


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 PD-L1 on tumour cells or tumour-infiltrating immune cells).
2  cells (ILC2s) represent an important type 2 immune cell.
3 ype 2 diabetes and in infiltrating activated immune cells.
4 al cytokine that is released from stimulated immune cells.
5 energic receptor (beta-AR) signaling in host immune cells.
6 ctivation of tissue-resident and circulating immune cells.
7 ded to determine the spatial distribution of immune cells.
8 actor of HIV-1 that facilitates infection in immune cells.
9 ses immune regulators that signal underlying immune cells.
10 l diseases and in regulating the function of immune cells.
11  mitosis and with the presence or absence of immune cells.
12 re with anti-leukemia functions of activated immune cells.
13 cytokines, but not with altered endocervical immune cells.
14  We found impaired actin dynamics in patient immune cells.
15 n the ocular surface epithelium and resident immune cells.
16 on, leading to entry of activated peripheral immune cells.
17 s detailing the distribution and function on immune cells.
18 hat stimulates apoptosis in several types of immune cells.
19 (hydroxy)fatty acids, is highly expressed on immune cells.
20 he encephalitogenic potential of EAE-driving immune cells.
21 aracrine fashion to regulate the function of immune cells.
22 s and differential recruitment of peritoneal immune cells.
23 ainly understood and is managed by targeting immune cells.
24 ur cells along with neighbouring stromal and immune cells.
25 els of pro-inflammatory cytokines and innate immune cells.
26  dependent on the optimal activity of innate immune cells.
27  delivery to the targeted anatomic sites and immune cells.
28 e several immunomodulatory properties within immune cells.
29 undantly produced by activated platelets and immune cells.
30 dulated the chemokine receptor repertoire of immune cells.
31 gnificantly reduces PapMV's interaction with immune cells.
32 amily of proteins widely expressed on innate immune cells.
33 ion also mediates MDSC inhibitory effects on immune cells.
34  I BL, stimulates strong responses of innate immune cells.
35 r cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and immune cells.
36 oxic concentrations (1-10 mug/mL) but not in immune cells.
37  required for diverse signaling processes in immune cells.
38 oduce CXCL8, a prototypic cytokine of innate immune cells.
39 tly less PD-L1 expression in tumor cells and immune cells.
40 her cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression than immune cells.
41 morphologic changes (CT/ MR), recruitment of immune cells ((111)In-WBC SPECT), or enhanced glycolytic
42    Some studies detected infected intestinal immune cells (8-12) , other studies detected epithelial
43 regulator of the effector function of innate immune cells, a potential biomarker for therapeutic resp
44                              One of the main immune cells acting against the virus are Natural Killer
45  IFN-alpha production, resulting in superior immune cell activation and increased immunotherapeutic p
46 ape with optimal stroma permeabilization and immune cell activation is able to markedly increase ther
47                                              Immune cell activation stimulates neuronal circuits that
48 enhanced reactive oxygen species production, immune cell activation, and local hepcidin expression.
49 nism by which the pericardial AT coordinates immune cell activation, granulopoiesis, and outcome afte
50 dent origins induced cytokine production and immune cell activation.
51 nscriptional programs that are a hallmark of immune cell activation.
52    The intestinal tract is a site of intense immune cell activity that is poised to mount an effectiv
53 edication, and as these compounds may dampen immune cell activity, this factor limits the conclusions
54 amined the association of epigenetic age and immune cell aging with sleep in the Women's Health Initi
55 airway function of these subjects by driving immune cell airway infiltration, cellular remodeling, an
56                       SP is also produced by immune cells and acts as an autocrine or paracrine fashi
57                    These proteins complement immune cells and antibodies to identify, tag, destroy, a
58 ssue cytometry: an automated quantitation of immune cells and associated spatial parameters in 3D ima
59      SIGLEC5 is expressed in various myeloid immune cells and classified as an inhibitory receptor wi
60 oles in directing the development of diverse immune cells and controlling the dynamic transcriptional
61  restricted to inducing type 1 IFN in innate immune cells and CpG-B to activating B cells to prolifer
62 ast cancers that exhibit high proportions of immune cells and elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cyt
63 t immune cells indicating that expression in immune cells and epithelia is divided among families.
