


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 at these cells are 'multitalented masters of immune regulation'.
2 ast (OC) cell fusion, as well as DC-mediated immune regulation.
3 re responsible for various aspects of T-cell immune regulation.
4  in lipid metabolism, cellular signaling and immune regulation.
5 lation may impact multiple players in innate immune regulation.
6  as butyrate, which affect DNA integrity and immune regulation.
7 mplicated in both apoptotic cell removal and immune regulation.
8 c oxide synthase (iNOS) produced by MDSCs in immune regulation.
9 t understanding of the functions of GATA3 in immune regulation.
10  was shifted toward immune activation versus immune regulation.
11 gly shown that the lungs are a major site of immune regulation.
12 on, and plays roles in tissue remodeling and immune regulation.
13 iR-155) one of the first to be implicated in immune regulation.
14 heralded a major shift in T-cell biology and immune regulation.
15 he beta-lactam hapten and/or an imbalance in immune regulation.
16 ubjects them to prolonged states of negative immune regulation.
17 phasis on recent developments in the area of immune regulation.
18 es for high- and low-affinity iNKT clones in immune regulation.
19 helial barrier disruption and alterations in immune regulation.
20  and MMPs/TIMPs may be involved in the local immune regulation.
21 ritic cells (DCs) are important mediators in immune regulation.
22 as enhanced in the absence of IL-10-mediated immune regulation.
23 and intermittent diarrhea suggested impaired immune regulation.
24  indicating the significant role of Tregs in immune regulation.
25 , thus revealing a novel mechanism for local immune regulation.
26 to LC motility/migration and LC migration to immune regulation.
27 me with previously defined roles in adaptive immune regulation.
28 eptibility genes that control key aspects of immune regulation.
29 s an important role in bacterial killing and immune regulation.
30 ession may be attributable to dysfunction of immune regulation.
31 ouse bacterial load, suggesting some role in immune regulation.
32 as a mechanism of regulatory T cell-mediated immune regulation.
33 icating a potential role for this pathway in immune regulation.
34 by epithelial barrier disruption and altered immune regulation.
35 se that is also linked to both metabolic and immune regulation.
36 sis, tissue development, carcinogenesis, and immune regulation.
37 function of B7-H3, B7x, HHLA2, and TMIGD2 in immune regulation.
38 mmensal microbiota, the IL-23/Th17 axis, and immune regulation.
39 metabolic physiological processes, including immune regulation.
40 lays an important role in several aspects of immune regulation.
41 e with proteinase 3 ANCA, suggesting greater immune regulation.
42             TGF-beta plays a crucial role in immune regulation.
43 ification of potentially novel mechanisms of immune regulation.
44 A axis in controlling energy homeostasis and immune regulation.
45 s of cell communication that are critical in immune regulation.
46 many of the induced proteins are involved in immune regulation.
47 cytes that have been shown to be involved in immune regulation.
48 properties that affect T cell activation and immune regulation.
49 e in axon guidance, vascular patterning, and immune regulation.
50  T-cells (Tregs) have catalyzed the field of immune regulation.
51  animal models suggest a role for polySia in immune regulation.
52 mportant role of miRNAs in estrogen-mediated immune regulation.
53 y T cells (CD25(+) Tregs) play a key role in immune regulation.
54  for the pathogenesis of atopic diseases and immune regulation.
55 s therefore identified as a major new hub of immune regulation.
56 iology, host defense against infections, and immune regulation.
57 ing evidence supports a role for exosomes in immune regulation.
58  substantial barrier to the understanding of immune regulation.
59 y infection affects the long-term quality of immune regulation.
60 ation, smooth muscle cell proliferation, and immune regulation.
61 g light on unappreciated mechanisms of neuro-immune regulation.
62 genetic diseases that reveal new concepts of immune regulation.
63 pies for MS patients that promote heightened immune regulation.
64 ed, which participates in several aspects of immune regulation.
65 s a cell surface death receptor critical for immune regulation.
