT) ratio, a marker of adaptive immune defects, strongly predicts mortality during treat
78  ability of sloughing to act as an effective immune defence is species specific, and they have implic
79  of being eliminated by the cell's cytosolic immune defence.
80 te its new role in producing AMPs for innate immune defense.
81                                  The Primary Immune Deficiency Treatment Consortium (PIDTC) is enroll
82 rted as a monogenic cause of common variable immune deficiency with features of immune dysregulation.
83 enhance T-cell survival (eg, vaccination and immune deficiency).
84 nse variants in a gene implicated in primary immune deficiency, PLCG2, and a negative regulator of in
85 omas in individuals with acquired and innate immune disorders and is strongly associated with Hodgkin
86  recurrent infections, as well as associated immune dysregulation manifesting as autoimmunity or alle
87 ore required to inform understanding of such immune dysregulation syndromes.
88 e-derived T cells of patients with CVID with immune dysregulation will offer new therapeutic avenues
89 n, as observed here, may underpin a profound immune dysregulation, setting the stage for disease mani
90  variable immune deficiency with features of immune dysregulation.
91 thway activity assessed ex vivo and improved immune dysregulation.
92                All cloned AHAs could restore immune effector functions to proteolytically generated F
93 tibody-mediated phagocytosis is an important immune effector mechanism against Plasmodium falciparum-
94 we investigate auto-regulation of the innate immune effector protein kinase R, which phosphorylates t
95  in lung cancer progression, acting to drive immune escape via a C3/C5-dependent pathway.Significance
96 virus's high sequence variability leading to immune escape.
97 -risk HPV E7 may contribute to virus-induced immune evasion during HPV persistence.
98 eoplasticity, invasiveness, chemoresistance, immune evasion, and ultimately to poor prognosis of canc
99 onment in nude mice, exhibited signatures of immune evasion, increased stemness, increased calcium si
100 of M. genitalium infection, persistence, and immune evasion.
101 e involvement of complex viral mechanisms of immune evasion.
102 nces between them in polymerase function and immune evasion.
103 tes as key intermediaries between peripheral immune events, neuronal processing, and potentially cogn
104                      Helminth parasites defy immune exclusion through sophisticated evasion mechanism
105                                    Reversing immune exhaustion with an anti-PD-L1 antibody may improv
106 ent motif (PAM) of the target sequence cause immune failure and allow viral escape.
107                              As knowledge of immune function and appreciation of immunodeficiency has
108 enes encoding protein products that regulate immune function or cell adhesion and tumor cell metastas
109 okine signaling and plays important roles in immune function, while abnormal JAK1 activity has been l
110 f several other reflexes regulating discrete immune functions.
111 onstruct reported that caused a muted innate immune gene expression profile and decreased immune cell
112  these intrinsic factors for the majority of immune genes.
113 tients do not respond to initial intravenous immune globulin, and recommendations for additional ther
114 d that it can nonetheless disrupt intestinal immune homeostasis at inductive and effector sites of or
115 or the endocannabinoid system in maintaining immune homeostasis in the gut/pancreas and reveals a con
116 ic reactions supports the role of a specific immune/inflammatory patient profile in the improved resp
117 may help identify and maximize the effect of immune interventions for type 1 diabetes.
118 red with demographics, liver function, basic immune markers, treatment dose, and tumor morphology.
119                        Then, 48 hours later, immune-matched or mismatched stem cells were implanted i
120         Multiple sclerosis (MS) is caused by immune-mediated damage of myelin sheath.
121 ammatory disease of the CNS characterised by immune-mediated destruction of myelin and progressive ne
122 n leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles and common immune-mediated diseases (IMDs).
123 a general mechanism that could contribute to immune-mediated diseases.
124                    Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated disorder characterized by an accumulatio
125  long been understood to have a component of immune mediation and has been responsive to immune-based
126 low potency, inability to generate long-term immune memory and decreased activities against tumour-ce
127 inst HIV-1 acquisition, but the efficacy and immune memory were inadequate.
128 dy also found an inverse association between immune metagene expression and somatic copy number alter
129 L-R signaling in cancer cells can affect the immune microenvironment.
130 rplay between cancer subclones and the local immune microenvironment.
131 indings suggest that multiple distinct tumor immune microenvironments co-exist within a single indivi
132                       Breastfeeding may have immune modulatory effects that influence the development
133 d hormones with potent anti-inflammatory and immune modulatory profiles.