64 eurologic diseases/trauma, but the effect of immune cells and factors on neurotransplantation strateg
65 e proteins prime the particle for removal by immune cells and may contribute toward infusion-related
66 ts evidence that both the metabolic state of immune cells and nutrient availability can alter immune
67 y regulatory step for cytokine production by immune cells and prove the applicability of FRET-FLIM fo
68 rily indicate disrupted interactions between immune cells and the commensal microbiota.
69 is orchestrated by dynamic crosstalk between immune cells and the epithelium; however, the mechanisms
70 lncRNAs in the development and activation of immune cells and their roles in immune-related diseases.
71 ed systemic inflammation, the recruitment of immune cells, and bone regeneration, resulting in delaye
72 f immunomodulatory therapeutics, engineering immune cells, and constructing immune-modulating scaffol
73 g evidence for a crosstalk among adipocytes, immune cells, and the sympathetic nervous system (SNS),
74 s also showed enhanced recruitment of innate immune cells (antitumor macrophages, natural killer cell
75  cell responses, understanding how different immune cells are affected by small-molecule inhibitors c
76                   Populations of circulating immune cells are maintained in equilibrium through signa
77 the inflammatory gene networks in the innate immune cells are poorly understood.
78                       Fully activated innate immune cells are required for effective responses to inf
79                                     Resident immune cells are thought to regulate adipocyte activity.
80 low-affinity Fcgamma receptors, expressed on immune cells, are important regulators of antibody respo
81 nophil-deficient mice identified this innate immune cell as essential for endometrial repair during C
82 os2 (-/-) mice incapable of NO-production in immune cells as microbial defence uniformly develop hypo
83 ts also had more activated yet dysfunctional immune cells as monocytes, T cells, and B cells expresse
84 lung, and blood cells, we provide a detailed immune cell atlas of early lung tumors.
85 issue characteristics and thereby attenuates immune cell attraction and activation.
86  Emerging evidence supports the concept that immune cells become activated and enter target organs, i
87 1 in regulating the activation of phagocytic immune cells both in the body and the brain.
88        CtsB cleaves CD18 from the surface of immune cells, but its contribution to angiogenesis has n
89 or (CAR) T cells have proven that engineered immune cells can serve as a powerful new class of cancer
90 r bone marrow transplantation, donor-derived immune cells can trigger life-threatening graft-versus-h
91 U/d (n = 25) of vitamin D3 were analyzed for immune cell composition by flow cytometry, Toll-like rec
92                    The results show that the immune cell composition is fundamentally different in lu
93 l and mutational load as well as stromal and immune cell composition.
94 t and increased levels of tumor-infiltrating immune cells comprised of CD11b(+) cells, monocytes, and
95      We demonstrate that expression of human immune cells confers increased severity of USA300 infect
96  and inflammatory responses and affected the immune cell content of the spleen and liver.
97 the bronchial epithelium and tissue-resident immune cells controls the tissue microenvironment and ba
98  assays, hRETNTg(+)Tlr4(-/-) mice, and human immune cell culture, we demonstrate that hRetn binds the
99                                              Immune cell depletion studies demonstrated that CD4(+) a
100  self-renewal capacity, myeloid skewing, and immune cell depletion.
101                  Together, our data position immune cell-derived complement production and autocrine/
102                 Human resistin (hRetn) is an immune cell-derived protein that is highly elevated in h
103 e-modulated metabolites, with an emphasis on immune cell development and function.
104 ssue adaptation is an intrinsic component of immune cell development, influencing both resistance to
105 l-like receptor signaling in medaka enhanced immune cell dynamics and promoted neovascularization, ne
106 pport a theory of transcriptionally mediated immune cell dysregulation in CFS and ADCLS, at least out
107                             Intact and broad immune cell effector functions and specific individual c
108 ression of markers of cytotoxic infiltrating immune cells, especially CD8(+) T cells, and increased e
109 ibitory receptors have been connected to the immune cell exhaustion phenotype; furthermore, ligands c
110 reby exposing them to high concentrations of immune cells for a substantial time period.