66 ed for the gas exchange and is important for immune regulation.
67 n immunity, ranging from pathogen killing to immune regulation.
68 is due to the absence of negative control by immune regulation.
69 ative contribution of these two cytokines in immune regulation.
70 ve on the discovery of DCs and their role in immune regulation.
71 1 and promote antibody-mediated immunity and immune regulation.
72 m for autoimmune progression and escape from immune regulation.
73 ) have been recognized as central players in immune regulation.
74 IL-18 axis is critical to H. pylori-specific immune regulation.
75 ning targets downstream of mTOR that promote immune regulation.
76 n molecules (SLAMs) play an integral role in immune regulation.
77  inflammatory equilibrium critical to innate immune regulation.
78 tance of TDP-43-mediated InSAC biogenesis in immune regulation.
79 on, contributing to failure of Treg-mediated immune regulation.
80 (androgen/AR) play significant roles in both immune regulations.
81              PTDM is associated with altered immune regulation after HSCT and could represent a targe
82 idermal growth factor receptor signaling and immune regulation, among others, also displayed associat
83 (MSCs) have been suggested to participate in immune regulation and airway repair/remodeling.
84 ds raises the risk of RLB-associated loss of immune regulation and an increased risk of immune inflam
85  beta-galactoside-binding lectin involved in immune regulation and antimicrobial defense, is a target
86 is study was to better understand the innate immune regulation and associated IFN- and transforming g
87            Th1 and Th17 cells are crucial in immune regulation and autoimmune disease development.
88 ations for neurogenesis, dopamine signaling, immune regulation and behavior.
89 y cells provides an avenue for understanding immune regulation and biologic processes linked to intes
90 hat TLR9 and MyD88 play central roles in the immune regulation and development of protective immunity
91 o address the contributions of RRV vCD200 to immune regulation and disease in vivo, we generated a fo
92                  The CD2-CD58 interaction in immune regulation and disease pathology has provided new
93            Monocytes have been implicated in immune regulation and disease progression in patients wi
94 ing several cellular processes, most notably immune regulation and DNA repair, but also cellular prol
95 ature and provide examples of the nuances of immune regulation and dysregulation that can be targeted
96 s recent studies that implicate granzymes in immune regulation and extracellular proteolytic function
97 ce by poorly understood mechanisms, but both immune regulation and graft acceptance develop without e
98 ts with CD40L and plays an essential role in immune regulation and homeostasis.
99 , have provided new insights into aspects of immune regulation and host defense that were previously
100 gest a role for STAT6 polymorphisms in early immune regulation and implications on early atopic disea
101 -lived Klrg1(+) suppressor cells to optimize immune regulation and maintain homeostasis of the Treg c
102 I3K/AKT/mTOR pathways, and genes involved in immune regulation and metabolism) for single nucleotide
103 ulatory factors (IRFs) have crucial roles in immune regulation and oncogenesis.
104 nes provide new reagents to study flavivirus immune regulation and pathogenesis.
105                                              Immune regulation and phagocytosis are mechanisms for CD
106 udy reveals a new mechanism for HSC-mediated immune regulation and potentially for other conditions,
107 cells may be a biomarker for fading regional immune regulation and progression to overt diabetes.
108 nd previously unknown mechanism of antitumor immune regulation and provide new insights into our unde
109 nd previously unknown mechanism of antitumor immune regulation and provide new insights into our unde
110 s unfolds previously unidentified details of immune regulation and provides new insight into homeosta
111 inding may assist in reconstituting impaired immune regulation and restoring peripheral tolerance thr
112 onship between the specificity of peripheral immune regulation and self-nonself discrimination.
113 ed important insights into the mechanisms of immune regulation and served as a proof-of-concept for p
114    Understanding the pivotal role of RLRs in immune regulation and signaling crosstalk in antiviral i
115  T cell biology in the context of intestinal immune regulation and speculate on their potential clini
116 ant roles for the matrix microenvironment in immune regulation and suggest unique strategies for immu
117 lammatory responses and participate in local immune regulation and the tissue remodeling/repair event
118 on and maturation, and a potential target of immune regulation and therapy.