134 llel with development of novel antiviral and immune modulatory therapies such that approval of new tr
135 Two crystal structures of Japanin, an 18 kDa immune-modulatory lipocalin from the Brown Ear Tick (Rhi
136 cuss the role of CNS-resident and peripheral immune pathways in microbiota-gut-brain communication du
137        We also reported the frequency of new immune patterns of response and progression.
138 t escape cellular and antibody (Ab)-mediated immune pressure, yet possess contemporary fitness.
139 henotypically characterized based upon their immune profile.
140 llergy in childhood pointing toward in utero immune programming of the child.
141 ism through which MZB cells use their innate immune properties to limit an exaggerated adaptive immun
142                                       Paired immune receptors display near-identical extracellular li
143        Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are innate immune receptors for sensing microbial molecules and dam
144        Understanding the structural basis of immune recognition of capsular polysaccharide epitopes c
145 of epitope-specific repertoires and adaptive immune recognition.
146 ioration, known as cryptococcosis-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (C-IRIS), up
147  of HIV-1-infected TB patients at risk of TB immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (TB-IRIS), i
148  antiretroviral therapy (ART), suggesting an immune reconstitution-like syndrome.
149 y pretreatment tumor size and the underlying immune recruitment dynamics.
150 re responsible for various aspects of T-cell immune regulation.
151 ast (OC) cell fusion, as well as DC-mediated immune regulation.
152 ctivation of immune cells and their roles in immune-related diseases.
153        Understanding the mechanisms by which immune-related events in the periphery can influence bra
154                                              Immune-related events in the periphery can remotely affe
155                     However, a robust map of immune-related gene networks in circulating human cells,
156  underscored by the recent identification of immune-related genetic risk factors for AD, including co
157 ormation system (IMGT) concatenate tool, the immune repertoire pipeline, and the somatic hypermutatio
158  processes, namely cardiovascular, neuronal, immune, respiratory, gastrointestinal, liver, and endocr
159 ta) are critical mediators of any anti-viral immune response and IFNbeta has been implicated in the t
160 utamine may enhance the IFN-gamma-associated immune response and reduce the rate of reactivation of l
161 ted a statistically significant VZV-specific immune response approximately 28 days post-dose 4, measu
162 hapes both the activation and outcome of the immune response at the molecular level.
163  in vivo, indicating that CCR2 regulates the immune response by modulating the effector/regulatory T
164  evidence that the microglia-mediated innate immune response contributes directly to the development
165 oxoplasma traffics to these tissues, how the immune response controls parasite burden and contributes
166 s whether the carbohydrate-specific adaptive immune response exemplified in our previous study can be
167 n global immunization programs and influence immune response for some vaccines even at the age of 24
168 Plus utilizes two antigen tubes to elicit an immune response from CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphocytes.
169 ons among sex hormones, sex chromosomes, and immune response genes.
170    Despite this, the mechanism of the innate immune response has been less well studied, although it
171 e while increasing the regulatory arm of the immune response in animals models of autoimmunity and Th
172 ation is associated with a decreased humoral immune response in Rictor KO mice.
173 mination of the host lipid components of the immune response is crucial to identifying novel strategi
174                                   The innate immune response is regulated at various stages, from hem
175                                 The adaptive immune response is regulated primarily by mechanisms tha
176    An important trigger of the posttraumatic immune response is the complement anaphylatoxin C5a, whi
177 he role factors such as an overactive innate immune response play in the pathogenesis of this form of
178                 The hierarchy changed as the immune response progressed, and it was dependent on anti
179 sis of autoimmune disorders when an abnormal immune response targets normal biological components.
180 and discuss our current understanding of the immune response to EBV in healthy, immunocompetent indiv
181 s problem with this therapy is the patient's immune response to FVIII, because of a lack of tolerance
182  as a potential strategy to augment the host immune response to prevent serious bacterial infections,
183 th the pathogen in vitro and in vivo and the immune response to these bacteria.
184 observed generation of an effective anti-WNV immune response when Tregs lacked MAVS, thereby demonstr
185  TH17-skewing cytokines, resulting in a TH17 immune response with IL-23 as a key driver.
186 ity is required for resistance to the innate immune response, and antiviral mechanisms affecting the
187  serum protein corona (PC) and the resultant immune response.