111  CARs are synthetic receptors that reprogram immune cells for therapeutic purposes.
112 Flow cytometric analysis was used to monitor immune cell frequencies and activation status.
113             The patterns of the clusters and immune cell frequencies were associated with the clinica
114 concentration, recovery and purity of airway immune cells from a large volume of diluent, which was n
115 Current MS therapies aim to block peripheral immune cells from entering the CNS.
116  of the interaction between lymphostatin and immune cells from the bovine host are ill defined.
117 e brain ISF, CSF, CNS-derived molecules, and immune cells from the CNS and meninges to the peripheral
118 een implicated in cellular growth/apoptosis, immune cell function and bone-resorbing osteoclast forma
119 I3Kdelta plays an important role controlling immune cell function and has therefore been identified a
120  observed enhanced pathology was mediated by immune cell function independent of mesenchymal cell Hox
121 ion and survival shape tumor progression and immune cell function.
122 toskeleton, cell growth, stress response, or immune cell function; however, the molecular functionali
123       Here, we have shown that intrinsic and immune cell gene signatures distinguish the claudin-low
124 onment in which DPCs infiltrate and resident immune cells generate cytotoxic reactive oxygen species.
125 es to explore the role of DNA replication in immune cell generation and function.
126                                  Stromal and immune cells had consistent expression programs across p
127                   These results suggest that immune cells harboring EOPs are needed for the antihyper
128 NLRP3 inflammasome activity in human primary immune cells have been identified, and clinically promis
129 g roles of the immunoproteasome in activated immune cells have made it a rational candidate for the t
130 ayed a normal peripheral immune response and immune cell homeostasis.
131 these ligands affect the exhausted states of immune cells, however, are largely unknown.
132             Although mutation load and PD-L1 immune cell (IC) staining have been associated with resp
133  immune checkpoints (PD-L1, PD-1, LAG-3) and immune cell (IC) subsets (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD68).
134 immune cells vs >/=5% of tumour-infiltrating immune cells [IC2/3]), chemotherapy type (vinflunine vs
135 is progression rate, hepatic infiltration of immune cells, IFN-lambda3 expression, and serum sCD163 l
136  has generally been associated with neonatal immune cell immaturity.
137 t strives to understand the diverse roles of immune cells implicated in atherogenesis.
138  use of VTEA for large-scale quantitation of immune cells in entire human kidney biopsies.
139 ding of the function of local immune and non-immune cells in regulating the inflammatory process in t
140 o pathogens by transducing signals in innate immune cells in response to microbial products.
141 velopment and function of highly specialized immune cells in secondary lymphoid organs.
142 ng cytokine that is secreted by infiltrating immune cells in several cancer models.
143 ng and IL-17 expression in abundant CD161(+) immune cells in SHRs represent an abnormal proinflammato
144  escape immunosurveillance and interact with immune cells in the cancer microenvironment for survival
145 mmunoglobulin indices and the frequencies of immune cells in the cerebrospinal fluid (including B cel
146 disorder characterized by an accumulation of immune cells in the duodenal mucosa as a consequence of
147                 This compartmentalization of immune cells in the FRT was supported by transcriptomic
148                     The high infiltration of immune cells in the hypoxic cores of advanced solid tumo
149 of scarring and infiltration of inflammatory/immune cells in the lacrimal glands.
150 e, luminal bacteria into specific intestinal immune cells in the living murine host during health and
151                    Macrophages are prominent immune cells in the tumor microenvironment that exert po
152 cination promotes the prevalence of relevant immune cells in tonsillar follicles and support the use
153  shock (T/HS) have the potential to activate immune cells in vitro Here, we assess the function of ML
154 ar innate immune sensor that is expressed in immune cells, including monocytes and macrophages.