119 d NKT cells, which play an important role in immune regulation and tumor rejection.
120 ing system fulfilling important functions in immune regulation and tumor surveillance.
121 oding RNAs involved in telomere maintenance, immune regulation and tumour progression, providing deep
122 n and related genes lead to a loss of normal immune regulation and underlie hemophagocytic lymphohist
123  number of pathways, including inflammation, immune regulation, and cell-cycle control.
124 hich polymorphisms in the IL-2RA gene affect immune regulation, and consequently upon susceptibility
125 vation in vasculogenesis during development, immune regulation, and endothelial/epithelial-mesenchyma
126 idate their role in innate immune responses, immune regulation, and inflammatory diseases.
127 o modulates processes such as cell invasion, immune regulation, and microenvironment modification tha
128 , likely reflecting tradeoffs in metabolism, immune regulation, and other functions of mitochondria.
129 tor 2 (FPR2) play key roles in host defense, immune regulation, and resolution of inflammation.
130 -derived AAM have properties associated with immune regulation, and the different physiological prope
131 unctions such as host-pathogen interactions, immune regulation, and tumor evasion.
132 erse roles of Blimp-1 in lineage commitment, immune regulation, and tumorigenesis.
133 etted by genetic weaknesses in mechanisms of immune regulation; and subsequent multilineage immunopat
134 inflammatory responses and are important for immune regulation, angiogenesis, wound healing, and tiss
135  cells) are innate-like T cells important in immune regulation, antimicrobial protection, and anti-tu
136                       Age-related changes in immune regulation are likely to account for the age-asso
137 to barrier immunity, tissue homeostasis, and immune regulation at various anatomical sites throughout
138  Review will focus on the different modes of immune regulation, both direct and indirect, by EVs.
139  only point to a fundamental role for GBA in immune regulation but also suggest that GBA mutations in
140 coprotein folding, cellular homeostasis, and immune regulation but are involved in multiple disease c
141 s and their ligands play a prominent role in immune regulation but many have also been implicated in
142 any seminal insights about the mechanisms of immune regulation, but their relevance to humans has bee
143 al dietary element with antioxidant roles in immune regulation, but there is little understanding of
144           iNKT cells play important roles in immune regulation by bridging the innate and acquired im
145                                              Immune regulation by CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ regulatory T-cells
146                 In this study, mechanisms of immune regulation by MAT vaccines in vitro and in allerg
147  EAE; our finding identifies a new aspect of immune regulation by PARPs in autoimmune CNS pathology.
148 (HSCs) may play an important role in hepatic immune regulation by producing numerous cytokines/chemok
149 shing DNA damage as a downstream mediator of immune regulation by reactive oxygen species.
150  targeting Stat3 that may underlie selective immune regulation by the AAR.
151                                              Immune regulation by the eye takes the form of several a
152  which suggests a role for CD8(+) T cells in immune regulation by the ICOS-B7h pathway.
153 munologists and dermatologists to understand immune regulation by UV radiation affected immunology in
154 her necessary for induction of this systemic immune regulation by UVB radiation, because ablation of
155           Mendelian analysis of disorders of immune regulation can provide insight into molecular pat
156 osis (FHL) is a life-threatening disorder of immune regulation caused by defects in lymphocyte cytoto
157 histiocytosis (HLH) is an inborn disorder of immune regulation caused by mutations affecting perforin
158                           Diet also impacted immune regulation, cell cycle control/gene expression, c
159     Mice deficient in HO-1 exhibit defective immune regulation characterized by a proinflammatory phe
160           Therefore, modulating CD46-induced immune regulation could be integral to the development o
161                This new method of peripheral immune regulation could potentially contribute to develo
162 infection, environmental toxins, or impaired immune regulation, create a microenvironment that foster
163  cycle progression, glycogen metabolism, and immune regulation; deregulation is associated with disea
164        The current study shows that TGF-beta immune regulation develops 30 days posttransplant, but i
165 e that STIM1 is required for T cell-mediated immune regulation during chronic Mtb infection.