188 latent condition with signs of a dysbalanced immune response.
189 essel walls is a critical step in the innate immune response.
190  that prevent or disrupt an efficient innate immune response.
191 g dopamine neuron differentiation and innate immune response.
192 ng because of an anti-idiotypic anti-drug Ab immune response.
193  properties to limit an exaggerated adaptive immune response.
194  cells in raising an effective anti-melanoma immune response.
195                        Thus, augmenting host immune responses against Mycobacterium tuberculosis by h
196 e TGN is critical for effective pre-invasive immune responses against powdery mildews.
197  fashion that potently stimulates endogenous immune responses against those antigens.
198 phadenectomy impairs acquisition of adaptive immune responses and antibody production in response to
199 ockout of PLD4 modulated innate and adaptive immune responses and attenuated the upregulation of the
200 eneity on the interindividual variability of immune responses and constitutes a valuable resource for
201 uggest potential interactions between innate immune responses and STAT3-driven oncogenic pathways.
202 ype antibody to monitor a patient's specific immune responses and suggest routes for the improvement
203 nation strategies to elicit broad and potent immune responses based on the immunomodulatory propertie
204 se of mice was suppressed, then the adaptive immune responses became critical.
205 ill require the characterization of maternal immune responses capable of blocking transmission of aut
206 on-professional phagocytic cells and subvert immune responses for chronic persistence in the host.
207               Importantly, prominent mucosal immune responses in CCR7-deficient mice increased the ef
208 l receptor (TCR) may supplement HBV-specific immune responses in chronic HBV patients and facilitate
209 h and magnitude of MHC-B-restricted cellular immune responses in HIV-infected individuals.
210 es chronic infection and stimulates vigorous immune responses in the human host; forcing selection of
211 al considerations and experimental models of immune responses in vitro and in vivo to quantify the sp
212 Gs in the transcriptomes of reproductive and immune responses of the pistil makes it a prime system i
213 capture the temporal differences seen in the immune responses of these mice.
214 een shown to provide better cross-protective immune responses than inactivated vaccines by eliciting
215 duced by nasal allergen exposure and humoral immune responses that included IgE-dependent basophil ac
216 e and diet promote innate danger signals and immune responses through production of "alarmins." Alarm
217 tes in murine macrophages, regulating innate immune responses through the initiation of a type I IFN-
218                                              Immune responses to Marburg virus (MARV), however, remai
219 nce prior immunity to a scaffold may inhibit immune responses to the antigen-scaffold combination.
220 as a consequence of both adaptive and innate immune responses to undigested gliadin peptides.
221                                       Innate immune responses triggered by cGAMP contribute to limiti
222           Increased antigen-specific mucosal immune responses were induced in the lungs and the genit
223                                              Immune responses were retained in TFR patients off-thera
224 H5N2) in healthy Thai adults and its priming immune responses with an H5N1 inactivated vaccine boost.
225 dritic cells (DCs) are crucial initiators of immune responses, but little is known about the molecula
226 environmental toxins and stressors, impaired immune responses, mitochondrial dysfunction, and neuroin
227 stasis and wound healing during Th2-mediated immune responses, such as parasitic infections.
228 w doses of gp96 primes T helper type 1 (Th1) immune responses, whereas high-dose immunization primes
229 (DSB), apoptosis, and the local and systemic immune responses.
230 sary for successful antiviral, and antitumor immune responses.
231  functional specificities of vaccine-induced immune responses.
232 g strategies aimed at facilitating antitumor immune responses.
233 ts in favor of suppressing such "off-target" immune responses.
234 different functional states during different immune responses.
235 KV have different phenotypic impacts on host immune responses.
236 iated with inflammatory, innate and adaptive immune responses.
237  of pathogens and activate the host's innate immune responses.
238 e in protective as well as pathogenic type 2 immune responses.
239 80 and functions as a checkpoint to regulate immune responses.
240 hemokine CXCL14 and suppression of antitumor immune responses.
241 rsistent egg allergy exhibit a unique innate immune signature, characterized by increased numbers of
242 nditioning/extinction or utilized peripheral immune, sleep, and noninvasive imaging measures, we argu
243 nature increased linearly with pregnancy, an immune state of increased susceptibility to certain infe
244 ts at the same time to mimic the synergistic immune-stimulation of pathogens, while being safe.