155 pulations in multidimensional space of known immune cells, including T cells, B cells, eosinophils, n
156 A third IL17 subfamily is activated in adult immune cells indicating that expression in immune cells
157 al was largely driven by CD8(+) T cells, and immune cell infiltrate in the tumor could be reprogramme
158                     If tissue damage occurs, immune cells infiltrate and secrete cytokines, including
159 ted expression patterns with the presence of immune cell infiltrates and immune regulatory molecules,
160  lupus nephritis; however, it did not reduce immune cell infiltrates, or the deposits of IgG and comp
161 immune gene expression profile and decreased immune cell infiltration in an intradermal model of infe
162                             Despite adaptive immune cell infiltration in claudin-low tumors, treatmen
163 nflammation, a hallmark of obesity, involves immune cell infiltration into expanding adipose tissue.
164 restores functional BBB integrity and limits immune cell infiltration into the CNS.
165 Fos-expressing livers display necrotic foci, immune cell infiltration, and altered hepatocyte morphol
166 ment epithelium (RPE) injury associated with immune cell infiltration, the nature of immune cell resp
167 ment of interstitial fibrosis, and prevented immune cell infiltration.
168 raphy, to postmortem measurements of colonic immune cell infiltration.
169 irway inflammation as evidenced by increased immune cells infiltration and release of cytokines and c
170                                              Immune cell-infiltration is controlled by activated PPAR
171 he regulation and function of epidermal cell-immune cell interactions and into how components that ar
172 th a growing understanding of dynamic tumour-immune cell interactions and the mechanisms by which tum
173 vels of immune mediators and infiltration of immune cells into infected joints and surrounding tissue
174 mmatory responses and mobilization of innate immune cells into the tumors including neutrophils and N
175  neonatal infection susceptibility is due to immune cell-intrinsic defects and instead highlights act
176 ese studies indicate that Panx1 expressed in immune cells is critical for pain-like effects following
177 anelles in inflammatory responses of myeloid immune cells is largely unknown.
178 r the particles may produce other effects on immune cells is unclear.
179 cks IFN-gamma, but not IL-17A, production in immune cells isolated from the EAE CNS.
180 s as an early recruitment trigger for innate immune cells, it appears to operate as an inhibitor of T
181 s known to have an immunosuppressive role in immune cells, its expression level and role in endotheli
182 r, and induce PD-L1 expression in cancer and immune cells, leading to more susceptible targets for an
183              Because purinergic signaling on immune cells may impact on the inflammatory response, we
184      By secreting proinflammatory molecules, immune cells may induce myocyte inflammation, adversely
185 ere we review antitumor activities of innate immune cells, mechanisms of their synergy with adaptive
186 (+) T cell functions is necessary to prevent immune cell-mediated damage to healthy tissues.
187 , where it stimulates the activity of innate immune cells, mesenchymal and hematopoietic stem cells,
188                     This review explores how immune cell metabolic phenotypes reflect biochemical dep
189 oxygen, energetics, and redox homeostasis in immune cell metabolism, and how these factors are reflec
190 istence within DCs and possibly within other immune cells might contribute to the low response of A.
191                          Innate and adaptive immune cells modulate heart failure pathogenesis during
192 NA and a promising adjuvant target in innate immune cells; more recently STING has also been shown to
193                 We particularly focus on the immune cell network mediating immune surveillance at a s
194 flammation, we have demonstrated that innate immune cells (notably, airway macrophages) play essentia
195                            Microglia, innate immune cells of the brain, and astrocytes are also criti
196 icular macrophages (tMphi) are the principal immune cells of the mammalian testis.
197 coating viral particles, mediating uptake by immune cells, or blocking interaction with host cell rec
198  < 0.001), thus contributing to migration of immune cells (P < 0.05).
199 o coordinating inflammatory responses within immune cells (p<0.05, Benjamini-Hochberg corrected).
200                                           In immune cells, P2X7R activation induces the production of
201 referentially found in regulatory regions in immune cells, particularly CD4(+) T cells.