166  Better understanding of the complexities of immune regulation during HAND can improve diagnosis and
167 ook at the interplay of lipid metabolism and immune regulation during host infection.
168 ittle is known about how Tregs contribute to immune regulation during memory responses to previously
169 Hippo signaling plays a key role in adaptive immune regulation during the post-MI recovery phase.
170 i et al. (2013) expose a unique mechanism of immune regulation during viral infection, which is media
171 resentation (e.g., CD83, CD86 and CD209) and immune regulation (e.g., CD101) on circulating APCs.
172              To understand the mechanisms of immune regulation employed by the host to control this i
173   Because PI3K/AKT signaling is critical for immune regulation, Ezrin-deficient MPhis are hyperinflam
174                                     However, immune regulation fails to control the underlying tissue
175 thogenic components, including apoptosis and immune regulation, for the major B-cell lymphoma subtype
176 periphery and cause autoimmune diseases when immune regulation goes awry.
177 -derived macrophages, suggesting that global immune regulation has a significant impact on nanopartic
178              The role of prostaglandin E2 in immune regulation has been better defined.
179 physiological mechanism of perforin-mediated immune regulation has never been demonstrated in a disea
180 encoding a functionally distinct protein for immune regulation has not been addressed.
181  The biological relevance of this feature in immune regulation has not been evaluated.
182 ype 1, 2, and 3 immunity; tissue repair; and immune regulation has transformed our understanding of m
183                                   Defects in immune regulation have been implicated in the pathogenes
184 ingly, the first insights into Foxo-mediated immune regulation have instead revealed direct control o
185 pproaches using nanoparticles engineered for immune regulation have yielded promising results in prec
186 entify a novel potential mechanism of innate immune regulation, help define the therapeutic window fo
187  E3 ubiquitin ligase, Roquin, is involved in immune regulation; however, its role in immunity to M. t
188 onjugation system plays an important role in immune regulation; however, the ubiquitin-specific prote
189 y initial studies on immune cell culture and immune regulation, I returned to an analysis of the path
190  expression profiles that highlight cues for immune regulation in a major pest.
191 tial progress in understanding mechanisms of immune regulation in allergy, asthma, autoimmune disease
192 ents on cellular and molecular mechanisms of immune regulation in allergy, asthma, autoimmune disease
193 layed type hypersensitivity assay to measure immune regulation in both the recipient antidonor and do
194 ne bound receptor (CD40) that is critical to immune regulation in colon biopsies collected from monke
195                   We examined TIGIT-mediated immune regulation in different murine cancer models and
196  mechanisms of inflammatory infiltration and immune regulation in DMD.
197 derscore the roles of HCV proteins in innate immune regulation in establishing a chronic infection.
198 ng an explanation for the apparent defect in immune regulation in HO-1(-/-) mice.
199  a novel mechanism for inflammation mediated immune regulation in human cancer.
200  mechanisms of immune activation or negative immune regulation in human skin.
201 rovides a model to investigate mechanisms of immune regulation in humans, given that the disease form
202 f the current understanding of signaling and immune regulation in melanoma and implications for respo
203           Mechanistic insights into gene and immune regulation in melanoma have led to the developmen
204           We also emphasize how defining the immune regulation in metabolic tissues has broadened the
205 odulation of IL-2 receptor restores impaired immune regulation in MS by increasing the proportion of
206                        Defective NK-mediated immune regulation in MS is mainly attributable to a CD4(
207  T(reg) cells as the underlying mechanism of immune regulation in MSC-mediated allograft survival.
208                        This apparent loss of immune regulation in obese adipose tissue contributes to
209 e known mechanisms that underlie the loss of immune regulation in obesity-associated adipose tissue i
210  relationship between small RNA pathways and immune regulation in other organisms.