245 performed microchemotaxis assays on purified immune subsets including human pan-T cells, CD4(+) T cel
246 actor receptor 2 (TNFR2) is known to mediate immune suppression and tissue regeneration.
247  The multiparous brain exhibited features of immune suppression, with dampened baseline microglial ac
248 e also detected, notably elevated numbers of immune suppressive CD16BRIGHT CD62LDIM neutrophils (82.0
249 nsition, tumor cell dormancy and escape from immune surveillance, with emerging functions in establis
250 ns and soluble factors to the lymph node for immune surveillance.
251                    gammadeltaT cells provide immune-surveillance and host defense against infection a
252  are essential components of the host innate immune system and define first-line of defence against p
253 eries of age-related changes that affect the immune system and, with time, lead to increased vulnerab
254     Accordingly, both the gut microbiota and immune system are implicated in the etiopathogenesis or
255                                          The immune system can mount T cell responses against tumors;
256              It has become apparent that the immune system evolved multiple mechanisms for controllin
257                                          The immune system focuses on and responds to very few repres
258 plex microbial management role of the innate immune system for controlled accommodation of beneficial
259 ethods now allow us to interrogate the human immune system for multiple markers of inflammation at a
260 type block and the expression pattern of key immune system genes.
261 ind placebo-controlled crossover design, the immune system in 22 sample donors was transiently activa
262 urvival and the ability to escape the innate immune system in blood.
263 infection of pathogens, and guiding the host immune system in response to foreign invasions.
264 parasite Trypanosoma brucei against the host immune system is a dense coat that comprises a variant s
265 echanism, the regulatory architecture of the immune system is likely to include the added dimensions
266 lex (MHC) is a key component of the adaptive immune system of all vertebrates and consists of the mos
267                                          The immune system of vertebrate species consists of many dif
268  by breeding to homozygosity and testing for immune system phenotypes.
269 unodeficient mice reconstituted with a human immune system represent a promising tool for translation
270    One of the mechanisms used by the mucosal immune system to maintain homeostasis is the secretion o
271 int blockade immunotherapies enable the host immune system to recognize and destroy tumour cells.
272 teraction depends on the ability of the host immune system to suppress viral replication and the abil
273 a pattern recognition molecule of the innate immune system, and evidence suggests that it modulates d
274 ng between the intestinal microbiota and the immune system, and we will discuss how a dietary-induced
275  recognition of encapsulated allergen by the immune system, especially by IgE antibodies, is prevente
276 known function with potential effects on the immune system, followed by breeding to homozygosity and
277 ecially their interplay with the host innate immune system, have not been well investigated.
278 re critical components of the human adaptive immune system, providing versatile scaffolds to display
279 ns have been extensively investigated in the immune system, their role in cancer progression remains
280 in infancy is important in maturation of the immune system.
281 gC4 augments bacterial clearance by the host immune system.
282 merged as important regulators of the innate immune system.
283 utrient acquisition and priming of the plant immune system.
284 ted with several abnormalities of the innate immune system.
285 re easily accessible and recognizable by the immune system.
286 des a route for engagement of PLA2R with the immune system.
287 he TA polymers that interact with the innate immune system.
288 iological function of CRISPR-Cas as adaptive immune systems in bacteria.
289 bind, conferred a selective advantage in the immune systems of infected hosts to recall of memory B c
290 interaction between lentiviruses and primate immune systems that may contribute to pathogenesis.
291          CRISPR-Cas are prokaryotic adaptive immune systems that provide protection against bacteriop
292 veals a conversation between the nervous and immune systems using distinct receptors.
293 lude autonomic, neuroendocrine, enteric, and immune systems, with pathology resulting in disruption t
294 ing pathobiont-induced changes in microbiota immune targeting as a new concept in IBD diagnotics.
295      Understanding the stem cell response to immune therapies in ongoing human clinical studies may h
296                         In populations pauci-immune to malaria, risk of severe malaria increases with
297  other forms of cognitive decline related to immune-to-brain communication, such as Alzheimer's and P
298                                  Maintaining immune tolerance requires the production of Foxp3-expres
299 urenine pathway which augments tumor-induced immune tolerance.
300 work essential for tissue fluid homeostasis, immune trafficking and absorption of dietary fats in the

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