202                                   Allogeneic immune cells, particularly T cells in donor grafts, reco
203                                The number of immune cells per milliliter of blood and the fold expres
204 itical function for IFITM3 may be to promote immune cell persistence at mucosal sites.Our study ident
205 data suggest fundamental changes in adaptive immune cell phenotypes may be associated with RSV clinic
206                                  Imbedded in immune cell physiology are metabolic pathways and metabo
207                          Innate and adaptive immune cells play an important role in the therapeutic a
208         To investigate possible roles innate immune cells play during retinal cell regeneration, we u
209 ssue induces an immune response resulting in immune cells populating the lens that contribute to the
210             Our analyses of various measured immune cell population frequencies in healthy humans and
211 nels become more complex, detection of minor immune cell populations by traditional gating using biax
212 ion and DNA methylation patterns in specific immune cell populations in the Fulani to elucidate the m
213                 A clear understanding of the immune cell populations regulated by TIGIT and CD96 is k
214 o predict relative abundances of circulating immune cell populations that matched traditional hematol
215                         Second, infiltrating immune cell populations were decreased in vDeltaK1L-infe
216 nctionalized with amino groups (GONH2) on 15 immune cell populations, interrogating 30 markers at the
217  activation and impaired function of several immune cell populations, such as natural killer cells an
218 ed cells in the presence of autologous human immune cells prior to clinical use.
219 lex networks, interactions, and responses of immune cells produce diverse cellular ecosystems compose
220 enitor signalling and link this mechanism to immune cell production following infection.
221   Bioinformatic analyses using DNAm to infer immune cell proportions, part of a new field known as Im
222                            How the number of immune cells recruited to sites of infection is determin
223 l function but result from defects in innate immune cell recruitment and function.
224 2 is an early danger cue required for innate immune cell recruitment to wounds.
225 sion of inflammatory mediators and increased immune cell recruitment, leading to enhanced bacterial c
226 hich injured myocardium recruits suppressive immune cells remain largely unknown.
227        While the DeltaF508 mice had a normal immune cell repertoire, unchanged serum immunoglobulin c
228 l immunity such that by young adulthood, all immune cells responding to a foster dam immunogen are th
229 with immune cell infiltration, the nature of immune cell responses to RPE injury remains undefined.
230 r work demonstrates that these HCMV-specific immune cells retain many important functions and help to
231                                  Analysis of immune cells revealed that CXCR2 ligands (CXCL1, CXCL 2
232 5-0.839) and lower levels of concordance for immune cell scoring (0.277; 95% CI, 0.222-0.334).
233 suggests that enteric neurons and intestinal immune cells share common regulatory mechanisms and can
234  By cDNA library screening, we identified an immune cell-specific, co-stimulatory receptor B7.2 (CD86
235 fferential expression analysis uncovered new immune-cell-specific genes, including novel immunoglobul
236 ny antibody but poor concordance for scoring immune cells stained with any antibody.
237 e assessed and correlated to the presence of immune cell subsets and cytokine responses throughout th
238 ellular heterogeneity, defining the roles of immune cell subsets in AD onset and progression has been
239 flammation, Rh-alpha4beta7 impacted selected immune cell subsets in different tissues.
240 ging, the function of Roquin was examined in immune cell subsets in the absence of autoimmune complic
241  rapamycin treatment alters the interplay of immune cell subsets involved in antiviral humoral immuni
242 r time-dependent phenotypic changes in blood immune cell subsets that occur following trauma, includi
243          When tested for expression in other immune cell subsets, MOSPD2 was apparent also, though le
244 teractor, and BAFF receptor, in sorted human immune cell subsets, we found that BCMA was transcribed
245 efore and after treatment to monitor several immune cell subsets.
246 eal cellular biochemical sensory networks in immune cells, such as feedforward and feedback loops or
247  pathogens stems from the broad diversity of immune cell surface receptors.