211  receptors, signaling pathways, and roles in immune regulation in patients with allergy and asthma an
212 -cell compartment as an additional defect in immune regulation in patients with chronic ITP that may
213 urther investigate the role of granzyme B in immune regulation in response to viral infections, we ch
214 ith recent studies demonstrating evidence of immune regulation in some instances.
215  new mechanism of alpha4 nAChR signaling and immune regulation in T cells, possibly accounting for th
216 ght have therapeutic potential for promoting immune regulation in the context of autoimmune disease.
217 une activation, we studied perforin-mediated immune regulation in the context of mixed chimerism usin
218 of cytotoxic immune dysfunction and aberrant immune regulation in the COPD lung that may explain both
219 ng pathogen invasion plays a central role in immune regulation in the gut.
220 5+FoxP3+ Treg cells, which may contribute to immune regulation in the liver.
221 r the role of neuroinflammation and aberrant immune regulation in the pathophysiology of AD.
222 f local Treg cell populations, also to local immune regulation in the skin.
223                                        Thus, immune regulation in the tumor landscape may often be dr
224  a deeper understanding of the complexity of immune regulation in the tumor microenvironment, has pro
225 nd young transgenic animals, suggesting that immune regulation in this model was not impacted by agin
226 to target RMC in situ to promote Ag-specific immune regulation in transplantation and to usher in a n
227 herapeutic targets that could restore proper immune regulation in type 1 diabetes by augmenting the I
228  to the skin draining LNs, where they induce immune regulation in vivo by activating NKT cells.
229 tive Stat6 in T cells is sufficient to alter immune regulation in vivo, we mated Stat6VT transgenic m
230 ed in HCV infection, thus providing targeted immune regulation in vivo.
231             These data reveal a mechanism of immune regulation in which CTLA-4 acts as an effector mo
232 s have identified multiple genes involved in immune regulation including BANK1, C8orf13-BLK, IL-23R,
233         TNF-alpha plays an important role in immune regulation, inflammation, and autoimmunity.
234 cognition is innate and linked to a profound immune regulation (innate apoptotic immunity [IAI]) invo
235  these results indicate that B cell-mediated immune regulation is best characterized by the cytokine
236                         The impact of LAP to immune regulation is best characterized in professional
237                                              Immune regulation is critical for the maintenance of per
238 a variety of lymphoid cells, and its role in immune regulation is just beginning to be elucidated.
239 on of the complexity of post-transcriptional immune regulation is needed.
240 , the role of TNFRp75-dependent signaling in immune regulation is poorly defined.
241                    Here, a modified model of immune regulation is proposed in which a nonspecific imm
242 however, their role in local versus systemic immune regulation is unknown.
243 lectively, our results show that CpG-induced immune regulation leads to a dampening of the host immun
244                               This defect in immune regulation led to a nonspecific upregulation of e
245            These studies have revealed a new immune regulation loop consisting of T cell-derived IFN-
246 ental data in relation to the role of LAIR-1 immune regulation may be overestimated when applied to a
247       One important area where SLAM-mediated immune regulation may have keen importance is in the fie
248                              We propose that immune regulation may prolong pneumococcal colonization
249 ts correlates with carcinogen resistance and immune regulation mediated by tumour-associated immune c
250 rectal cancer progression in which disrupted immune regulation, mTOR-Stat3 signaling, and epithelial
251 e intersection of two key pathways of innate immune regulation, NLR and STING, to fine tune host resp
252 OR) signaling pathway has been implicated in immune regulation, not only by suppressing T cell respon
253 se needs to be proinflammatory; and finally, immune regulation of autoreactive responses must fail.
254               As TLR2 has been implicated in immune regulation of helminth infections and as alternat
255 istic evidence supporting its role in innate immune regulation of islet-directed autoimmunity.
256 ed it as a powerful system to study adaptive immune regulation of organogenesis.
257 g metastatic spread, including evidence that immune regulation of primary tumors may be distinct from
258              These data demonstrate that the immune regulation of SerpinB2 expression plays a critica
259 schaemia; however, their contribution to the immune regulation of Th2-skewed allergic rhinitis (AR) a
260 nuclear cell subsets in parasite control and immune regulation of the CNS.
261 ated with stemness has implications for both immune regulation of tumor growth as well as regenerativ
262            TGF-beta1 is a master cytokine in immune regulation, orchestrating both pro- and anti-infl
263 /beta-catenin/Foxo1 signaling in TLR4 innate immune regulation, our study provides a rationale for th
264 pecific CD8 T cell activation, but efficient immune regulation, partially mediated by IL-10R-signalin
265                                    Defective immune regulation plays a permissive role enabling effec
266  or HC, suggests a possible role of HLA-G in immune regulation possibly mediated by enhanced host Tre
267                               Transplacental immune regulation refers to the concept that during preg
268 mitochondrion-dependent cell death of DCs in immune regulation remain to be elucidated.
269 , the functions of IL-31-IL-31R signaling in immune regulation remain unknown.
270 rin in the maintenance of DC homeostasis for immune regulation remains to be determined.
271                  The in vivo role of JKAP in immune regulation remains unclear.
272          Despite loss of detectable TGF-beta immune regulation, renal allografts continue to function
273       T cells assist in viral clearance, but immune regulation serves to limit these responses and to
274 onses, and nearly all the miRNAs involved in immune regulation show modulation during aging.
275    On the other hand, miRNAs are involved in immune regulation, such as regulatory T (Treg) cell diff
276 ptance is associated with TGF-beta-dependent immune regulation, suggesting a role for T regulatory ce
277 sion, we demonstrate a novel role for GP2 in immune regulation that could provide a platform for new
278 appaB activation and indicate a mechanism of immune regulation that involves OTUD7B-mediated deubiqui
279  CTL activation, functionally shape systemic immune regulation that may modify risk of inflammatory d
280 y plays a critical role in the lung-specific immune regulation that prevents spontaneous inflammation
281  to elucidate the role of SlpA in protective immune regulation, the NCK2187 strain, which solely expr
282 on, differentiation, plastic adaptation, and immune regulation, thereby mediating tumorigenesis, meta
283 n non-HCV-specific CD4 T cells suggests that immune regulation through antigen-specific Treg inductio
284 egulatory T cells (T(reg)) play key roles in immune regulation through multiple modes of suppression.
285 infection by secreting cytokines crucial for immune regulation, tissue homeostasis, and repair.
286 he maintenance of an organism's health, from immune regulation to fat metabolism.
287 controls multiple aspects of T cell-mediated immune regulation to limit injurious inflammation during
288  nonapoptotic roles of caspases ranging from immune regulation to spermatogenesis, in highly speciali
289 me B in the regulatory T cell compartment in immune regulation to viral infections.
290 f lymphocytes, which play important roles in immune regulation, tumor surveillance, and host defense
291 , we hypothesized that it modulates vascular immune regulation under homeostatic conditions and dysre
292 etic or CD8(+) T cell chimerism, above which immune regulation was reestablished.
293                 Although first implicated in immune regulation, we propose that NLRX1 function extend
294 en T cells unresponsive to TGF-beta-mediated immune regulation were used as donor T lymphocytes.
295 merges as a factor with diverse functions in immune regulation, which are in some cases cell-type spe
296 disease at 1 year, and genes associated with immune regulation, which showed increased levels in pati
297 (T1D) is thought to be caused by a defective immune regulation with regulatory T (Treg) cells playing
298 e of infection depends on multiple layers of immune regulation, with innate immunity playing a decisi
299 t cellular proliferation, communication, and immune regulation within the cutaneous microenvironment.
300 tenance of antihypergesia can be achieved by immune regulation without actual engraftment of BMSCs.

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