248                                              Immune cells survey and migrate throughout the body and
249                  Mast cells (MCs) are innate immune cells that are a major source of costimulatory si
250                    Neutrophils are among the immune cells that can drive this excessive and detriment
251        Mast cells are unique tissue-resident immune cells that express an array of receptors that can
252 sstalk between EVTs, SpA cells, and decidual immune cells that governs their recruitment to SpAs in t
253  a diverse microbial ecosystem, and contains immune cells that greatly impact overall inflammatory ho
254 e interactions between H. hepaticus and host immune cells that may promote mutualism, and the microbe
255 ELs and IECs, and communication of IELs with immune cells that reside outside the intestinal epitheli
256 hways and regions of chromatin accessible in immune cells that was also represented in patients with
257                                     Adoptive immune cell therapy is emerging as a promising immunothe
258 functional activity without the aid of other immune cells through the downregulation of activation ki
259 roparticles and their delivery to underlying immune cells; thus, they are crucial participants in muc
260 n opportunity to analyze the contribution of immune cells to brain atrophy in a system where persiste
261 l proliferation and the latter by recruiting immune cells to clear damaged cells.
262  experiments with PB, cetacean and seal spp. immune cells to evaluate the effect of realistic contami
263      Animal health depends on the ability of immune cells to kill invading pathogens, and on the resi
264 , interactions between epithelial and innate immune cells to maintain barrier integrity and prevent i
265 e stress response and central and peripheral immune cells to release cytokines.
266            The recruitment and activation of immune cells to the aorta in atherosclerosis is regulate
267                                    Access of immune cells to the CNS and their positioning within the
268  biosynthesis, as well as its destruction in immune cells, to be tracked.
269  acting to potentiate the activity of innate immune cells towards cancer.
270 ar the gut mucosa, are the major sites where immune cells traffic and reside.
271  studied as an adhesion molecule involved in immune cell trafficking and is recognized as a regulator
272                                              Immune cell trafficking is orchestrated by a family of s
273 lays a key role in tissue fluid homeostasis, immune cell trafficking, and fat absorption.
274 ellular and molecular mechanisms involved in immune-cell trafficking and lymphatic drainage from the
275     Recognition of Ab-opsonized pathogens by immune cells triggers both TLR and Fc receptor signaling
276                     Among tumor-infiltrating immune cells, tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) take a
277 romote UCP1 expression, and are an important immune cell type in the beiging response of WAT.
278  and that neutrophils are the most prevalent immune cell type.
279 uggesting that this is a general property of immune cell types across all vertebrates.
280 aneously estimate the fraction of cancer and immune cell types from bulk tumor gene expression data.
281 conservation of genes specific for all major immune cell types in human and mouse.
282 sulting from diverse activities on different immune cell types in vivo, and the need to conduct mecha
283                                Whether other immune cell types use surface GARP to activate latent TG
284 e 2 immune responses and involve a number of immune cell types, including regulatory T (Treg) cells a
285 s neoantigen load, its cadre of infiltrating immune cell types, the T or B cell receptor repertoire,
286 nery between exosomes derived from these two immune cell types.
287 n processes, as well as the heterogeneity of immune cell types.
288                    After exosome transfer to immune cells, unshielded RN7SL1 drives an inflammatory r
289 0] or 1% to <5% [IC1] of tumour-infiltrating immune cells vs >/=5% of tumour-infiltrating immune cell
290 e expression of JNK1 in hematopoietic innate immune cells was critical for this effect.
291 we found that GC receptor (GR) expression in immune cells was dispensable for successful therapy of a
292 he complex interactions between graphene and immune cells, we propose an integrative analytical pipel
293 ture, where patrolling neutrophils and other immune cells were virtually blind to the pathogen's pres
294 ometrial mucosa is populated by a variety of immune cells which in addition to providing host pathoge
295 thelial cells of arterioles in the brain and immune cells, which is in line with typhoid symptoms.
296  genomics offers powerful tools for studying immune cells, which make it possible to observe rare and
297  also influence the activation of peripheral immune cells, which regulate responses to neuroinflammat
298 R) ligands activate both innate and adaptive immune cells, while modulating the cellular immune respo
299 scular endothelial cells and the recipient's immune cells, without adversely affecting renal function
300  coordinated response of innate and adaptive immune cells working in concert, with many feed-forward

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